Chereads / Aristocrat (HP/SI) / Chapter 47 - Chapter 44

Chapter 47 - Chapter 44

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Classes had run their course. The next day, Hermione Granger approached Richard after breakfast.

- 'Good morning, Richie.

- Hermione," Richard greeted the girl with a polite nod.

The boy and girl stepped aside and stood on a flight of stairs near a window between the first and first floor.

- 'Hermione, you look worried. Has something happened?

- Professor Lockhart... He started class yesterday with a survey of his textbooks. I hope you've read them?

- Started one book," Richard shrugged. - Is Lockhart really as harsh as Snape that he starts the lesson with a quiz on his subject?

Hermione faltered and answered embarrassed:

- Well, uh... There were some questions that weren't exactly on the subject. Professor Lockhart asked mostly about himself.

Richard's eyebrows rose in amazement.

- About himself? The professor? In class?

- Well, yes... Favourite colour, desired gift and the like.

It seemed impossible for a person's eyebrows to rise as high as they did for Richie. He bulged his eyes at Hermione in surprise.

- A coveted gift! - Sarcasm seeped into Richard's voice. - Magical! Marvellous! Hinting at a bribe in the first lesson... I'm thrilled! This man came to school to make money... Oh, thank you, Hermione! I think the Minister will be very pleased with this information.

- Ritchie! - Granger exclaimed fearfully. - No! I don't think Professor Lockhart is a bribe-taker. He gave us a great practical demonstration. He brought pixies into class and we fought them.

- Hands-on? That's pretty good.

Gryffindor students walked up the stairs past Hermione and Richard. Ron and Harry were among them. They stopped near a boy and a girl.

The boys greeted each other. Ron was quick to share his emotions with his mate:

- Richie, do you have any idea what Lockhart did yesterday?

- Hermione just started telling me about the pixies.Ron threw a disgruntled look at Granger, as if she'd taken away his finest hour, and continued with less enthusiasm:

- "Then you already know that he's sicced the pixies on us.

- Ron," Hermione exclaimed indignantly, "that was a practical exercise!

- Yeah..." Ron said sceptically. - The professor didn't even show us the spell, he just told us how it worked and then he climbed under the desk.

- Professor Lockhart wanted to test our knowledge of past courses," Hermione countered.

- Richie," Harry snapped to attention. - Lockhart is very suspicious. He's pretending to be inept. It's strange, because even first year students were capable of stopping a pixie. I think he's overplaying it a lot, just like Quirrell.

Ronald's face showed annoyance for a moment. But he quickly pretended as if he'd noticed it himself.

- Yeah, I noticed it too," he said.

Hermione stated confidently:

- 'Professor Lockhart is too powerful to fight the lesser wicked. I'm sure he was just giving us a chance to prove ourselves.

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione like she was a complete fool, but said nothing. Granger interpreted the looks directed at herself quite correctly. She pouted resentfully and turned to Richard.

- 'Richie, I have to go to class. Be sure to read Lockhart's books to do well on the test.

- Thank you, Hermione," Richard smiled politely. - Have a good day.

The girl picked up her purse and hurried upstairs.

Ron glanced at Hermione, waited until she was far enough away before he spoke up:

- She's a complete nutter. Richie, how can you hang out with that stubborn nerd?

- Ron," Richie closed his eyes slightly and shook his head. - Don't say anything like that. You don't want anyone to hear it. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Hermione isn't a saint, but she's a good girl. And anyway, girls have so many cockroaches in their heads that it's easier to ignore and accept them. Hermione is at the age where girls are looking for cute idols like pop stars. It is worth noting that Mr Lockhart, having exactly the type of appearance, created around himself such an image to like teenage girls and bored housewives. Therefore, Hermione should not be considered stupid because she succumbed to the pressure of teenage hormones. It's all because she has little life experience.

Ron sighed heavily and threw his hands up in the air.

- Okay, okay, Richie, I get it. I won't say anything about your girlfriend. But I still think she's weird.

Richard grinned.

- Ron, you're not going to marry her, so just ignore her.

There were no pixies in the second year Puffendoo and Ravenclaw ZOTI class, just a quiz that had nothing to do with the subject and the teacher's retelling of the plots of his books.

Richard was frankly upset. At first he even wanted to do something to replace the teacher due to his incompetence. But after reflection, he decided to do nothing. He had enough of learning new spells in his charms and transfiguration classes. After all, he was still doing what his mentor Marchbanks had taught him - practising each spell to perfection non-verbally. This required a tremendous amount of effort.

Grosvenor's potions this year had not gone well right away. Professor Snape, with his greasy hair, knife-sharp gaze and sarcastic remarks, paid Richard a lot of attention. His voice oozed sarcasm and irony, and there seemed to be no end to the nagging. Richard was well aware that Snape had forgotten nothing and was trying to get even for last year's incident with Draco Malfoy. Grosvenor paid no attention to Snape's nags if they were off-topic. The Professor of the School of Wizardry was as far from bargaining with the Queen for a ten per cent share of the super-profitable energy business as a donkey was from Shanghai. The hardiness of the young wizard could be envied by an experienced businessman.

There was a rearrangement of furniture in the charms room. Because of this, the students had to sit at desks in threes. Since Richard, as always, was not in a hurry, but was walking honourably through the corridors with his cane, he was the last to arrive in the classroom. Only Padma Patil had a free seat.

The little professor of charms climbed onto a stack of books and began the lesson.

- Today we will be learning the repulsion spell Flippendo. Memorise the movement with your wand.

Richard was immediately bored. He let the teacher's lecture pass his ears, as he had heard the same thing from Madame Marchbanks. Grosvenor was familiar with this spell. The only perplexity was the fact that these spells should be studied in the course of defence against the dark arts. It became clear that the school administration was aware of Lockhart's level of teaching skills. Apparently, Flitwick had been given the responsibility of teaching the spells from the ZOTI course.

Richard noticed that the books on which the dwarf professor was standing were the very fantasy works by Gilderoy. It was immediately clear to him that Flitwick was unhappy with the extra workload and was thus expressing his "love and respect" for the ZOTI teacher.

After the demonstration of the charms, the professor demanded to start practising them. Richie lazily wrote out a monogram with his wand and pointed it at one of the targets that were fixed on the wall.

- Flippendo.

A thin, matchstick-like blue beam struck the target.

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands and said in an exaggeratedly joyful tone:

- 'Splendid, Mr Grosvenor! Five points to Puffendoodle. Have you learnt this spell before? Young man, you do remember that studying spells on your own is a very risky business, don't you?!

- Professor Flitwick," Richie said nonchalantly, "I learnt this spell under the supervision of my tutor.

- And who is your tutor? - The little professor was quite curious.

- Madam Marchbanks, sir.

Flitwick's eyes widened in amazement. He looked at his pupil with a new appraisal. The professor looked dumbfounded, as if something impossible had happened.

- Marchbanks herself, Master of Enchantments and Master of Transfiguration?! - he asked quietly.

- Yes, sir. Madame Marchbanks.

- Hmm... - Flitwick was at a loss for words and nearly fell off the stack of books. - I see you're bored, Mr Grosvenor. Practise this spell non-verbally.

- If you say so, Professor.

Richard remained unperturbed. He pointed his wand at the target again and silently released an even thinner blue beam of repulsion spell.

- Five points to Puffendoodle! - Flitwick exclaimed enthusiastically, and then looked sternly at the other students who were watching Richard with surprise and envy: "What are you waiting for? The assignment hasn't been cancelled!

All the students started practising their spells.

Padma was the first to perform the spell. By the end of the lesson, everyone was able to do the spell.

As everyone began to leave the classroom at the end of the lesson, Padma said enthusiastically:

- Richie, that looked cool! Is there any way I can sign up for extra lessons with your tutor? I'll ask my dad for money, he'll pay for everything.

- I'm sorry, Padma, but I haven't had any extra tutoring since I got to Hogwarts. I could get someone more simple. After all, Madame Marchbanks is a very old and busy lady, an elder of the Wizengamot.

- No," she said, not the least bit upset. The sudden gust of wind made her shiver. - It's only the beginning of September, and the corridors are already so drafty....

Richard commented from his own point of view:

- It's all because Dumbledore is a bad administrator.

- You think? - Padma directed a questioning look at Richard.

- No doubt about it. Padma, wizards are able to enchant fire to burn constantly, with the fireplaces in the school heated with wood. Can you imagine such a waste?

- But the Headmaster won't go round the castle and enchant all the fireplaces," said Padma.

- He doesn't have to do that," Richard grinned. - It would be enough to instruct the teachers to teach the spells to the senior students. Then give the students the practical task of fixing all the frames and walls so that there are no draughts; enchanting the heating system so that the castle is comfortable to be in. And in general, with proper guidance, a lot of problems can be solved without much effort. Dumbledore has a huge resource at his disposal - almost three hundred young wizards. If I were him, I would have turned Hogwarts into a piece of high-tech future, a paradise, magical and as safe a place as possible in a few decades. My castle, along with the surrounding area, for example, would be able to fly in space to other star systems.

- Ritchie, you're a fantasist," Padma's sweet face brightened with a wide smile. - No, I heard your interview about building the first private spaceship, but to send a whole ancient castle into space... I don't believe that such a thing is possible.

- Padma, my dear, I've learnt one very important thing - with magic, the impossible becomes reality. And you should realise and accept that.

Padma sighed sadly, shot a sly glance at Grosvenor and said sadly:

- "Eh... My father started looking for suitors for my sister and me. I thought it was only country folk who were to be married at a young age....

Richard heard in that phrase a distinct hint of probing. She seemed to be only twelve years old, and already she was concerned about such a serious matter as marriage. Grosvenor shook his head negatively.

- I'm sorry, Padma, but finding a bride won't be any easier for me. My fiancée will have to be approved by Her Majesty. If I try to jump in, there will be so much trouble that I'd better not do it. So we're all servile people. Big money and high position in society impose certain duties and restrictions on people.

- Eh...," a sad sigh escaped from the Indian woman's chest. - Ritchie, I understand... But it's so unfair. Daddy said that if my sister and I found good wizard fiancés, he wouldn't pick future husbands for us.Richie was sure that Elizabeth the Second would in no way approve of an aristocrat of his level marrying an Indian woman. He himself was not opposed to such a marriage. Patil is a little girl now, but that is a flaw that passes with age. Padma promises to grow up to be a beautiful girl, not lacking in intelligence, and will probably have a very substantial dowry in the form of part of a serious business. That is, she is almost a person of his circle, besides a magician, but... An Indian girl with slightly swarthy skin... It is scary to imagine what a scandal in the press will be stirred up, if Richard appears in public with such a bride. In a future of tolerance, it wouldn't surprise anyone, but not at this time.

- Excuse me, Padma, I have to go and see McGonagall.

- Is something wrong? - The Indian asked worriedly.

- I need to take a day off in December. By the way, do you know where McGonagall's office is?

- It's on the ground floor of the ZOTI tower.

- Thank you, Padma.

In the stairwell, Richard and Padma's paths diverged.

Soon Richie was standing in front of the right office. After knocking, he opened the door ajar.

Minerva McGonagall sat at her desk in the spacious office. She tore her gaze away from the table top, on which many parchments lay.

- Come in.

- Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall.

- Is there something you need, Mr Grosvenor? - The teacher asked dryly.

- Yes, Professor McGonagall. I need to get time off on the tenth of December to attend a very important event. Father has written you a letter.

Richard placed the letter on the vice-principal's desk. McGonagall opened it, adjusted her glasses and began reading. She looked as if she were about to breathe out a jet of flame that would burn the letter out of her mouth.

- Mr Grosvenor, this is unacceptable! - she looked up at Richard. - Students are only allowed to leave Hogwarts during holidays.

- Ma'am, I don't think you've been reading carefully," Richard remained outwardly cold and unperturbed, but a wave of rage was rising in his soul. - I've been nominated for a Nobel Prize! THE NOBEL PRIZE, MA'AM! I am the youngest candidate for this incredibly prestigious award in scientific circles... On the tenth of December I am invited to dinner with the King of Sweden. Such invitations are not to be ignored.

- No, Mr Grosvenor," McGonagall said flatly. - I can't let you leave the school.

- Ma'am, you can always make an exception. It's the Nobel Prize!

- We don't care about Muggle awards," McGonagall replied arrogantly.

- You, perhaps," Richard said with a sneer. - Let's be honest, you'll never get those honours. But it's important to me. Do you not care about the Duke of Westminster's request? One missed day of school is of no consequence.

- Don't try my patience," the vice-principal said slowly. - Mr Grosvenor, you will stay in the castle.

There is a limit to everything. Richard's nerves were frayed. He spoke clearly and coldly:

- "Ma'am, I will complain. I don't care about your rules and principles. When it comes to meeting the king and winning the Nobel Prize, your rules turn into rotten cardboard that is worthless. You think I want your school? The hell you do!

- It's disgusting! - Professor McGonagall concluded. - To think of a student sassing and threatening a professor! This has never happened before! I thought you were more sensible than that, Mr Grosvenor. You get fifty penalty points.

Richard gave the vice-principal a contemptuous glance. His gaze was so intense that McGonagall shuddered. She thought the student was looking at her like a piece of excrement that had suddenly spoken.

- I see your point, Professor," Richard replied coldly.

Despite the rage that flooded Grosvenor from heel to ear, he still bowed politely and raised his cane in farewell, then left the Deputy Headmaster's office.

McGonagall had dealt an incredible blow to Richard's ego. What was worse, she demonstrated her spitless stance towards the Duke's request and showed her contempt for ordinary people to the fullest extent. After that, Richard mentally put McGonagall on the blacklist, if not as an enemy. He also had a suspicion... Who said it was a wizard and not a witch who should destroy the world? After all, McGonagall was considered a powerful wizard....

Richie was going to get to see the King of Sweden by any means necessary. It had become a matter of principle.

Richard's first impulse was to call the Minister of Magic. But he didn't get too excited. The boy took out the Magophone only when he calmed down and got to the bedroom, where no one was still there.

From the speaker of the artefact came the pleasant voice of the Minister's mistress:

- Richard, it's good to hear you.

- Good afternoon, Millicenta. Are you comfortable speaking?

- Yes. Did you find out anything about Black?

- No, Millicenta. No more information than you have. Do you have any news about Black?

- Sadly, no," the minister sighed sadly. - But that's all right. Richard, your plan was wonderful. At least it saved my reputation. It's a shame we have to look for the culprit unofficially. But let's forget about Black. That's not why you called me.

- Millicenta, I admire your wit and intelligence. I have a little problem.

- Oh, Richard, the word 'problem' is such a frightening word," said Bagnold in a chesty voice.

- It's nothing serious. In the summer I received a notice from the Nobel Committee that I was one of the candidates for the Nobel Prize.

- Wow!" Bagnold said with sincere admiration. - Richard, my sincere congratulations!

- Millicent, it's too early. I haven't been awarded yet. It's not certain that the Nobel Prize will be awarded to me. But on the tenth of December, I'm due to attend a royal reception in Sweden.

- What's the problem? - There was a slight surprise in the Minister's voice, as if she didn't see any trouble.

- Hogwarts..." a sad sigh escaped Richard's chest. - Deputy Headmistress McGonagall flatly refused my request to let me go to the Nobel Committee reception. What's more, she ignored my father's written request and was extremely unflattering about Muggles and 'their prizes'. I don't know what to do in that situation.

There was a sigh of relief from the speaker.

- Richard, I don't see what the problem is. I'll issue a directive that you'll be given time off on the tenth of December at Hogwarts. I will also provide you with a chaperone from the Education Department and portals to and from Sweden.

- Millicenta, you're wonderful! - Richard was delighted. - Thank you.

- You're welcome, Richard. It was my pleasure.

- It was a pleasure talking to you. Have a good day.

- Goodbye, Richard.


September flew by at the speed of an express train. Before Richard knew it, it was the nineteenth day, which was a Saturday. Fortunately, sophomores, like freshmen, have that day off along with Sunday. Students are expected to do self-study and homework on Saturday. But most of the classmates mostly had fun: playing spit stones, exploding fool, magic chess, hide-and-seek and catch-up. The usual kid's activities with an adjustment for magic.

Richie had been busy with finances since this morning. He'd asked his father back on Friday to send his magophone to Silver for a while. According to legend, it was not a simple radio phone for his subordinates, but a special-order satellite phone, so that it could be used to make a phone call even to the middle of nowhere, let alone to a public school with no communications.

After breakfast, Richard sat down in a corner of the Puffendui faculty lounge and dialled the phone of the Grosvenor Junior Manager, or rather, it was Gerald's handset number.

Mr Silver's voice was slightly agitated.

- 'Good morning, sir.

- Mr Silver, it's good to hear from you. I'm sorry to bother you on your day off, but I want to hear a report. Where are we with the hedge fund?

- Erm... Just a second... - there was a rustle of papers coming from the speaker. - This week was Black Wednesday. On the sixteenth, the British finance minister raised the lending rate from ten to twelve per cent. The exchange rate of the pound collapsed sharply against that of the deutsch-mark and the United States dollar. Against the former currency by two point fifty-two hundredths of a per cent, against the latter by four point forty-nine hundredths. Fortunately, we had time to get the loan and exchange pounds for dollars much earlier. As a result, the hedge fund was able to make the maximum profit on the currency difference. So far we're up nine million seven hundred and forty-three thousand dollars.

A smile involuntarily crept onto Richard's face. His voice oozed with oil.

- That's wonderful. Keep expecting the pound to fall further. What else can you tell me, Mr Silver?

- Your father... The Duke has given instructions to work through your hedge fund. He's invested a much larger sum...

Richard was pleasantly surprised. The Duke of Westminster had shown a distrust of financial fraud during his conversation with his son. At the same time, he still decided to join in the speculation for which Richie had been preparing for a year.

- Mr Silver, how much did my father invest?

The manager's voice trembled:

- P-five billion dollars of loan funds....

Richie was taken aback by such a large sum. He didn't expect such a huge trust from his father. A sweat appeared on the boy's forehead. He was not completely sure that the pound would plummet downwards, and it was the deutsch-mark that would soar. Still, this was not quite his world, but a parallel one. But those who do not take risks do not get super profits. He imagined what would have happened if his father had made a loss, and he was afraid. Richard himself risked losing up to twenty per cent of his investment, not more than fifty million dollars. And Gerald risked losing a whole billion!

Suddenly Richie had a bitterness in his mouth, and he felt a little dizzy. The boy was glad he was already sitting up. If he had been standing, he wouldn't have been able to stand.- Wonderful..." He had to force the words out like an extreme sports enthusiast stuck in a swampy SUV. - That's great. Keep working on it. What do the analysts say?

- Financial analysts predict that this situation will continue at least until the end of September. They're projecting a gain of up to ten per cent.

- That's great. Mr Silver, don't let this process go unchecked. What about the power plant?

- Your experts have arrived at the power plant. They've cordoned off the area and posted guards. According to the reports of the expert committee sent to the site, surprisingly, the plant buildings have been fully restored. The members of the commission were quite amazed. Specialists say that they have never seen a major renovation so quickly. The buildings are as good as new.

- Mr Silver, what about the equipment?

- Everything is in perfect order," replied the manager. - The loan has been obtained, the electrical equipment has been purchased and will be delivered soon. The supplier company promises to have the commissioning works done by the end of this year.

- Wonderful, - Richard felt an unparalleled pleasure, the kind of feeling you get when you do something and get a great return on it. - One last thing, Mr Silver, what about the graphene?

- Graphene, sir... - Silver on the other end of the mahophone rustled papers. - Everything's fine. Many research labs and research and production facilities have placed orders for graphene film. The total order is for one hundred and one million dollars, but the orders keep coming in. The sales department has already sent a requisition to the science department to supply graphene to customers. According to the forecast of the finance department, by the end of next year we will be able to sell five hundred to seven hundred million dollars worth of graphene film.

"Scientific Department" - this is the name under which the "Grosvenor Workshop" passes in the world of ordinary people. The Workshop has quite an official address, a bank account, its own accountant-squib and a couple of squibs to liaise with "Grosvenor Junior" or otherwise "head office".

- Mr Silver, has the money for the first batches of graphene arrived yet? Can it really be recycled through a hedge fund to play on the fall in the pound?

- I'm sorry, no. The money will come in towards the end of the year.

- Thank you, Mr Silver. You make me very happy. Send the phone back to the Duke of Grosvenor.

Richie dialled another number in high spirits. Hermione answered almost immediately.

- Hello.

- Miss Granger, good morning. If you don't mind me asking, are you free at the moment?

- Richie, hi!" Hermione said excitedly. - I was going to the library, but we can meet.

- That would be wonderful, Miss Granger.

- Richie, why are you being so formal?

- I'm sorry, I didn't have time to switch over. I've just had a business call. I suggest we meet at the top landing on the way to the library.

- Okay.

A few minutes after the conversation, Richard arrived at the meeting place. Hermione was waiting for him impatiently by the window sill. She was beaming with happiness.

- Hello," Granger said, noticing the boy.

- Greetings, young lady," Grosvenor nodded dignifiedly. Leaning on his cane, he continued: - 'Sweetest Hermione, may I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - your birthday. Today you are a year older. But that is no reason to be upset. Every year your beauty blossoms more and more. I hope you will always remain as sweet and charming. Please accept this humble present from me.

The girl listened to Grosvenor's speech with bated breath. She stared at Richard's palm with the eyes of a hungry cat, in which he held a small bundle in colourful wrapping paper.

She carefully took the package in her hands and looked at Richard as if asking for permission to unwrap the gift. To which Richie nodded favourably.

Granger rustled up the wrapping paper. After some simple manipulation, she was presented with a small, neat platinum bracelet that was similar to that of a watch. Even the clasp was similar. Only instead of a dial, the bezel contained a shiny black ball of what looked like polished obsidian. The girl gladly put the bracelet on her arm and admired it in the rays of light that fell from the window.

- It's beautiful," she said quietly. - Thank you, Richie. Is that silver?

Richard shook his head in the negative and stated:

- Platinum.

Hermione's eyes crept up to her forehead.

- That's expensive! - She exclaimed with a gasp.

The corners of Richard's lips lifted.

- 'Sweet Hermione, won't you even ask what this artefact does?

- So it's an artefact?

Hermione ran her gaze over the bracelet in a new way. She began to grope it with her right hand.

- The magical engineers at Grosvenor's Workshop had named this artefact Illusion-B. The "B" in this case stands for "library."

At the last word Hermione, figuratively speaking, went into a stance like a hunting dog picking up a trail of prey.

- Library? - The girl's eyes lit up with delight. - And how does it work? What does it do?- Hermione, it's quite simple. The wizard needs to drop blood on the black crystal. After that, a mental menu will appear in front of their eyes. It will be summoned by the mental command "menu" and similarly removed by the order "close menu". The entire list of commands can be invoked with the "illusion" command.

- Is that where the library is kept? - Hermione interrupted her friend. - You can read books from it without anyone seeing them?

- Almost," Richard could hardly keep from laughing at the amusement on Granger's face. - It's a prototype with a very stripped-down version of the artificial intelligence you helped build last year. The library is completely empty right now. This artefact has a function to scan books. To do so, you place the black crystal on the book you wish to add to the library. The folio will be scanned in seconds and added to the virtual library. After that, you can read any added book. By the way, the enchantments even work on most enchanted books.

Granger grinned crookedly and commented:

- Copyright? No, I hadn't heard that!

- Exactly. Own it, use it, and enjoy it.

Hermione was over the moon at such a gift. She was burning with impatience to test the artefact in work, that's why two feelings were fighting in her: the desire to rush to the library immediately and the desire to be in the company of a friend. Naturally, the storm of emotions, which Hermione didn't even think of hiding, didn't escape Richard's attention.

- Oh, Hermione! - He rolled his eyes. - You can go to the library! I won't take offence. You and I can chat at any time, like when you've played with Illusion.

- Really?

- Of course!

In a burst of emotion, Hermione hugged Richard tightly and kissed him on the cheek.

- 'Richie, thank you! You're the best friend ever!

- You're welcome, Hermione. Have a good day. Don't choke on the dust. By the way, I'll meet you outside the Puffendoor lounge tonight. I've made a cake. There'll be tea and lots of guests.

- I'll definitely come!

After some hesitation Hermione resolutely stormed off in the direction of the library.

Richard was extremely pleased. With one gift he had solved several problems at once. Firstly, he made the promising sorceress feel good and tied her to him even more. Secondly, with Hermione's help he was going to replenish the virtual library. He didn't tell Granger about one nuance - all the information from her Illusion would be duplicated to a server with a more advanced AI, which was located in Grosvenor's Workshop.