Chereads / So I died and now I'm a Catgirl, I guess / Chapter 16 - Cross-Bearers

Chapter 16 - Cross-Bearers

"Halt! This area is restricted!!" An armed soldier walked forward, and Carla rolled down the driver's window, but before she could argue, the soldier continued. "We have strict orders to apprehend anybody seen in the area under suspected cult association. Please, disengage your engine and-"


 "PLEASE," Lynx shouted. "My friend is in there, let us through!!" She could hear the screams from here, and the soldier paused, considering.


 "We have orders to-"


 "Please," Lynx repeated. "Let me through to my friend,"


 "I… let her through… let her through," The agent spoke twice, louder the second time."


 "What-" Another soldier, standing on the opposite side of the vehicle, glared. "Carson-"


 "PLEASE, I SAID, LET US THROUGH, MY FRIEND IS IN THERE!!" Lynx shouted desperately, and both soldiers stepped back, nodding, raising their arms. When they spoke, their voices were listless. She was too desperate, throat hoarse, however, to notice the oddity in their listening.


 "Go on," One spoke, and Carla was already peeling forward- soon, the road was blocked off by a mess of deserted police vehicles, and their mercenary driver was forced to screech to a stop.


 "Y'all are going ahead alone," She glanced up at Lynx, jerking her chin. "Alice and Aerendyl have wired me what I'm due and this? This is bigger than me. I'm taking what I got and running for the hills- thanks for the adventure, and get the hell out of my car."


 "On it, thanks, Carla!" Lynx rammed her door open and took off, running, hearing the shouts, the gunfire, growing closer. Alice and Nara were hot on her heels.


 Logically, Lynx- Aerendyl is fine- he's an arch angel- but it's your friend, and he's being attacked-


 Around another vehicle, and Lynx came up short, staring with wide eyes- the street was a mess of chaos, of bodies, fighting, gunfire, and pained, agonizing screams ripping through the air. Who knew where Aerendyl was… but she could see uniforms and not. It was a mess… but more importantly, she could tell the CA from the attackers. Stopping, she scooped up a gun from one of the bodies and pushed forward, crouching behind the trunk of a car.


 "Careful, Lynx, please," Alice begged, but she was following, kneeling with her. "I… Lynx please don't push forward."


 "I have to, Alice, I'm sorry, but if Aerendyl is here-"


 "I agree with Lynx," Nara snarled, already readying a handgun and not even crouching, but taking up a stance against the top of the car, aiming- but Alice grabbed their arms, eyes pleading.


 "Lynx… let me show you that you can trust me. Please… I need you to stay far away from the splash zone. Just give me a moment? Trust me?"




 "I'm a mage, I can do this," Alice whispered. "I can help, so please, let me keep you safe- if this body is killed, there are more vessels ready to replace it, even if this part of my soul goes home for a bit. So please…"


 "I trust you, but-"


 "Come on, Lynx. Let me do something good," Alice whispered, eyes wet, and Lynx was, if but for a moment, confused into silence.




 "Please, just try and trust me… I can do this, if you let me, but I'm worried about catching you in the fray. Please?"


 Lynx hesitated, swallowing and nodding.


 "Fine, but I'm covering you."


 "Good- and don't worry if I get killed- the rest of the dolls are just as cute as this one," Alice winked around her tears and stood as Nara reluctantly settled down, rather than walking forward, carefully aiming and firing again, again. Lynx winced, covering her ears instinctively for a moment as the gunfire began, but in a moment she managed to shake her head clear and focus on Alice.


 "Sorry," Nara spoke genuinely between bursts.


 "It's fine-!! Stupid cat hearing, really- head hurts."


 "Sorry," Nara repeated, still shooting as Lynx slowly recovered- the scene was a mess and Lynx doubted if they'd even noticed the new arrivals- gunfire came from the windows above, and soldiers fought on the street like dogs, with fewer and fewer guns seeming to have bullets- it was all knives and melee weapons, grappling, and screaming. With time, Nara's weapon clicked empty, and she tensed… not long after, the last bullet was fired, and even so, there were maybe a hundred bodies tousling here. Lynx looked around trying to find out where Aerendyl was, but alas… not so much as a curl of blonde hair visible…


 Alice stalked forward though like some sort of winter witch, her hair as white as the snow that wasn't full of blood, and Lynx watched in mild shock as she raised her arms. They became coated in a brilliant white light, so bright that Lynx felt her eyes dilating to adapt- around the horrific scene, demons and angels alike were faltering, their fights becoming sloppy- and then, in a scene so stereotypical Lynx might have laughed in other circumstances, Alice hurled a ball of blue flame from her hand into the chest of a demon. For a long moment, the crowd froze, as if unsure what to do, and then, with a cheer, Contracted Arms surged forward- but they came up short as Alice stamped her foot, hard into the asphalt, and with a pleasant crackling sound, a wall of flame burst forward where the buildings fell away, blue and green and purple, roaring into the air and trapping the demons between a wall of white-hot flame and armed soldiers hesitating to push forward.


 "Sorry, Aerendyl, if you're here!" Alice shouted out. "I know what you said, but I think I gotta let loose a bit!" As she finished shouting, there seemed to come a moment of decision- the demons had to walk through the fire or push forward, now as CA recollected and began to advance. Some were able to keep shooting, and the demons were out of bullets- holes riddling their bodies, beginning to fall faster and faster, the hope draining from their eyes.


 "So this is what a mage can do to the tide of combat… no wonder they're rare…" Lynx whispered, eyes wide.


 "You are a mage- how many times have you used magic already? I've seen it twice," Nara angled her head as if confused. Lynx opened her mouth to argue that she was not in any way using magic when Alice's voice sounded out in a shout as the white-haired demoness twisted her entire body and, with a motion as though she was about to throw something enormous, she brought the wave of flames forward, slamming it up, over and down into the asphalt like a tsunami. Lynx, aghast, ducked behind the car properly as a wave of heat assaulted her, singing the hair from her arms, her clothes almost burning… there was screaming, blood-curdling cries of pain and agony… and then, silence fell, save for the crackling of dying fires and the panting of wounded soldiers who now stood as if unsure what to do with themselves.


 "Alice! Lynx. Nara." Aerendyl- there- bleeding but standing strong, he threw his helmet aside, scowling. Forgetting her worry, Lynx darted for him, grinning.


 "Aerendyl!! I came to-"She blinked, confused, and coughed, tasting blood. "Eh…? Where am I…?"


 She'd been sent flying- body half lodged in a brick wall, two stories up.


 "Lynx you troublesome fool," Aerendyl shouted coldly. "You have been kept alive," he continued, as Alice stared in horror and Nara in confusion. "Only because it suits me. You are worth more dead, than alive, now, as are your friends. LET. THE. EXECUTION. BEGIN."


 "W-What-?!" Lynx shouted through the pain, groaning- and that was when she heard it, her furry ears twitching. Felt it, vibrating the bricks she was embedded in; marching, chanting, jeering- and then, the crack of gunfire once again, her eyes clamping shut, a pained scream ripping out of her throat, world going white- so much noise, flashbangs going off, screaming, it was chaos, it was hell for a girl with the sight and ears of a cat- at some point, she slipped and fell, pain exploding through her body as she hit…. Something, below… the world swam around her, eyesight blurry, everything indistinct…


Eventually, she managed to focus through the agony, and when she did, the sight before her was nothing if not confusing.


 Aerendyl stood, grimacing, unharmed with another Contracted Arms soldier. The other had dropped his helmet, revealing a thick mustache and thick, dark, salt-and-pepper hair. Alice was being held in the air by Aerendyl, the white-haired girl snarling and kicking weakly at him, seemingly struggling to breathe. Nara, held in his other arm, choking around his arm, held against his side. Around them all stood a ring of soldiers in dark clothing- but not the uniforms of CA. Just, clothes, dark jeans, shirts, bulletproof vests, and padded arm and leg armor. Yellow crosses were crudely spraypainted onto their vests, and they stood silently in a loose circle, awaiting orders. The gunfire… weapons were still firing off in nearby buildings, but it was dying down, less and less now.


 "I'm going to put you two down now, and let you go to Lynx. Okay?" Aerendyl spoke boldly, calmly, and, confused, Alice and Nara ceased their struggling. Lynx watched him drop the girls and shuddered as they reached her in a second, helping her to stand up from where she'd fallen against the hood of a smashed-up taxi cab.


 "So many b-bodies," Lynx whispered, looking around, dizzy, falling heavily into Alice's chest, both the succubus and Nara helping to lift her. Something was trying to resurface, some kind of memory, but it was just out of reach… "Aerendyl, what's going on…?? Why do you want us dead…?? I thought we were friends…"


 "Oh, Lynx, my dear friend, we are friends," Aerendyl spoke calmly, walking slowly forward with his hands raised. "It was a code."


 "Hey, you pretty man boy you," The dark-haired agent behind Aerendyl spoke up, grabbing his shoulder. "The girls are afraid. Let me explain, won't you? You're not what they need right now." His voice gravely and low, the kindly, dark-haired man stepped forward. "Go and play cleanup, Aerendyl- you were always good at making things pretty, weren't ya?"


 "Yeah… yeah, thank you. I'm going," Aerendyl sighed, turning and walking away, slowly, pushing through the ring of soldiers. Lynx froze, confused, watching as he climbed into a truck, started the engine, and left- something in her wanted to chase him, demand answers. Something else in her wanted to hug him, bury her head in his chest, and cry, but she looked back up at the soldier before her, instead, keeping in mind that she wasn't being held, and no weapons were drawn. The sound of gunfire had fully faded, including from the buildings around them.


 "Listen- I'll answer yer biggest question upfront," The man spoke, gravely and deep as before. "Truth is, Aerendyl didn't betray ye any more'n he wanted to watch so many die- see, I'll explain the plan to ye, and then, you can walk. Or, if ye trust me, ye can have a ride wherever ye need to go, aye?"


 "The plan…" Lynx whispered, confused. Alice and Nara clung to her a bit more tightly, holding her up. Her head throbbed- she was tired, body trying to heal, but she wanted to sleep, put her head down, rest…


 "Aye. The plan. How much of it do ye know- ne'er mind, I'll go 'head and explain it all, aye? While pretty boy goes and cleans things up 'n arranges things fer the press."


 "Please," Lynx whispered softly. "Is he okay…?"


 "Aye, we're professionals, ain't we? Now… the plan as yer pretty boy explained it goes as such, mhm, step one, ye? First, win o'er the baddies. Well, he did that… then, save Lynx, and solve Nara's soul problem. That's a warehouse full o' dead baddies and a girl with her soul whole again, aye?"


 "M-Mhm…" Lynx whispered, her eyesight blurring for a moment before she managed to focus.


 "Step three, you see, was ta let the agents here and their corrupt generals run low on bullets, yeah- that's why he didn' use any magic. Let 'em suffer. Too many villains. Bullets run low, and he shouts a code- me an' my boys are old pals of yer angel lad, we are. Owed him a favor- so we show up at the code, lyin' in wait… and when the bastards are low on ammo, easy pickings fer us to wipe em out. Lynx, Saved. Nara, whole. Four corrupt generals, deader than dead. Their most trusted underlings? Gone. It's a great plan, innit? Puts Aerendyl in a spot to say whate'er he wants, and let anybody who doubts 'em be reminded that he's the only survivor in o'er three hundred. Arch angels ain't nothin' ta sneeze at, are they?"


 "Meanwhile, you lot are off the radar, an' a message has been sent, no? Aerendyl, he's a regular mastermind. Pretty as he is cunnin- but I'm not like that, don't get any funny ideas, girls."


 "Haha…" Lynx whispered, softly, trying to stand up, falling, leaning further into Alice.


 "We crushed body cameras as we went, yes ma'am. Any that are left say the cat 'ere get thrown into a wall afore they went dark, an' Aerendyl gave the order. You shouldn't have assassins after ye anymore, either- you were killed along with the traitors 'ere. That's what was broadcast- and Aerendyl's got a bit more killin' to do, tonight."


 "I… wow…" Lynx sighed softly. "Is he going to be okay…?"


 "Aye, everything'll be okay for now."


 "Please, sir," Nara spoke softly, cutting in. "Tell us one thing- is the academy going to be here, in the morning? I was promised a place in it, you see."


 "Aerendyl prides himself on that place, lassie," The man nodded gently. "He also prides himself on bein' a pretend angel. Things are goin' to change- but I suspect investigations; doin' things the right way. Ye lot'll be alright, methinks. Now, with yer permission, may I offer you fine ladies a ride home? Ye could use some sleep, methinks… from what pretty boy said, you've got a new life to begin. Aerendyl even had the all-human squads in the back, toward you lot… just in case, man thought of erry'thing. Humans wouldn't be able to kill ye, not really- he can give the order an' not worry after. S'all looks, see? Smoke and mirrors."


 "Thank you…" Lynx whispered, her head starting to loll to the side.


 "Rest baby," Alice whispered, and as if they were magic words, Lynx collapsed sideways, letting the sleep consume her.




 At some point, Lynx awoke, slowly, arching her back and yawning- she jerked, confused, as something brushed against the top of her head, but it was only the tip of her tail. She wasn't in bed- at least, not her own, so where was she…? The sheets smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, and there was another scent, too- a faint smell of sweat.


 Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and blinked around the sunlit bedroom, confused- ah. Aerendyl.


 The room was plain and simple, but she recognized the view of the lake from before. Sliding her legs off the side of the bed and standing, Lynx drew a deep breath as she heard the faint click of the front door opening. Walking forward, she stepped out into the hall, past the kitchen and – oh? Kitchen?


 "Morning, Lynx," Aerendyl grinned, working on plating food. "How did you sleep?"


 "Who came in-" Lynx asked, distracted, and looked around the corner for a moment before, in a flash of white, Alice slammed into her, full force, arms around her, Lynx's, neck, bringing a rush of the scents of lilac, raspberries. Together, they staggered back and hit the kitchen doorframe, Alice's arms moving down and locking gently around Lynx's waist.


 "G-Good to see you, too?" Lynx exhaled softly, yawning and draping her arms gently around the succubus's neck, kissing her forehead. Alice stayed quiet, breathing deeply, pushing her face into Lynx's chest.


 "You should have seen Alice," Aerendyl smiled, shaking his head wistfully. "She didn't want to leave your side for a moment- she only did to fill out all the incident reports and keep the CA rookies off your backs- the beginners love their lists and reports…"


 "A-Aerendyl? Where is-"


 "Nara," Aerendyl cut her off, looking up quietly. "-is currently filling out paperwork to register as a student at the academy alongside you. It's a shame you had to take a sick week just after starting, huh? Anyway, Nara will be here soon, I'm sure. I'm making dinner for her as well." Smiling gently, Aerendyl turned back to the counter, working on plating what seemed to be a simple mix of steak and potatoes.


 "I'm glad you're okay, Lynx," Alice finally spoke. "Everything has been so confusing, it's all too much…"


 "I'm glad you're safe, too. What was that wall of fire, by the way?" Lynx asked quietly, rubbing her head. "Also, let's go to the couch and give Aerendyl some room to breathe, okay?"


 "Truly, the stench of your young love is suffocating me," Aerendyl agreed playfully, chuckling as Lynx walked forward- Alice refused to let go, but she waddled forward until Alice's thighs hit the couch and they fell together into the soft leather, a tangle of arms and legs and rumpled clothes.


 "Everything is okay, now," Lynx whispered. "So what about that fire…? You're really some kind of stereotypical battle mage~?"


"Yeah, Aerendyl told me not to use magic to avoid unwanted attention if I can help it since all my magic has to do with fighting," Alice whispered. "Lynx?"




"Shut up for a minute," Alice whispered, and Lynx gasped softly as Alice kissed her, hard, deep. Her chest flooding with heat, Lynx returned the kiss, deepening it, then broke away gently, breaths shallow and quick, now.


 "Not yet, please," Alice whispered, eyes foggy, trying to chase after her, and Lynx groaned quietly, relinquishing control as the snow-haired woman kissed her more deeply still, tail curling around Lynx's back- before it could go too far, though, Lynx broke away once more, panting softly, shaking her head.


 "A-Alice, not here… wait, for me…"


 "O-Okay," She whispered, kissing the curve of Lynx's neck, swallowing. "I'm going to ruin you, tonight, though, don't think you're getting away, cutie," She added, and Lynx nodded, eyes narrowing, slowly sitting up.


 "C-Counting on it…" Slowly, she swallowed and wiped her chin, looking away, face burning with heat. "Gods, Aerendyl probably heard all of that… a-anyway, it's kind of odd, all of this almost feels like some sort of wild prologue…"


 "What do you mean by that?" Alice mumbled quietly in answer as she sat up, face still flushed.


 "Well, Nara said that there's a god who calls themselves the Play-Write, if I believe, directing us as pawns in some kind of story, right? But, what's going on, now? The city is safe, at the moment, I think, that attack was repelled and there's no way the demons will try something again so soon. Nara has her soul back and apparently, she's planning to join us at the academy. You and I are good, too… now there's just the academy. I think that, I wouldn't mind helping to stop that cult, but I need to learn the laws and the rules, first- do things the right way. For at least a while, maybe we can just be students and relax, take things as they come, you know?"


 "Yeah, I guess so…" Alice nodded, blinking tiredly. "I also want to ask Nara how she got her soul out of you, because then, maybe…"


 "I understand. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten your goal, and I still don't think any differently of you for it," Lynx affirmed, leaning sideways into the arm of the couch and curling her legs under her butt. "Just… yeah, for a bit, things don't have to be so crazy. I mean, it was less than a week ago that I woke up in the hospital. Things just hit the fan so quickly… I almost look forward to being a normal student for a bit."


 "I can't blame you, true. I mean, are you brave or stupid? Hopping into the trunk of a kidnapper and potential murderer's trunk willingly and readily? Crazy ass."


 "Wonder whatever happened to Carla anyway," Lynx mused, looking down at her fingers. "I hope she made it out safely, wherever she wanted to end up."


 "I'm sure she'll be okay- money is a powerful tool when it comes to going off the grid," Alice laughed lightly, looking up as a knock sounded at the front door, and Nara poked her head in, entering and locking the door behind her.


 "Crazy- you do not lock your doors? This is just asking to be robbed," Nara clucked, speaking loudly for Aerendyl's sake.


 "It's a good neighborhood, don't you judge me!!" Aerendyl called back from the kitchen. "Alice and Lynx, can I come in, now?"


 "Course!!" Lynx called back as Alice blushed darker, perhaps catching the implication faster than Lynx herself. Balancing two plates on either arm, the angel walked forward and laid the food out on his coffee table before taking a seat beside Alice. Nara politely bowed and sat down beside him after taking her shoes off and leaving them at the door, pulling a plate closer to herself.


 "Shall we pray?" Nara asked politely as Lynx pulled her own plate close- the meat smelled so good, she had to swallow, already in danger of drooling.


 "Pray? I normally don't," Aerendyl shrugged. "If it suits you, though, let's."


 "I don't mind," Alice mumbled quietly, clasping her hands together and sitting straighter.


 "Nor do I." Lynx agreed, nodding. "I don't really know what to say, though…"


 "I will lead our prayer, then." Nara cleared her throat and sat up a bit straighter, clasping her hands together, fingertips pointed upward. "Tonight we thank not gods nor devils but the arch angel Aerendyl for orchestrating our victory in the most decisive way possible. I express my thanks for the return of my soul, for the safety of Lynx, Alice, Carla, Aurelia, and Aerendyl. I express my thanks for the chance to become certified as a CA agent and participate in the effort to return the organization to what it promised to be. May this food enrich us as the company of everybody here has. In the name of Man, Amen."


 "In the name of man…" Lynx echoed softly. "I haven't heard anything like that before?"


 "It's an evolved version of a very old prayer," Aerendyl explained quietly, taking up his fork and knife, and beginning to dig in. Lynx did the same, her mouth beginning to water all over again as her attention returned to the steak- and gods, it did not disappoint, flavor exploding off her tongue so deliciously she moaned out, eyes widening.


 "That good, huh?" Aerendyl winked. "It… it's a nice feeling, to be able to cook for others. I'm glad you enjoy it. Anyway, yeah, it's an evolved version of an old prayer- when angels and demons started to actively find homes in the human world, and coexist, the stories of one god who controls it all fell away. Back then, they believed there was a single puppet master behind everything in every universe. I get the logic, but no… so anyway, back then, all the prayers were in favor of this one god, and when it came out that no such being existed, exactly, prayers evolved."


 "We sing the praises of what we are and what we accomplish for ourselves," Nara continued, smiling and biting into her potatoes, swallowing. "We do not rely on the gods to work for ourselves- as they say. If the farmer works hard and toils away all summer to care for his crops, it is not god but his own hard work to thank for the yield in the autumn."


 "I see," Lynx nodded, eating mindlessly, blinking slowly- she hadn't even realized how starving she was, but this was bliss greater than an oasis in the desert, and she couldn't help herself at all. Alice was talking with Nara about the dark top that she, Nara, wore, and how nice it looked on her… Aerendyl talking about a fireworks festival coming up next month… Lynx completely zoned out, focused only on sating herself.




 "Mn, yeah, I agree with you, anybody who thinks that steak doesn't taste good is weird, and probably stupid," Lynx snickered, leaning back. Her face felt hot, and the can in her right hand was pleasantly cold, she thought, as she hiccupped. She, Nara and Aerendyl shared the same drink, though Alice was smiling, quiet, face red, holding a wine flute, and privately praying nobody would notice the red stain on her lap where she'd spilled.


 "I mean, food is good, good food is good," Nara agreed, leaning back, arms on the back of the couch. "So yeah, then this rookie cop Vilhelm busted me out… I'd come here legally, on an airplane, but apparently, my awakening alerted people and they were ready to arrest me at the border… I was dumb enough to believe they just had questions. The momma's boy bailed me out though. I hope he didn't get in trouble."


 "If he did, I'll rectify it," Aerendyl promised, chuckling. "Man, I haven't had alcohol in a while… want me to get away? I can go to my room and give you girls some space."


 "Nah, Aerendyl, you're not some creep, be nice to yourself," Lynx snorted. "You've had my sexy ass unconscious like ten times and haven't tried anything."


 "Well, I like to think I'm something of an angel," He snorted and leaned back, nodding.


 "What next, fox lady?" Alice asked, leaning sideways on Lynx's shoulder as the blonde, catty woman took another long swallow, wincing at the taste as it went down.


 "Well the guy, yeah, he saved me, pulled the needles out… and that's really it? I m-made my way cross the country fast as I could. Hunted some criminals down who were robbing a small mom-and-pop shop- didn't kill them. Took the money though. Robbed food from people and left money to cover it, kept off the grid, no receipts that way, no more CA run-ins. Ended up in Eastbrook when…"


 "The night of a thousand songs, they're calling it," Aerendyl chortled, grinning wickedly from ear to ear. "Your magic is music? Somebody call the kids show animators!!"


 "Oh screw you," Nara snorted, her refined speech gone, for now, her words starting to slur, a bit. "Truth is that uh, yeah. Mhm. I can pull power from celebration- if just one of them believed in me and sang for it, I knew I could at least save one. The thing is, though, more followed, and I managed to save almost everybody~ I could be a real threat, but for me to end the world millions would have to sing and cheer me on, so really, I'm nothing special~ not usually, anyway, heh…"


 "I see I see. Then I met up with you, and the rest is history." Aerendyl, musing, swirled his can and knocked it back, finishing the drink.


 "God, you swallow like a pro," Lynx snorted, laughing breathlessly, and Alice choked, Aerendyl rolling his eyes.


 "Yes queen I do," The angel replied playfully. "I'm a regular GOAT, they call me, you KNOW I put in the WORK." Laughing, at the end of his sentence- it was infectious, and all four ended up sharing a raucous, free laugh.


 "Well, girls, none of you are going home tonight in this condition. I have a guest room, a couch- and you're also welcome to my bedroom if you like it," Aerendyl added, standing, and falling back for a moment. His second attempt to stand up was successful, a moment later.


 "I'll take the couch," Nara offered. "Let Alice and Lynx have the guest room, and Aerendyl you should sleep in your own bed."


 "Works for me-"


 "Nah." Alice whispered boldly, leaning forward, smirking. "Why don't you come to bed with us, Nara~?"




 "Lynx, do you object?" Alice smirked deviously up at the cat girl, her mind perhaps too far gone at the moment for shame or embarrassment. Getting the idea, Lynx nodded, cheeks burning faintly with warmth.


 "No, but that's not my choice to make-"


 "Come on Nara~ let us get to know you a little better," Alice smirked all the more deviously, and even Nara blushed as she faltered, and then nodded.


 "Sounds g-good to me," The dark-haired woman muttered meekly, and Aerendyl coughed, drawing their attention.


 "Got it. Well, girls, I think you're all a little more light weight than I am- I'll sleep with some nice, relaxing, classical music blasting in my headphones," He snorted, beginning to walk for the hall. "Good night, girls!!"


 "Night!! Love you Aerendyl!!" Lynx called, watching the brotherly figure of hers walk off, and he froze, right hand twitching.


 "Uh. Yeah. Back at you. Night." He added, and returned to his room, quietly closing the door.


 "Come on, let's get you two to bed," Alice giggled harder, standing, and pulling gently at Lynx. Nervous, she swallowed and followed, cheeks darkening as Nara followed them, eyes widening.


 "Not too late to change your mind, Nara," Lynx whispered, and the fox girl hugged her from behind, walking faster, Lynx's eyes widening. "We just met and-"


 "And yet I've seen more of you than even you have, in some regards," Nara whispered, toppling into the bed with Lynx as Alice closed the door and joined them. "It's not as if we're strangers, our souls have touched, no?"


 "Perfect," Alice whispered, flicking her tail preemptively, and finally, she leaned down and kissed Lynx the way she wanted to.

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