"Do you always agree to sleep together after the first drink, Nara?" Alice teased, pulling the fox girl into bed after Lynx was left reeling and needing breath. "Don't just stand there like a fish out of water, come on, get comfortable with us," She added, guiding Nara's shirt up, and the fox girl, still red-faced and short of breath, nodded, untying her pants. Lynx leaned forward, and as Alice was guiding the fox's shirt up, she, Lynx, yanked her dark pants downward amd off.
"I-I um, thought you two would be a bit more uh," Nara gasped quietly as Alice relieved her of her bra, and Lynx leaned down, settling between Nara's thighs, gently trailing kisses down her hip and inner thigh.
"What? Because I'm a cat I must be a soft, cute bottom…?" Lynx smiled up at the kitsune, gently biting the soft spot of her inner thigh, and Nara gasped sharply, gritting her teeth and arching her back. Alice watched the display, leaning back on her ankles and giggling as Nara's panties met her pants on the floor within another moment.
"Yeah," Alice agreed. "And I'm soft, and my tits are small, so I must be a little pillow princess, huh~? Not like I'm a succubus," Alice added softly, her hips twitching, lips parted, breaths coming in ragged, needy pants. "Not like I'm built for this, literally and otherwise," Alice continued, flicking her tail into view playfully, brushing it against Nara's bottom lip. "Hm…"
"I-I mnf-" Nara gasped, louder this time, yelped, back arching as Lynx leaned down and gently set to work, lifting a hand and slowly tangling her fingers together with Nara's, pulling her arm down taut. "L-Lynx, wait-!"
"Mn…? Everything okay…?" Lynx giggled, mind still clouded from the booze, and tilted her head, resting her cheek against Nara's thigh.
"Y-Yeah, just- I've never-" Nara stammered, blushing darkly, thighs twitching against Lynx's head.
"Mn, don't worry, I'll be gentle, lovely," Lynx purred, lifting her other hand and gently ghosting her fingers up along the kitsune's inner thigh, dangerously close to her sex. "My turn, next, okay~?"
"No," Alice shook her head, smirking softly, gently beginning to work her tail around Nara's breast, kneading, pulling. "Like I said, I'm going to ruin you tonight, not her~"
"P-Please…!!" Nara grit her teeth, and Lynx chuckled lazily, kissing Nara's waist, one hand holding hers, the other slowly sinking into Nara again, and again, and again.
"Makes sense that she's so shy, doesn't it?" the cat girl smiled up at Alice, who nodded, slowly kneading Nara's breasts, still, one of her hands sinking into the other- already, Nara was shaking her head, hips bucking up desperately. "All modest, and proper, when she talks~"
"Please," Nara begged, legs twitching further apart, her body clenching slowly around Lynx's digits, and she, Lynx, smiled, nodding, kissing Nara's waist, hip, and inner thigh again.
"Go on, Nara," she whispered, speeding up, and Alice took the cue to do the same, flicking her thumb along Nara's nipple, smiling softly as Nara gasped, yelped- and screamed, arching her back, body quaking as she finished, thighs once again clamping around Lynx's head.
"Oh y-you're gonna~ get it~" Nara moaned emphatically, and Alice smirked, closing her eyes and nodding. "F-Fuck~"
"Atta girl," Lynx hummed, offering one more slow, gentle kiss to Nara's thigh, but the fox girl sat up, panting raggedly, and tangled her hand into Lynx's hair, pulling until Lynx had collapsed into Nara's chest, the fox girl kissing her slowly, forcefully, and lifting her shirt up, off. "Woah- what," Lynx stammered embarrassedly.
"Ah, there's the bottom I remember," Alice purred softly, moving and kneeling at Lynx's hip, flicking her tail again, and much more threateningly now. "So, Lynx, you'll let me make you feel good, won't you~? I want your head to melt, I want to make Aerendyl hate himself for letting us sleep over~ Nara, hold her there for me~" She added, playful, and Nara nodded, tugging Lynx's bra away and hugging the cat girl, chest to chest, their breasts meshing softly together.
"Wait- wait wait~" Lynx pleaded, eyes widening, tail flicking eagerly, and Alice laughed, shaking her head.
"Oh, Lynx… if you want to resist, you should control your tail, it's a dead giveaway," She whispered, gently pulling the blonde's pants down and off, guiding her underwear away next, leaving the young woman naked- before Lynx could protest again, and try to pretend that she wasn't the equivalent of putty for Alice, Nara kissed her again, silencing her, hands traveling down, kneading Lynx's ass, pulling slowly.
"I promise I'll be gentle… at first, anyway~," Alice whispered, and Lynx moaned out sharply as the tail slammed into her- it was the same feeling as before, like some sort of tentacle from a bad fan fiction, and Lynx gasped into the kiss- but Nara didn't let her out of it, not for a second, deepening the kiss, tongue worming against Lynx's. She could only moan louder as Nara kneaded her ass, Alice going harder and humming gently, her hand rubbing Lynx's head, a domineering smile on the succubus's face.
"You're doing such a good job, Lynx," Alice whispered, her face red, and Lynx half moaned, half yelped, louder now, as Alice sped up, the tip of her tail curling just a bit. "Good girl, taking it for me like this," She continued, smiling. "Does it feel good, Nara's hands yanking at your ass~? Lynx, strong warrior~ military official~ and a bitch who likes taking my tail on command, huh~?" Alice's voice was growing breathless, and she dipped a hand between her legs now, panting raggedly- Nara seemed to be the only one relaxed, slowly and deeply kissing the woman above her. For her part, Lynx was losing her mind- everything felt like a blur, there was only the pleasure and the soft whispers from Alice- Nara's tongue more welcome than her own, at this point. Lynx could only moan louder yet when she felt Alice's hand move up, from her back, slowly rubbing her ears, small electric shocks overloading her from the furry ears, her stomach clenching, knotting.
"Good girl, take it, just relax and be my slut," Alice smiled, her hands slowly rubbing Lynx's head and ear, thumb and forefinger kneading the soft, furry flesh there, massaging slowly. The cat girl, overstimulated and then some, shook her head and kissed Nara harder, tightening, moaning louder. "Good girl, good girl come on, you can do it," Alice whispered, and a moan strong enough to break Lynx's kiss tore out of her, the blonde throwing her head back, sweat running down her forehead.
"Yours, oh my g-gods Alice your slut, d-damnit-" Lynx groaned, eyes unfocused- and as Nara kissed her again, she moaned one last time before her voice broke, climaxing over the succubus's tail, eyelids fluttering, hips bucking. Short, strained pants spilled from her lips as she collapsed, head on Nara's shoulder- Alice smiled, slowing her tail down, some.
"Good girl, such a good job, good kitty, I'm so proud of you," Alice whispered, slowing down more. Nara, humming softly, slowed her gentle touches as well, letting her hands slide off of Lynx's ass and rest on her hips as the blonde tried, and failed, to focus her eyesight.
"I-I…" Lynx whispered, hips still twitching, missing Alice's tail.
"I guess, the catching up, it'll have to come later, huh…?" Nara smirked, turning her head and yawning. "Need, sleep, now…"
"I…" Lynx whispered, eyes foggy, and slowly, she rolled off of Nara, lying on her back, gasping as Alice fell gently on top of her, cupping Lynx's cheeks and gently kissing her bottom lip.
"You did such a good job for me Lynx, I'm so proud of you. Get some rest now, for me, baby, okay?"
"Mhm…?" Alice smiled, but she giggled, realizing that the cat girl was already asleep. "I love you, stupid cat…"
"Aerendyl Farran." A voice spoke coldly, and the angel glared upward- Lynx thought he was asleep- and tipsy, but no. Neither of these things were true, he'd slipped away and now sat bound to a firm chair with chains that felt like fire against his skin, grimacing through the pain. "You expect us to believe that in all of the agents deployed, today, you are the one and only survivor? That there is no foul play in any way to be had, here?"
"I am an archangel- and there was an archdemon there. She slaughtered them all and I had to use magic, I melted half of her body before she finally went down. There's nothing else to tell you- unless there's something you want to say," He snarled, lip twitching furiously, straining against his chains just a bit. "You know what I am- and you know what I stand for, but more importantly you know what I'm capable of- do you want to risk your necks for this? Really? Or do you want to make the smart choice? Because I promise you- I'm going to do a whole lot more than make a statement, if you even think of touching my students again. Even if you survive-"
"Silence, Aerendyl!!" One of the three men above him snarled, grabbing the observation platform they stood safely behind, leaning over to glare down at the angel below them. "You dare threaten your superiors? Even if you are the leader of Ravenwood's branch, you are still-"
"Let me rephrase," Aerendyl snarled right back, having broken the chains and moved faster than they could track, clutching the old man's throat- there were more people here- the other two old men and a host of bodyguards, so Aerendyl pushed, and suddenly the world around them had shifted- Aerendyl held this tired despot down by the throat to the mud- a circle of snow had melted maybe twelve or fifteen feet around them in every direction, now. "If you even think of touching my students again I will kill you, and everything that you stand for- you can kill me. You have the men- but how many are you willing to lose in the process? Your experiments won't take place in Ravenhold ever again, and if you try, I'll go public with everything. I will only ask you this once; do. You. Understand?" He glared, waiting for an answer, still holding the other angel down by the throat- and he, the doe-eyed bastard beneath Aerendyl, nodded, trembling.
"Say it."
"Don't play with me- say. It. Now."
"I-I will cease all experiments outside of those legal and publicized in Ravenhold!!"
"Good. Now go and file your reports- tell people of my betrayal, let them come. I'm about to launch an attack your friends here, you won't be able to muster another stunt like that." Turning, there was a crack as if thunder had clapped overhead, and Aerendyl was gone. All that remained was a scared man sniveling in the mud. Even the snow seemed to have retreated, as if unwilling let an angel dare taint its purity with so much as a touch.
Several days later, Lynx yawned, collapsing into Aerendyl's couch after classes, waiting for him to hang up whatever phone call he was on, listening. Her ears flicked about, and her toes curled, bored and playful as she stretched, looking at Aerendyl upside down. She hadn't seen him, in a few days, and here he seemed to be relaxing, kicking his feet up…
"Yeah. I want somebody that I can trust- and so I want to offer you a new position. I take it you'll accept?" Aerendyl asked gently, smiling, nodding. "Excellent. I'll fill you in with all the details when we meet- I'm glad to have you on my side, sir. Mhm. Have a good day now, I'll see you this weekend." Aerendyl hung up and leaned back, smiling across the L-shaped couch at Lynx. "How are you, cat? Decided to just drop on by?"
"I… just wanted to say hi to you? I don't know…" Lynx yawned, sitting up and stretching. "I had a question… what comes next? I mean, Sorry, let me backpedal a bit- that night, you just kind of sauntered off and didn't even come back to check on me, you know? I've been really worried… trying to give you space, but at the same time, I worry, you know? I know you've got to have your secrets, but even so…" Lynx sighed thoughtfully, curling her tail into her lap. "Just, I mean, the Aerendyl I met…"
"The Aerendyl you met…? I'm still here, Lynx, no problems, I'm not disappearing." Aerendyl smiled, leaning forward and angling his head, perhaps confused. "I mean, you're on my couch, how can you be worried that I'm not around? All is well."
"Mn… Aerendyl, the guy I met in the hospital was a little awkward, but he's a savior, and a hero- sorry, sorry," She added, remembering his sensitivity toward the past. "I don't care if you think you're a hero, but… you are one to me. You're the only reason that I was even able to survive, or start my life over." Lynx fell quiet for a moment, but held still, thinking, swallowing. "Last night, Alice asked me something… she said, that, she wonders what your real motivation was in saving me, and made me guess. Do you know what I said?"
"I don't. Enlighten me…?" He asked gently, slowly raising an eyebrow.
"I thought about it, you know that?" Lynx whispered, turning to look at him again and smiling as genuinely as she could. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes, but she spoke steadily. "There could be so many reasons… to study me, to experiment on me, to figure out the soul transference magic… maybe you've even been to the court, and you're just following orders, playing your part in whatever grand story I'm meant to fulfill!!"
"Yeah? You thought all that?" Aerendyl asked quietly, raising an eyebrow and leaning forward, clasping his hands together.
"I did- but none of that is what I said to Alice. No matter which way I spun it, I remember the look in your eyes, back in the hospital- it wasn't purpose. It was emptiness. I didn't recognize it at the time…" She trailed off, remembering how he'd looked at her back then, sitting down against the wall of the hospital room and offering her a place to go- a plastic smile and an empty skull. "I told her, that from the deepest part of my soul I can't possibly imagine the truth to be anything other than that you saved my life because you could, and for you, that was easier than to sit by and do nothing. I, trust you." She smiled a bit more softly, now, a twinge of embarrassment hitting her chest as a few fat, salty tears leaked down her cheeks.
"When you ordered us executed, Aerendyl- I didn't feel anger, just confusion. I knew it wasn't right- even then, somehow, I trusted you- if you wanted me dead, you've had every chance. Then, you just walked off… I thought you might need space," She whispered, scooting down the couch, closer to Aerendyl, and gently laid her hand on his shoulder. "I gave it to you, but you didn't reach out… please, Aerendyl, I really do consider you as a friend, an older brother, or something… don't push me away, please. You don't get to be done with me just because you're done saving me- it wasn't a coldhearted man who'd throw me away that left a coffee machine in my dorm room, or gave me a crappy old cell phone, was it?"
"I…" Aerendyl swallowed, his voice trembling, eyes wet, looking away. Lynx cried, slowly, and shook her head.
"Don't lie to me Aerendyl- it was terrifying!! I got into the trunk of a would-be murderer because I trusted you, and only for that reason!! I drove through the fight to reach you because you're my friend and I care about you so please, don't shove me away like you're just, what, done with me?! I-"
"I thought you hated me!!" Aerendyl shouted suddenly, and grabbed Lynx, yanking her forward- the cat girl gasped as she collided with his chest, and found herself only crying harder, clutching his waist desperately as he ranted. "I thought you hated me and you should- I lied to you and ordered your execution, I hid all the right things, I manipulated you to-"
"JUST SHUT UP AND HUG ME YOU MORON!!" Lynx shouted, crying harder, and Aerendyl… he let go, sobbing into her hair, hugging her tighter.
"I'm so s-sorry, I'm sorry, I just thought you'd want me to leave you well alone-"
"I don't-"
"I'm sorry-"
"You saved me-"
"Don't praise me-"
"I love you, Aerendyl, you're my brother now, you're not escaping it-"
"Don't love me-"
"Too late, get good, I don't care, loser-"
"Lynx, I'll let you down-"
"No you won't, trash, newbie, get good, skill issue, cry about it-"
"BIG BRO!! MY HERO!! END OF STORY!! I don't want you gone, screw you, I'm staying- and thank you, so much. I thought, you were done with me, I got scared, that's why I'm here!!" She cried, she laughed, and he did the same with her, both clutching hopelessly to the other. For a time, they stayed that way, sobbing as though they might die if they held anything in for another moment.
"I'm…" After a long while, Aerendyl slowly drew a breath. "I'm sorry. I wanted to check on you, I just thought you'd hate to see me, right then."
"Pretty dumb for the Director of all Ravenwood's CA, you know…"
"Yeah, I'm getting that, Lynx. As for what's next…" Aerendyl swallowed, and Lynx slowly drew back, sitting up. "I think, the answer… is that I'm going to make us both some coffee. Let's take things a step at a time, just for now, okay?"
"Mn… alright, Aerendyl. I'm gonna ace my law test tomorrow, just you watch."
A few miles outside of town, a man in his mid-thirties dropped a cigarette into the snow, stomping on it slowly, and shook the can in his right hand before pushing the button on top and re-applying the sign of a cross to his chest, rolling his shoulders.
"Boss, are you almost back?" His radio buzzed, the voice coming through with static, and Kyle rolled his eyes, taking up the phone.
"Aye, I'm on my way ye twit- can't ye give me twenty min's to smoke?"
"Sorry, boss, it's just that the advance guard is ready, and Aerendyl will be here soon. We're going to make these fuckers pay for what they tried to pull."
"Nay- we're goin' to make 'em pay for what they stand fer. An' we ain't gonna let the CA hold us back with their pretty rules, not anymore- trials are too good for bastards like these. They're the one's who attacked Eastbrook, ya hear? The ones tha' got away. Pretty boy gets it."
"I do, boss. Aerendyl is here, can you make your way back now?"
"Nay, I'm goin' to smoke just one more. You can wait ten more minutes, can't ye?" Chuckling softly, he rolled his shoulders once more and disabled the radio, pulling out another cigarette. Lighting it and taking a slow drag, the man sighed, shaking his head. "I'd better be paid real good, for this one…"