It was a brand new day, the sun greeted the crops with its rays. The wind was giving off a nice gentle breeze, and the animals around were in their own world. Gim seemed to boost morale in the village slightly from repeatedly doing all the small tasks.
He grabbed his torches from the chest and walked a few feet away from the village. He started digging down a small area of dirt about shoulder width with his shovel. He continued and when he heard a solid clang, he started breaking down the stone with the pickaxe he brought. He continued on down, placing down torches on the walls every few feet.
Suddenly, he broke the blocks below him, only to see there was no platform underneath it. He fell into the dark hole, landing on his legs. He felt a slight tug of pain in his legs, but luckily for Gim the fall wasn't very steep. He held a torch in his left hand while his pickaxe was in the right. He seemed to have landed in a cave system which pleased Gim.
He carried on forward, staying vigilant. He played Minecraft many times back in the real world. He knew the dangers the dark caves awaited him. He stopped near an open area with stone and granite all around. There were two different routes the cave branched out in front of him. One to his left and one to his right. He threw a torch on the left side. It flew through the air illuminating the way, slowly dimming down until the darkness swallowed it completely. Gim looked up and noticed there was gravel all over the roof. At least it seemed grainy like gravel. He built up, placing blocks below him as they magically pushed him on top of them and dug through the gravel. Pieces of flint broke off the gravel as he dug. He jumped back down and entered the right side of the two cave entrances once he finished.
His torch immediately lit up the walls where he saw a cluster of coal, and a few pieces of iron ore right next to it. He picked both of them up and continued forward. He jumped over a small puddle of water, and snuck away from a spider his size without it noticing. The path became steeper and a pool of lava could be seen at the very bottom of the cave. As he carefully made it to the pool of lava, something caught his eye. Gim grinned as the bright blue gems glowed in all its glory.
He had found diamonds.