Now that Gim had diamonds, his confidence to rescue Steve only strengthened. His plan was set in motion. All he needed was to craft a diamond pickaxe. He made a crafting table with some planks on him. Then he grabbed some sticks out of his pocket and combined two of them with 3 of the 7 diamonds he had mined. Gim got lucky with the amount of diamonds he came across, since he normally only found 2 or 3 diamonds together.
He grabbed his pickaxe, picked up his crafting table and went to the right of the cave, leaving the pool of lava behind. He stopped in his tracks. 'Wait if there's lava here, there's a small chance there's water as well.' He assumed. Sure enough, he could hear the sound of flowing water above him. He mined a small route through the wall, leading towards the sound of the water. As he expected, a large blast of water poured through the man made vein he had created for it.
The water flowed rapidly, drowning any sign of nature or life in the cave floors. Rocks were swept away, and a few cobwebs nearby dissolved in the liquid. The water carried forwards, lunging at the pool of lava as it flowed directly over the entire thing; The light faded, as the lava solidified into obsidian. He broke the wall that cornered the pit of now obsidian, and mined underneath. The water fell in, quickly solidifying any further layers of lava below the obsidian. He swung his diamond pickaxe at the dark stone. He did so continuously until the obsidian finally broke and he could collect the block. He repeated the process about 20 more times and finally made his way back from where he came from.
If it wasn't for the torches he had placed on the cave walls, Gimmick would've been lost in the large cave system that seemed to branch off in every direction he could think of. He finally saw the light of the surface, as he made his way up the stairs he had formed by digging. It seemed his time in the cave was far longer than he'd thought. The sun was beginning to lower, just in between the horizon. He walked back to his room, greeting the old man. He placed the crafting table he made in the cave next to his chest and crafted flint and steel using a piece of flint and an iron ingot.
Right behind the old man's cathedral, Gim built a large rectangular frame made of obsidian. He cracked the metal against the inside of the frame. An eerie howl came out as the frame filled itself with a purple energy. The gateway to hell was now open.