Chapter 88 - Unsettled Harry

ATLA Universe, Fire Nation Capital

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: November 12th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988

Time until Hun and Po souls are deemed suitable by the laws of the Harry Potter Universe to learn structured HP magic: July 31st, 1991

Harry's Physical/Mental/Emotional Maturity: 13 years old


Harry stood at his balcony, watching the sun rise over the Fire Nation capital. A week had passed since the mission at the volcano. The palace droned with activity below as servants prepared for another day of court politics.

"Seven days of nothing but sparring and reading scrolls." Harry glanced at Chrysa, who lounged near the balcony doors. "The techniques are interesting, but there's nothing groundbreaking here."

Chrysa's tail flicked against the marble floor. Her golden eyes followed a messenger hawk soaring past the balcony.

"Fire Lord Ozai was generous with the gold." Harry pulled out a heavy bag from his enchanted pouch. The metal clinked as he weighed it in his hand. "But it's pretty useless to me… "

He walked back into his chambers, past the pile of scrolls detailing various firebending forms. Most contained variations of techniques he already knew - different ways to punch fire, slightly altered stances for better balance. Nothing that would significantly improve his bending.

Azula had been an entertaining sparring partner. Her blue flames grew more stable each day, and she'd even managed to improve on her lightningbending yesterday. But Harry felt restless. The same walls, the same people, the same conversations about Fire Nation superiority...

"Those rebels were willing to kill tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands." Harry sat on the edge of his bed. "What drove them to that point? The Sun Warriors told me about the Air Nomad genocide, but that was a hundred years ago. What's really happening now?"

Chrysa padded over and bumped her head against his knee. Harry sighed.

"The Earth Kingdom's massive. Probably suffering under Fire Nation occupation." He stood up and began pacing. "We should see it for ourselves, shouldn't we?"

Harry walked to his desk and pulled out a map. The Earth Kingdom was spread across most of the continent, dwarfing the Fire Nation. Ba Sing Se, its capital, lay thousands of miles away.

"I'll need to tell Azula." Harry rolled up the map. "She won't like it, but staying here won't teach us anything new."

Chrysa growled softly.

"Yes, I know she'll be angry." Harry slipped the map into his pouch. "But we're not making progress anymore. There's a whole world out there, and we're trapped in this gilded cage."

He headed for the door, Chrysa following close behind. The halls were quiet this early. Harry made his way to the training grounds where he knew Azula would be practicing.

The sound of crackling flames greeted him as he stepped into the courtyard. Azula moved through her katas, her blue fire illuminating the space. She spun, kicked, and punched, each movement controlled and deadly.

Harry watched her for a moment before clearing his throat. Azula paused mid-form, turning to face him.

"You're up early." Azula extinguished her flames. Sweat glistened on her brow.

"I need to talk to you." Harry stopped a few feet away. Chrysa settled next to him, her golden eyes watching Azula intently.

"About what?" Azula grabbed a towel and wiped her face.

"I'm leaving the Fire Nation." Harry said.

Azula froze mid-motion. The towel slipped from her fingers. "What?"

"You heard me." Harry met her gaze. "I've accomplished what I came here to do. It's time for me to move on."

"You can't just leave!" Azula's hands clenched into fists. "Father gave you access to our most important firebending techniques. He showered you with gold and honors. And you're just going to leave?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "The gold means nothing to me. And while the techniques were interesting, they're not enough to keep me here. I stopped that volcano from destroying the capital. That's more than enough compensation for what I've received."

"How dare you!" Azula's face twisted with rage. Blue flames ignited around her fists. "After everything we've done for you, you're just going to abandon me?"

"Stop being so dramatic." Harry crossed his arms. "I'm not abandoning anyone. I simply want to explore the world, see what else is out there."

"The world is full of peasants and savages." Azula stepped closer, the heat from her flames filling the air between them. "What could you possibly learn from them?"

"Every place has something worth discovering." Harry shrugged. "Besides, I never said I was joining the Fire Nation permanently. My goal was always to learn and move on."

Tears welled up in Azula's eyes. She blinked rapidly, trying to hold them back. "You can't leave me. I won't let you."

"This isn't your decision." Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not asking for your permission, Azula. I'm telling you out of respect for our friendship."

"Friendship?" Azula laughed bitterly. "Is that what this is? You use me for training and access, then toss me aside when you're done?"

"Stop twisting my words." Harry grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "You know that's not true. Our time together has been valuable to me. But I have my own path to follow."

"Then take me with you!" Azula grabbed the front of Harry's tunic. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I can help you explore the world. I know everything about the other nations, their weaknesses, their-"

"No." Harry gently removed her hands from his clothes, sighing deeply. "You're not fast enough to travel with me."

"What?" Azula's voice rose. "I'm the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation! How dare you say I'm not-"

"I need to fly for long periods." Harry cut her off. "I can keep Chrysa in my special device, but I can't exactly stuff you into one, can I?"

"You're comparing me to your pet?" Blue flames crackled around Azula's hands. The air grew thick with heat.

"Stop that." Harry's eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what I mean. Could you really leave the palace for months? Would your father allow his heir to vanish for that long?"

"He might." More tears welled up in Azula's eyes. "If I asked him..."

"Don't try manipulating me with tears." Harry shook his head. "It won't work."

"I'm not-" Azula wiped at her eyes furiously. "You can't just leave! I won't let you!"

"This isn't your decision to make." Harry placed both hands on her shoulders. "Look at me, Azula."

She refused to meet his eyes, shoulders trembling under his grip.

"Look at me." Harry's tone softened slightly.

Azula slowly raised her head, moisture still clinging to her lashes.

"When will you come back?" She whispered, voice trembling.

"I don't know." Harry kept his hands on her shoulders. "I can't make promises about that."

"No." Azula shook her head violently. "That's not acceptable. You need to tell me when you'll return."

"Life doesn't work that way." Harry sighed. "I go where I need to go."

"Then I'll make it work that way!" Blue flames burst from Azula's hands, scorching the ground beside them. "You're perfect, don't you see? The way you bend fire without movement, how efficiently you killed those rebels..." She grabbed his tunic again. "We could rule the Fire Nation together. Why would you want to leave me?"

Harry blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift. "Azula-"

"No, listen!" She pressed closer, tears flowing freely now. "We'd make the perfect couple. Your power, my birthright - we could accomplish anything! Father would approve, I know he would. The most talented firebenders in generations, united..."

"That's not-"

"What else could you possibly want?" Azula's grip tightened on his clothes. "I've seen how you look at me during training. The way you smile when I master a new technique. Don't pretend there's nothing between us! You told me you thought I was cute!"

"You're mixing up different feelings." Harry tried to step back, but Azula followed.

"I'm not mixing up anything!" Her voice rose higher. "You're mine! I won't let anyone else have you. Not some Earth Kingdom peasant, not anyone!"

"Nobody owns me, Azula." Harry narrowed his eyes. "Not you, not your father, not anyone."

"Please..." Azula buried her face in his chest. "Please don't leave me. I'll give you anything you want. The finest rooms in the palace, your own private training ground, unlimited access to the royal library..."

Harry wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry. Chrysa made a low sound in her throat.

"I have to go." Harry spoke softly. "But that doesn't mean I won't ever return."

"When?" Azula pulled back enough to look up at him, makeup streaked across her cheeks. "Give me a date. A month. Something!"

"I can't." Harry wiped a tear from her face. "My path isn't that simple."

"Then I'll wait." Azula's eyes blazed with intensity. "I'll wait however long it takes. And when you return, I'll be even stronger. You'll see what we could become together."


"No." She pressed a finger against his lips. "Don't say anything else. Just... just hold me for a moment longer."

Harry stood still, letting Azula hug him. He breathed in the scent of smoke and jasmine from her hair, pushing away the sudden urge to kiss her. She was beautiful, talented, and completely devoted to him - and that devotion unsettled him deeply.

"You smell like lightning." Azula murmured into his chest. "Like the air before a storm."

Harry glanced at Chrysa, who watched them with unblinking golden eyes. The lion's tail swished back and forth across the stone floor.

"When are you leaving?" Azula pulled back slightly, but kept her arms around him.

"Tomorrow morning." Harry met her gaze. "I'll want to speak with your father first."

"So soon?" Fresh tears welled up in her eyes. "Stay another week. Please?"

"The longer I stay, the harder it will be to leave." Harry brushed a strand of hair from her face. The gesture felt more intimate than he'd intended.

"Good." Azula leaned into his touch. "Stay forever then. Be mine."

Harry felt goosebumps rise on his arms at her words. The possessiveness in her voice reminded him of the Oracle at Delphi - that same desperate need to own him completely. But this was different. Azula was just a girl with strong feelings, not an ancient spirit trying to steal his existence.

"I can't." Harry stepped back, breaking their embrace. "You know I can't."

"Because you don't want me?" Azula's voice turned sharp.

"Because I don't know how long I'll be gone." Harry sighed. "You deserve better than empty promises."

"I decide what I deserve." Azula straightened her back, wiping away the last traces of tears. "And I've decided I deserve you."

Harry almost smiled at her declaration. Even now, she spoke like a princess used to getting everything she wanted.

Suddenly, his eyes darkened.

[Sharingan – Epic of Leviathan] – Costs 100CP, 100CP available to spend.

The Sharingan is a powerful dojutsu possessed by the Uchiha clan. Purchasing this grants you the Sharingan, and optionally, you may receive their bloodline. The main abilities it gives the user are the ability to see chakra, enhanced perception, proficiency in illusion techniques, and the ability to instantly learn anything they observe. While this does not extend to copying other abilities, skills such as taijutsu and ninjutsu are examples of what can be learned. These are the benefits you receive for buying the 100 CP option.

This sounded… very useful. He needed privacy to consider this properly.

"I have to go back to my room." Harry stepped away from Azula. "There are things I need to prepare before tomorrow."

"No." Azula grabbed his arm. "You'll disappear if I let you go. I know you will."

"I'll see you later today." Harry tried to pull away, but her grip tightened.

"Promise me." Azula's nails dug into his skin. "Swear you won't leave without saying goodbye."

"I promise." Harry met her intense gaze. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"You better not." Azula's eyes narrowed. "Because I'd hunt you down. I'd search every corner of every nation until I found you again."

"…I'll see you in a few hours." Harry carefully removed himself from her grip. "We can have dinner together if you'd like."

"I'll come to your room." Azula stepped closer again. "To make sure you're really packing."

"No." Harry shook his head. "I need time alone."


"Azula." Harry cut her off. "I promised I'd see you later. Trust that."

She stared at him for a long moment, eyes burning with intensity. "Fine. But if you break your promise..."

"I won't." Harry turned away, gesturing for Chrysa to follow.

He walked toward the palace entrance, but he could feel Azula's eyes boring into his back. He glanced over his shoulder to see her standing perfectly still, watching him leave.

"Let's go." Harry whispered to Chrysa. They needed to reach his room quickly. This offer required his full attention, and he couldn't focus with Azula nearby.