Chapter 89 - Kneading Chakra

ATLA Universe, Fire Nation Capital

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: November 12th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988

Time until Hun and Po souls are deemed suitable by the laws of the Harry Potter Universe to learn structured HP magic: July 31st, 1991

Harry's Physical/Mental/Emotional Maturity: 13 years old


Harry leaned against the window frame, watching the streets of the Fire Nation capital below.

The Sharingan - the Copy Wheel Eye. A Dojutsu, an Eye Technique. His eyes wandered towards the calm volcano in the distance, considering what this meant. He didn't know the Uchiha Clan, but they must be from another world.

The word 'Chakra' was interesting. His Language Comprehension filled in the details - the merging of Physical and Spiritual energies to create some kind of life energy. Harry straightened up. "That sounds similar to Chi," he whispered to himself.

The Sharingan would let him see this life energy. Enhanced perception, proficiency in illusion techniques - whatever those might be - and the ability to instantly learn anything he observed.

"Taijutsu and Ninjutsu," Harry spoke softly. Martial arts and ninja techniques. He shook his head. "Ninjas. The Uchiha must have been a clan of ninjas."

The optional bloodline was another consideration. Harry pushed away from the window and began pacing the room. The bloodline had to offer something worthwhile, or why include it? His Po Soul could reject any unwanted physical changes anyway.

He stopped at his desk, picking up a brush and turning it over in his hands. Something else caught his attention - the phrase about "benefits you receive for buying the 100 CP option." Harry set the brush down carefully. This was new. Different. It suggested better options existed, but were they related to the clan or the Sharingan itself?

Chrysa raised her head, watching him with those intelligent eyes. Harry met her gaze. "What do you think? Should I add this to my collection?"

The Nemean Lion made a soft rumbling sound in her throat.

Harry nodded. He saw no reason to reject this power. The ability to instantly learn through observation alone would be invaluable. He took a deep breath and accepted the offer.

Pain exploded through his entire body. Every nerve ending felt like it was on fire, every muscle seized in agony. But Harry remained standing, not even showing a hint of the pain on his face. His Hun Soul kept his mind separate from the physical torment, while his Po Soul worked to integrate whatever changes were occurring.

He should have expected this, considering what happened when he accepted the firebending offer…

Harry closed his eyes, focusing inward as the pain began to change. His Po Soul surged with activity, directing the transformation. New capillaries formed throughout his body, connecting every cell to his meridians. These tiny vessels drew physical energy from each cell, channeling it towards his dantian.

At the same time, his Hun Soul shifted. Spiritual energy gathered from the depths of his being, flowing alongside the physical energy into his dantian. The two energies merged naturally into Chi, just as they always had, but he now possessed a much greater amount than usual, approximately four times as much.

Harry also instinctively understood how he could 'knead' this Chi into Chakra. The process seemed simple enough - like taking clay and shaping it into a specific form. His dantian could only hold so much Chakra, limited by the amount of Chi he could generate.

"The passive Chi strengthens my body," Harry whispered, flexing his fingers. "That's what powers my firebending. But Chakra..."

His eyes began to itch. Acting on instinct, Harry first rejected the influence of the Uchiha bloodline from changing his eye color to black, and then kneaded some of his Chi into Chakra and directed it towards his eyes. A slight burning sensation followed, and his vision gained a red tint. Everything became sharper, clearer - from the individual threads in the carpet to the dust motes floating in the sunlight.

Harry walked to the mirror mounted on his wall. Green eyes stared back at him, but as he watched, they transformed. The emerald color bled away, replaced by deep red. Around each black pupil, a single black tomoe mark appeared, like a comma frozen in mid-spin.

A soft sound drew his attention. Harry turned to look at Chrysa, who had shifted position near the door. But before she even began to move, he saw the minute contractions in her muscles that showed her intentions. He knew exactly how she would stretch before she did it.

"And that's without the Inner Eye," Harry smiled. He activated his precognition, combining it with the Sharingan's enhanced perception.

Harry raised his hands, studying the flow of chi through his meridians. The energy glowed with a soft blue light in his enhanced vision. "So the Sharingan can see Chi too, not just Chakra. Makes sense, since Chi is the base form."

He turned his attention back to Chrysa, who watched him with mild interest. No energy flowed through her body - she possessed neither Chi nor Chakra.

The combination of Inner Eye and Sharingan... His two-second precognition showed him what would happen, while the Sharingan analyzed the person within that future vision. Each prediction built upon the last, creating a chain of possible movements.

"The Sharingan can only read physical movements when someone lacks life energy," Harry muttered, watching Chrysa's muscles contract before she even thought of moving. "But combined with the Inner Eye..."

"Come here," Harry gestured to Chrysa. The lion stood and walked toward him. Before he spoke, Harry saw the subtle shift in her shoulder muscles, the way her back legs would tense to push her forward. Even without any life energy to track, the Sharingan would be very useful.

But there was more to these eyes. Harry closed them for a moment, focusing on the knowledge that came with the power. Two aspects existed within the Sharingan - the Eye of Insight, which he had just tested, and the Eye of Hypnosis.

"Genjutsu," Harry murmured the Japanese word. Through eye contact, he could cast illusions directly into someone's mind. The technique required chakra flowing through the target's brain, but chi might work just as well. Any form of life energy should hopefully work.

The process seemed straightforward enough. One second of eye contact would allow him to channel chakra from his Sharingan into the target's eyes and brain. But creating convincing illusions would take practice. A poorly crafted illusion would immediately alert the victim to its artificial nature.

"And they can break free through pain or disrupting their energy flow…"

Harry walked back to the window, observing the Royal Palace guards below. The tomoe in his Sharingan spun gently as he focused on the soldiers. Streams of Chi flowed through each guard's body.

"Everyone has Chi in this world," Harry leaned forward, pressing his palm against the cool glass. "Not just firebenders."

He watched a guard shift positions, tracking both the physical movement and the flow of energy. The Chi gathered in the guard's arms before he even began to move. Combined with his Inner Eye's precognition, Harry could see exactly how and where the energy would flow seconds before any bending occurred.

"No bender could surprise me now," Harry stepped back from the window. "I'd see the Chi gathering before they even started to bend."

A knock at his door interrupted his observations. Harry quickly deactivated his Sharingan, his eyes returning to their natural green color.

"Enter," Harry called out, moving away from the window.

The door opened to reveal Mai. She stepped inside, her face as expressionless as ever. "Azula sent me to check on you."

"Of course she did." Harry sighed deeply. "She thinks I'll vanish the moment she takes her eyes off me."

"Can you blame her?" Mai closed the door behind her. "You're leaving tomorrow."

"I told her I'd see her later today." Harry sat down on the edge of his bed. "I keep my promises."

Mai walked to the center of the room. "She's been crying."

"I know." Harry looked down at his hands. "But I can't stay just because she wants me to."

"You could." Mai's voice remained flat. "The Fire Lord would give you anything you asked for. Titles, land, gold..."

"I don't want any of those things." Harry stood up. "There's too much happening in the world. I need to see it for myself."

"The world isn't going anywhere." Mai watched him move back and forth. "But you might break her if you leave."

Harry stopped pacing. "Azula's stronger than that."

"Is she?" Mai raised an eyebrow. "You've seen how she acts around you. The perfect princess becomes a mess the moment you're involved."

"That's just another reason why I need to go." Harry turned to face Mai directly. "She's too... attached."

"And whose fault is that?" Mai's eyes narrowed slightly. "You encouraged her."

"I didn't mean to." Harry shook his head. "I just wanted to help her improve her bending."

"Well, you did more than that." Mai crossed her arms. "Now she's convinced herself that you're meant to rule the Fire Nation together."

Harry groaned. "She mentioned that earlier. It's ridiculous."

"To you, maybe." Mai stepped closer. "But Azula always gets what she wants. Always. Until you."

"That's not my problem." Harry turned away from Mai's accusatory stare.

"No?" Mai moved to block his path. "Then whose problem is it? Mine? I'm the one who has to watch her fall apart."

"She'll get over it." Harry tried to step around Mai, but she shifted to stay in front of him.

"You really don't understand, do you?" Mai's usual monotone cracked slightly. "Azula doesn't 'get over' things. She obsesses. She plans. She schemes until she gets what she wants."

Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "What do you expect me to do? Stay here forever? Marry her? Rule the Fire Nation?"

"I expect you to understand what you're doing." Mai's eyes flashed with rare emotion. "When you leave, she won't just cry for a few days and move on. She'll tear apart the Earth Kingdom looking for you."

"That's..." Harry paused, remembering Azula's words from earlier. 'I'd hunt you down. I'd search every corner of every nation until I found you again.'

"Now you're getting it." Mai watched his expression change. "She meant every word she said to you."

Chrysa growled softly from her spot near the door. Harry glanced at his companion, then back to Mai.

"I can't base my decisions on what Azula might do." Harry spoke firmly. "That's not fair to either of us."

"Life isn't fair." Mai's voice returned to its usual flatness. "But actions have consequences. Remember that when you hear about entire Earth Kingdom villages burning because Azula thought you might be hiding there."

Harry felt his stomach twist. "She wouldn't..."

"Wouldn't she?" Mai raised an eyebrow. "You've seen how she handles rejection. How she treats people who displease her."

"That's different." Harry protested, but the words felt hollow even to him.

"Is it?" Mai stepped back toward the door. "Just... think about what you're doing. Really think about it."

The door clicked shut behind Mai, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. He shook his head, pushing away her warnings about Azula. Whatever she chose to do after he left wasn't his responsibility.

Harry reached inside himself, feeling the abundant Chi still flowing through his dantian and meridians. Most remained untouched, available for both bending and creating Chakra. He kneaded a small portion into Chakra, activating his Sharingan once more. The amount needed was tiny - barely noticeable.

"Might as well keep them active," Harry muttered, blinking as the red tint returned to his vision. "Need to get used to them anyway."


The sun had begun to set when Harry entered the throne room. Fire Lord Ozai sat behind his wall of flames, face half-hidden in shadow. Azula stood to the side, watching Harry approach with intense eyes.

"Fire Lord Ozai." Harry stopped at the appropriate distance, but didn't bow. "I've come to inform you that I'll be leaving the Fire Nation tomorrow morning."

The flames rose higher. "You dare to simply announce your departure?"

"Yes." Harry met Ozai's gaze steadily. "I appreciate the hospitality and training opportunities, but I need to explore the world myself."

"The Fire Nation offers everything you could desire." Ozai's voice grew sharp. "Power, wealth, knowledge..."

"And I've learned what I can here." Harry cut him off. "I'll return in the future. Perhaps in a few months, perhaps longer."

Ozai leaned forward, flames crackling. "You presume much, boy."

"No." Harry smiled slightly. "I simply state facts. I'm leaving tomorrow. Whether you approve or not doesn't matter."

The throne room fell silent except for the sound of burning flames. Harry could feel Azula's eyes boring into him.

"Very well." Ozai finally spoke. "Leave if you must. But remember who provided you sanctuary these past weeks."

Harry turned away without responding. He caught Azula's eye as he passed. "Join me for dinner?"

She nodded stiffly, falling into step beside him as they left the throne room.

They walked in silence through the palace corridors. The sun had set completely, leaving only torch-lit shadows stretching across the walls.

"The royal dining hall?" Harry suggested, breaking the quiet.

"No." Azula spoke curtly. "My private chambers. I've already ordered food brought there."

Harry nodded, following as she led the way. The guards posted outside her rooms bowed deeply as they approached, opening the large doors without a word.

The space inside felt different from the rest of the palace. Personal touches broke through the standard royal decor - scrolls scattered across a desk, a half-empty cup of tea beside an open book, practice targets with scorch marks on the balcony.

"Sit." Azula pointed to a low table near the window. Cushions surrounded it on all sides, and plates of steaming food already waited.

Harry settled onto one of the cushions, watching as Azula poured tea into two cups. Her hands trembled slightly.

"You didn't have to antagonize Father like that." She set a cup in front of Harry with more force than necessary. Tea splashed over the rim.

"I wasn't trying to antagonize him." Harry picked up the cup. "I was being honest."

"You could have shown proper respect." Azula stabbed at a piece of meat with her chopsticks. "Bowed. Used the correct titles."

"I don't bow to anyone in the Fire Nation anymore." Harry took a sip of tea. "Not since I mastered Jet Propulsion."

Azula's chopsticks froze halfway to her mouth. "What?"

"Your father might be the Fire Lord," Harry set his cup down carefully, "but my strength surpassed his long ago. The only thing holding me back was mobility, and I solved that problem."

"You..." Azula's eyes widened. A slight flush crept up her neck. "Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound?"

"It's not arrogance if it's true." Harry picked up his own chopsticks. "I can bend fire and lightning without moving. I can fly. I can create flames hot enough to melt steel in seconds."

"Father is still the most powerful firebender in the world." But Azula's voice lacked conviction. She'd seen Harry's bending firsthand.

"No." Harry met her gaze. "He's not. Not anymore."

Azula set down her chopsticks. Her breathing had quickened slightly. "You really believe you could defeat him?"

"I know I could." Harry continued eating calmly. "That's why I didn't bother with the formalities. I respect your father's position, but I won't pretend to be weaker than I am."

"That's..." Azula swallowed hard. Her cheeks had grown distinctly pink. "You can't just say things like that."

"Why not?" Harry raised an eyebrow at her reaction. "We both know it's true. You've seen what I can do."

Azula grabbed her cup, taking a long drink of tea. When she lowered it, her eyes blazed with intensity. "Keep talking like that and I might not let you leave tomorrow."

Harry snorted. "Don't play this game again, Azula. You know you can't beat me."

Azula reached across the table suddenly, grabbing onto Harry's sleeve. He raised an eyebrow at the unexpected contact, his Inner Eye inactive in situations like this. Before he could do anything, she pulled herself forward and pressed her lips against his.

The kiss lasted only for an instant before Azula drew back, face flushed red. She released his sleeve and sat down properly, smoothing her robes with trembling hands.

"I..." Harry blinked, caught completely off guard. A strange warmth spread through his stomach.

"Now you have to stay." Azula lifted her chin, but her voice wavered slightly. "That's how it works in all the stories Mai reads."

"Life isn't a story." Harry touched his lips, still feeling the ghost of her kiss. "And that's not how any of this works."

"Why not?" Azula clenched her fists on the table. "I'm the Crown Princess. You're the most powerful bender in the world. We're perfect for each other."

"Azula..." Harry sighed, pushing away his half-finished meal. "You're making this harder than it needs to be."

"Good!" She slammed her palm on the table, rattling the dishes. "It should be hard. You shouldn't be able to just walk away like none of this matters!"

"Of course it matters." Harry reached across the table, taking her hand. "You matter."

"Then stay!" Azula gripped his fingers tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes again. "Stay with me."

Harry saw the situation spiraling. He needed to redirect her attention, and fast. Reaching into his enchanted pouch with his free hand, he pulled out a clear crystal the size of his palm.

"Let me show you something." Harry gently removed his other hand from her grip.

He raised both hands, bending forth azure flames that filled the air above the table. Lightning crackled between his fingers, and smoke swirled. Within seconds, an image formed - Harry and Azula standing atop the nearly-erupting volcano, surrounded by fallen enemies. The detail was extraordinary, from the passionate emotions in Harry's eyes as he dispensed justice, to how Azula focused utterly on Harry himself.

Harry pressed the crystal toward the floating artwork. The flames, lightning, and smoke flowed into the crystal like water down a drain, leaving the air clear once more.

Azula stared at the crystal, mouth slightly open. All traces of tears had vanished. "How did you..."

"A gift." Harry placed the crystal on the table between them. "For you."

"But..." Azula picked up the crystal, turning it in her hands. The image shifted with the light, making the flames seem to move. "Lightning can't be controlled like that. It's impossible."

"Yes, that's true." Harry leaned back, pleased his distraction had worked. "But you know I am built different."

"And this..." She tapped the crystal with a fingernail. "What is this thing? How is it storing the painting?"

"It's called an Artisan's Crystal." Harry watched her examine every angle of the artwork. "They're made to preserve art forever, and before you ask, I cannot reveal how it was created. It is a secret technique from where I was born."

Azula set the crystal down carefully, her eyes fixed on Harry. "Where were you born? What was your life like before coming here?" She leaned forward. "Did you have parents?"

Harry remained quiet for a moment, considering how much to reveal. He didn't need to mention magic, but some truth might help with her concerns.

"My parents died when I was very young," Harry spoke softly. "A powerful man wanted me dead because of a prophecy. The prophecy said we would clash until one of us died."

Azula's eyes widened. "What happened?"

"He killed my parents." Harry played with the rim of his teacup. "But when he tried to kill me, something unexpected happened. He died instead."

"Just like that?" Azula frowned.

"Just like that." Harry nodded. "After that, I was raised in a massive castle by the most powerful man in my homeland. The castle doubled as a school, so I had many teachers."

"A castle-school?" Azula narrowed her eyes. "Like the Royal Fire Academy?"

"Much bigger." Harry smiled slightly. "About a year ago, I moved to a cottage in the mountains. Two people took me in - both incredibly kind and wise. And old. So old you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"How old?" Azula challenged.

"Centuries." Harry met her skeptical look. "I told you that you wouldn't believe me."

"That's impossible." Azula shook her head. "No one lives that long."

"Many impossible things exist in this world." Harry gestured to the crystal between them. "Then something happened - an accident. I found myself lost around two months ago, so far from home that I ended up here in the Fire Nation and had to quickly learn the local language."

"How could you possibly learn that quickly?" Azula raised an eyebrow.

"Languages come easily to me." Harry shrugged. "Then I went to Ember Island, where I saw a princess bending blue flames like mine."

Azula picked up the crystal again, staring at the image inside. "You make it sound like a story."

"Life often sounds like a story when you tell it later." Harry watched her shake the crystal, stirring up the flames inside. "But every word I've said is true."

"The prophecy..." Azula looked up suddenly. "Did it say anything else? About your future?"

"No." Harry shook his head. "And it doesn't matter anymore. I make my own destiny now."

"Your own destiny..." Azula set the crystal down carefully. "What about mine?"

"What about it?" Harry reached for his tea.

"Father expects me to become Fire Lord one day." Azula said, staring down at her lap. "To continue the war, to bring glory to our nation."

"And what do you want?" Harry asked.

Azula stiffened. "What I want doesn't matter. I have responsibilities, duties-"

"That's not what I asked." Harry cut her off. "What do you want, Azula?"

"I..." She looked away, hands clenching slightly. "No one has ever asked me that before."

"I'm asking now."

"I want..." Azula's voice dropped to a whisper. "I want to be perfect. Strong. Feared."


"Because..." She swallowed hard. "Because if I'm not perfect, I'm nothing. Like Zuko."

"Your brother?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "What actually happened to him?"

"Father banished him." Azula's voice grew cold. "He showed weakness in a war meeting. Refused to fight in an Agni Kai. Now he hunts the non-existent Avatar like a common soldier."

"The Avatar?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "The master of all four elements?"

"Yes." Azula sneered. "A fool's errand. The Avatar disappeared a hundred years ago."

Harry studied her face. Behind the contempt, he saw something else - fear. Fear of failing like her brother. Fear of disappointing her father. Fear of being cast aside.

"You don't have to be perfect." Harry spoke softly. "You just have to be you."

"You sound like Uncle." Azula spat the words. "With his proverbs and tea."

"Maybe he has a point." Harry stood up, walking around the table to sit beside her. "Look at me, Azula."

Azula turned to face him, eyes guarded. Harry could see the tension in her shoulders, the way she held herself perfectly straight even now.

"If you want to become Fire Lord, that's fine." Harry spoke firmly. "It's a worthy ambition. But if you don't want that path, that's also fine."

"Of course I want to be Fire Lord." Azula's response came automatically, rehearsed.

"Do you?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Or is that what your father wants?"

"They're the same thing." Azula's fingers twitched slightly.

"Are they?" Harry created a small azure flame in his palm. "Your father wants to continue this war. Burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground. Is that really the best path?"

"How dare you question-"

"I dare because I can." Harry closed his fist, extinguishing the flame. "You know my power now. You've seen what I can do. So listen to me, Azula. Really listen."

Azula fell silent, eyes fixed on his closed fist.

"You're brilliant." Harry continued. "Talented. Driven. But you don't have to be what your father wants. You can be strong without being cruel. Feared without being hated. Respected without being perfect."

"That's not how power works." Azula shook her head. "Fear is the only reliable way-"

"I don't rule through fear." Harry cut her off. "Yet I'm stronger than your father. How do you explain that?"

"That's..." Azula hesitated. "You're different."

"Yes, I am." Harry nodded. "And you can be different too. You don't have to follow your father's path. Make your own way. Be Fire Lord if you want, but be the Fire Lord you want to be, not what someone else demands."

"Father would never accept that." Azula whispered.

"Your father isn't as powerful as you think." Harry spoke softly. "And one day, you'll be stronger than him too. Then his acceptance won't matter anymore."

Azula stared at him, eyes wide. "You really believe that?"

"I know it." Harry smiled slightly. "You're already closing the gap. Your blue flames are proof of that."

"But without you here..." Azula looked down at her hands.

"You'll keep improving." Harry touched her shoulder. "Because that's who you are. You never stop pushing forward. Just... make sure you're moving toward what you want, not what others expect."

"I don't know what I want anymore." Azula admitted quietly.

"That's okay too." Harry squeezed her shoulder gently. "You have time to figure it out. Just remember - you're Azula first, princess second."

Azula lifted her chin. "I still want people to fear me."

"I wouldn't expect anything else." Harry smiled. "Fear can be useful. Just don't let it be the only tool you have."

"Like how you handled those rebels?" Azula leaned closer. "Quick. Efficient. No mercy."

"They planned to kill tens of thousands because of some foolish plan." Harry nodded. "Sometimes fear and death are appropriate responses."

"See?" Azula's eyes lit up. "You understand. Everyone else wants me to be... softer." She practically spat the word.

"Being strong doesn't mean you can't have different sides." Harry gestured to the crystal on the table. "I can kill without hesitation, and I can create beautiful art. Both are part of who I am."

"And I can be feared by my enemies..." Azula placed her hand over Harry's, "while being gentle with those who matter."

Harry blinked at the contact. Azula's hand was warm, her grip surprisingly soft.

"Exactly." Harry found himself studying her face. The sharp angles had softened somehow, but the intensity remained. "Just make sure those choices are yours."

She settled against Harry's side. "When you come back..."


"I'll be even stronger." Azula's voice hardened. "Strong enough that maybe you'll have to bow to me."

"I look forward to seeing you try." Harry smiled at the fire in her tone.

"I don't try." Azula poked his chest. "I succeed. And when I do..."

"You'll what?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Make me your personal artist?"

"Among other things." Azula's eyes glinted dangerously. "But first, I'll make you admit that I'm better than you."

"Now who's being arrogant?" Harry laughed.

Azula grabbed his collar, pulling him closer. "I'm not arrogant. I'm ambitious."