Chapter 84 - Royal Yacht

ATLA Universe, Ember Island Docks

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: October 19th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988

Time until Hun and Po souls are deemed suitable by the laws of the Harry Potter Universe to learn structured HP magic: July 31st, 1991

Harry's Age: 13 years old


Harry's neck craned back as he stared up at the largest ship he'd ever seen. The royal yacht towered above the docks, steel and gold glinting in the afternoon sun. Red banners bearing the Fire Nation insignia hung from every level, swaying in the sea breeze.

Behind him, Azula's footsteps approached on the wooden dock. He could hear the smirk in her voice before he even turned to face her.

"I take it you approve?"

Harry's hands gripped the dock railing, taking another moment to appreciate the sheer scale of the vessel. Three massive levels rose from the hull, each decorated with golden dragons that seemed to wind their way around the entire ship. Steam billowed from two huge funnels near the back, while dozens of crew members scurried across the deck preparing for departure.

"It's incredible." Harry glanced at Chrysa, who sat regally beside him. "What do you think, girl? Ready for your first sea voyage?"

The Nemean Lion's tail swished back and forth as she studied the ship with keen interest. Harry smiled - after their experience in the Spirit World, she seemed even more determined to stay close to him.

"The royal family has used this vessel for three generations." Azula gestured toward the boarding ramp. "My grandfather had it built when he was still Crown Prince."

They made their way up the polished wooden ramp, flanked by guards in ceremonial armor. Harry noticed how the soldiers kept their eyes fixed straight ahead, not even glancing at the princess as she passed. The discipline was impressive.

"Your quarters will be in the royal wing," Azula continued as they reached the main deck. "Mai and I have our usual rooms, while Lo and Li stay in the advisor's section near the bow."

Harry followed her across the deck, taking in every detail. The wooden planks beneath his feet had been stained deep red and polished to a mirror shine. Brass fixtures gleamed everywhere he looked, and even the door handles bore the royal flame symbol.

"This way." Azula led them below deck, where the corridor opened into a luxurious antechamber.

Rich tapestries covered the walls, depicting famous battles and legendary dragons. A massive gold and crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, somehow remaining perfectly still despite the gentle motion of the waves.

"How does that stay balanced?" Harry pointed at the chandelier.

"Fire Nation engineering." Mai appeared from a side corridor, looking bored as usual. "The whole ship uses a combination of counterweights and specialized joints. We could sail through a typhoon and that chandelier wouldn't move an inch."

Harry raised his eyebrows, impressed. He would've expected that from magical solutions, not from muggle skill.

"Your room is through here." Azula opened an ornate door, revealing a chamber far larger than his room at the Flamel cottage.

A four-poster bed dominated one wall, while a sitting area with plush crimson cushions occupied another. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a stunning view of the harbor, and Harry spotted what looked like a private bathroom through another door.

"This is just a guest room?" Harry walked inside, running his hand along the polished wooden desk.

"The royal suite is three times this size." Azula smirked. "But yes, this should be adequate for a three-day journey."

Chrysa padded around the room, sniffing at various pieces of furniture before settling near the windows with a satisfied rumble.

"When do we depart?" Harry asked, watching dock workers load the last supplies through his window.

"Within the hour." Azula's expression shifted slightly. "Father expects regular updates on my progress, so we shouldn't delay."

Harry caught the subtle tension in her voice but didn't comment. He'd learned enough about Fire Lord Ozai through their conversations to know when not to press certain topics.

"I should check on the crew's preparations." Azula straightened her already perfect posture. "Mai can show you around the rest of the ship once we're underway."

Mai sighed dramatically. "Because that's exactly how I wanted to spend my afternoon."

"Would you prefer to help the servants organize the kitchen supplies?" Azula raised an eyebrow.

"Suddenly a tour sounds fascinating." Mai's voice remained monotone, but she replied quickly.

Azula left the room, and Harry turned to Mai with an amused smile. "You don't actually have to show me around if you don't want to."

"No, I do." Mai pushed off from the doorframe she'd been leaning against. "Azula will quiz me later about what I showed you, and I don't feel like dealing with her disappointment."

The ship's horn blasted through their conversation, deep and resonant. Harry felt the vibrations in his chest as Chrysa's ears perked up at the sound.

"That's our signal to head up." Mai gestured toward the corridor. "The view of Ember Island disappearing is actually worth seeing."

They made their way back to the main deck where crew members rushed about in organized chaos. Ropes were being untied, steam poured from the funnels, and the massive anchor chains rattled as they rose from the water.

Harry gripped the railing as the ship began to move. The sensation was completely different from flying - a gentle sideways pull rather than the sharp ups and downs of air currents.

"Not used to being on a ship?" Mai asked, noticing his white-knuckled grip.

"Is it that obvious?" Harry released the railing, taking a moment to find his balance as the deck swayed beneath him.

Mai watched him with a slight upturn of her lips - the closest Harry had seen to a real smile from her. "Everyone's unsteady at first. The trick is to move with the ship instead of fighting against it."

Harry tried following her advice, letting his body sway naturally with the motion. Chrysa seemed to have no trouble, padding along the deck as if she'd been born at sea.

"Show off," Harry muttered to his companion. The lion cub flicked her tail in response.

The harbor grew smaller behind them as the royal yacht picked up speed. Steam poured from the funnels in great white clouds while the massive paddle wheels churned the water into foam.

"Want to see the engine room?" Mai asked, following his gaze toward the funnels. "The engineers are always eager to show off their work."

"You don't mind?"

"Better than standing around watching water." Mai shrugged and started walking toward a stairwell.

The stairwell led them deep into the ship's belly. The air grew warmer with each step down, and Harry could hear the rhythmic pounding of machinery growing louder. At the bottom, Mai pushed open a heavy door, and a wall of hot air hit them hard enough to make Harry take a step back.

"Welcome to the heart of the royal yacht!" A broad-shouldered man in a oil-stained uniform stepped forward, wiping his hands on a rag. "I'm Chief Engineer Roku - no relation to the Avatar, before you ask."

Harry gazed around the massive engine room. Enormous machines filled the space from floor to ceiling, their pistons moving up and down in a steady rhythm. Steam leaked from the network of pipes above them with sharp hisses. The workers barely seemed to notice the heat as they moved around the equipment, turning dials and monitoring gauges.

"This is incredible." Harry walked closer to one of the giant wheels, watching the connecting rods push and pull. "How many people does it take to run all this?"

"Twenty-four engineers working in shifts," Roku beamed with pride. "Plus another dozen assistants handling the coal and maintaining proper pressure. We can sustain twenty-five knots in calm seas - faster than many other vessels in the Fire Nation fleet."

"Want to see something really special?" Roku led them toward a massive brass wheel mounted on the wall. "This controls the steam distribution to all major systems."

A sharp whistle pierced the air, making Harry and Chrysa both jump. One of the engineers rushed past them, adjusting valves while shouting numbers to his colleagues.

"Pressure spike in boiler three!" The engineer called out. "Need more water!"

Roku's easy smile vanished. "Excuse me for a moment." He ran toward the commotion, barking orders in a voice that carried even over the machinery's noise.

Mai tugged at Harry's sleeve. "We should head back up. They get testy when outsiders watch them handle problems."

They climbed the stairs back to the main deck where the sea breeze offered welcome relief from the engine room's heat. Ember Island had shrunk to a green smudge on the horizon, and Harry could see why Mai mentioned watching it disappear - something about leaving land behind stirred an odd mix of excitement and unease in his chest.

"The dining room should be ready by now." Mai gestured toward the stern. "Azula insists on proper meals even at sea."

The dining room proved as luxurious as everything else aboard. A long table of polished mahogany dominated the space, while panoramic windows offered views of the ocean on three sides. Chrysa settled near Harry's chair, eyeing the place settings.

"Don't even think about it," Harry warned as the lion cub's gaze fixed on a particularly shiny soup spoon. She huffed and turned away, but Harry noticed she kept glancing back at the silverware.

Azula swept into the room moments later, followed by Lo and Li. The elderly twins took seats near the end of the table while servants began bringing out covered dishes.

"I trust Mai showed you the important areas of the ship?" Azula asked as she sat at the head of the table.

"Yes, she gave me a quick tour, and showed me the engine room." Harry took a seat to her right, while Mai settled on the opposite side. "The whole system seems very well-built. I've never seen anything like it."

"Of course you haven't." Azula smirked. "The Fire Nation leads the world in technological advancement. Other nations still rely on wind power and animal labor."

A servant placed bowls of clear soup before them. The rich aroma of seafood filled the air as Harry picked up his spoon.

"Speaking of other nations," Mai spoke between careful sips, "have you heard about the Earth Kingdom's latest attempt to break through the Mo Ce Sea blockade?"

"Father mentioned it in his last letter." Azula's voice held a sharp edge. "Three of their largest ships tried to slip past during a storm. The colonial fleet sank two and captured the third."

Harry absorbed the information while eating. The more he learned about the ongoing war, the more he understood why the Fire Nation put such emphasis on naval power.

"The Earth Kingdom grows more desperate each year," Azula continued. "Their forces haven't won a significant victory since the siege of Yu Dao failed."

"How long ago was that?" Harry asked.

"Three years." Mai answered before Azula could speak. "My uncle was stationed there during the siege. He said the earthbenders tried tunneling under the city walls, but Fire Nation engineers had already lined the foundations with metal plates."

Servants cleared away the soup bowls and brought out the main course - grilled fish with colorful vegetables arranged around steamed rice.

"Father expects me to study these battles," Azula said while cutting her fish into exact portions. "A Crown Princess must understand both military strategy and court politics."

"What about your brother I've heard people whisper about?" The words slipped out before Harry could stop them.

Azula frowned, staring at the panoramic windows. "Zuko is... away on an important mission. Father charged him with capturing the Avatar."

Mai's chopsticks paused halfway to her mouth. Harry sensed dangerous territory and quickly changed the subject.

"How many ships does the Fire Nation have? The engineering alone must require enormous resources."

"Our naval power is unmatched," Azula set down her chopsticks. "The main fleet alone has over a hundred capital ships, with twice that number in support vessels."

"And that's not counting the colonial fleets," Mai added.

Lo cleared her throat. "Perhaps we should discuss more appropriate dinner topics."

"Why?" Azula's eyes narrowed. "Harry will need to understand these things before meeting Father."

Harry looked up from his fish. "I'm meeting the Fire Lord?"

"Of course." Azula's tone suggested this should have been obvious. "You've demonstrated great skill in firebending, and you can even bend lightning. Father will want to meet you personally."

Lo dropped her chopsticks. "Lightning? You can bend lightning?"

Harry nodded while wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I learned about six months ago during a trip to a rainforest."

"Six months?" Li gasped, eyes wide. "How did you discover the technique?"

"I was watching this bird with rainbow-colored feathers." Harry smiled at the memory. "The way sunlight shimmered across its wings gave me great inspiration. That was the day I managed to fully stabilize my blue flames too."

Azula nearly slammed down her chopsticks. "When you meet Father, you must never mention learning lightningbending from watching birds. In fact, don't mention how you learned any techniques unless directly asked."

"What should I say instead?" Harry asked, noticing how Lo and Li exchanged worried glances.

"Nothing." Azula's voice grew sharp. "You speak only when spoken to. You answer questions directly and briefly. No stories, no explanations unless specifically requested."

"Father expects proper respect and complete focus," she continued, leaning forward. "When you enter the throne room, you'll walk to the center marking on the floor and bow until he acknowledges you. Keep your eyes down - looking directly at the throne is considered disrespectful."

Harry nodded while watching Azula's face. The princess maintained perfect composure, but something in her eyes suggested personal experience with these rules.

"The throne room will be dark," Lo added. "Only the Fire Lord's flames will illuminate the space."

"Wall of flames," Mai clarified when Harry raised an eyebrow. "It separates the throne from everyone else."

"What sort of questions should I expect?" Harry kept his tone casual, but Azula's expression sharpened.

"He'll want to know about your training, your achievements." She studied him carefully. "Father doesn't waste time on pleasantries. Be prepared to demonstrate your abilities."

"Speaking of which," Li spoke up, "perhaps we should discuss proper court etiquette before-"

"I'll handle that," Azula cut her off. "Harry needs to understand Father's expectations, not waste time learning how to bow properly to minor nobles."

Harry noticed how both advisors fell silent immediately. Even Mai seemed to withdraw slightly, focusing intently on her tea cup.

"Father rewards excellence," Azula continued. "But he has no patience for failure or excuses. When he asks you to demonstrate your firebending, show your best techniques first. Don't build up to them."

"Start with the lightning?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Azula's eyes gleamed. "Father will appreciate that level of skill. Very few firebenders can generate lightning, and even fewer can do it at your age."

"How many others can bend lightning?"

"Besides myself?" Azula smirked at the question. "Only Father and my uncle Iroh have mastered the technique."

The elderly twins nodded in confirmation. Harry could understand why his lightningbending would draw attention if it was that rare.

"What about the blue flames?" Harry glanced at his empty plate.

"Save those for when Father asks to see more." Azula's lips curved into a slight smile. "He'll be... interested in that particular skill."

The way she said 'interested' made Harry look up. "Why?"

"Because I'm the only other person who can create blue flames." Azula's smile grew sharper. "And Father has always appreciated rare talents."

"What happens after the demonstration?" Harry asked while servants cleared away the dishes.

"That depends on Father's assessment." Azula accepted a cup of jasmine tea from a servant. "He might ask questions about your background, your plans for the future."

"Or he might dismiss you immediately," Mai added, earning a sharp look from Azula.

"Father doesn't waste time on those who don't interest him," Azula agreed after a moment. "But your skill is more than enough."

Lo placed her teacup down carefully. "The Fire Lord values loyalty above all else. Remember that when answering his questions."

"And strength," Li added. "The Fire Nation leads the world because we understand that power must be respected."

The conversation shifted to Fire Nation customs as the evening progressed. Harry learned about the importance of proper titles, the meaning behind different flame symbols, and dozens of small details that marked the difference between nobles and common citizens.

"The color of the flame represents status," Azula explained while gesturing at a wall hanging. "Gold for the royal family, red for noble houses, and orange for everyone else."

The conversation about court etiquette extended late into the evening. By the time Harry returned to his cabin, the moon hung high over calm seas.

Sleep came easily that night, rocked by the steady movement of the ship. When Harry woke the next morning, sunlight shone through the windows and Chrysa lay sprawled across the foot of his bed.

"Good morning to you too." Harry smiled at the lion cub who merely yawned in response. She was growing quickly, wasn't she?

After breakfast with Mai - Azula remained in her cabin reviewing reports from the capital - Harry decided to use the quiet morning for some practice. He closed the heavy curtains and sat cross-legged on the floor while Chrysa watched from her spot near the door.

"Let's see what consuming that spirit did to me." Harry held out both hands, palms up.

Silver-white flames sparked to life above each palm, pure and shadowless. Harry shaped them into perfect spheres, adding more until five hovered in the air before him. This had been his previous limit, but now...

A sixth sphere formed easily. Then a seventh.

"Well." Harry studied the floating orbs of quintessence flame. "That's new."

He tried for an eighth, but the flames destabilized immediately. Seven Albedo seemed to be his new limit - still, that was a significant improvement from before. The Hun Soul must have grown stronger after absorbing Wei-Ku, considering that it was a spiritual creature of some kind…

Chrysa made a soft sound, drawing his attention. The lion cub stared at him intently, and Harry knew what she wanted to practice next.

"No." He shook his head. "I need to figure out these soul detection problems first. We can't risk alerting more spirits, or… Immortals."

The memory of Wei-Ku tracking him across the ocean made Harry frown. Every time he used his soul-based danger sense, he might as well be announcing himself to any beings sensitive to such things when he laid eyes upon them. The Spirit World probably held many creatures far more dangerous than the fear spirit - what if he accidentally met one of them?

"There has to be a way to control it." Harry closed his eyes, focusing inward on his Hun Soul. The ethereal aspect of his being felt stronger now, more refined after consuming Wei-Ku. But that spirit had managed to hide from Harry's danger sense somehow...

"Maybe that's the key." Harry opened his eyes. "Wei-Ku could veil itself from detection. Other spirits might know how it works."

Chrysa growled softly.

"I know, I know." Harry sighed. "Meeting more spirits is risky. But we need answers, and they seem to understand souls better than anyone else in this world."

The real problem was finding a spirit willing to help without trying to eat him or steal his body. Ran and Shaw didn't seem like they knew the technique, because they hadn't reacted to his… Soul Instinct at all.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Young master?" A servant's voice called through the wood. "Princess Azula requests your presence for lunch in the main dining room."

"Thank you," Harry responded. "I'll be there shortly."

Harry stood up to prepare for lunch when his eyes darkened. Another offer had come.

[Renaissance Girl/Boy – Lyrical Nanoha] – Costs 300CP, 300CP available to spend.

But why stop at one field? Why not...all of them? The benefits to this offer are twofold. First, you learn new disciplines and skills quickly. While this can be applied to combat or mundane abilities, it is most effective when you're learning new sciences or 'systems', letting you pick up a new field of study within weeks as opposed to months, or months instead of years. Secondly, your mind is now able to calculate mathematics as quickly as a computer or calculator, able to work out complicated equations in your head within seconds. You could potentially program a spell using these calculations alone without the help of an AI in your Device, if you really put your mind to it.

Harry stared at the offer in amazement. The ability to learn new fields of study in such a fast manner would be... incredible. This would apply to everything - magic, firebending, any system he encountered. And the mathematical capabilities would be very helpful for Arithmancy and a lot of other things, wouldn't it?

The word 'AI' caught his attention, and his Language Comprehension activated automatically. Artificial Intelligence - minds created by muggles using science. How strange. Harry was certain muggles in his world couldn't do that yet, but this probably represented another universe where such things were possible. Just like how firebending existed in this world.

He accepted without hesitation.

The moment he did, Harry felt his Hun Soul expand and refine itself once again. The ethereal aspect of his being grew sharper, more precise. Numbers and calculations began flowing through his mind with startling clarity.

"Let's test this out." Harry glanced at Chrysa who perked up at his voice.

He started with simple multiplication - 127 times 346. The answer came instantly: 43,942. That would have taken him a second before he accepted the offer.

"Okay, something harder." Harry closed his eyes. The square root of 17,689. The number 133 appeared in his mind immediately.

His eyes snapped open. "This is incredible."

Chrysa tilted her head and made a small "mrrrp?" sound.

"I can do mathematics near-instantly now." Harry grinned at his companion. "And apparently I'll learn new skills much faster than before. Imagine how quickly I could pick up spells once I start attending Hogwarts..."

The servant knocked again. "Young master?"

"Coming!" Harry called out, then turned to Chrysa. "We'll test this more later. For now, let's not keep the princess waiting."

They headed toward the dining room, and he couldn't help speculate even more. If he could learn systems this quickly, maybe he could quickly master how spirits hid themselves from his Soul Instinct once he got a hint of how to achieve it, and use those principles to gain manual control. And it would definitely help in learning that powerful firebending technique that had been stolen by thieves as described in his Hero's Journal…


Author's Note:

A new poll has been created to determine whether Azula will accidentally follow Harry back to the HP Universe when the Elder Blood acts up.

Vote on one of these websites (account is required):

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