Chapter 85 - Nightly Wanderer

ATLA Universe, Fire Nation Inner Sea

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: October 22nd, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988

Time until Hun and Po souls are deemed suitable by the laws of the Harry Potter Universe to learn structured HP magic: July 31st, 1991

Harry's Physical/Mental/Emotional Maturity: 13 years old


Harry stood at the window of his cabin aboard the royal yacht, watching moonlight flicker across dark waters. The steady hum of engines vibrated through the metal floor beneath his feet while waves lapped against the hull far below. His hands remained clasped behind his back as he gazed outward.

The ship had settled into its nighttime quiet. Only the night crew remained awake, moving softly through distant hallways where thick carpeting absorbed their footsteps. Chrysa dozed on the bed behind him, curled up peacefully.

Tomorrow they would reach the Great Gates of Azulon. The massive harbor defenses marked the entrance to the Fire Nation's capital, and beyond them waited Fire Lord Ozai himself. Harry's fingers tightened against each other as he considered what that meeting might bring.

The Sun Warriors had spoken at length about the Fire Nation's crimes. Their voices grew hard when describing the Air Nomad genocide, the brutal campaigns against the Earth Kingdom, the relentless attacks on the Water Tribes. Harry believed their accounts - they had no reason to lie. But he wondered if changes might have occurred in recent years, shifts in policy or attitude that isolated tribes might not have noticed.

His reflection stared back at him from the window glass. The same green eyes, the same messy black hair, but set in an older face than his real age would suggest. Sometimes Harry wondered what he was supposed to do when it was time for Hogwarts...

A cloud passed over the moon, dimming the silvery light across the waters. Harry unclenched his hands, rolling his shoulders to release the tension building there. The topic of the Fire Nation's warfare brought uncomfortable questions about justice and responsibility. Could children be held accountable for continuing their parents' wars?

Harry sighed, his breath briefly fogging the window. The glass felt cool against his forehead as he leaned forward, considering his unique position. Only two people in this entire world could create blue flames, himself and Azula. That had to mean something.

He stepped back from the window, running a hand through his hair. The offers had given him abilities beyond what most could imagine, but he hadn't just accepted them and moved on. Every week brought new practice, new refinements, new understanding. His firebending especially showed the results of that dedication – each type of flame burned exactly as he intended, and he kept discovering new ways of generating fire.

Harry glanced at Chrysa sleeping on the bed. The Nemean Lion's chest rose and fell steadily, her paws twitching occasionally as she dreamed. On his belt lay the Premier Ball he'd acquired last month. The white and red sphere reminded him how quickly things could change, how new possibilities kept appearing.

The thought of change brought Azula back to mind. She hadn't shown any real cruelty during their time together, just the sharp edges of someone raised to value strength above all else. Maybe she could see a different path for the Fire Nation, given time and the right influence. Harry wanted to help her understand that the current path of the Fire Nation was not right.

But the Air Nomads... Harry's jaw clenched as he remembered the Sun Warriors describing the genocide. An entire people wiped out because they might have posed a threat. The man who ordered that slaughter, Fire Lord Sozin, had died long ago. Yet his descendants continued his war of conquest, spreading destruction across the world.

Did they deserve punishment for carrying on their grandfather's crimes? Harry crossed his arms, considering. If they actively chose to maintain the war, to keep killing and conquering... then yes. Justice demanded appropriate consequences for those choices.

A distant creaking sound made Harry turn his head. The ship's wooden panels adjusted to the waves, creating occasional noises that echoed through the quiet night. He'd grown used to the sounds over the past days, but tonight each one drew his attention. Perhaps because tomorrow would bring them to the capital, to Fire Lord Ozai himself.

The upcoming meeting with Ozai concerned him. Everyone expected him to bow before the Fire Lord - a gesture Harry found reasonable enough. He remembered similar customs from Snowdragon Mountain, where showing respect to those in authority came naturally. Different cultures demanded different courtesies, and only fools ignored such basic wisdom.

Harry walked to the other side of the cabin, feet silent on the thick carpet. He'd heard enough about Ozai to know the man tolerated no disrespect to his position as ruler. The stories painted him as someone who demanded absolute loyalty from those beneath him.

A soft snore from Chrysa made Harry smile briefly. He needed to plan carefully. What if Ozai proved hostile? Harry had gained a new ability recently - the power to tear open temporary portals between this world and the Spirit World. He'd seen how Azula lost her bending there, which made it an excellent escape route if things went wrong.

The question was whether anyone would dare follow him through such a portal with their physical body. Harry doubted it. Who would risk stepping into an unknown place where they might lose their bending? The Fire Lord seemed to value control too much for such a gamble. But it didn't really matter, did it? If he transformed into an eagle in the Spirit World, which firebender could possibly catch him?

Harry pressed his palm against the cool metal wall. Speaking of that, he still didn't fully understand why both his body and souls had transferred to the Spirit World during Wei-Ku's attack. Could the strong connection between his Hun and Po souls have pulled them through together? He wasn't sure, but that was probably what happened.

One thing stood clear, however - he needed to scout ahead. Before meeting Ozai face-to-face, Harry wanted to gauge the Fire Lord's strength. Was he truly as powerful as everyone claimed? Could Harry resist if necessary, or would escape be his only option?

Harry walked over to the bed where Chrysa slept peacefully. He reached down and gently shook her shoulder. "Hey, wake up for a moment."

Chrysa made a small noise, somewhere between a purr and a yawn, blinking open her eyes to look at him. The moonlight reflected off her golden fur as she raised her head.

"I need to scout ahead for danger," Harry whispered, leaning close to her ear. "Can you stand guard here? It'll help me find my way back more easily."

The juvenile lion stared at him, clearly unhappy about letting him go alone. Harry felt her concern through their bond, but she must have sensed his determination because she nodded her furry head after a moment.

"Thank you," Harry said, giving her a quick embrace around the neck before walking to the window. As he pushed it open, a rush of cool night air swept into the room, bringing with it the briny scent of the ocean.

The dark ocean rolled beneath a starlit sky, its waves merging with the horizon. Harry drew in a long breath before letting the transformation take hold. His body shifted and shrank, bones and muscles rearranging themselves until a golden eagle perched on the windowsill.

Air currents swirled around his feathers as he extended his wings. One forceful downbeat sent him soaring into the night. He climbed through the cool air, watching the ship diminish to a speck on the black water below. Up here, he could scout for favorable winds that would guide him toward the capital.

The journey would take about an hour at his current estimates - much faster than the ship could manage. Harry angled his wings, catching an updraft that lifted him even higher.

The night air rushed past Harry as he soared through darkness. His eagle eyes picked out details far below - scattered fishing boats, small islands, and the occasional flash of phosphorescent waves breaking against rocky shores. The stars above guided him northeast, toward where the capital city waited.

After an hour of steady flight, Harry spotted the first signs of his destination. Two massive volcanoes rose against the night sky, and between them countless lights that marked the Fire Nation's capital. The city spread across the caldera floor like spilled embers, with the largest concentration of light at its center.

Harry banked lower, he focused on what must be the royal palace. The enormous structure dominated the heart of the city, rising above all other buildings. Walls surrounded the palace grounds, creating a clear boundary between the ruler's domain and the city beyond.

Guards carrying torches moved along the walls in regular intervals. The palace grounds were barren - nothing grew in the harsh, rocky earth. Beyond the walls, Harry noticed gardens and elegant houses that must belong to either the royal or noble families.

The palace rose in tiers, its red and gold walls climbing toward the sky. Moonlight glimmered on the glazed tiles of the central tower, which was topped by three layered eaves. The main entrance had a smaller wing on each side, and a large wing jutted out from the back.

Harry flew another loop around the grounds. He noticed the guards only watched the paths and doorways below - none bothered to scan the night sky for eagles. The Fire Nation seemed so sure of their security. Harry smiled, thinking how their overconfidence might help him get inside.

These people relied on walls, gates, and guards to protect them. But how could they stop someone who could step between worlds? Harry swooped down toward the outside of the largest wing. He needed to test his theory about using the Spirit World to bypass physical barriers.

Harry landed next to the palace wall, transforming back to human form. No guards patrolled this outside section right now, but he still pressed close to the wall, listening for footsteps. The stone felt cool against his back as he concentrated on creating Soul Resonance Mist.

Black mist formed around his hands, growing thicker as he focused his understanding of fear into it. He pushed the mist against the wall, willing it to thin the barrier between worlds. The darkness condensed, swirling faster until a shadowy portal opened before him.

Harry stepped through quickly, pulling the mist with him as the portal closed. The Spirit World version of the capital looked almost normal - as if someone had taken the city and removed all buildings, leaving only the natural landscape. No spirits moved nearby, which made Harry release a breath he hadn't realized he held.

He walked forward several steps, gathering the black mist again. Another portal formed, and Harry slipped through into a palace hallway. The corridor looked empty in both directions, lit by wall-mounted flames that cast long shadows across the floor.

Harry collected the remaining mist around himself like a cloak. The darkness would help hide him, especially in the not-so-bright hallway. He transformed back into an eagle and flew up toward the high ceiling, where shadows gathered between the heavy metal beams.

From this vantage point, Harry began exploring. He passed through many rooms - some filled with cushions and low tables, others clearly meant for training. One large chamber caught his attention with raised platforms surrounded by seating areas. The room seemed designed for duels or demonstrations.

But he hadn't found what he searched for yet. Harry continued deeper into the palace, his wings barely making a sound as he glided through the corridors.

Harry gripped the metal beam with his talons when he sensed fear approaching. Two guards walked beneath him, speaking in low voices about the night patrol schedule. He waited until they turned the corner before continuing his search.

More guard patrols passed as Harry went deeper into the palace. The increasing number of soldiers suggested he moved in the right direction - important people needed more protection. He flew through wider corridors, seeing richer decorations and more elaborate wall sconces.

A faint trace of fear caught his attention. The sensation came from behind one of the walls, but felt muted - someone sleeping. Harry counted six guards positioned around this section of the hallway. The security matched what he'd expect for the Fire Lord's chambers.

He perched on another beam and concentrated on creating a portal. The black mist gathered and swirled until the shadowy opening appeared. Harry slipped inside, careful not to disturb the mist as he closed the portal behind him.

In the Spirit World, he flew to where he figured the room would be. Another portal formed, and Harry entered what had to be the Fire Lord's bedroom. The chamber was very large and luxurious, filled with ornate furniture and rich tapestries. Moonlight shone through high windows, illuminating a large bed where a muscular man slept.

Harry studied the sleeping figure. The man matched the portraits he'd seen of Ozai on Ember Island - strong features, long dark hair spread across the pillow. Harry's Soul Instinct activated without his control, assessing the Fire Lord's strength relative to his own.

What he sensed made him frown. Ozai possessed considerable power - the stories of him being the strongest firebender alive seemed accurate. But Harry felt he could likely hold his own in a fight, and probably even win. The Fire Lord wasn't overwhelmingly powerful enough to make Harry avoid confrontation entirely.

Harry perched on a high windowsill, observing the sleeping Fire Lord. He could end everything right now - one precise strike while Ozai slept. But that would solve nothing. The Fire Nation would continue its war under new leadership, perhaps becoming even more aggressive to prove strength after losing their ruler. Azula would be sad too…

The stories from Ember Island painted Ozai as the most powerful firebender alive, surpassing even his brother Iroh. During his years as Prince, Ozai had fought in many battles, earning his reputation through combat experience and raw power. But there was an important fact there - Ozai relied purely on firebending.

That gave Harry options. If things went wrong, he could fill the area with mist that weakened rage. He'd seen how anger-fueled firebending could become unstable when he practiced with Azula. The Fire Nation's approach to bending had clear weaknesses.

Harry needed to learn more advanced firebending techniques soon. Jet Propulsion especially would give him a huge advantage in mobility. He just needed time alone or access to detailed instructions. The technique seemed straightforward enough - use fire to propel yourself through the air. The execution must require precise control, but Harry felt confident he could master it quickly. The recent offer would only accelerate his progress even more…

Harry had seen enough. He knew now that meeting Ozai wouldn't be suicide - he could defend himself if necessary. More importantly, he had multiple escape routes if things turned hostile.

Harry created another portal and slipped back into the Spirit World. He had what he came for - confirmation that while Ozai was indeed powerful, he wasn't unbeatable. The Fire Lord might be the strongest firebender alive, but Harry had abilities far beyond just bending fire.

Harry left the Royal Palace and began his journey home. An hour passed before he glided through his window, where Chrysa waited on the bed. He changed back to his human form, and she welcomed him with a soft purr.

"Everything's fine," Harry whispered, scratching behind her ears. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow will be interesting."

The rest of the night passed quietly. Harry dozed off eventually, waking to bright sunlight shining through the cabin windows. A knock at his door announced breakfast would be served soon, and Harry quickly prepared for the day ahead.

Now he stood at the ship's bow beside Azula and Mai, watching the massive harbor defenses come into view. The Great Gates of Azulon stood guard between towering cliffs. Metal nets hung suspended just beneath the water, while enormous dragon statues were ready to spew endless streams of fire. Any enemy ship that approached would face swift destruction if they weren't careful.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Azula smirked at Harry's expression. "The gates have never been breached."

Mai sighed. "Because no one's stupid enough to try."

The royal yacht passed through. Beyond the gates, Harry could see the capital city rising between two volcanoes. The view from sea level was different from his eagle's-eye perspective last night, but no less striking.

"We'll need to make a stop before the palace," Azula announced, eyeing Harry's clothes with mild disapproval. "Your current outfit is… exotic, but meeting Father requires proper attire."

Harry glanced down at his clothes. The light fabric had worked fine so far, but he understood the need for something more formal. "How long will that take?"

"Not long." Azula turned away from the gates. "The tailors know better than to waste my time."