Chapter 80 - Street Bender

Author's Note:

Since it may not be entirely clear to some readers, I'll explain something about Harry's age.

Harry was born eight years ago, so you'd think he was 8 years old, right? That wouldn't be entirely accurate.

Harry's numerous perks have matured his body to the point where he is now equivalent to a 13-year-old. He has also already started puberty.

His emotional/mental age has reached the level of someone between 13 to 17 years old, depending on the situation. Harry received multiple years' worth of memories (even if most are vague) from the Healthy Eating perk, which caused an alternate self to grow up in the cruel cultivation world of Desolate Era. Besides that, his life experience and mental/soul perks also contributed to this maturity.

So you can treat Harry as a very mature 13-year-old. He is not really 8 years old.


ATLA Universe, Ember Island

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: October 18th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988


Harry tapped the Premier Ball at his belt. "What do you think about all this shopping, Chrysa?" The ball warmed slightly under his fingers, and he smiled. "Yeah, I'm not impressed either."

The morning market took up several town squares that connected near the beach of Ember Island. Shopkeepers announced their prices from behind their stalls as servants moved through the crowd, carrying items for wealthy customers. Fresh bread and grilled fish filled the air with appetizing smells, along with wisps of smoke from nearby cooking fires and insect-repelling incense.

"Make way for Princess Azula!" A guard's shout sent people scrambling to clear a path.

The merchants showed various reactions as Harry's group moved through the area. Several eager sellers stepped forward to display their best items. The more cautious ones retreated into their stalls, avoiding attention. Between these extremes were those who simply followed proper etiquette with formal bows.

"The groveling gets worse every year," Mai muttered from just behind Harry. "Last year that fruit seller only bowed twice. Now look at him."

The merchant in question had dropped to his knees, pressing his forehead against the dusty ground while presenting a basket of perfect fire plums above his head.

Azula's lips curved upward as she passed without acknowledging the display. "He learned his lesson about selling dirty fruit to the royal family."

Harry caught Mai rolling her eyes at Azula's comment. He glanced at the still-prostrating merchant and raised an eyebrow. "What exactly happened with the fruit?"

"Nothing worth mentioning," Azula kept walking, but her smile widened. "He simply needed to understand proper quality standards."

A commotion ahead drew their attention. Shouts and bursts of flame came from an open plaza overlooking the beach.

"The arcade," Mai whispered, sounding relieved. "Finally something less boring than watching merchants grovel."

Harry followed Mai and Azula toward the noise. The plaza opened up to reveal several wooden stations arranged in a half-circle. Each station held a miniature arena where small figurines moved and fought while children crowded around, cheering and shouting commands.

"What exactly am I looking at?" Harry moved closer to look. Two metal control rods stuck out from the wooden frame on both sides, connecting to figurines below.

"Street Bender," Azula explained as she walked up to an empty station. "You pick a warrior, put in a silver piece, and fight."

Harry nodded and tilted his head to examine the figurines displayed in small niches along the side of the machine. Each one stood about the size of his palm, carved from wood and painted in vivid detail. A stern-faced man with impressive sideburns wore what he could guess was military armor. Next to him stood a figure with flowing robes and white hair - Avatar Roku, according to the small nameplate. Several other warriors followed, including what looked like...

"Is that you?" Harry pointed at a figurine wearing ornate red-and-black armor. The tiny Azula held a fighting stance, blue flames painted around her hands.

"Of course." Azula picked up her miniature counterpart. "They added me last month after I demonstrated blue fire at court." She placed the figure on one side of the arena. "Choose your warrior."

Harry studied the remaining options. A muscular man labeled 'The Boulder' flexed next to a serene Air Nomad monk. General Iroh looked… pretty fat for a general. "How about this one?" He selected a figure of Admiral Jeong Jeong, impressed by the detailed flame patterns on the wooden uniform.

"Interesting choice." Mai moved to stand in the shade of a nearby parasol. "Most people avoid picking deserters."

Teenagers gathered around their station as Azula inserted a silver piece into the slot. A boy with carefully styled hair pushed through the crowd.

"Princess Azula! I didn't know you were visiting the arcade today." He flipped his hair. "I'm Ruon-Jian. Maybe we could play a match after you finish with..." His eyes narrowed at Harry. "Who exactly are you? I don't recognize those features from any noble family."

Harry placed his figurine on the platform. "Harry. Now, how do these controls work?"

Azula smirked. "The rods move your warrior. Buttons make them attack. And if you heat the metal with firebending..." She gripped her controls. Blue flames raced down the rods, making her miniature self glow. "Special moves become available."

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Ruon-Jian stepped closer. "Where are you from? Those aren't proper Fire Nation eyes."

Harry turned to face Ruon-Jian. Several other teenagers had stopped playing to watch the confrontation unfold. The sea breeze carried whispers about Harry's green eyes and unfamiliar features.

"I'd rather play the game." Harry sighed, not really wanting to discipline everyone... "Unless you plan to apologize for that tone?"

Ruon-Jian ran fingers through his hair and scoffed. "Apologize? To some half-breed who probably has Earth Kingdom peasant blood?" He glanced at the crowd, clearly playing to his audience. "Does the princess know you're letting colonial trash-"

He didn't finish. Harry's firebending-enhanced strikes caught him in the legs, enough to push force past his clothes, and he finished it off with a gentle strike against the throat. Ruon-Jian's mouth hung open with his hand still in his styled hair, unable to speak or move.

"Ten minutes." Harry turned back to the game controls. "That should be enough time for you to think about manners."

A girl in expensive red silk gasped. "What did you do to him?"

"Pressure points." Harry gripped the metal rods. "He'll be fine once the paralysis wears off."

Azula watched the exchange with a massive smirk on her face. "Shall we start our game? Or would anyone else like to question my choice of company?"

The gathered teenagers suddenly found other stations very interesting. Several moved away while trying to appear casual about it. Ruon-Jian was frozen on the spot, only capable of waving his hands wildly in the air. Mai remained nearby, leaning against a wooden post with the ghost of a smile on her face.

"Now," Harry shook the control rods. "You mentioned something about heating these?"

"Watch carefully." Azula's hands tightened on her controls. Blue flames raced down the metal, making the miniature princess glow with inner fire. The tiny figure spun through a perfect kata, launching azure flames across the arena. "Your turn."

Harry channeled heat through his palms. The metal grew warm under his fingers as azure flames surrounded Admiral Jeong Jeong's wooden body. Three crystal lights above each figure showed full brightness.

"First to lose all three life bars loses." Azula's eyes gleamed. "Ready?"

Several people that were still observing from afar let out surprised gasps as Harry's flames burned a deeper blue than Azula's.

"He can make blue fire too?" A boy in expensive silk robes grabbed his friend's arm. "I thought only the princess could do that!"

Harry ignored the whispers, focusing on how the controls moved the miniature admiral. The left rod shifted the figure's position while the right controlled attacks. Simple enough. His Inner Eye sparked to life, showing him exactly how Azula would move in the next two seconds.

"Begin!" Azula pushed her controls forward. The tiny princess rushed across the arena, blue flames trailing behind her wooden form.

Harry saw the incoming sweep kick before Azula's fingers tightened on the trigger. He pulled back just as the attack passed through empty air. The admiral's figure spun away, azure flames crackling around his carved uniform.

 "No way!" A girl near Mai shouted. "Nobody dodges the princess's opening move!"

Azula's eyes narrowed. She commanded her figure through multiple precise strikes, each one missing as Harry's admiral seemed to predict the attacks. The wooden figures moved faster as both players fed more heat into the control rods.

"How are you doing that!" Azula's fingers flew across the controls. Her miniature self launched into an advanced kata that filled the arena with blue fire.

Harry smiled as his Inner Eye showed him the perfect counter. "You telegraph your moves." The admiral moved between flames and struck back, catching the princess figure with a blast of azure fire. One of Azula's crystal lights dimmed.

"He scored first!" The silk-robed boy tugged harder on his friend's sleeve. "Did you see those flames? They're even bluer than-"

"Shut up, Piaqou!" Azula snapped without looking away from the game. She gripped the controls tighter, making the metal glow red-hot beneath her hands.

Harry watched Azula's miniature figure rush forward with an overhead strike. "You know..." He smirked and shifted the admiral sideways, avoiding the attack completely. "For someone who played this game before, you're not very good at it…"

"Shut up!" Azula's controls sparked with intense heat. The tiny princess spun through multiple attacks, each one missing as Harry's admiral dodged between them.

"And now you're getting sloppy." Harry grinned. The admiral's figure struck out, catching Azula's princess mid-spin. A second crystal light dimmed above her side of the arena.

Mai pushed off from her post. "I've never seen anyone read moves this well."

"Read moves?" Harry channeled more heat into the controls. "I just have a good Eye for it." The admiral's wooden form began glowing with azure flames. "Speaking of which... watch this."

Harry pulled both control rods back while feeding constant heat through the metal. Admiral Jeong Jeong's figure moved into a low stance as flames gathered around him. The special attack activated, sending a massive wall of blue fire across the entire arena.

"No!" Azula tried to dodge, but the flames caught her figure from all sides. The final crystal light flickered and went dark.

Their part of the arcade grew quiet. A few more teenagers paused their games to look at them. Mai's eyebrows lifted slightly - a rare show of surprise from her from what he had learned so far. Harry noticed their reactions and understood why they were stunned.

"That was fun." Harry released the controls. "Want another round? I'll let you get at least one hit in this time."

Azula's face turned an interesting shade of red. "You..." Blue flames crackled around her hands as she grabbed fresh controls. "Again! And this time I'm using my special attack first!"

"Of course, princess." Harry gave an exaggerated bow while he watched Azula insert another silver piece with shaking hands. "Whatever makes you happy."

A few people backed away as Azula's flames grew more intense. Ruon-Jian remained frozen in place, forced to watch as Harry continued smirking at the increasingly furious princess.

Harry couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed himself this much. The game was fun, but watching Azula's reactions made it even better. He placed Admiral Jeong Jeong back on the platform while humming a cheerful tune.

"Ready when you are, princess." Harry wiggled his fingers above the controls. "Unless you need more time to prepare?"

Azula's nostrils flared. Blue flames surged down the metal rods before the match even started. The tiny princess figure blazed with such intense heat that the wood began to smoke slightly.

"Begin!" Azula yanked both controls backward. Her figure leaped into the air, surrounded by a sphere of blue fire. "Let's see you dodge THIS!"

Harry's Inner Eye showed him exactly what would happen. He could have moved... but watching Azula's face turn even redder seemed more entertaining. The special attack slammed into Admiral Jeong Jeong, extinguishing one of Harry's crystal lights.

"Ha!" Azula's triumphant smile lasted exactly two seconds.

"Not bad." Harry channeled more heat through the controls. "My turn." The admiral's figure spun through three counters, each strike finding Azula's princess before she could recover from her special attack. All three of her crystal lights went dark at once.

Mai actually laughed. The sound made several teenagers jump in surprise.

"That's..." Azula stared at the darkened crystals. "That's impossible! Nobody can chain attacks that fast!"

"Really?" Harry released the controls and yawned. "Maybe you should practice more? I hear the local children might give you better competition."

The gathered crowd collectively held their breath. Even Mai's eyes widened at Harry's casual mockery. Azula's hands clenched into fists as blue flames crackled between her fingers.

"Another round." She slammed a silver piece into the slot. "Now!"

"Actually..." Harry picked up General Iroh's rotund figure from the display. "Let's make this interesting. This… Dragon of the West seems more appropriate."

"My uncle?" Azula scoffed, but Harry noticed how she gripped the controls tighter. "He's gotten soft since retiring."

A boy with expensive golden arm bands stepped forward. "Princess Azula is right. General Iroh spends more time drinking tea than training now." He smirked at Harry. "Not that a foreigner would understand Fire Nation military matters."

"And you are?" Harry placed Iroh on the platform, noting the detailed tea cup carved into the figure's left hand.

"Lee." The boy puffed up his chest. "My father serves as admiral in the Eastern Fleet."

"How interesting." Harry channeled heat through the controls. "Now be quiet, the adults are playing."

Lee's face reddened. "How dare you-"

"Shut up!" Azula snapped at him. "Unless you want to explain to your father why you interrupted my game?"

The match began with Azula's princess rushing forward again. Harry guided Iroh's figure through defensive movements, making the retired general appear to redirect each attack. The crowd grew as more teenagers gathered to watch.

"My father says the colonies need stricter control," Lee announced loudly. "Especially over foreigners who don't know their place."

Harry's smirk grew wider as Azula's figurine began her own special flaming arc attack. Iroh's wooden body dropped into a low stance and breathed out a massive cone of azure flames. One of Azula's crystal lights went dark.

Azula's eyes were nearly bloodshot with rage as she turned to face Lee. "Speaking of not knowing your place... Who asked to hear what your father thinks?"

Lee stepped back. "I just meant-"

"You meant to curry favor by mocking my opponent." Azula advanced on him. "As if I need help from someone like you."

Lee stumbled backward from Azula. "No, princess, I only meant to defend your honor against this... this foreign trash!"

Harry raised one hand, three fingers extended toward Lee. The gesture caught Lee's attention mid-rant.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lee glared at Harry. "You think you can mock me? My father commands an entire naval division of the Eastern Fleet!"

One finger lowered. Azula's eyes darted between them, a calculating look replacing her previous rage.

"Look at him!" Lee turned to the crowd. "Green eyes like a forest peasant. Probably some Earth Kingdom whore's bastard trying to play at being Fire Nation nobility."

The second finger lowered. Harry's smile never left his face.

"You dare stand there looking smug?" Lee's face turned purple. "You're not worthy to breathe the same air as Princess Azula! Go back to whatever whore spawned-"

The final finger lowered. Harry's expression shifted from amused to utterly cold.

Lee launched a weak fireball at Harry's chest. The flames sputtered and wavered, barely maintaining shape as they crossed the distance between them. Harry bended the attack away with one hand while the other pressed against Lee's forehead.

None of the watchers noticed the dense black mist hidden within the hand. Harry poured half of his internal magic pool into the Soul Resonance Mist, condensing every fear and terror he could muster into an impossibly dense cloud. The mist seeped through this weak Lee's skin, straight into his mind.

Lee's eyes rolled back as the mist seeped into his mind. His mouth opened in a silent scream before he collapsed to his knees, batting at things only he could see.

"MOMMY!" Lee collapsed, clawing at his arms. "GET THEM OFF! THE SPIDERS! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" His hands clawed at empty air while he tried to brush away phantom terrors.

Lee screamed again as phantom centipedes burst from beneath his fingernails. He rolled across the ground, tears streaming down his face while unseen horrors crawled through his mind. "PLEASE! THE FACES! THEY'RE WATCHING ME!"

Harry stepped back and brushed off his hands. "That should do it." He glanced at the terrified crowd. "Anyone else want to comment about my parents?"

The gathered teenagers scrambled backward. Several bumped into each other in their haste to create distance. Even Ruon-Jian, who had regained a little bit of mobility by now, managed to shuffle a few inches away.

"What did you do to him?" Azula moved closer to examine Lee, who now sobbed while batting at invisible moths around his head. Her voice held equal measures of surprise and fascination.

"Made him face justice." Harry shrugged and walked back to the game station. "Shall we finish our match? I believe it was your turn."

"The shadows!" Lee curled into a ball, shaking. "They have teeth! MOTHER HELP ME!"

Mai edged away from Lee's thrashing form. "That's... new."

Harry gripped the game controls while Lee continued screaming about phantom horrors behind him. "So, princess... ready to finish our match?"

Azula stared at Lee for several more seconds before turning back to the game. A new sparkle appeared in her eyes as she watched Harry. "That technique... you'll have to teach me."

"Maybe." Harry channeled heat through the controls. General Iroh's figure glowed with azure flames. "If you manage to score a hit this round."

The remaining teenagers huddled near the other game stations, whispering among themselves while casting fearful glances at Harry. Lee's screams had devolved into whimpers about shadow-creatures eating through his bones.

Azula's lips curved into a predatory smile as she commanded her miniature self through attacks. "I must admit, your method of dealing with insults is... impressive."

"Justice should be memorable." Harry guided Iroh between the strikes. "Otherwise people might repeat their mistakes."

Mai watched Lee rock back and forth while muttering incoherently. "How long will this last?"

"As long as is needed." Harry triggered Iroh's special attack, breathing azure flames across the arena. "Just long enough to make the lesson stick."

"PLEASE! I'LL BE GOOD!" Lee sobbed.

"See?" Harry smiled as another of Azula's crystal lights went dark. "He's learning already."

Azula barely noticed as Harry's Iroh figure landed another hit, extinguishing her final crystal light. She kept staring at him with an intensity that would have made most people uncomfortable. Harry maintained his cheerful smile while Lee continued sobbing about spiders behind them.

"That power..." Azula released the controls. "You must teach me how you do that."

"No." Harry stretched his arms above his head. "Some things cannot be taught."


"Let it go." Harry's voice remained light.

"I am the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation." Azula stepped closer. "I command you to-"

Harry turned to face her, staring into her golden eyes. "Let. It. Go."

Mai backed away, hands trembling slightly beneath her sleeves. The gathered teenagers held their breath as Azula processed Harry's words. For a moment, the princess looked ready to argue further.

Then she noticed Harry's smile had disappeared completely.

Azula's throat bobbed as she swallowed. "Well..." She waved her hand dismissively. "There are more interesting games to try anyway." She grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him away from the Street Bender station. "Have you seen the fire-juggling competition? Much more entertaining than listening to that wimp."

"THE CENTIPEDES ARE EATING MY SOUL!" Lee's scream followed them as Azula dragged Harry deeper into the arcade.

Mai's typically empty expression cracked as genuine fear crept across her face. She shifted her gaze between Lee, who was slowly calming down, and Harry's figure disappearing into the distance.

"What kind of guy did Azula just befriend?" The whispered words escaped her lips.