Chapter 81 - Accidental Slip

ATLA Universe, Ember Island

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: October 19th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988

Time until Hun and Po souls are deemed suitable by the laws of the Harry Potter Universe to learn structured HP magic: July 31st, 1991

Harry's Age: 13 years old


"What is that creature?" Azula demanded as Harry deliberately pressed the button on the white-and-red sphere. Red light flashed as Chrysa appeared on the beach, stretching her golden-furred body and shaking off her drowsiness in the Premier Ball.

Harry ran his fingers through the golden fur. "This is Chrysa, my familiar."

"That's not what I asked." Azula's eyes narrowed at the sphere in Harry's hand. "What kind of device-"

"Some mysteries should stay mysteries." Harry shrunk the sphere and put it against his belt, smiling at Azula's frustrated expression.

"Fine. Then what kind of animal is it?" Azula stepped closer, studying Chrysa's features. "Those aren't platypus-bear features, and she's too small to be a..."

"She's exactly what she appears to be." Harry interrupted her. "A lion."

"There's no such-" Azula caught herself mid-sentence, forcing her face back to neutral. A slight twitch in her left eye betrayed her annoyance. "Ready for the spar?"

"Same rules as we discussed? No lethal moves, no paralyzing strikes, no permanent damage."

"And flames at low strength." Azula's hands clenched. "I don't want to explain to Father why I burned down Ember Island."

"Agreed." Harry glanced at Chrysa. "Watch from over there, girl. This might get intense."

The cub padded toward a nearby rock formation where Mai already sat beneath a red parasol. Chrysa settled into the black sand, golden eyes fixed on Harry.

Harry spread his feet apart, settling into a basic stance. The black sand shifted beneath his boots as he watched Azula mirror his position.

"Ready when you are," Harry called out.

Azula's lips curved upward. "You remember what I said about going easy on me?"


"Exactly." Blue flames burst to life around her hands, crackling with barely contained energy. She launched forward, fire roaring from both fists in a devastating wave.

Harry sidestepped the attack, feeling the heat brush past his face. He dropped low, sending azure flames racing across the black sand toward her feet.

Azula leapt over his attack, twisting mid-air to bring both arms down. The beach lit up as blue flames crashed where Harry had been standing moments before. He rolled away from the heat, coming up with a quick palm strike that sent concentrated flames toward her stomach.

"You'll have to do better than that." Azula's arms moved in a circular sweep, dispersing his attack. A confident smirk spread across her face as she planted her stance and began spinning her hands in front of her body. The air crackled as blue flames condensed between her palms, forming a bright disc that grew larger with each rotation.

The sheer heat radiating from the disc made Harry's eyes go wide. Something about it felt different - more concentrated, more lethal.

"Is this an advanced firebending technique?" he asked.

The disc shrieked through the air like a thrown blade. Harry threw himself down, and sand exploded around him as searing heat passed overhead. The acrid smell of singed hair filled his nostrils.

"I learned it from the Royal Fire Academy," Azula announced. Another disc began taking shape between her hands. "I was one of the few who mastered it."

"Impressive," Harry said, launching himself backward as a second disc sliced through the spot he'd just occupied. "But doesn't all that spinning make you dizzy?"

A muscle twitched near Azula's eye. She brought both hands up sharply, pulling blue flames into a wall between them. The fire roared as she thrust her palms forward, sending the entire barrier rushing toward Harry.

He leapt sideways, using a nearby rock to launch himself higher. The air filled with the snap and hiss of flames as he spun, releasing three quick bursts of azure fire from his feet.

Azula cartwheeled between the flames. She came up with two fingers extended on each hand, sending thin streams of blue fire that cut through the air. Harry ducked under the first blast but caught the second along his sleeve, the fabric smoldering at the edges.

"First blood." Azula pressed forward, each landing from her flips releasing another burst of focused flames. The air filled with the sharp crack of superheated air as her attacks forced Harry to give ground.

Harry deflected the streams of fire with quick circular motions, azure flames trailing from his fingertips. Heat shimmered around them as their flames clashed.

"You're still holding back…" Azula narrowed her eyes at him. She swept both legs in a wide arc, creating an expanding ring of blue flames that raced outward across the sand.

Harry jumped over the ring, tucking into a tight roll. He came up inside her guard, forcing her to block his punch rather than bend. "So are you."

"Fine." Azula grabbed his extended arm, muscles tensing as she prepared to throw him. "Let's fix that."

Harry moved with her grip but planted his foot, halting his rotation. The sudden change pulled Azula off-balance, but she adapted instantly by transitioning into a one-handed cartwheel. Blue flames erupted from her feet as she spun away.

"Nice recovery." Harry grinned, seeing that her breathing had quickened. "But you missed something important."

"Did I?" Azula regained her stance near the water's edge. Small waves lapped at her heels as she raised her hands into a defensive position.

"Yes..." Harry sprinted forward, azure flames crackling around his fists. "You should have noticed the steam." He struck downward, sending fire into the shallow water around her feet.

Steam exploded upward as fire met water, obscuring Azula's vision. Harry closed the distance in that moment, striking with precise jabs along her arms. Each movement flowed naturally into the next, his strikes barely missing as Azula twisted away.

She spun inside his reach, blue flames trailing from her fingertips like deadly ribbons.

Harry saw the attack coming with his Inner Eye. He could have avoided it completely, but where would be the fun in that? Instead, he leaned just enough that the flames singed his shirt. "Nice try, but..." He dropped low, sweeping her legs out from under her. "You left yourself open."

Azula caught herself with one hand, pushing off into a back handspring. More blue flames burst from her feet during the flip, forcing Harry to roll sideways. "You're enjoying this too much."

"Says the girl who keeps smiling." Harry came up beside her, catching her fist before it could connect with his face. "Want to try without bending? Since the fire isn't working?"

"Scared of my flames?" Azula yanked her hand back, frustration clear in her voice. She launched a spinning kick at his head.

Harry caught her leg mid-spin, barely moving from the impact. "More like giving you a chance." He pushed upward, forcing her into another flip. "Since you can't break through my defense anyway."

"Stop-" Azula landed and immediately struck with a flurry of punches. Each impact against Harry's blocks felt like hitting stone. "-holding-" She grit her teeth as he deflected another strike. "-back!"

"Make me." Harry's hands blocked her attacks while barely shifting position. His fingers curled like mantis claws, tapping pressure points in her arms - not enough to disable, just enough to remind her he could.

Azula jumped back, shaking out her tingling arms. Sweat ran down her face as she studied him, looking for any opening. "You're stronger than you look." She circled him slowly, feet shifting across the black sand. "Much stronger."

"Good observation." Harry matched her movements, keeping the distance steady between them. His casual stance only seemed to irritate her more. "Want to guess how much I'm holding back?"

"Enough to make me want to break that smug face." Azula feinted left before driving her knee toward his stomach.

Harry caught her knee with one hand while the other moved to block her follow-up strike. "Now that's not very princess-like."

"Neither is this!" Azula pushed off his grip, using the momentum to bring her other leg up in a kick aimed at his chin.

Harry leaned back just enough for her foot to brush past. "Not bad at all." He grabbed her ankle before she could complete the rotation, holding her in place.

"Let go!" Azula pulled against his grip, but Harry's hand might as well have been forged from iron. Frustration colored her cheeks red as she realized she couldn't break free.

"Sure." Harry released her leg and stepped back, unable to hide his amusement. "Ready to admit you're not the only one holding back?"

Azula's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Fine." She extended two fingers on each hand, blue flames igniting at the tips with a sharp crack. "Let's see how you handle this."

The fire between her fingers grew brighter, more concentrated. Harry recognized that stance - she was done playing around.

"Now we're talking." Harry raised his hands, azure flames crackling to life around them. "Want to see something interesting?"

"What-" Azula's eyes widened as Harry's flames condensed without him moving. The fire responded to his will alone, forming tight spheres around his fists that pulsed with inner light.

"How are you doing that?" She struck forward with both hands, sending a stream of blue fire at his chest.

Harry sidestepped, letting her flames pass. Without a single movement, azure fire shot from his fist, forcing Azula to dive sideways. The sand beneath her feet turned black from the heat.

"That's impossible!" She rolled to her feet, flames still burning at her fingertips. Her usual confidence cracked slightly. "Firebending requires proper form and movement!"

"Does it?" Harry grinned and flicked his finger. A small stream of azure flames curved through the air between them, moving like a living thing. "Maybe you should question what you've been taught."

Mai's bored voice carried from the rocks. "Show-off."

"I demand you explain this!" Azula launched herself forward, both hands trailing blue fire. She spun mid-air, creating a spiral of flames that lit up the beach around them.

Harry raised his head, and a wall of azure flames split Azula's spiral attack down the middle. "Natural talent." The flames dispersed with a casual wave of his hand. "Nothing more to explain."

"Liar!" Azula landed and immediately pushed both hands forward. A concentrated stream of blue fire erupted from her fingertips, the heat intense enough to make the air shimmer. "No one can bend like that!"

Harry's flames shot up without him moving, forming a shield that absorbed her attack completely. "Maybe you're just jealous?" He smirked as color flooded her face. "The princess can't handle someone being better?"

"Better?" Azula's voice rose sharply. She swept her leg in an arc, blue flames lashing down along the ground toward him. "I'll show you better!"

Harry jumped over the flames, letting his own solidified fire propel him higher. He hung in the air for a moment, supported by streams of azure flame from his feet. "Coming up?"

"Stop showing off!" Azula flipped backward onto a rock outcropping, chest heaving with each breath. Sweat ran down her face as she glared up at him, her perfect hair now disheveled from the fight. "Fight properly!"

"Make me." Harry dropped back to the sand, the impact sending black grains flying everywhere. "Unless you're too tired?"

A growl escaped Azula's throat. Blue flames gathered between her palms, crackling with barely contained energy. "I'll wipe that smug look off your face!"

From the rocks, Chrysa let out a rumbling sound that might have been a laugh.

"Even your pet mocks me?" Azula's eyes blazed with new intensity. She crouched low, flames building around her hands and feet until the air shimmered with heat. "Let's see you laugh at this!"

Blue fire exploded from her feet as she launched forward like a meteor. The air crackled around her as she rocketed toward Harry, leaving a trail of superheated wind in her wake.

Harry had already moved two seconds before she began, his Inner Eye showing him exactly where to step. His hand shot out, catching her arm mid-charge. The momentum spun them both, but Harry's feet remained firmly planted in the black sand.

"That's an amazing technique." He twisted, using her own speed against her. "But you are still too predictable..."

Azula slammed into the ground, black sand spraying everywhere. Harry pinned her arms behind her back, keeping her face pressed into the beach. "Ready to yield?"

"Never!" She thrashed against his grip, but Harry's strength felt immovable.

Two seconds passed. Harry released her left arm and leaned back, watching as blue flames shot from her fingers where his head had been. "Really?" He grabbed her arm again, pressing her harder into the black sand. "Trying to burn my face off?"

"Get off me!" Azula screamed in frustration as she fought against his hold. The perfect princess image shattered completely as she spat out a mouthful of sand.

"Not until you yield." Harry increased the pressure slightly. "Unless you want to keep struggling? I can do this all day."

Mai sipped her tea, hiding a small smirk. "Just give up, Azula. He's clearly stronger."

"Shut up, Mai!" Azula twisted her head to glare at her friend, then froze as Harry chuckled above her.

"You know..." Harry leaned closer, maintaining his firm grip. "For a princess, you look pretty undignified right now. Face full of sand, hair all messy..."

"I will burn everything you love." Azula spat out another mouthful of black sand.

"No, you won't." Harry grinned. "Because we both know you can't break free. So how about that yield?"

"Never!" She tried to headbutt him, but Harry simply shifted his weight to avoid it.

"Your choice." Harry raised his free hand. "Let me show you exactly why you can't win." Azure flames flowed into the air above them, moving with impossible control as they began taking shape.

Azula's struggles ceased as she watched from the corner of her eyes. Miniature versions of themselves appeared in the flames, every detail perfect - from her spinning fire discs to Harry's casual dodges. The azure figures moved through their entire spar in perfect recreation, down to the smallest gesture.

"That's..." Azula's voice came out barely above a whisper. "That level of bending isn't possible."

The flame-painting continued, showing their current position with Harry pinning Azula to the ground. The mini-Azula in the flames even had grains of sand in her hair, the level of detail making it impossible to deny the gap between their abilities.

"I..." Azula went limp beneath him. "I yield."

"What was that?" Harry made the flame-figures bow to each other, his control so perfect that even their expressions were visible in the fire.

"I yield!" Azula stared transfixed at the fire-art above them. "Now tell me how you're doing that!"

Harry released her and stood up, the flame-figures dissipating into wisps of azure fire. "Pure talent." He offered her a hand. "Nothing more to it."

Azula ignored his hand and jumped to her feet, brushing black sand from her clothes. "That's not an answer! No one can bend fire like that!" She gestured at the space where the figures had been. "You didn't even move!"

"Maybe you're just not talented enough?" Harry smirked as her face reddened again. "I mean, you did just yield to me..."

"Because you cheated!" Azula jabbed a finger at his chest. "Firebending requires proper form and movement! You're breaking fundamental rules of-"

"Boring." Harry turned and walked toward the rocks where Mai and Chrysa watched. "Come on, girl. Time for breakfast."

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" Azula stomped after him, her royal dignity forgotten. "I demand-"

"You demand a lot of things." Harry scratched behind Chrysa's ears as the cub padded up to him. "Doesn't mean you'll get answers."

Mai stood up, rolling her eyes as she put away the parasol. "He's just trying to annoy you, Azula."

"And it's working perfectly." Harry grinned at Azula's frustrated expression. "You're cute when you're angry."

The words hung in the air between them as his brain caught up with what his mouth had just said. Even Chrysa stopped mid-step, looking up at him.

Azula's mouth fell slightly open as she stared at him. Harry watched the anger fade from her features, giving way to an expression he'd never witnessed before.

Mai's parasol slipped from her fingers, hitting the black sand with a soft thud.

"I..." Harry cleared his throat. "That came out wrong."

"What." Azula's voice came out flat.

"I meant..." Harry took a step back. "You know what? We should get breakfast. Lots of hungry people here. Right, Chrysa?"

The cub nodded her head anxiously.

"You..." Color rushed back into Azula's face. "You just..."

"Time to go!" Harry turned toward the path leading back to town. "Mai, you coming? Great breakfast place around the corner. My treat!"

"Harry." Azula's voice had dropped to a dangerous whisper.

"Look at the time!" Harry started walking faster. "We'll be late for... something."

Harry stumbled mid-step as his eyes darkened.

[Loyal Steed – Records of Ragnarok Gauntlet (Humans)] – Costs 200CP, 300CP available to spend.

This animal, by default a horse, is a companion unlike any other. You two will be so close it will be as if it were part of you. In fact, if you can't walk on your own feet, this steed may support you in the fight. Your companion is capable of moving at three times your maximum speed in any given situation and is unyieldingly loyal to you. It will follow you even into the afterlife and death, and possesses durability three times greater than your own. You may import an animal you already have into this role.

His eyes widened as he read through the details, focusing on the part about importing an existing animal.

He glanced at Chrysa, who tilted her head at his sudden stop. This could be exactly what he needed to ensure she stayed safe and could keep up with him in the future. Three times his durability... three times his speed...

Behind him, Azula and Mai whispered furiously to each other.

"Did you see his face when-"

"Shut up, Mai! He might hear-"

Harry spun around. "I need to discuss something with Chrysa!" He pointed at a cluster of rocks further down the beach. "Won't take long!"

"You can't just-" Azula started.

"Back in a minute!" Harry jogged toward the rocks, Chrysa running after him.

Once hidden from view, Harry crouched next to his companion. "Listen, girl. I just got an interesting offer." He explained the details, watching her golden eyes grow wider. "It means you'll always be able to keep up with me. More than keep up, actually."

Chrysa's tail swished back and forth in the black sand.

"But it's your choice." Harry scratched under her chin. "Do you want this power? To always stay by my side, no matter what?"

Chrysa didn't hesitate. She bumped her head against his chest and nodded firmly.

"You're sure?" Harry grinned as she headbutted him again. "Alright then..."

Harry accepted the offer. Warmth spread through his chest as the connection between him and Chrysa deepened, transforming into something far beyond a simple familiar bond. He could feel her excitement bubbling through the link, her joy at becoming stronger mixing with his own happiness.

"This feels..." Harry blinked as Chrysa's emotions flowed into him. Her absolute trust, her fierce protectiveness, even her amusement at his earlier slip-up with Azula - all of it came through crystal clear.

Chrysa stood straighter, leg muscles twitching beneath golden fur. She looked at Harry and he instantly understood her desire to test these changes.

"Race you to that big rock?" Harry pointed down the beach. The moment he finished speaking, Chrysa shot forward like an arrow. Black sand sprayed in all directions as she covered the distance in seconds.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness. Through their connection, he sensed how pleased she was with herself. She had already spun around and started heading back while he was barely getting started.

"Are you done hiding?" Azula's voice came from behind the rocks.

Harry felt Chrysa's mischievous suggestion through their bond. "Actually..." He grinned. "Want to give them a surprise?"

Chrysa crouched low, muscles coiled like springs beneath her golden fur. Harry felt her anticipation building through their bond.

"Harry!" Azula's voice grew closer. "Stop avoiding-"

Chrysa burst from behind the rocks, moving so fast she appeared as a golden blur. She circled Azula and Mai three times before they could blink, spraying black sand everywhere.

"What in Agni's name?" Azula spun around, trying to track the movement. "How is she-"

"Just some exercise." Harry stepped out, brushing sand from his clothes. "Chrysa needed to stretch her legs."

Mai actually took a step back as Chrysa came to a stop beside Harry. "That wasn't normal speed."

"Nothing about him is normal." Azula glared at Harry, then at Chrysa. "First the bending without movement, now this? What else are you hiding?"

Harry patted Chrysa's furry head, feeling her enjoyment of their shocked reactions. "Probably lots of things." He grinned at Azula's frustrated expression. "But weren't we going to get breakfast?"

"Don't change the subject!" Azula stepped forward. "And don't think I forgot what you said earlier!"

"The restaurant should be open by now." Harry started walking toward town, Chrysa padding beside him. Through their bond, he felt her growing hunger. "They make excellent fire-grilled fish."

"You can't just ignore-" Azula hurried to catch up.

"Mai, have you tried their spicy noodles?" Harry turned to the quieter girl. "The chef uses actual dragon chilis."

Mai raised an eyebrow. "Changing the subject won't work forever."

"No, but it works for now." Harry grinned as Azula made a frustrated noise behind him.

They walked up the beach path toward the market district. Morning crowds filled the streets as merchants set up stalls and servants rushed to complete early errands.

"About what you said-" Azula tried again.

"Look, they have fresh moon peaches!" Harry pointed at a nearby stall.

The sound of breaking pottery cut through the market noise. Harry stopped, feeling Chrysa tense beside him. Through their connection, he sensed her immediate dislike of what lay ahead.

Lee stood in the middle of the street, surrounded by broken clay shards. He stared at the ground, muttering to himself.

"Isn't that the fool from yesterday?" Azula frowned. "The one you made scream about centipedes?"

"The same." Harry watched Lee bend down to pick up pottery shards. Something seemed off about his movements, but Harry couldn't pinpoint exactly what.

Lee looked up, eyes focusing on Harry. "Back for more?" His voice carried an edge that hadn't been there yesterday. "The foreign bastard returns."

"Apparently he didn't learn his lesson." Azula stepped forward, but Harry raised a hand.

"No forest peasant could ever belong here." Lee straightened, dropping the pottery shards. "Look at those eyes. Green like rotting leaves. Did your whore mother spread her legs for-"

Harry felt his hands heat up. Yesterday he'd wondered if he'd used too much magic in the mist. Now he was starting to think it hadn't been enough.

"Shut up." Harry's voice came out cold.

"Or what?" Lee's lips curved into an unpleasant smile. "Going to cry about it? Run back to whatever gutter spawned you? I bet your mother didn't even know which man-"

Chrysa growled, but Harry felt more than anger through their bond. She sensed something wrong about Lee, something that set her instincts screaming.

"You know what your mother probably did?" Lee continued. "Probably sold herself to Earth Kingdom soldiers. Bet she enjoyed-"

Harry moved forward, Soul Resonance Mist already gathering in his palm. Yesterday's dose clearly hadn't been enough to teach this fool proper respect.

Lee didn't back away as Harry approached. He stood there, smiling that strange smile while continuing his tirade. "Maybe she enjoyed it. All those soldiers, taking turns with-"

Harry slapped his palm against Lee's forehead, black mist already seeping between his fingers. The moment they connected, Harry's eyes widened. Something was wrong. The mist didn't spread like it should - instead it seemed to be pulled into Lee's skin.

"What's wrong?" Lee's smile grew wider, showing too many teeth. "Surprised your trick isn't working?"

"You..." Harry tried to pull his hand back, but something held it in place. "What are you?"

Lee grabbed Harry's wrist with impossible strength. "Finally." The voice that came from his mouth no longer sounded human. "So much fear in this mist. So much power."

"Harry!" Azula's voice came from somewhere behind him. "What's happening?"

Black mist began pouring from Lee's eyes and mouth, but instead of spreading outward, it spiraled around them both like a tornado.

"Time to feed." Lee's face split into a grin that stretched far too wide.

The black mist surged upward, forming a dome that cut them off from the market street. Harry heard Azula shout something, followed by the sound of flames hitting the barrier.

Lee's skin began to crack like dried clay, revealing darkness underneath. "Such wonderful fear you gave this boy." The thing wearing Lee's face pulled Harry closer. "But your mist... that power calls to me."

Chrysa slammed into the barrier, trying to reach Harry. Through their bond, he felt her desperate need to protect him.

"What are you?" Harry tried to wrench his hand free, but the grip remained iron-tight.

"A spirit that sustains itself on terror." Fresh cracks spiderwebbed across Lee's face as he spoke. Black liquid seeped from the fissures while he continued, "Through many millennia of wandering, I've sampled countless morsels of mortal fear. But what you showed me yesterday was different - something pure, untainted."

Harry focused past the pain in his wrist, reaching for his animagus form. In an instant, he shrank and twisted free as a golden eagle, leaving the spirit clutching empty air.

"How odd." The entity wearing Lee's body followed Harry's movements with keen interest as he shifted back to human form. "Did you merge with a spirit? There's no other explanation for these strange abilities you possess."

Outside the dome, Azula's blue flames crashed against the barrier. "Harry! Can you hear me?"

"Over here!" Harry pressed his hands against the black dome. "The mist is solid, but maybe we can-"

"Break it together." Azula's voice came clearer now. "Now!"

Azure and blue flames struck the barrier simultaneously, creating a small tear. Chrysa darted through first, followed by Azula. The gap sealed before Mai could follow, trapping her outside.

"Your flames are strong." The spirit's voice echoed from everywhere at once. Lee's skin had completely cracked away, revealing a writhing mass of darkness. "But they will soon be meaningless..."

The black dome pulsed. Reality seemed to tear around them as the spirit pulled them... somewhere else. When Harry's vision cleared, they stood in a twisted landscape. Massive tree roots curved through air filled with perpetual mist, while strange plants grew sideways from floating islands.

"Welcome to my domain." The spirit's voice came from the mist itself.

Azula punched forward, but no flames appeared. "What?" She tried again, more desperately.

"My bending!" Her voice cracked as she struck out again and again, each motion producing nothing. Her usual confidence crumbled as she backed away from the surrounding mist, golden eyes wide with fear.

"Your body remains in the physical world." The spirit's laughter shook the mist. "Only your spirit traveled here."

"No, no, no..." Azula's breathing became erratic as she continued trying to bend, her movements growing increasingly frantic. "This can't be happening!"

Harry raised his hands, azure flames springing to life. Through his strengthened bond, he felt Chrysa's presence beside him, fully real in what must be the Spirit World described by the Sun Warriors.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" The spirit's voice boomed through the mist. "We're nowhere near a spirit portal! How did you bring your physical body with you?"

The blue flames caught Azula's attention immediately. She lurched forward, looking very unlike herself as an intense desperation drove her toward the fire. "You can still bend?"

"Questions later." Harry moved to stand beside her, keeping Chrysa between them and the surrounding mist. He could feel Azula trembling slightly next to him, though she was clearly trying to hide it. "We have bigger problems."