Chapter 79 - Power of Boundaries

ATLA Universe, Ember Island

Avatar Timeline: 98 AG (After Genocide), 11 months before Aang's awakening

Universal Time: October 17th, 1988

Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988


Harry pulled himself over the cliff edge with one hand, muscles barely straining despite the hundred-foot climb. Loose pebbles skittered down the black rock face as he found secure footing.

His eyes darkened suddenly.

[Mimic's Veil – Elden Ring: Limgrave] – Costs 200CP, 200CP available to spend.

Golden veil of intricate design, it will disguise the wearer as a mortal that bears striking resemblance to Queen Marika the Eternal. When Godrick was hounded from Leyndell, the Royal Capital, this was one of a multitude of treasures he took with him. It is also known as "Marika's Mischief."

Harry sighed. This was getting out of hand, now there are two useless items… First a crossbow and now this? At least this seemed magical, but why would he want to disguise himself as some queen?


"All clear up here." Harry reached down to help Chrysa, but the Nemean Lion cub had already scrambled up beside him. She shook sand from her golden fur and sneezed. "Yeah, that black sand gets everywhere."

From their elevated position, they could see buildings along the shoreline with bright red roofs that were scattered between roads that snaked upward through the forested hills. Families played and laughed beneath colorful umbrellas that dotted the crescent-shaped main beach.

"We should probably find somewhere to stay first." Harry brushed black sand from his jeans. "The Sun Warriors mentioned noble families often go here, so there must be..." He trailed off as movement on the beach caught his attention.

A group of teenagers played some kind of game with a leather ball. They moved with grace, leaping and spinning to keep the ball airborne. What caught Harry's eye were the bursts of flame that occasionally propelled the ball higher.

"Would you look at that, Chrysa?" Harry gestured towards the players. "They've turned firebending into a game." His posture shifted abruptly as something caught his eye. "Wait... is that blue?"

A girl around his physical age had just launched the ball with a precise burst of blue fire. The flames flickered between orange and blue, lacking the stability Harry had achieved, but still far more refined than regular firebending.

"Well, well." Harry smiled. "The Sun Warriors had me thinking blue flames were unheard of, yet here we are."

Chrysa meowed, looking at the players and then back at him.

"You're right." Harry pulled out her Premier Ball. "Better keep you hidden for now. We don't know how they'll react to you." He tapped her nose with the ball, and red light pulled her inside. The ball clicked shut as Harry attached it to his belt.

Harry made his way down the path toward the beach, hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his face. The sounds of laughter and shouting grew clearer as he approached. None of the vacationers seemed to notice him - just another kid heading to the beach.

The game looked even more interesting up close. Six teenagers divided into two teams kept a leather ball in constant motion. They used hands, feet, and bursts of fire to pass between teammates while trying to score points by getting the ball through vertical poles at each end of the court.

Two elderly women sat beneath a red parasol near the court, watching the players with sharp eyes. Their identical faces creased with approval whenever someone made a particularly good move.

The blue-fire girl commanded attention without effort. She moved gracefully, calling out orders to her teammates between aggressive shots. When she struck the ball, blue flames crackled around her hands before transferring the concussive force of the fire to the leather surface.

But Harry noticed something off about those flames. They flickered between orange and blue, lacking the stability that came from proper balance between Yin and Yang. Sometimes they'd surge with too much power, other times barely spark at all.

"Keep your guard up!" The girl snapped at a teammate who'd missed a block. "Chan, that footwork was sloppy."

The boy named Chan straightened up immediately. "Sorry, Princess Azula."

Princess? Harry raised an eyebrow. That explained the commanding attitude. He leaned against one of the court's boundary poles, watching as the game continued.

A girl in dark red clothes approached the sidelines carrying two glasses filled with some kind of fruit juice. Her face was set in a neutral expression that reminded Harry of how Aunt Min looked during particularly boring days.

"Your drink, Azula." The girl held out one of the glasses toward the blue-fire princess.

"Set it down by Li and Lo." Azula commanded without taking her eyes off the game. "I'll have it when we finish this round."

The girl placed both glasses on a small table beside the elderly women, then turned to study Harry with sharp eyes. She moved closer, maintaining that carefully blank expression.

"You're new here." Her tone made it a statement rather than a question.

Harry smiled, keeping his posture relaxed against the pole. "Just arrived. The game caught my attention - never seen anything like it."

"Kuai ball." She glanced at the ongoing match. "Popular on Ember Island."

"I'm Harry." He shifted to face her properly while keeping the game in view. "And you are?"

"Mai." She studied his clothes with a raised eyebrow. "Those aren't Fire Nation style."

Harry looked down at his jeans and t-shirt. "No, they're not. I've been traveling."

"Clearly." Mai's lips twitched somewhat. "Most travelers don't watch people play Kuai ball quite so... intently."

Another burst of unstable blue flames launched the ball high into the air. Harry watched its path with ease. He noticed a pattern in Azula's firebending - whenever her frustration with teammates peaked, the blue flames shifted toward orange. It was obvious she hadn't yet mastered blue fire.

"The princess seems to struggle with blue fire." Harry watched another flicker between blue and orange. "Strange that she hasn't mastered it yet at her age if it's known here in the Fire Nation."

"You did not just say that." Mai's eyes widened, breaking her neutral expression.

"Well, look at how unstable those flames are." Harry gestured toward the game. "The technique requires perfect balance between Yin and Yang. Doesn't she have teachers who could guide her through that?"

The ball sailed higher as more orange flames burst from Azula's hands. Harry shook his head. "She's clearly forcing it with physical control rather than understanding the underlying principle."

Mai took a step backward. "Be quiet," she snapped. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

Harry blinked in confusion. "But surely the Fire Nation has books about proper blue flame techniques? The philosophy behind it must be documented somewhere, right?"

All activity on the court came to an abrupt halt. Princess Azula remained motionless while blue flames crackled around her tightly balled fists. The other players retreated hastily from the area. She had clearly heard his comment.

"You dare criticize my bending?" Azula's shout echoed along the beach. The sound sent nearby beachgoers scrambling. Parents snatched up their children and hurried toward the safety of the water's edge.

Harry straightened up from his relaxed position. "I wasn't trying to criticize. I just assumed since blue flames are known here, the technique would be properly documented."

The flames around Azula's hands grew more intense as she advanced toward him. "What do you mean by 'documented'? No other firebender has bended blue flames for generations - I am the only one."

"Oh." Harry's cheeks blushed red as he realized he'd misread the situation completely. The Sun Warriors were right - blue flames were still practically unheard of in this world...

The Kuai ball shot toward his face, propelled by a massive burst of blue fire. Most people would have barely seen it move. But to Harry's senses, the ball moved almost lazily through the air, trailing blue flames behind it.

He could have dodged. Could have stepped aside and let the ball crash into the pole behind him. Instead, Harry's hand snapped up, catching the ball inches from his nose. The leather was hot against his palm, but his durable skin barely registered the heat.

"Nice shot." Harry tossed the ball up and down. "But you're still forcing the flames rather than letting them flow naturally." He demonstrated by wrapping the ball in stable azure flames that burned far deeper blue than Azula's attempts. "See? No flickering at all."

Dead silence fell across the beach. The two elderly women under the parasol started whispering to each other while staring at Harry. Mai had retreated several steps, hands hidden in her sleeves.

Azula's eyes narrowed to slits as she watched Harry handle the ball. Her fingers twitched with barely contained fury, tiny sparks jumping between them. No one else dared move.

"Who taught you?" The princess stalked forward, each word sharp as broken glass. "What master showed you the technique?"

Harry frowned at her hostile tone. "No one taught me. I figured it out by understanding the balance of Yin and Yang." He extinguished the azure flames around the ball. "Would you like me to explain how it works?"

"Liar." Azula spat the word. "Blue fire is MY achievement. I perfected it through years of training." More sparks crackled around her hands. "You must have stolen the knowledge from somewhere."

"I don't appreciate being called a liar." Harry's voice cooled several degrees. He set the ball down on the ground. "You might be a princess, but that doesn't give you the right to throw accusations."

"How dare you speak to me that way?" Azula's face contorted with rage. "I am Princess Azula of the Fire Nation. Daughter of Fire Lord Ozai himself."

"And I am Harry." He met her furious gaze without flinching. "Harry Potter. But I won't stand here and let anyone insult me."

The elderly women under the parasol rose in perfect synchronization.

"Maybe," one began.

"We should all," the other continued.

"Calm down." They finished together.

"Stay out of this, Li and Lo." Azula snapped without taking her eyes off Harry. "This peasant needs to learn respect."

Harry's expression hardened. The temperature around him rose noticeably while azure flames sparked in his fists. "Take that back."

"Or what?" Azula's smile turned cruel. "Will the peasant cry?"

"Last chance." Harry held up one finger. "Apologize for the insults, or I'll teach you about consequences."

Mai's hands emerged from her sleeves holding several pointed objects. The other teenagers had backed away to what they hoped was a safe distance. Even Li and Lo seemed unsure how to handle this escalating situation.

Azula punched out multiple bursts of blue-orange flames straight at Harry. His Inner Eye showed him exactly where each burst would land, making them appear almost comically slow. He stepped between the flames, not even bothering to try to bend them away.

"Stand still!" Azula's face twisted with fury as none of her attacks connected.

Harry tilted his head to avoid another blast. "Why would I do that?" He shifted his weight, muscles coiling like springs. "You're the one who needs to learn about respect."

"I'll show you respect!" Azula spun into a kick, releasing a massive arc of fire.

Harry saw the attack coming two seconds before it happened. He slipped past the flames and closed the distance between them in a blur of motion. Most observers barely registered his movement before he appeared directly in front of the princess.

"What-" Azula's eyes widened as Harry's fingers struck three precise points along her right arm.

Her next attempted flame fizzled out completely. The arm hung limp at her side while she staggered backward. "W-what did you do to me?"

"Mantis Style." Harry's fingers found two more points on her left shoulder. "Pressure points that disrupt the functionality of your arms." Her other arm dropped uselessly. "Very suitable for suppressing people who insult me."

Mai threw several pointed weapons toward Harry. He caught them between his fingers without looking, then let them drop into the sand. "Please don't interfere. This is between me and the princess."

"Guards!" Azula shouted, backing away from Harry. "Arrest this-"

Harry's hand shot out, striking a point at the base of her throat. The command died in her mouth as her voice cut off completely. She tried to speak again but no sound came out.

"I don't see any guards, you know. Just a lot of teenagers running away very quickly. Anyway..." Harry circled the paralyzed princess while maintaining eye contact. "About those insults..."

The elderly women - Li and Lo - approached cautiously. "Young man," they spoke in unison. "Perhaps we should-"

"She'll recover in about ten minutes." Harry cut them off. "The paralysis is temporary." He turned back to Azula. "I could have done much worse, but that would be uncivilized."

The tense silence lingered on the beach while Azula glared at Harry with murderous intent. Her arms hung uselessly at her sides as she paced in small circles, testing the limits of her remaining mobility. Each time she tried to speak, her mouth opened but no sound came out.

Li and Lo were both keeping their distance. The other teenagers had retreated even further up the beach, but Mai remained close enough to intervene if needed.

Harry sat down cross-legged in the sand. "We might as well get comfortable while we wait." He picked up a handful of black sand and let it run through his fingers. "The paralysis will wear off gradually - first your voice, then your arms."

Azula's face contorted with rage. She kicked sand toward Harry, but he barely bothered moving aside.

"That's not very princess-like behavior." Harry brushed sand from his jeans. "You know, I read that nobility is expected to show grace and composure." He looked up at her. "Especially when dealing with situations that don't go their way."

The princess stopped pacing. Her shoulders tensed as she stared down at Harry, but something shifted in her expression.

"Your arms should start tingling soon." Harry noted. "That means feeling is returning." He stretched his legs out in front of him. "Once you can speak again, we can have a proper conversation about respect."

Mai moved closer, but kept her weapons sheathed. "He could have killed you, Azula."

The princess shot Mai a withering look.

"It's true." Mai shrugged. "He caught my weapons without even looking. And that speed..." She gestured at Harry. "He appeared in front of you within a second."

"Seven minutes left." Harry announced cheerfully. "Anyone want to explain the rules of Kuai ball while we wait? It looked interesting."

Li and Lo exchanged glances before approaching. "The game originated," one began.

"In the southern islands," the other continued.

"During the reign of Fire Lord Sozin." They finished together.

Harry listened with genuine interest as the elderly women explained the scoring system and basic rules. Azula remained standing nearby, but her expression had changed again. Something in her eyes grew more pronounced while she watched Harry's reactions.

"There!" Harry pointed at Azula. "Your voice should work now."

Azula cleared her throat several times before speaking. "I... apologize for my behavior." Her voice came out slightly raspy. "The insults were beneath my station."

Harry took a moment to study her expression. The previous rage had disappeared, giving way to something different. Her sharp eyes now looked at him with clear interest.

"Apology accepted." Harry stood up and brushed sand from his clothes. "Your arms should start working properly in another minute or two."

"You're not from the mainland." Azula flexed her fingers as feeling returned. "Where did you learn to bend blue fire?"

"That's a long story." Harry smiled. "But I'd be happy to explain the technique, if you're interested in learning the proper way."

Mai stepped between them. "Azula doesn't need-"

"Yes." Azula cut her off. "I would very much like to understand how you achieved such control." She rolled her shoulders as mobility returned. "Perhaps over tea? Li and Lo have a house nearby."

The elderly women nodded in unison. "We would be honored," they spoke together, "to host such an educational discussion."

"That sounds perfect." Harry's smile widened. He felt pleased that his lesson about respect had such immediate results. Just like with Healer Nightshade, sometimes people needed clear consequences before they could improve their behavior. Not to mention that he now had a good source of up-to-date information about the Fire Nation…

"Excellent." Azula's lips curved upward. "Mai, inform the servants we'll be having a guest for tea." She gestured toward the path leading up from the beach. "Shall we?"

Harry fell into step beside her while Mai hurried ahead. The other teenagers had already scattered, clearly not wanting to risk getting caught in another confrontation.

They soon arrived at Li and Lo's beach house that stood on elevated ground overlooking the ocean. Red-tiled steps led up to a wide veranda where screens kept out the heat while allowing the sea breeze to flow through.

"The view must be spectacular at sunset." Harry watched waves roll against the shoreline below.

"We often meditate here." Li gestured toward cushions arranged near the railing.

"To clear the mind." Lo nodded sagely.

"And strengthen the spirit." They finished together.

Azula walked slightly ahead of Harry as they entered the house. Her posture remained perfect, head held high despite what happened on the beach. But Harry noticed how she kept glancing back at him when she thought he wasn't looking.

The main room opened into a circular space with low tables and comfortable cushions. Scrolls lined the walls while brass incense holders hung from the ceiling. A servant quietly entered, bearing a tray of fragrant tea and small cakes.

"Please, sit." Azula gestured at the cushion across from her own.

Harry settled onto the cushion, noting how Azula watched his every movement. Mai knelt beside the princess while Li and Lo took positions near the wall, perfectly mirroring each other.

"You mentioned traveling." Azula lifted her tea cup. "Where exactly are you from?"

"Far to the south." Harry accepted the cup from the servant with a slight nod. "I spent time with some rather isolated tribes before making my way here."

"Interesting..." Azula took a sip from her cup. "And what brought you to Ember Island?"

"Knowledge." Harry sipped the fragrant tea as well. "I'm looking for more advanced firebending techniques."

"Like blue flames?" Azula narrowed her eyes.

"Well..." Harry set his cup down. "I must admit, I'm curious how you achieved blue fire without fully understanding the underlying principles."

Li and Lo exchanged looks. "The princess has trained-" one began.

"Since she could walk-" the other added.

"To achieve perfect control." They finished together.

Harry shook his head. "Perfect control over the body and the chi within it, yes… I had sought much the same when I was younger, but fire isn't just about physical movement." He drew a taijitu on the table with his finger. "Tell me, what do you know about Yin and Yang?"

"Basic philosophy." Azula crossed her arms. "Opposing forces that exist in everything."

"Not just opposing." Harry drew the taijitu again, emphasizing the dots. "Complementary. Like breathing in and breathing out - one cannot exist without the other." He brought a small blue flame to life above his palm. "Look at this flame. What do you see?"

Mai shifted uncomfortably while Azula leaned forward slightly. "Blue fire."

"Yes, but why is it blue?" Harry moved the flame between his hands. "Regular orange fire expands outward, consuming everything around it. Primarily repelling Yang energy with a hint of retractive Yin energy to keep it in check." The flame grew brighter. "But when you introduce more retractive Yin energy..."

The blue flame compressed inward, becoming more dense. "Yin pulls inward while Yang pushes out. When they are perfectly balanced, as all things should be..." Harry let the flame hover between his palms. "The fire burns hotter, more focused. The color shifts because the energy exists in perfect equilibrium."

Azula uncrossed her arms and rested her elbows on the table. "So my flames flicker because..."

"Because you're forcing Yang energy outward without balancing it with Yin." Harry extinguished the flame. "Like trying to breathe out without breathing in first. It works for a moment, but becomes unstable. You could force it through continuous perfect control, but it will never be as stable as it is for me."

"And how exactly does one balance these energies?" Azula tapped her fingers against the table.

"First, you must understand them completely." Harry sat up straighter. "Yin represents contraction, depth, darkness, cold, rest. Yang represents expansion, height, light, heat, activity." He gestured at the room around them. "Everything contains both aspects. This house provides shelter by keeping things out while creating space within. The ocean moves outward with waves while pulling back with tides."

Li and Lo nodded in perfect sync. Azula's eyes never left Harry as he continued.

"Your chi paths carry both energies naturally." Harry placed both hands flat on the table. "But most firebenders will focus only on Yang - the explosive, outward force. They never learn to harness Yin energy that pulls inward, concentrates power, focuses heat."

"And you learned this from your isolated tribes?" Mai raised an eyebrow.

"Among other places." Harry smiled. "The principle exists everywhere once you know how to look." He lifted the teapot. "Even in how tea is served - the liquid flows outward while the cup contains it inward."

Azula stared blankly at the tea Harry was pouring.

"I see..." She straightened her back. "The push and pull affect everything."

"Exactly." Harry set down the teapot. "Would you like to try an exercise?"

Mai shifted uneasily beside Azula. The princess shot her a quick glare before turning back to Harry. "What kind of exercise?"

"Something that requires focus." Harry glanced at the others in the room. "Could we have some privacy? This works better without distractions."

Li and Lo exchanged alarmed looks. "Princess?" They spoke together.

"Leave us." Azula waved her hand dismissively. "Mai, wait outside with them."

Mai stood up slowly, hand brushing against her sleeve where Harry knew she kept those pointed weapons. She walked backward toward the door, keeping her eyes on Harry until she disappeared behind the screen.

Once they were alone, Harry moved to sit beside Azula. "Now, I want you to close your eyes."

The princess stiffened. "Why?"

"Because you rely too much on physical control." Harry turned to face her properly. "Your body already knows how to bend fire. What we need to work on is your understanding of the energies themselves."

Azula's jaw clenched. For several moments she remained perfectly still, clearly weighing her options. Then, with obvious reluctance, she closed her eyes.

"Good." Harry gathered a wisp of Soul Resonance Mist in his palm, infusing it with calming energy. The silvery vapor spread outward, surrounding them both in a gentle haze. He reached out and placed his hand over hers. "Now breathe deeply."

"What is that?" Azula's nose twitched. "Like... rain on warm stone?"

"Just something to help you relax." Harry kept his voice soft. "Feel how the energy flows through your chi paths." The mist thickened slightly. "Notice how it naturally expands and contracts with each breath."

Azula's shoulders began to loosen. "I feel it."

"Now, create a small flame." Harry guided her hand upward. "But don't focus on controlling your body's movements. Instead, picture the tide pulling back before a wave."

Flames sparked above her palm, flickering between orange and blue.

"Don't try to force it." Harry adjusted her fingers slightly. "Let the energy flow both ways at once. Like how the moon affects the tides - pulling back while pushing forward in the same moment."

The flames steadied somewhat. Azula's brow furrowed in concentration.

"You're still trying to control everything." Harry released more calming mist. "Remember, your body knows what to do. Focus only on the energies themselves." He drew a taijitu on the back of her hand with one finger. "Expansion and contraction happening together, not one after another."

The orange slowly faded from her flames. For a brief moment, pure blue fire crackled above her palm.

"There!" Harry squeezed her hand. "Do you feel the difference?"

"Yes..." Azula opened her eyes to stare at the blue flames. "It feels... easier."

"Good." Harry beamed at her success. "You're a natural at this." He slowly withdrew his hand and let the relaxing Soul Resonance Mist fade away. "Once you understand the principle, the technique will become second nature."

Azula's fingers twitched toward his retreating hand. For a moment, she seemed about to grab it back, but caught herself. A faint pink touched her cheeks as she pulled her own hand back into her lap.

Azula cleared her throat. "What do you want?"

"Hmm?" Harry blinked at the sudden question.

"For teaching me this." Azula's eyes narrowed. "No one shares knowledge like this without wanting something in return."

"Ah." Harry scratched his chin. "How long are you staying on Ember Island?"

The princess frowned. "Three more days. Then we return to the capital." She crossed her arms. "You didn't answer my question."

"Actually, that works perfectly." Harry brightened. "I'd like to go to the capital with you." He rubbed his hands together. "You wouldn't mind helping me access some advanced firebending techniques once we're there, right? I've never had proper teachers or books to study from."

Azula's eyebrows rose. "You achieved this level without any formal training?"

"Pretty much." Harry shrugged. "Mostly just figuring things out as I go along. But I'd love to learn advanced firebending techniques." He smiled at her. "We could even spar regularly. It would help both of us improve."

"Yes!" Azula caught herself and smoothed her expression. "I mean, that seems reasonable. Father would be interested in meeting someone else who can produce blue flames." She tapped her chin. "And having a proper sparring partner would be... useful."

"Perfect." Harry stood up and stretched. "Should we let the others back in? I'm sure your friend is about ready to break down the door."

"Wait." Azula grabbed his shirt. "Show me that exercise one more time. I want to make sure I understand it completely."

Harry sat back down beside her. "Close your eyes..."