During Natsu's fight with the spiders, Kazuko just stepped into the fighting space for her exams.
Kazuko was in a plain field filled with little grasses as she looked up to see the clear blue sky while the wind blew, making her hair and cloth to move.
"What kind of creature would she be fighting?" Yami thought as he watched Kazuko. He saw an eagle fly past her, as it made a loud noise and landed behind her.
Kazuko turned back and looked at the eagle and thought, "I'm fighting an eagle, I thought this was going to be hard, but guess I was lucky"
Kazuko let down her guard seeing it's an eagle and shouted, "I thought my exam was meant to be as tough as the others"
Gildart spoke through the microphone and said, "Don't underestimate your opponent, just because it's an eagle doesn't mean it's weak"
"Well it's time for your exam to begin, hope you are ready" Gildart said as he turned towards the stage 2 instructor.
"Okay, let the fight between Kazuko and the eagle begin!" The stage 2 instructor said as Gildart looked at him while he pressed a button, which made a loud sound signaling the beast to start attacking.
The beast spread its wings and took off to the sky, as Kazuko surrounded herself with the wind and chased it.
"I should end this fast before things get tough, yeah, I just need to land a very powerful attack and I'll win" Kazuko thought as started flying towards the beast.
The beast stopped flying towards the sky as it looked down at Kazuko and flapped its wings, making her to fly towards the ground.
"I knew it, this exam isn't going to be easy for her, although it's an eagle, I'm sure they brought one that's powerful enough to beat her" Yami thought as he saw Kazuko standing up.
"Guess it's not weak after all, plus it uses wind magic" Kazuko thought as she stood up and looked at the eagle, only to see it blasting a tornado from its mouth, making her to crash land on the ground.
"Mr Gildart, please if you don't mind, I want to know why Kazuko is fight a wind type beast" Yami asked.
"Yeah, we all fought monsters that rivaled our powers, so why is she fighting a wind type beast" Mitsuki asked.
"Well isn't it obvious" Gildart said.
"What do you mean by that?" Asahu asked.
"Most of you fought things that would kill you, but let's use Raijin for instance. He's a lightning user and he fought a cheater that could use the same ability, which was tough for him until he electrocuted it from the inside when it tried to bite him, making him to win after been brutally beaten close to death and lost consciousness" Gildart said as they all recalled the fight scene.
"But Kagahma is a shadow user who fought a serpent with light magic that shined really bright, plus, it also had the ability to absorb any dark entity it comes across. Although their fight looked impossible, Kagahma managed to win by stabbing the serpent on its head and injecting a lot of dark magic into it, making it to become unconscious as he fell off after loosing all his energy." The stage 2 instructor said as he smiled at them after the visualization was over.
"He's right, they all fought monsters that would have killed them, even now Kazuko is still finding it hard to get close to the eagle" Yami thought as he looked at Kazuko's fight.
Kazuko stood up from the ground and shouted "Destructive Tornado" as her tornado appeared pulling everything inside, but the eagle opened its mouth and socked the tornado.
"Her attacks aren't even working" Yami thought as he looked at Kazuko folding her fist in rage.
"What now? What should I do? Even my attacks ain't working!" Kazuko said in despair.
"Hey Kazuko, I thought you said this exam was easy" Yami said as Kazuko turned and looked at him.
"Oh come on, don't tell me after bragging that much, you'd loose to a wimp like that" Yami said as Kazuko eyes widened when she heard that.
"Are you trying to fail this exam? If you do that, you'd be the failure among all of us, so stop playing around and win that thing already. Make sure you do it quickly cause it's getting embarrassing seeing you fight like this" Yami screamed as Kazuko became angry and thought, "He is right, what do I think I'm doing giving up, I can't loose this fight"
"I'm sorry for fighting like this, I was just trying to keep our agreement, but if you say I should end this fight quickly, then so be it!" Kazuko said loudly trying to make Yami hear her as she thought, "I have to use all of my powers if I want to beat this beast, holding back isn't an option anymore"
Wind started surroundings her as a large pressure was felt which made the eagle become on guard.
"Alright, play time is over! It's time to get this exam done with" Kazuko said as green aura spun out from her as the wind followed it.
Yami smirked as he said, "I guess she going all out now" as Gildart smiled and said, "This is going to be fun to watch"
"I'm sorry Natsu, but I can't let Kazuko buy time for you anymore"
"She's a very important friend to me, so I can't let her loose this fight"
"Even though her fight is going to take time, I'm sure she would try to end it quickly"
"The girl who approached me back then bought me a lot of time, and her fight was the longest in the whole exam. It even got to a point that mister Gildart became angry and almost disqualified her, since she was telling the chameleon beast she didn't want to fight. At the end of it, she made the chameleon to enter into a trap and won, which made mister Gildart so happy as he finally ended the exam"
"Asahu almost died and couldn't buy time for me since he was fighting an ice serpent underwater. To be honest, I think his fight was the most difficult, since he was way out of his element. He performed incredibly, and although the odds were against him, Asahu won by burning it from the inside after it swallowed him when he began drowning."
"Mitsuki fought a flame bird that almost won her, but finally defeated it with all her powers as she became weak and exhausted, but she still wanted to watch Kazuko's fight"
"I'm happy they all won, but there is only so much I can do myself, so you have to get here fast, Natsu" Yami thought.
The beast brought out an insane amount of magical energy which made Yami and the rest uneasy.
"I hope she wins" Mitsuki said with concern.
"Yeah, I know mine looked really difficult but her opponent has lots of magic energy, even so that her own feels like child's play" Asahu said as he walked closer to the glass.
"I know what you mean, this battle is going to be tough even for her" Yami said.
Kazuko then made a move as she dashed towards the eagle.
She shot lots of arrows towards the beast, but it skillfully dodged it turning it into a chase.
The eagle dodged the attack as it flapped its wings, which caused a large hurricane to head towards Kazuko.
Kazuko rotated herself like a drill as she continued heading towards the beast.
The beast made a loud noise as a large magical seal appeared in the sky as arrows made out of air started falling towards the ground.
Kazuko dodged the arrows as she continued chasing the beast.
The beast turned towards her as it shot tornado out of its mouth which Kazuko skillfully dodged.
"Wow, I guess I now know what it looks like for her to get serious" Gildart said as he saw her heading towards the seal above to clouds.
"Yeah I get what you mean, she's incredible" the stage 2 instructor said.
"No, she's a newbie and they all fight like newbies, which is pathetic" Gildart said.
"Oh give them a break, there pretty amazing for there age. Most E rank hunters can't do what they're doing, even a D rank hunter would find it hard to do what this kids are doing" the stage 2 instructor said as Kazuko spun herself and broke the seal in the clouds.
Kazuko faced the eagle and swung her hand as she shouted "Hurricane" which made a strong wind to come out of her seal.
The eagle flew up and dodge it as its eyes had red aura around it which made a large red seal to appear really high and rained wind arrows.
The beast then started heading towards her as it shot out a tornado from its mouth towards her.
Kazuko dodged all the attacks and tried blocking some of the eagles attacks.
"She's on the defensive" Mitsuki said as she was looking at her fight.
The seal above her suddenly changed as wind pressure pushed her towards the ground.
Kazuko landed on the ground as dust shot up.
She tried standing up but couldn't since the pressure was too much as she looked up and saw a large seal on the beast mouth shooting a spiral tornado towards her, as wind arrows started falling from the sky.
She increased her magical energy as she surrounded herself with wind and dodged the attack.
Kazuko fell down from the air and landed on her knees due to the force of the pressure.
"This isn't looking good" Asahu said.
"The pressure is much but I can't loose this fight, what will they say about me if I do" Kazuko thought as she was panting while trying to stand on her feet.
"Mitsuki's fight was against her but she won, even when all odds were against Asahu, he still won and I'm sure Yami would win his" Kazuko thought as she stood up on her feet.
"This is nothing, don't think you can win me with this pathetic attacks" Kazuko screamed as she then said with a serious face and tone "I'm just getting started, so get ready for me"
Gildart smiled and thought "She's something, I'm glad she's making it look like she's going to win but she, Yami and Natsu will have an impossible fight unlike the rest"
"Hope the boy doesn't spend all his energy in the adventurers exam, cause he is going to need a lot in this one"
The eagle looked at Kazuko as its red aura increased.
"I don't think she can win this" Mitsuki said.
"Yeah, her opponent still has lots of magical energy and she's getting lower and weaker on mana and strength.
"You guys shouldn't be saying that, just look at me, I almost lost my battle but at the end I still won" Asahu said as he was interrupted by Yami.
"I get what you mean but that's not the case here I'm afraid" Yami said.
"I don't get it, what are you talking about?" Mitsuki asked.
"From the both of you fight I noticed something, the difficulty level increases drastically when reaching Kazuko's turn"
"Let's face the fact, if Asahu wasn't swallowed by that beast, he would have undeniably been dead by now" Yami said as Asahu bent his head downwards and clutched his fits in frustration.
"And Mitsuki, you barely won that battle. Let's face it, the bird almost killed you even though you went all out. The only reason you won was because you shot a large spear towards it and as it flew back to dodge your attack, it accidentally pushed itself towards the sharp ice wall you made which killed it" Yami said as Mitsuki also bent her head down.
"You both won because of luck, in short everyone won because of luck, the only one who truly won her battle effortlessly was the girl who approached me last time"
"If Kazuko isn't lucky, she's going to loose this battle or even worse die"
Yami bent his head in frustration and said "I want her to win so bad but the odds aren't in her favor"
"What is that?" Mitsuki said as Yami and Asahu raised their heads up.
"Damn that doesn't look good" Yami said as he saw the seal above Kazuko's head shining so bright as a beam shot down.
"Kazuko get out of there!" Asahu screamed.
The light covered the whole area as Kazuko looked up and turned towards them and smiled.
"Kazuko!!!" They all screamed.