While Natsu was unconscious, the beast walked towards him as Yami thought, "Come on Natsu, what do you think you're doing? Get up"
The beast stopped and looked at Natsu from a distance as a beam of light appeared in front of its mouth making a giant seal to appear in front of it.
The beast shot the beam and as it passed through the seal, it merged all into one and moved towards Natsu.
Yami saw this and was unable to hold himself anymore as he shouted, "Get out of there, Natsu!!!"
The blast destroyed the whole place as a hole appeared on the wall as dust covered the area.
"I guess that was the end of him" Asahu said as Yami fell into deep thought.
Kazuko saw a smile on Gildart face as she looked at the field and thought, "Something isn't adding up, is Gildart happy that he's dead or did he survive that"
Kaikuh eyes widen as she heard a voice, "It's time to get serious, I'll slay this beast"
The beast turned back as blood spilled out from one of its legs which stunned everyone except Gildart.
"But how, there's no way he survived that in this condition" Damian said as Gildart replied with a smile, "While the beast blast was heading towards him, the kid threw his blade and flew out of the way as he launched himself towards the beast and injured its back leg"
"But that should be impossible, he should be unable to move" Dr Mayumi said softly as Damian activated his magic and saw golden like strings wrapped around his entire bone frame.
"What's that?" He thought as Gildart grinned and said, "Things are about to get wild"
Natsu began running towards the beast as he held both blades tight with the rope attached to it.
The beast sent a sonic scream towards Natsu but Natsu moved out of the way and hanged on a pillar.
"Using hands signs and commands is too slow, I need a better way to control this rope if I want to win this, if only it could read my mind" Natsu thought as he moved around trying to dodge the beast attack.
"That's it, I should try making it read my mind" Natsu thought as he slid and grinned.
Natsu shouted sever and threw lots of cut marks towards the beast as the beast tried dodging it.
The attacks created a little dust which hid Natsu as he hid behind a pillar and said, "Okay rope, from now on I would control you using my mind, so you'll have to read it to know how to move"
While he was doing that, the beast began looking for him as it heard Natsu speaking and gently walked towards the pillar and broke it.
As it broke the pillar, Natsu tried to run away but the beast sent him flying before he could escape as his rope shined golden.
Natsu crashed landed and as he tried standing up, he noticed the rope was emitting a goldish light.
"It's just like last time" Natsu thought as string like materials came out of the rope which pierced him, causing him to feel more pain.
"What's he doing" Kazuko thought as she saw Natsu folded on the ground while the beast right head was getting ready to shot a fireball.
"The pain has reduced" Natsu thought as he raised his head and saw a massive fireball heading towards him.
"Let's see if it works" Natsu thought as he controlled the rope to grab a pillar, dodging the attack.
Natsu grinned and began moving around as the beast began chasing him while shooting some deadly attacks towards him.
The beast then sent slash marks towards him and then used a lightening rail gun attack, which made Natsu crash land on the ground as he slid and stood straight.
The beast watched Natsu as both looked at each other which made Gildart smile as he said, "This is getting interesting!"
Everyone looked at Gildart confused as Damian thought, "What do they see in this boy that I don't"
Natsu and the beast began running towards each other as Natsu brought out his blades as both shot slash marks towards each other which created an explosion as they both jumped back.
Both began moving and looking at each other as they both began exchanging attacks which destroyed the place.
Natsu used his rope to be moving around but his movement looked so smooth and fast that it became hard for the contestants to see.
Natsu dodged its attacks as he went closer to the beast and injured it as both landed on the ground.
Natsu was panting heavily as the beast became angry, which made darkish purple aura to come out of it as it turned towards Natsu and growled.
Strange markings began appearing on the beast as Natsu thought, "I looks like it's getting serious. I don't have much time left, it's already hard to keep up with this beast back then, and now I just feel like there's no hope"
As he thought of that while watching the beast, he remembered something his grandma told him, "Son, I want you to always remember this, if you want to win every battle, you'll have to be unpredictable. The reason is because, if your opponent knows nothing about the traps and weapons you have, they won't be able to easily defeat you, they would be really cautious of you but this would also increase your chances of winning, got it"
"But how would I do that? I currently only have a rope and a blade as my weapon" Natsu thought as he then realized something, "I haven't used the furs yet, which means if I use it properly, I would be able to set a deadly trap"
"Yeah that's it, I was planning on setting a deadly trap last time but got knocked out before I could finish" Natsu thought as he grinned and raised his head up as if he was like a zombie and thought, "It's time to get unpredictable, if I show my pain, it'll definitely make the beast let down it's guard"
"Come on body, just hang in there a little, at least until I defeat this beast" Natsu said in a very convincing way, making it look like it was hard to move.
The beast launched itself towards Natsu and hit him across the field as he crashed landed and then used his rope to move, heading towards the fur.
As Natsu saw the fur he tried to get close but something blocked his rope which made him crash land on the ground.
"What just happened, was it the fur that stopped the rope? I need to be careful around this area if I don't want to get hurt" Natsu thought as he stood up and saw the beast claws stretched out, sending slash marks towards him.
Natsu dodged it but as he landed and looked up, he saw more heading towards him as he tried countering them.
The beast appeared beside him and used it's tail to throw him across the field as he broke the pillar and landed.
"Shit, this beast isn't going to let me set a trap like this, plus the furs aren't too strong which means the only way to win is to fight it head on, but my body is failing me" Natsu thought as he stood up while panting and said, "I don't know how I've survived until, I should have been dead a long time, so whatever is keeping me alive, please, please help me win this battle!!!"
As Natsu screams the final sentence, everyone became surprised as they wondered why he said that.
Damian on the other hand saw the stings inside his body increasing as Gildart said in a soft and low tone, "You feel it right, the boy's magical energy is increasing"
"Yeah, but he's power level is still very low, do you think he would win?" Damian replied as Gildart said, "I don't know, but this fight is about to get more intense"
Natsu took a deep breath and looked at the beast while bleeding severely as it's powers began increasing drastically.
Both disappeared and had an insane battle as Natsu used his blades to protect himself and attack the beast while using his rope to move around.
The battle became insane as the beast used its tail to hit Natsu as a powerful seal appeared in front of it with a large beam of light in front of its mouth.
Natsu landed and saw a large darkish purple beam of light with lightening coming out from it heading towards him.
"It's too large to dodge, my only option is to counter it" Natsu thought as held one of his blades like a katana while concentrating and talking a deep breath in, letting the other blade fall as he shouted sever, making a large slash mark head towards the beam.
Blood spilled out of the beast left side as the beam destroyed the area creating dust that covered the area.
"What just happened, this kid managed to cut through my attack and injure me severely. I now understand why that man told me not to hold back" the beast thought as Kaikuh murmured, "This boy is incredible, even though he isn't in good shape, he still managed to scare this beast"
"What the hell just happened, where's Natsu?" Yami asked as the beast energy increased as it used a sonic scream to clear the dust.
Blood spilled out of the beast legs as Natsu went closer to the beast and let out a deep breath as he rotated himself which made the beast to enter defense mode as lightening came out of its body while Natsu cut it.
Blood spilled out of the beast as Natsu landed and fell down as he panted heavily still trying to get up to fight.
Everyone was in shocked by what happened as Damian looked at Gildart and thought, "Did he know this boy could do something like this? Was it why he didn't stop the exam earlier"
Gildart analyzed what happened and thought, "The kid already wrapped his rope around the beast while there was smoke and once it was cleared, the boy sent a slash mark towards its leg to immobilize it while he cut through its body"
"The kid is really impressive, he's acting like he has been fighting this kind of beast for a long time. Even without magic, the boy still looks for ways to win" Gildart smiled as he unknowingly said, "Now this is what I'm talking about, this is how a fight should be like!!!"
This made Kazuko jealous as she looked at Natsu angrily and thought, "What's so interesting about this fight?"
Purple lightening began coming from the beast as it's eyes glowed red which made Damian concerned as he thought, "One thing is for sure, the boy got talent but this fight has already been won by that beast"
Natsu managed to stand up and while panting he said, "I don't want to fight you, if you give up now, you and your baby would be saved"
"What's he talking about, what baby" everyone thought as Kaikuh read the beast mind.
"But how did he know" the beast, Damian and Dr Mayumi thought after they used there ability to confirmed it.
"I don't want to kill your innocent child, so please just give up" Natsu said still trying to stay conscious.
The beast had a little flashback of what happened as it saw a man on thick black hoody and a mask approaching it.
"Hey, I'm sure you don't want to give birth to your child in this hellish place. You've been thinking of ways to escape, haven't you?" The mysterious man said as the beast growled.
"I have a proposal, if you can defeat your opponent, I'll make sure you're set free. And I mean what I say, if you want to escape from this place, you have to make sure you win that boy by any means necessary" the mysterious man said and left.
This made the beast enter berserk mode as it's body grew bigger making horn's to come out of its heads as its claws grew longer and sharper. A seal appeared on the ground as a large energy came out making the beast to have one head with a weird mark on it as the beast thought, "I'd rather die than let my child be born here"
This put fear in the contestants body as they watched what happened.
The beast launched itself towards Natsu hitting him through across the place as he thought, "I couldn't see its movement, why's it attacking me" as he crashed into a pillar and raised his head to look at the beast.
Natsu saw the a large blast like that of the last one heading towards him as he held his blade and sent another slash mark.
The slash mark helped protect him but it wasn't that effective since it didn't cause any damage to the beast as he panted heavily.
Natsu noticed the blade was weak as some part of it fell off.
The beast launched another one towards him but the same thing just happened as the sword finally broke.
Kaikuh noticed that Natsu didn't want to kill the beast which made her worried as she shouted, "Don't be a fool, you have to kill that beast unless you'll die. It's kill or get killed in this kinda job!!!"
As she said this, it triggered a memory in Natsu's head as he saw his grandma.
His grandma stood in a field and said, "Natsu, I know you don't want to kill that beast cause it's pregnant, but it's either you kill it and feed yourself or leave it and die of hunger"
"But I don't want to kill it, I can't just kill an innocent child" Natsu said in tears as his grandma replied, "I'll teach you a trick that would help you kill the beast and save the baby, although it only works if the beast is near a hospital or research facility"
Natsu's wrapped his rope around his hands as he held his other blade and took a deep breath.
The beast launched itself towards Natsu as he moved his hands extremely fast making cut lines to appear on the beast.
This made the beast body to split into several parts as it comes closer to Natsu.
Natsu stopped it's stomach that rolled towards him and while still panting heavily as he turned towards the watch room and said, "Thank you for the advice, I really needed that, oh and can someone come to save this child" while his rope and blade got destroyed.
Everyone was in shock as Gildart smiled and said, "The Stage 2 of the Exams is finally over and Natsu passed!!!"