如果这个世界上有上帝,墨菲确信他不会听到他的祈祷.但话又说回来,这可能与 Murphy 不信教的事实有关.无论如何,那天早上 Murphy 一走出他的社区,就看到一名年轻女子和一名中年妇女正在互相搏斗,争夺一辆婴儿车.当他经过时,这位年轻女子立即对他喊道:"嘿,穿夹克的帅哥!请帮我报警!这个女人是个人贩子!Murphy停下脚步,转身看着他们.这位年轻女子看起来优雅而时尚.虽然她看起来有些慌张,但还是比较冷静的.另一方面,这位中年妇女具有典型的农村妇女外表.这一刻,她慌乱得几乎说不出话来."不,不!这是我的孩子!我的孩子!中年女子的话语简单而疯狂,与犀利沉着的年轻女子形成鲜明对比.即使没有他的"佛教之子"身份,墨菲也不会容忍发生在他周围的人口贩卖.但这两位女性都声称她们的案子是合法的,而且似乎都很有说服力.墨菲拿出手机查看.这时,一些路人已经注意到了骚动,开始聚集起来.年轻女子和中年女子还在拉着婴儿车.这位中年妇女看起来非常委屈,掏出挂在脖子上的手机,展示了一张照片:婴儿车和一个孩子的照片."这是我为我的孩子拍的照片!你怎么能想偷我的孩子呢,年轻的女士?当照片出现时,人群震惊了.一个男人喊道:"一个漂亮的女孩怎么会做出这种事情?人群的目光转向了这位年轻女子,女孩的防御似乎很弱."这...这是我的照片..."她试图解释,但很明显她的话缺乏分量."请报警.拜托了!这位年轻女子眼含泪水,用恳求的眼神看着墨菲.这时,一对看似善意的中年人走上前来,开始试图调解,将双方拉开.到现在为止,Murphy 还不能 100% 确定这个孩子到底属于谁,但有一件事他很确定.墨菲走上前来,拿起婴儿车,在惊讶的围观者面前微笑着,向他们展示了他的手机,上面拨打了警方的紧急电话号码."嗨,我在方草路 75 号的路灯下发现了一个孩子.有两个人声称自己是孩子的监护人,但我无法核实,所以我需要帮助.没错——他不知道孩子的真正父母是谁,但他绝对确定他不是孩子的父亲.电话另一端的调度员瞬间吓了一跳.他们以前处理过儿童失踪报告,但这次似乎...关闭.打完电话后,这位年轻女子的情绪似乎平静了下来.她站在婴儿车旁边一动不动.中年妇女和走进来的夫妇交换了一下眼神,还没等任何人反应过来,男人就把手伸进婴儿车里,一把抓住孩子就跑了.突如其来的事件让人群感到震惊,但墨菲没有.他很清楚,绝望的人可以做任何事情.因此,当这名男子采取行动时,墨菲迅速举起手机,击中了该男子的后脑勺.他的打击有一个精确的方法.后脑勺靠近脑干和小脑,是控制运动功能的地方.随着墨菲因"愤怒的金刚"技能而增强的力量,这个男人立即崩溃了.墨菲在这次打击中没有太多退缩;如果他这样做了,那个人可能会被打昏或更糟.当男人倒下时,墨菲迅速上前,从他的怀里抱起了孩子.这个孩子,不到一岁大,四处张望,一脸困惑.两个女人见情况急转直下,立即跑开了.The onlookers reacted quickly and pulled the two women back, stopping their escape. It was now obvious to everyone that these three people were human traffickers. The crowd began to grab and restrain them.The young woman, now realizing the child was in Murphy's hands, broke down in tears. She reached out to take the child, but Murphy stepped aside.With tear stains on her face, the young woman stared blankly at him.Murphy's expression remained stern. "I told you, I can't confirm who the child's parent is. We'll wait for the police to arrive and sort this out."Finally, the young woman seemed to remember what Murphy had said during his phone call. She hesitated, then slowly withdrew her hand.With his natural good looks and the gentle aura from the "Buddhist Son" status, Murphy looked like a kind person. When the child smiled and clapped in his arms, it only reinforced that impression.After all, the police would be here soon. Once they checked IDs and made a call, the truth would come to light.The crowd didn't disperse and waited with Murphy for the police to arrive.It wasn't long before the police car showed up, and when Murphy saw who was getting out, he recognized them immediately.Two police officers got out — one older and one younger. The younger officer was the one who had taken Murphy's statement yesterday.When the younger officer saw Murphy, he smiled. "Well, well! Not in trouble today, but you still managed to get me involved!"Murphy could only smile awkwardly but politely.He could only blame the "Moths to the Flame" skill... and the damn human traffickers.The crowd eagerly explained the situation to the police officers, who quickly understood. But now that the situation had shifted, this wasn't a simple missing child case anymore. They needed Murphy and the child's mother to come to the station and give statements.Murphy agreed, but he mentioned that he had to go to the film set for an audition soon and would need to rearrange his schedule. The older officer was understanding — after all, the facts were clear, and there were plenty of witnesses. Murphy could come by later.The younger officer pulled out his phone and, grinning, said, "Let's exchange contacts. At the rate you're going, next time we'll sort it out much faster!"Murphy: ...What are you implying?Once he was no longer stuck in the "Buddhist Son" phase after noon, he'd be back to his normal self. But that was just what he thought — he still obediently pulled out his phone to scan the officer's QR code.When unlocking the phone, however, he froze.He hadn't had anything else in his hands before, so in his haste, he had to use his phone to hit the man. Now, with his phone already battered and cracked, the screen was half covered in fractures.Murphy's eyes turned red in that moment.