"Haaah!" Diane exclaimed lightly as she landed on the bed, while her husband closed the door gently behind them. "What?" Diane inquired, when she saw Diego just standing there with a smile on his face. "You have just finished a big buffet, and one of the first things that comes to your mind is to go to sleep immediately?" Diego asked as he sat by his wife, who just laid there; her hands and legs stretched wide. "Well, all the food that I have consumed so far has made me sleepy." Diane explained, wanting to throw the covers over herself immediately, but she exclaimed mid-way. "What seems to be the matter this time?" Diego inquired, with an upraised eyebrow. Diane lightly held her nose. "It is, but because you are so strong headed!" She vociferated, as she glared at him with tears In her eyes. "I wonder how I shall sleep tonight!" A slight smile came to Diego's face. He knew that Diane was childish and naive, but he did not expect her to be this dramatic. "Hush, now, glance over here, so that I may see it." Diego whispered, trying to quell the flames. Thus sat Diane, her face almost being squished by Diego's right hand, as he turned her head this way and that, all in the name of examining her nose. "Ah, yes, your nose shall probably end up being crooked for life." Diego analysed, with a slight nod of the head. Diane angrily slapped his hand away. "And what is the joy In that?" She asked, as she recoiled a little bit from him. "You nearly caused me to bite the inside of my cheeks. Forget It, I shall go to bed now." And with that declaration, she threw the quilt above her, facing away from Diego. She nearly flinched when she felt an arm around her waist. "But I was the opinion all along, that you demanded immediate answers to your questions." The man said, his warm breath tickling her ears. "Yes, I did, but.. unhand me first." Diane stated, her voice becoming slight high pitched for some unknown reason. "Diego, this is not the manner in which friends should hold each other." Diane added In a low tone, her cheeks becoming warmer with each passing second. "So tell me, how close I should be to you as a friend?" The latter inquired, when the damsel turned to him. "This close should be enough." Diane declared, as she placed an even greater distance between Diego and herself, so much so that the man could not even touch her. "Now, you may begin to explain." Diane said, with a serious gaze. "What In the name of Agerintia does your cousin intend to do with a tiger?" She began. "Why, what else? To keep as a pet, of course." Diego responded curtly. But although Diane may be gullible, she was not complete a fool. She laid there, staring at Diego quietly, but her eyes demanded more. Those blue eyes, of which Diego's heart had faltered for multiple times. "It is not an actual tiger, though; it is no less of an actual beast." Diane furrowed her eyebrows lightly. "Do not speak in riddles!" She explained, as she administered to him, a light slap from whence she was laid. "What is Is it exactly that you wish to imply?" She added. "Well to begin with what you beheld was not truly a tiger, but rather a bit of his energy." Diego said, as gazed at her. "Energy?" Diane muttered, the concept still unclear. "The more you use your powers, the more you will begin to understand." Diego elaborated. "I am quite sure you must have noticed it by now; it was a key aspect if your awakening, afterall. As you use your powers, that energy tends to stir within you, does it not?" Diego inquired. Diane simply nodded at him. Well he was not wrong, but causing that energy to activate was rather difficult, which was one of the reasons why she felt so drained demonstrating to Thalia earlier on today; it was taxing on the body and burdensome on the soul. "There will come a time when the energy becomes more dense, and its abundance will increase as well, which may permit for you to perform multiple spells at once." Diego further elaborated. "From that stage downwards an animal may be conceptualized from that energy. But only a select few can actually attain this." "Well, since it is born from your field of energy, do you get an to attain how its appearance?" Diane inquired. The man shook his head. "It all depends on circumstances. But I believe your personality and characteristics can also tend to shape how the beast will turn out to look like." Diego continued, before adding with a smile. "Why do you think that the animal on my family's emblem is a tiger?" Diane sent an unfriendly scowl into his direction. "I don't know, Master Raymond, so kindly enlighten me if you would please." Diane told her, while displaying her teeth as though she wanted to bite him. "Well, it just so turns out that the first progenitor of our family, the founding father, had a beast of essence as well, and he was the one who personally commensurated the design our family logo." Diego added. Diane blinked at him. "Beast of essence? Is that the name given to them?" Diego nodded. Unfortunately, Diane proceeded to whack him on the head with her pillow. "You ought to have said that sooner! Just get to the point; you know fully well that there is no such thing as an eternal night." Diane exclaimed, while glaring at him. "I would have told you tommorow, but of course, you insist on hearing the tale tonight." Diego said, as he lightly pulled at that soft, smooth, somewhat chubby cheek of hers. "Ahem." He cleared his throat awkwardly, when he noticed his wife staring at him like a chipmunk that had been wronged. "But what It is that makes the beast of essence to be so special is due to the cause that a major perquisite has to be settled; you must harness that energy within you first." "And how may that be accomplished?" Diane inquired. "What is the reason for your enquiry, do you wish to have a beast of essence yourself?" Diego inquired. "I am the one who ought to be asking the questions here. You only need to.. Tell me what it is I want to hear." Diane said, causing Diego to scratch his head. "In order to continue from whence I left off." Diego continued. "Hold on, one moment." Diane suddenly interrupted him. "You said it was an essence, is that not so? But why did it feel so.. materialistic?" Diane said, as she recalled the manner at which the tiger pounced at her. "Also, it seemed to bear a consciousness of its own as well. "A beast of essence." Diego stressed that one crucial word. "And as for the rate of which you get the essence to materialize, well that just depends on how inept you are in comprehending your abilities, and controlling your powerss. Which is the very reason while the those gifted in magic classified such.. anomalies as prodigies. It Is a Nearly impossible feat to get one's essence to materialize. Some may even try from the beginning to the end of their lives, yet still fail." Diego elaborated. "Some may even try to utilize resources in order to quicken the rate of solidification, but that may not necessarilyguarantee success. And if one still fails after that, then such resources will be for naught." "But when the essence does materialize.. Will the beast be as big as the tiger?" Diane asked. "Well, it depends upon the age you are In. If you are at the peak of your life, surely, the beast of essence will be big, if not even larger in size than you are. But if you are a child, then of course it will be small." Diego explained. "Children can harness their essence as well?" Diane asked, nearly jumping out of the bed. "Did you not state that the feat was nearly impossible?" "Which Is the reason why there are Called prodigies." Diego reminded her. "And my cousin, is one of such prodigies." "I see." Diane simply muttered. She could expect no less from that man, to whom the concepts of relationships was nothing more than a heavy burden to him. "Diego." Diane asked once more with a sleepy look on her face. "Do you have a beast of essence as well?" Her mind had trailed to the chubby white wolf she always saw in that world. "As a matter of fact, I do." Diego replied. "And how come I have never beheld its appearance?" "Well, it may be a beast, but it is an essence all the same; I could always reabsorb it if I deemed fit." The man commented, as he drew closer to her. Diane's eyes was only managing to stay awake at this point. "And when shall we depart from here, Diego?" Diane asked, not realizing that she was cuddling up to him. "You miss home already? We have tarried only but for a day." Diego told her, slightly taken aback by her actions. Was she not the one who bothered about the proxemics Earlier? "It shall be two by tommorow." Diane complained, in a nearly groggy tone. "I miss Morris, Leonia, Dorothy, Uncle and aunt, Theodore and Natasha, Alice- I miss them all." Diane complained. "And what of me?" Diego asked. "Will you not miss me?" He added, when he saw the latter glancing at him. "You are here and ever present, Diego!" Diane cried out In annoyance, using her head to lightly collide with his chest. "Ah, my apologies." Diego stuttered in a low tone. He didn't even know what made him to ask such a question. "If uncle fails to release us before the hunter's moon, then I shall seek his consent, that we may depart." Diego assured her. "Uhm." Diane nodded, before her began to shut gradually. "You did have a long day afterall. Thankfully nothing unfortunate had occurred." Diego slowly whispered, as he gazed at her features warmly. "Do not hate me for this, Diane. It is but against your consent." Diego muttered to himself, before using his hand to brush against her fringes, before carefully placing a kiss against her forehead. 'One More peck shall not hurt, will it?' Diego thought, as he took her petite, Dainty hand in his.
"Gosh." A certain man exhaled as he bolted shut, the door of a office. "Although father assured Diego that he will attend to the stake of things, but it appears as though I am the one who does most of the work." Theodore complained to no one In particular, while using his hand to apply pressure on his sore neck. "My entire body is sore, and yet Natasha still expects me to keep a watch on the children!" He grumbled as he passed through the corridors, even walking past the room wherein Morris resided. He would not find the child there, he knew; as of late, Morris had taken upon himself, as though in solution to his separation anxiety, a terrible habit of slumbering in the room of the one that he was closest to the most- other than Diane, and Dorothy, of course.
However, just as Theodore was about to place his hand uoin the latch, he heard an indistintictive sort of murmuring, thus he stopped to listen. This was actually a terrible habit he had derived from childhood, actually. "Why is it that you always cast your gaze upon the stars at night?" The silhouette of the female moved across the room, towards her smaller companion, who had left the window of the room open wide. The only source of light came from the celestial Bodies, which shone overhead. "I never had the chance to meet my mother." Morris stated, without even turning his head to the girl, who seated herself next to him. "I had always longed for her presence; always pondered On what she may look like. But unfortunately my father had cast her portrait to a place only he knows." Morris explained. Leonia gazed at him for a while, before turning to the stars as well. "I also miss my parents as well, although I do not know a thing about them, apart from the tales my brother tells me." She said before adding. "So, how do you get a clear picture of what she may look like, Morris?" Leonia proceeded to ask. "Well, my sister did tell me If I ever did come to wonder such a thing, I should simply cast my gaze upon my reflection." Morris admitted, before gazing towards the sky once more. "She also told me that If a day does come when I feel lonely, I should simply cast my gaze in the stars. She believes that our mother lives amongst the stars." Morris added. Leonia's eyes sparked for some reason. "If your mother is amongst the stars, is It also possible for my parents to be there as well?" Leonia inquired. Morris shrugged his little shoulders. "It is not entirely impossible." At the moment whereby Leonia was about to peer into the stars as well, the door to her room Suddenly opened. "Cousin Theodore, have you no regards for privacy?!" Leonia exclaimed, nearly scared out of her wits, due to the verocity of which the door was opened. Theodore did not reply to his the bantering of his younger cousin; but rather he took giant strides towards them, scooping them both into his arms. "Maybe... We should all sleep together tonight." He simply stated, not giving the slightest attention to Leonia, who squirmed in his arms. Morris laid quiet, resting his head against Theodore's shoulder, but the latter heard what could be likened to a stifled sob.
"My lady, slow down." A maid called out anxiously from within the hallways, of which a certain damsel waddled through. "You may trip at this rate..." The nearly infuriated Lisa called out once more, from behind her. "Then by all means, permit me to trip." Diane replied steadily, not even casting as much as a backward glance towards her back. 'Since both you and Diego are of the opinion that I constantly ought to me watched, then I shall prove you both wrong.' Diane thought, a grin on her face as she increases her pace. When Lisa finally saw of whom she was trailing down this entire time, her eyes momentarily widened. "Lady Diane." A firm hand brought an end to Diane's joyful Trott. "Ah, your are rather swift, Lisa." Diane had to acknowledge, as she stared at the maid who seemed to have made lightwork of her exercise. "Did the master not inform you to refrain from following this man?" She inquired, while gazing into the latter's eyes. "Ought I to?" Diane equally reciprocated, as she shrugged her wrist out of Lisa's grip. "As I explained to you the previous day, I am just observing in order to gain enlightenment from him. Nothing more." Diane justified herself, as she hobbled up to him. "Besides, in any case, I deem him as one who Is deprived of human companionship." She added further, before tapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Lady Diane" Targen muttered faintly with a curt nod, when that blonde hair and overly familiar face came into his line of sight. "What causes you to wonder about these halls alone?" Diane gave a faint smile as she heard that; it was as though their first two encounters with her had long slid from his mind- His eyes had averted to their usual nonchalant expression, and his voice seemed even more cold than she remembered. "I am ever present to guide her, my lord." Lisa admitted hurriedly, as she hobbled forward. Targen glanced at her but for a while, before looking straight once more. "That is good then." He said, before proceeding to stride forward once more. But unfortunately, a hand brought his plans to a halt. "May I have the privilege of accompanying you?" Diane inquired, her blue eyes shimmering. Lisa just gave herself a light face palm as she heard that. "No, My lady." Lisa muttered, hurriedly walking towards them. "I am quite certain that Lord Tegan has more pressing matters to attend to." She stated, as she grabbed Diane squarely by the shoulders, attempting to pull her away. "It was not you I addressed, Lisa." Diane simply said, giving the latter something similar to a glare. "I would rather you hearkened to your maid, Lady Diane." Targen spoke, much to the amazement of the latter. "Do you know wither whence I go? Do not be of the assumption that I am to train- because of the sword hanging around my waist." Targen told her simply. "Then just let me be in your companionship then." Diane muttered as she twiddled with her fingers, with no suitable excuse forthcoming into that mind of hers. Targen reacted with her statement with a light scoff. "Lady Diane, if you ought to be In the companionship of any man, it should be none other than your husband." Targen simply told her. "I told you I am needing of your companionship." Targen could not Help but to glance downwards at the maiden, who was only a shoulder shorter than he was. 'It amazes me that this woman has not driven Diego out of his wits, as of yet.' Targen pondered. "Very well then, since you continue to insist." Targen stated, causing a smile to break into the latter's face. "But be better prepared to blame yourself, for whatever treatment it is that you may receive." Targen warned her, secretly hoping that the damsel would make a hasty retreat, but, contrary to his expectations, she accepted the news with much glee- she looked elated, even. "My lady!" Lisa called out, upon observing that the latter had given her his consent. "Will the lord not be dismayed, if he finds out that you were Roaming about the fields?" Why would he?" Targen said, turning towards the latter. "The damsel has the alternative to go wherever she wants, if she so pleases. And.." Without warning, he shot Lisa a glare that caused her to flinch. "You seem to be rather overprotective, for a mere servant." He added before walking away from her, Diane nearly skipping beside him.
Only when the two figures had gotten to a reasonable distance, could Lisa exhale peacefully. "What was that just now?" Lisa thought, as she gazed frightfully In Targen's direction. "It was as though I were petrified- I was unable to pull her Ladyship away even if I wanted to. Almost like a prey being petrified before it's predator, knowing fully alright that nothing could be done." She soliloquised, before placing her hand on her chest in order to calm her palpaitating heart. "Ah, my lady, you have caused me to drown in deep waters. I shall, without a doubt, get an earful over this." She stated, as she hurried down the corridors.
Diane could not Help but to throw occasional side glances to him as they walked. She had already tried hard to convince the Man to speak, but his determination to remain silent was as vast as the universe itself. "Tegan, to whence are we headed?" She inquired, with a small smile on her face. "You ought to have thought about that before venturing into the boarders of the unknown, my lady." Tegan simply stated, not even bothering to slow down his pace. Diane simply pouted upon hearing such a reply, but Tegan was not Diego; he could not possibly falter for her childishness.
The duo were currently at the garden now, to be more accurate; they were approaching towards the back of the garden. Even Diane had not expected the Raymond garden to be this grandiose in size, now that she had seen the entirety of it. Once again, she felt obliged to make inquiries as to where they were headed, but she had no other option but to hold her tongue. 'And here was I, constantly bemoaning about how reserved Diego was.' Diane said, as she sighed. They soon eventually got to where the garden terminated, beyond was a huge wall. Diane halted in her tracks. 'Wither does he intend to go from here? There is no path which extends beyond, hence!' Diane thought, as she watched the man gradually approach the wall. In the midst of her speculation, she had missed one tiny essential detail- A small door, so inconspicuous that one would have failed to notice it if they failed to be observant. Targen proceeded to insert the item into the alloted space specially designed for it. With a soft glow, the door slowly swung open, and almost instantly, a soft but cool breeze blew from It, as though It was an a dimensional portal leading to another world. "Has your mind been altered now? I had the intention that you were determined to become my escort, even if I jumped into an open flame?" Tegan inquired of her, In an almost teasing manner. The latter's statement brought back Diane's subconscious back to the present. As she gazed towards the door, she felt a slight sense of curiosity towards where it may eventually lead, and as to what it may harbor within its boundaries? "I have not changed it, if that be in your expectations." Diane said, as she walked towards him. Targen's expression contained a little bit of surprise. "Then, be my esteemed guest." He stated, while bowing like a gentleman.
As Diane stepped through the door, she could not know the best possible way to react as she saw the scene before her. "This is.." She muttered to herself, absent-mindedly. One thing was certain though- the overwhelming urge to pull away at her temples.