Lisa ran speedily through the hallways, all the time muttering a silent prayer in her mind. When she finally arrived at her intended destination, she could not Help but to give a frantic knock. "My lord, it is I, please open up." She muttered, while knockingin a consistent rhythm. The door opened up unexpectedly, catching her by surprise, to the extent of which her right fist was still upraised. Diego stood at the threshold, one hand still resting upon the door frame, his hair slightly wet, as he gazed at the intruder with incredulity. "What In the world has gotten into you Lisa?" He began. "Why do you knock as though the apocalypse has arrived?" Lisa tried to open her mouth in order to explain, but for reasons Beknownst to her, she could not bring upon herself, the efforts to do so. Upon noticing the latter's silence, Diego glanced over her head, gazing further down the corridors. "Where is Diane?" That question Made Lisa's heart to jump. "Ought she not to be with you?"He questioned, when he still saw no sign of the blonde. "Well, she is currently with Lord Tegan, my master." Lisa gave a nearly inaudible response, with her head down low. She heard the sound of her Master hand sliding from the door frame. "Is she now?" Diego simply asked. Lisa finally found the courage to raise her head, only to see Diego walk back into the room without the slightest of reactions. "So, what do we do now, my lord?" Lisa asked with uncertainty, she stood at the threshold, her hands behind her back. "There is nothing we can do. But since Diane is with Targen of all people, needless to say- I am alright with it." Diego admitted. Lisa nearly gaped at that. 'You are alright with it? If you deem it fit to punish me, then do so now. You concealing your rage.. just makes me all the more tense.' Lisa thought, while fiddling with her clothing. Finally she exhaled. "I have made a grave mistake my lord. I.." Lisa began, as she bowed her head once more, while mumbling with her words in her mouth. "You utter something, Lisa? Why does it seem as though you are so far away?" Diego asked, as he turned towards the direction of the latter; only to discover the latter standing in a humble posture at the entrance. "Do not mind me; you have my permission to enter, Lisa." Diego informed the maid, who stepped in timidly, before cautiously standing beside him. "You are not upset by my negligence, my lord?" Lisa asked while gazing out of the window. The morning breeze which blew from the window they stood before was rather gentle and pleasant; it was as though the agitation and initial fear that Lisa has earlier on was non- exsistent. The scenery below was far more than she had imagined- she was expecting to see a garden filled with flowers And trees, but she could see beyond that; the coverage of the entire Raymond manor, its fences and gate, as well as the road which lay beyond yonder, leading further into the town. "I am aware of how obstinate Diane can be, I am not so unjust as to pin the blame on you." Diego spoke, without even turning to her. "In the midst of unforseen circumstances, we have no other alternative, but to adapt." He added. Lisa turned to him worriedly. "But my lord, Master Targen is.." "There is no cause for you to be so agitated, Lisa." Diego interrupted her. "The only reason why I am so cautious of Targen is because he of his unpredictability; you can never tell when the switch will flick, and you will suddenly have a sword aimed against your neck." Diego explained. Lisa shivered slighly when she heard that. 'You better not be exaggerating. My lord.' Lisa thought as a wry smile came to her face. She had never felt such an intense degree of discomfort around anyone else before, not As intense as that which she felt whenever she was around that future head. "But at the same time, I most say that Diane has found an excellent knight for herself. I know quite well, that Taren will not suffer any calamity to befall her, so long as she is with him." Diego elaborated, before turning towards the maiden at his side. "Tell me Lisa. Do you know to whence they went?" Lisa shook her head. "Unfortunately, No My lord." Lisa stated, feeling somewhat downcast. She did not even feel the inclination to make inquiries as to where the Master Targen was headed. If the man laid so much as a finger on her lady, she May not be able to forgive herself. But to her utmost surprise, when she glanced at her master, there was a slight smirk on his face, and he appeared not the slightest bit worried at all. 'I believe I have an inkling of where they might be.' He thought, as the grin on his face grew even larger.
Diane stood in the midst of the field, with a slight pout on her lips. The branches of the trees swayed lightly in the wind, some of them depositing some fruits as they did, but the damsel did not care about that; nor did she bother to cuss at the Breeze which constantly brought her hair before her eyes, impairing her vision. "Judging by your expression, it appears as though you have been here before." Her companion quipped, as he sat on the grass, the wind gently tussling at his hair. 'Of course I have been here before! More often than not!' Diane processed internally, as she seated herself beside the man. "I was not expecting you to be headed towards the orchard." Diane said simply, as she used one hand to carefully tuck away a strand of hair behind her ears, a slight smile plastered across her face. "So you do know of this place." Targen simply muttered reply. "Why of course yet, This is the place where Diego and I- it Is a place which holds quite dear to my memories." Diane fortunately bit her tongue in time. She has also Nearly blurted out the fact that this place was where she has Met with Diego for the very first time. It would be rather unnecessary to key into such irrelevant details; and she doubted whether or not Targen would actually take interest in listening to her. "Ah, what of the tiger of yesterday?" Diane suddenly asked. She had expected the carnivore to be wandering about the orchard by now. Targen did not however turn to reply her, but he did rise on his feet, shutting his eyes as he did so, seemingly in deep concentration, paying the woman by his side no attention. Deep within the core of his soul, he could observe something similar to a glowing mist which swiveled around, pale white in color. If one were to peer In closely, when the mist converged at one point, it would take upon the silhouette of a slumbering tiger for a brief moment, before automatically disbanding again. As Time passed however, Targen was able to compell the mist to Come together at a single point. "Emerge." Targen muttered slightly, as he felt a bit of his essence get drained from him. The wandering essence was found a spot to materialize, before finally formed into a tiger which was spread bare against the grass. Tristan gave a low growl as he yawned, before glancing at his master for a brief moment. It did not seem too pleased to be awoken in such a manner. "You had an acquaintance that wanted to meet with you again." Targen carefully explained the situation, while pointing at Diane's direction. The damsel marveled at the sudden appearance of the tiger with sparkling eyes; however the entity her curious eyes had landed on, showed its strong disinterest In her, for it simply laid its head on the grass once more, its eyes clamped shut. "Master Targen, Are you alright?" Diane asked the latter, who was apparently had his hands on his knees, while wheezing. "I am fine." Targen coughed lightly as he replied. 'Is it because I am still prone to father's attacks that I got exhausted so quickly?' Targen thought, as he gazed at his palm. 'And not just me...' He added as he raised his gaze, setting his sight on Diane. 'It appears as though she may still be prone to his manipulations as well.' He added, when he saw a light blue aura encompassing Diane's being. While he was yet still processing his thoughts, he felt a slender arm clasp onto his. "Are you absolutely certain that you are alright?" Diane inquired. Targen stared at her blankly. When did she rise up to approach him?
"As I said to you previously, I am alright." Targen said, as he crudely slipped his hand away from hers. "Save that concern of yours for Diego, or someone who will truly cherish it." He added, as he walked away from her. Diane frowned lightly. 'He is being yet cold to me again.' She added, as she trailed behind him. She came to a halt when the man paused. "Why is it that you copy every action of mine that I take?" He asked, as he glanced at the damsel not too far from him, who observed him with her hands behind her back. "Is there something that you wish to ask of me, Lady Diane?" Diane shrugged her shoulders and said nothing, just observing him with a smile on her face. Unknown to her, this only served to infuriate Targen. 'Certain times, I wonder if it is alright for me to decapitate her head.' He thought, as he lightly placed his hand upon the sheath of the sword. He seemed to realise his thoughts though, for he suddenly laid himself beside the tiger, with his hands acting as a cushion which supported his head. "Master Targen." A soft voice called out to him. He opened his eyes, only to behold a pair of bright blue eyes staring down into his. "What could you possibly want now, Lady Diane?" Targen said, as he sat up, a bit of grass sticking to his head, which he brushed off. "Do you perharps know where the front gates are?" She asked, while gazing at him with soft eyes. "Of what reason do you inquire for that? Do you wish to go home?" Targen inquired, as he drew out the medallion from his pocket, which gave a low hum, as though it recognized his touch. It would be better for the both of them if she went home- the man was unsure as to whether or not he was actually in control of himself, and that thought weighed heavy on his mind. The gate of which they used to exit was ever present, but the front gates were; "You will still be unable to see them from here, My lady." Targen replied, when he saw the damsel craning her neck. "Unless If you will be willing to walk a good over forty meters." "That distant!" Diane exclaimed suddenly. Even the slumbering tiger growled in dissatisfaction. "Yes, indeed it is so." Diane stated. Targen felt the strong urge to ask himself the reason he was being so co-operative with her. Was it due to being around her reminded him of that person? "But why is it that the manor back at home is not connected directly to this orchard?" Diane suddenly asked, as she gazed from afar. Targen stared at her for a while. "The reason is quite simple thus." He stated. "When the actual Raymond manor was constructed, some magical artifacts were utilized as well, forming the link between this place and the orchard, which is one of the reasons the orchard can only be seen by those that possess the ability to harness Magic. But at the period wherein Uncle Jasper left, he did not call for any such arrangements- perharps he deemed it to be unnecessary." Targen explained. "I see." Diane simply nodded in response, the concept made sense to her. "Master Targen, I will be needing of your assistance." Diane suddenly quipped. "Could you perharps show enlighten me on the ways of the Blade?" A small smirk came to Targen's lips as he said that. "Sure. I would like to appraise your skills for myself, anyways." He added, as he stood up, unfastening his sword from the sheath. "Here." He added, as he kindly gave it to her. But he felt a bit of repulsion when he gazed at Diane's feautures. "Ah, Pardon me- that was rather rude." The damsel stuttered, as she got up. She had been internally swooning at how divine he looked, with that smile on his face. 'He must have found me to be a strange fellow, did he not?' Diane thought, as she was being led by her, away from the beast of essence. There eventually got to a terrain where Diane would label as the most barren spot at the orchard, a location of which they were barely even trees to conceal them. "Shall we begin?" Targen inquired, as he turned towards Her. Diane tilted her head at him. "I am slightly confused, Master Targen. But what blade are you bound to use?" "You need not worry about me." Targen replied, his voice mundane. Something caught the corner of her eyes- in Targen's outstretched hand, Was a swiveling mist of energy, forming and eventually materializing to form a sword. "I do hope that your blade is as swift as your tongue, Lady Diane." Targen told her, as he got into his stance. 'Why, what a roundabout sarcastic remark.' Diane mused, as she smiled at him, trying hard not to scowl. "Why of course, you shall be dazzled by my blade." Diane said, as she pointed her sword at him. Targen grinned. 'I do hope so.' He muttered, as he charged In on her. "Do not disappoint Me, Diane." He added, before he moved in.
At the first strike, Diane fortunately managed to bring his blade to a halt. 'He Is rather fast.' She thought, as she parried his blade with much difficulty. It will be best if I..' Diane immediately increased the distance between her opponent and herself. She began to dodge and dance around the field, evading his attacks with just the skin of her teeth. "Your footwork Is rather sloppy, Lady Diane" Targen observed, while Diane avoided his strike, skidding further away. 'Whatever happens, do not let go of your sword.' She had barely stood to her feet when she was competing to block yet another fatal attack from her opponent. 'Each lunge Is devastating- does he intend to end me?' Diane thought, as she yet created more space, huffing as she did. A musical chime reverberated across the field as both metals struck against one another. Tristan finally rose his head, glancing at the two figures competing against one another at the distance. His master did not seem to be in any trouble- needless to say, he had the upper hand, so the beast did not feel perturbed to go there.
"Exhausted already?" Targen inquired, as he glanced at the damsel who was already huffing at that point. Her right hand quivered from constantly having to dodge all of Targen's attacks. She held her sword upright before her when she noticed him charging towards her direction once More. "Arg!" Diane had to stop herself from screaming out loud, while her sword soared into the air. "I concede!" She yelled In desperation, when she saw the blade getting closer to her, but the man did not seem to hear her. She could only hopelessly close her eyes, as the blade appeared before her.
The sound caused Lisa to snap out of her daze. "I shall get it, my lord." She informed the man, who sat nonchalantly on the cushion, when she observed movement from him. She was still slightly worried for Diane, but she did not dare to let it show, especially as her master sat content indoors, reading an article. If she did, would it not prove therefore, that she had little faith in her master's word?
"Good morning, My lady." Lisa payed her respects, to the lady who stood before her. No sooner had she done that, than Thalia emerged from the latter's shadow. "Is Diego in?" She inquired, as she craned her neck from the duchess's shoulder. "I am." Diego's voice floated in from the background. "You may come in, Aunt, Thalia." Diego uttered, as he stood behind Lisa. "You may have your seat." Diego informed them, when he saw them Standing around. The duchess sat without the slightest bit of hesitation, but a certain someone chose not to. "Why do you glare as though I have offended you, Thalia?" Diego asked. But the latter just stared around the room. "Where is Diane? Out for a walk, perhaps?" "Oh, she is currently with Tegan at the moment." Diego casually replied. "And you are alright with her being with him?" Thalia inquired. Diego nodded, causing Thalia's eyes to widen. She and the duchess exchanged glances. "Actually Diego- we came here to know about Targen's whereabouts. Do you have an inkling?" The duchess inquired, her voice quivering from anxiety. Diego smirked. "I do indeed have a proposition, but I doubt its Versacity."
Only when Diane hear a low sigh, did she dare to open her eyes. But when she did, she shut them immediately- the hilt of the sword was only millimeters away from her eyeball. "Um, Master Targen, could you kindly put away your sword?" She requested, her heart still palpaitating due to the adrenaline in her blood. "Forgive me. It appears that I got carried away." Diane heard the man say. She looked up at him, only to see him ruffling his hair. "It is alright; the excitement tends to get to all of us." Targen glanced downwards; she could not tell if she was being sarcastic or not. Apart from the tiger which constantly prowled about his feet; there was another thing that caused him to scowl.
"Permit me to assist you." A voice floated into Diane's ears, accompanied by the outstretched arm. Diane was flabbergasted- he was displaying a completely different attitude compared to the first time they met. Could he be.. warming up to her? "Thank you." Diane muttered, as she accepted his. No sooner had she taken his hand than she felt a sensation, spreading from her fingertips and coming to a halt at her wrist. Targen released her as soon as the procedure was completed. "I noticed that your hand was hurt." Targen explained, while the tiger laid down to observe them both. "Ah, thank you." Diane mumbled, as she touched her wrist lightly. The Pain was completely gone, and Diane finally understood Targen's intentions-she had made her mind stray too far. Although, it still made her to recall the first ever memory she had about this orchard. "Lady Diane, for her long truly, have you weilded your sword?" Targen asked, as the sword in his left hand dissipated. "Ah, I am not exactly sure- perhaps a month?" She analysed, feeling her head itch. Well, it had been a month since Diego brought it upon himself to tutor her about the blade, if she were to deduct the two weeks in which she sneakily learnt from Gozek, the captain of the guards of the Lewis Household, and the one week wherein she became her own tutor. "You are quite the slow learner, Lady Diane." Targen said, as he pointed into the distance. Tristan understood immediately, as he sprinted out from their midst, only to return with a sword in its mouth. "If I knew that you were such a novice, I would have never engaged with you In the first instance. If if were a real battle, your head will be amongst one of the first to roll." He emphasized, while using a piece of cloth to wipe off the tiger's saliva from the sword, before placing it In its rightful place. "Have you even succeeded in making a contact with your Evergio?" He asked. "Ah, no why do you ask?" Diane inquired, with a tilted head.
Diane sat with her legs Crossed, her eyes closed, and a confused expression on her face. She could neither see nor hear a thing- she had no idea why she agreed to such a ridiculous request in the first place. Perhaps it was her desperation to connect with her Evergio in the first place that drove her to agree initially. Opposite her, Targen was also seated in the exact same position, his eyes also closed. He had his hands joined together with Diane's, which his beast laid faithfully beside him. For some reason, the corner of his lips curled upwards.
"As wild as she is." He thought, as he saw the bright blue mist that swiveled around the soul core. 'Fortunately, we both possesed the same identical primary element, so there is no need for me to bother about the casualties.' He thought, as he watched the mist spiraling jovially around the core. "Its overly dynamic nature is bound to pose a problem in the near future- I wonder how she shall harness this wild energy.' Targen mused, as he watched as it went haywire for a second, dispersing into each and every location, before it converged at the core once more. 'Truly speaks a lot about her personality.' He thought. "But the real problem is.."
"I shall lend you a bit of my essence, Diane." Targen stated, as he opened his eyes for some time. Diane's eyelids also fluttered as well. "What does that imply?" Diane inquired, As she tried to draw her hands towardsherself but Targen held them firmly. "I am yet to finish with you, Lady Diane." Targen told her, albeit begrudgingly. "Your essence is too little to form a connection. So I will gladly lend you mine- it should suffice for a temporal connection, for the now." Targen explained. "However, that does not mean you are to neglect your training, alright?!" He added, as he shot a stern gaze to her direction. "I understand." Diane pouted, as she glanced away. Why was he lecturing her as though she were a little child? "I shall begin now. It may be slightly uncomfortable, but just bear with it. Do not try to resist it- else it may end up in failure." Targen warned. "Alright." Diane replied curtly. "Now focus." He said, as he shot his eyes, and Diane followed suit.
She felt a warm sensation spreading from her hands to her entire body- It was almost nearly identical to when Targen had sent a surge of his energy to heal her bruise earlier. Uncomfortable? If anything as such, it would be a more perfect description to say it was slightly ticklish. But, it was also soothing and calming as well, and the damsel was almost getting immersed in the sensation. Tristan on the other hand, gave a low growl. "What is the matter now?" Tegan called out, as he briefly opened his eyes. But the beast neither growled at threat nor intruder, it growled.. at his master. "What has gotten into you?" Targen asked, as he gazed at the Tiger, who displayed its huge canines at him, ready to pounce if need be. "Tristan.." Targen called softly, hoping to calm the agitated beast. But that was when he felt it- an irregularity in the surge of his essence. "Not.. this again" He began, but the feeling so overwhelmed him, that he was rendered incapable of uttering a word. "Tristan." He called out with much resistance. "Whatever it may be that may occur.. .. Ensure the damsel stays protected." He managed to say, before Darkness descended upon him.
"Ah." Diane groaned, as she felt a droplet of moisture come in contact with her nose. She opened her eyes, only to find herself seating, almost submerged in a body of water. "Where Is this place?" She mused out loud. She knew for sure- This wasn't one of Diego's memories. As she stood, she realized that the waters were not shallow in the slightest- they were nearly up and against her waist. She did not understand why, but she had the intuition to move further. As she did, the waters receded, at least they did not get past her knee. "Is someone here?" She called out, all she got was a chuckle in reply. "Who goes there?" She inquired, As she whipped around vigilantly. "There is no need to Fret child- the one whom you seek is right before you." A feminine Voice spoke.
As she looked ahead, she saw a figure of whom she had merely been opportuned to see for a few seconds, previously. Seated on a throne made of corals, with one hand on her chin as she viewed Diane with great interest, was none other than- "Alexandra?" Diane whispered that name. The entity noticed this, and the smile on her face enlarged. "I knew that someone attempted to make a connection, but I was not expecting it to be you." She explained, as she gazed downwards at the latter. "Hmm, your essence seems to be slightly tinted- you must have had an external aid, yes?" She inquired. Only now could Diane behold the true connection of this woman- Her dark blue hair, accompanying by those light blue eyes, with that mystical aura which surrounded made her seem unapproachable. Her ethereal voice did not make things easier for Diane, who had formed the impression that this was a dream. "Where is this place?" Diane asked once more. "This is my.. domain. Each one of us has his own domain." Alexander responded. Now, Diane was Not dimwitted to know who the us referred to. A bit too gloomy, and Depressing for the likes of Diane though. "You ought to be summoned to this place- your subconscious, rather- when you make a connection with either one of us." The Evergio replied. "But you.." Alexandra said, as she pointed her index finger towards Diane. "You are still too weak to form a connection with me." "But why is that so?" Diane exclaimed, her voice echoing. "I try my best, do I not?" She inquired. "Indeed you do, Diane." Alexandra said, with a smile. "But there are yet some challenges you ought to face, in order to prepare you for the most probable future. Only then can you establish a true connection with me." Alexandra said, her with a solemn expression. "How do you.. know my name?" Diane asked. Alexandra smirked slowly. "How could I not? You are connected to me, are you not?" She asked, as the waters at Diane's feet began to surge. "Oh, yes. You happened to bring a Few uninvited companions with you when you arrived. Fortunately they were taken care of. But do ensure to check up on him, once you have headed back." She added. "Wait." Diane called out hurriedly. "How did I attain my po.." At this point the water reached its peak, and the ripples evolved into waves, which drowned Diane, and whatever question it was that she would have asked. "You still have a long way to go."
"Targen." A voice called out to him from the void. Targen slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself at a desolate land. "Diane? Where is..'" "My, my. This shan't do." The figure, seemingly shrouded in shadows said, as it revolved around Targen. "You seem particularly keen about that child, aren't you?" The figure lightly held Targen's Chin, as he whispered into his ears. "Or, is there a particular reason why she intrigues you as such?" The figure asked, while wearing something akin to a smirk. "You shall not dare to lay a harm on her. Diego will.." "Diego?" The entity scoffed. "Do you really think that child is powerful enough to face me?" It added. "He is more powerful than me, at least." Targen told the figure before him, with his hands folded. "If that is truly so, then why is he yet to break me from my grasp?" It asked. "Why are you yet to break free from my Grasp?" It added. "Just so you know, I even have a firmer hold on Diego than I do of you." He added. "Say, why don't we just end it all? Perhaps.. you might just be able to reunite with her." It added. "And then, will the both of you not get to have a happily ever afterward?" It muttered into its ears once more. "Enough!" Targen yelled furiously, as he tried to grab at the entity, but not surprisingly, it dissipated into a mist, only to appear before him. "It really pleases me to see you so dismayed, Targen Raymond." It added, with a chuckle. "Well then." It clicked its fingers. "I shall see you soon; I must send you back, before your family thinks they have been bereaved of you." It added. "My regards to Diane."
Diane awoke, only to find the sensation of something rubbing against her. "Tristan?" She mumbled, as the beast Laid itself down against her. "Ouch." She immediately felt a headache as she sat up. Tristan had already gone over to Tegan's side, while pawing at where the man laid, unconscious. "Tegan?" Diane called out in surprise, as she rushed over to his side. He was not too far from her, so she was able get to him easily. "Tegan." She called out lightly, as she shook him, but got no response. 'Is this what Alexandra spoke of?' She thought, as a feeling of dread settled in her heart.