Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 96 - A Potential Threat.

Chapter 96 - A Potential Threat.

Diane sat before the mirror, fidgeting with her hair. The mirror reflected back the frown which was currently present on her face, as she tried eagerly and in earnest to comb out her tangled curls. 'If only Lisa was here, or Digo awakened at least!' She spoke inwardly, as she glanced in the direction of the man who laid outstretched on the bed, one hand placed gingerly on his forehead. "I have only but been away for a day; yet I already begin to miss the presence of Dorothy.' Diane mumbled meancholicaly to herself, as she divided the middle of her hair with the aid of a wooden comb. She was not the bit astonished by Diego's attitude towards Leonia in that memory; Natasha had been kind enough to reveal to Diane that crucial piece of information at the period wherein they first met. But viewing it all from the first person; everything actually felt as thought it were occurring in the present. Additionally, Diane got quite the fright when she saw the younger Diego wielding that sword. The look in the child's eyes actually meant that he was willing to kill her, and Diane knew quite well that he was perfectly capable of doing so. But what was especially strange about the memory was- although the setting and location of which the event took place was displayed in its entirety; she realized that she could not wander off or stray too far from Diego. Using an instance- The Echelon Academy, although Diane had tried to venture through the other parts of the academy- especially since she had not the privilege to attend, she discovered that she will end up by his side automatically if she was indeed, at a greater distance than what could be tolerated. "Well, it does make sense, it is his memory afterall. So I can see only what he can see." Diane mused, as she did her hair into two huge braids, with the parting being the boundary that divided them both. She gazed at her reflection, while admiring her handiwork. But then again, she was unsure as to why she was able to peep into Diego's memories. Was it her powers? Will she be able to look into someone else's memory as well or did it apply to just Diego alone? Also.. as for revealing this entire affair to him, Diane did not just know how to go about It. Wouldn't the man burst Into a fit of laughter if she were to tell him that his memories had evolved into worlds, and there were three entities which factored as the guardians of such worlds? It sounded absolutely nonsensical.

 "Diego." She called out softly from where she was seated. After getting no response, she cautiously walked over to where he was laid. "I can tell that you slumber not." She whispered those words In his ear. Before she could even react, a pair of hands grabbed her firmly, pulling her into the same boundary as him. "Diego!" Diane cried out In shock, she was not expecting the man to react like that. "Why..?" She began, but she became tongue tied as she gazed into those silver orbs of his. Those eyes that gazed at his classmates with such disdain.. Those which gazed at the infant with sheer hostility.. "Hello? Madam?" Diego snapped his fingers as he spoke, bringing Diane's consciousness back to the present. "What is it that preoccupied your mind so early in the morning?" He interrogated, when he observed how dazed she was. "M-madam? Do I appear to you as a middle aged woman?" Diane nearly exclaimed, as she attempted to separate her body from his. "I just had to call you that, because I wondered as to why my wife would style her hair so childishly." Diego explained, as he twiddled with one of the such acclaimed braids. "I do not care what your opinions might be, I am perfectly alright with them!" Diane said, as she attempted to wriggle free. "You are always so eager to leave me." Diego added with a smirk. "You can't wait to get away from me." He commented, as he gazed intently at his wife. If it was possible for him to lengthen the contract, he would. It would be almost impossible for one to lay his hands on a perculiar gem, only to give it off without a second thought. "And how were you so sure that I wasn't asleep?" He continued to probe her, while ignoring the expression that was plastered across her face. "Well, you actually gave yourself away, given the swift manner of which you picked me up." Diane replied casually. Her waist was already starting to hurt at that point. "And It is not like you to sleep until this hour." She added. Diego raised his brow at her. "Just those two points?" "Does the detail matter; or is whether or not you can ascertain to its appropriateness?" Diane was even more enraged now. And yet, this man had the audacity to laugh as though she was just jesting around?! Her poor waist.. it was probably rendered to splinters at this point. "My lord, are you awake?" A voice called out, as she knocked on the door. Diane's ears perked up like those of a dog's, she could tell who the bearer of that voice was- Lisa's. "Ouch!" The maid knocked even more feverently as she heard that exclamation. "Is everything alright, my lord?" Lisa called out once more, her voice full of concern. "Yes, Lisa, everything is alright." Diego assured her. He could even hear Lisa exhale In relief from the other side. "But.." He added, as he turned to the woman on his chest. "You needn't come in just yet." Diane was seated In between Diego's legs, as she held onto her nose with both hands, wincing inwardly In pain. What happened was at thus- When the latter(Lisa) had knocked earlier, Diane had bolted upright instantly, completey unaware that her necklace had gotten stuck to one of Diego's buttons. As she raised her head, the recoiling force brought her down once more, causing her to hit her strike her nose against the man's chin, so Diego was forced to intervene as he replied to Lisa. "For the second time as well.." Diane grumbled, as she recalled as certain memory. How did she always end up falling into unusual situations such as this? "I will have to go now; I can't afford tol let Lisa Tarry for too long." Diane explained, as she descended from the bed. "What about me?" Diego suddenly inquired, causing the latter to turn to him. "Pardon?" Diane halted In her footsteps, as she turned towards him. Diego lightly touched his jaw. "My jaw has been aching right from the moment your head was struck against it; I believed that it may be broken." He added, with a smile, but Diane was in no mood for his shenanigans . "It will be the best for you if Lisa fixes you up before you leave." Diego quipped, Amidst the silence of the latter. The first thing that immediately came to Diane's line of sight was the rumpled sheets-due to her squirming from earlier on. But was Lisa not bound to get the wrong idea if she came in? The damsel immediately dashed towards the door, without a second's delay. "How about a peck before you depart.." "You are not a child, Diego!" Diane exclaimed in agitation, as she slammed the door shut.

 Lisa just stared at her mistress as she panted outside the door. "Are you alright, my lady?" She inquired, as Diane raised her head up. "I am alright Lisa- why won't I be? Sorry for making you wait, though." She stated, while rubbing at her sore nose. "Well then, we should probably be on our way. I am certain that Lady Thalia already awaits our arrival."


 Seated on the terrace, with an anxious look on her face, was none other than Thalia. The table of which she sat had an umbrella which shielded her from the harsh rays of the summer sun. She impatiently tugged at the bonnet on her head- the item served only to generate more heat, and she had begun to question herself as to the reason she had put it on. Perhaps, it was the inspiration she got from seeing Diane on the first day they met. She smiled to herself, throwing a quick glance at the empty chair opposite her. Did she arrive a little top early? So far, she had no companion apart from the birds which Sang melodiously evey now and again. She was even worried that the cups of tea which was served would get cold, and in her agitation, she had drunk half of hers. "Perharps she shall not come..." Thalia muttered disappointedly, before she heard her name being called from afar. She glanced upwards, only to behold the damsel walking down the path wearing a red dress, and waving excitedly, with a maid to accompany her. Unlike Diego's garden, that of Rodeck actually concrete slabs, which encompassed the house, each One of them leading towards the garden. Diane walked up to her Summoner, a jovial expression on her face. "Good morning, Lady Diane." Thalia payed her respects, with a slight nod of the head. "Morning to you too, Lady Thalia." Diane greeted with a slight smile plastered across her face, as she sat on her chair. "Please Pardon me. Accept my apologies for keeping you waiting." Diane simply stated while using her fingers to slightly brush her nose. Unsurprisingly, it still hurt a little. "No, there is no need to apologize." She said, in a low tone,while glancing away. She had always felt intimidated by Diane's beauty ever since she laid eyes on her. And now, as the damsel was seated before her, with those bright blue eyes which twinkled as she spoke, her graceful demanor, and her warm smile, Thalia found it almost nearly impossible to hate her. 'Those rosy cheeks and slightly red nose seem to add to her beauty as well.' Thalia thought, as she peeked at the latter. Although the braids she did with her hair also made her seem childish, they also made her to seem young and vibrant as well. Now she had begun to realise why Diego, of whom she had believed to be a celibate, could not resist this woman. Could any man truly be immune to Diane's charms?

 "Ah, the tea shall be cold by now." Thalia cried out In desperation, when she noticed the damsel raising the cup to her lips. "It really doesn't matter; I take quite a fancy to cold tea." Diane explained, as she placed the cup back down, she turned to the latter with a smile. "Where, are your ladies in waiting?" Diane inquired, after craning her neck for a while. "Were you waiting for us all by yourself?" "Well, I did not find such a need for someone to be constantly standing about me, so I sent them off." Thalia replied, as she adjusted her bonnet. "If not, it would seem to me as though I am in the constant surveillance of someone." She added, sparingly. Diane nodded in an understanding manner. "By the way, Thalia. Do you perhaps possess powers as well?" She inquired. Thalia glanced at her with a dazed expression, before suddenly breaking into a laughter. "Forgive me, Lady Diane." She said, as she composed herself. "But you made that statement with such a serious expression.." She exhaled, before establishing eye contact with the woman before her. "I do not." She replied, while shaking her head. "May I enquire as to the reason why my lady thought so?" "Well, I was actually curious as to why you ended up being a part of Diego's family, and turned your surname into Raymond." Diane admitted, as she gazed into her almost empty cup. This was indeed, a crucial subject to discuss. "That.. Occured long before I was born, My lady." Thalia stated, a bit of uncertainty in her voice. "Even I myself am not so sure as to what exactly transpired- the circumstances are but a bit unclear. Forgive me If I cannot provide my lady with a more appropriate reply." Thalia stated, her voice solemn. "Ah, there is no need for you to apologize; so please do not waste your breath." Diane replied, as she gave the latter a small smile. She was never really curious as to why It had to be so, anyway- from Thalia's facial expression, it was quite clear that she was uncomfortable with bringing up that issue. Besides, the latter had already used up all possible means to avoid the discussion in a very, crafty way. "What about you, Lady Diane?" Diane glanced upwards when she heard that. "I heard you have Powers as well?" "Um, you are indeed correct." Diane said, as she briefly opened up her right palm, and a water whip manifested itself, wrapped around her slender fist. This skill was the one which Natasha had taught Diane for the very first time. "Amazing." Thalia muttered, as she gazed in awe at Diane who was standing, flicking the whip in her hand over and again. The skill was almost useless with absolutely no disastrous effect of any sort; all it did was to make the neighboring plants to become dampened by some of the droplets which got cut from its source. Diane sat back down, exhausted after Her little demonstration. "Shall I go and fetch some water for you, my lady?" Lisa, who stood behind Diane this while time, inquired. "No, I am alright, thank you, Lisa." Diane said to the latter. "I was wondering." Thalia's voice filtered into her ears. "In what circumstances truly did you and Diego meet? For you to have cut off ties with your family for his sake, it implies that the both of you must have been deeply in love with each other." Thalia mused out loud, with a smile on her face, one hand supporting her chin, as she gazed at Diane intently. Diane almost nearly gulped- That look was one which demanded an answer, and with immediate effect.

"Well.." Diane began, as she ran her hand around her necklace anxiously. She knew that she could not reveal to Thalia about how she threatened Diego, the contract, or the fact that she was due to leave in two months time. While she was still thinking about what to say, Lisa suddenly intervened. "Forgive me, Lady Thalia, for saying this- but my lady seated here does not deem it quite convenient to discuss such issues with you. I hope that you will do well to understand this Poinf of mine." Lisa stated, as she stared at the latter. "Lisa." Thalia began, with a faint smile on her lips. "Are you aware of your social standing?" She asked. "I do." Lisa replied curtly. "And you are aware that you ought not to interfere?" Thalia persisted with her interrogation. "Certainly." "Then, I believe when I spoke, my words were addressed to your mistress, and not to you." Thalia added, as she secretly clenched her fists underneath the table. "As I said earlier on, the lady should forgive me If it appears to her that I have crossed the boundaries of being a mere servant." Lisa stated, as she placed a hand on her chest. "But if my answer is not up to your satisfaction, then feel free to report my behavior to my master- he shall surely have the most effective way of dealing with me." Lisa concluded. Before Thalia could even have the opportunity to respond, Diane butted her head into the matter. "Please, don't be so harsh with Lisa. I am actually the one to be faulted here, I..." Diane halted for a brief moment, when she felt something warm making contact with her hand. She looked across the table, only to see Thalia grasping her right hand gently. "It is alright, Diane." Thalia reassured her, with a smile on her face. "I do not take offence; so there shall be no need for your precious servant to be punished by Diego." She added, as she glanced at Lisa. 'I will Pardon your impertinence this once for Diane's sake, but do not deem yourself to be this fortunate the next time it occurs.' She thought, as she directed in the direction of the maid, an unsightly glare. The melodical Chime of the sword rang into Diane's ears suddenly, causing her to glance towards the direction of the field, an assuringly, In a distance not too far away, Was a Man training in the field. "I did not expect for him to be here though." Diane quipped, as she stared in that direction. "Who exactly do you speak of?" Thalia inquired, as she also stared at the direction of which her companion glanced thus. "Well, he does come here to get some fresh air on a periodic basis." The lady informed after s brief interval of silence, while averting her eyes from the man's direction in Order to prevent herself from staring. 'Why does he have to do it whilst being bare? Does he forget that we have guests currently residing at out abode?' Thalia cussed at him, almost feeling embarrassed for his sake. "He is almost as cold and detached as Diego." Diane muttered absent Mindedly, without realizing that the lady seated next to her was bound to hear. "Which was exactly the reason why I was curious as to how you were able to tame Diego's heart." Thalia inquired, as she used her finger to doodle on the table. "Be honest with Me Diane; are you perharps a witch? Did you bewitch him with your magic? I have never seen Diego gaze at someone so tenderly-except It be In the case of his sister." Thalia analysed, as she stared at Diane. "Ahem." Lisa cleared her throat, rather loudly. "Perharps Diego is not the only one who is fond of you." Thalia uttered, as she glanced in the direction of the maidservant. Lisa innocently gazed into another direction; as though unaware of the significance of the act which she performed. Within that short span of time, another servant came bustling forth to meet with them. She payed her respects to Diane, before turning to her mistress. "Your mother would like to speak with you, Miss." She said, as she bowed respectfully. A slight frown hanged over Thalia's eyebrows. "At this very moment?" She asked, as she turned from Diane, back towards the direction of the maid. "Is she not aware of the arrangements which I made?" She inquired, but the maid had Casted her gaze unto the ground. "That, I am not certain young miss; I have simply conveyed to you the message which was spoken unto me." "It may be best if you hearken unto the voice of your mother, my lady." Lisa quipped in once more, ignoring the warnings which were commissioned to her earlier on. "So it may not be, as though the presence of Lady Diane has led to a strife between your mother and yourself." She urged. Thalia cast upon this Maid, a resentful gaze. She would never admit it; the fact that Lisa's words contained wisdom. "I am sorry Lady Diane; but it appears as though I would have to bring this conversation to a close." Thalia explained, as she stood up. "It was truly a pleasure for me to meet with you like this. It won't be the last, will it?" She inquired, as her golden eyes lit up for a brief moment. "By all means, it shall not." Diane answered the latter with a smile. "But I have a condition; when addressing me next time, do ensure to leave out the honorifics." A smile slowly emerged on Thalia's feautures. "Will do. Farewell, Lady Diane. I hope to see you soon." She said, as she walked away majestically, the maid following suit.

 "I told her to Leave out the honorifics." Diane grumbled, as she sipped the last droplets of her tea. "Now that that is done, may we leave my lady?" Lisa inquired, with her hands folded. Diane glanced into a direction she was all too familiar with. "Not yet. There is but one I would like to meet." Lisa did not even have to ask to know what she implied. "And what business could you possibly have with him? It is best we leave right now, my lady." Lisa urged. "I Stand firm by My word." Diane simply said, as she rose up slowly to her feet. "My lady, if you insist on treading on that path, then I shall Desist from escorting you." Diane glanced back at the maid for some time before stating. "Lisa, you are neither my maid nor my nanny-you only feel a certain level of obligation me because your master has instructed you as such. Should you not have the right to choose your own alternative?"


 As the blonde walked down the lane, she was unaware of the pair of eyes monitoring her. A few meters away, Lisa stood fixated to the spot, as she watched as Diane went further and further into the distance. "I should probably inform My master of this." The maiden muttered to herself, before walking away from the scene.

 Diane had gotten even closer to the area of which Tegan stood. The man seemed not to be aware of her initial approach- he continued to swing his sword, each lunge getting more and more perfect with every strike. His muscles contracted and relaxed rhythmically, depending on the posture he assumed, while the sweat glistened against his white skin; almost like pearls adorning his body.

'I shall just seat near and watch as he wields his sword; perharps I shall gain enlightenment of how to improve upon my own blade as well.' Diane thought, as she attempted to seat Close to a nearby tree. But before she could make herself comfortable, something stirred in the corner, And a field of altering black and white came into her line of sight. "Let her be, Tristan." She heard a deep voice say. At the time she opened her eyes; almost screaming outloud at what she beheld, but the fear so pacified her that she was unable to let out a single whimper. "Tristan." The voice called out once more. "Have you not frightened the damsel enough?" Towering above Diane, while revealing its huge canines threatingly, was a majestic tiger, with white fur and black stripes- the same tiger which she saw often In the emblem if the Raymond household. Someone exhaled a puff of breath. Only when the sound of footsteps came near did the tiger back off. This time a man came to gaze at her with nonchalant eyes, but rather than helping her up, The man who had both hands on his waist opened his mouth before saying: "You are capable of rising to your feet, can you not?" Diane blinked at him- his silhouette as he peered down at her, seemed to act like a shield from the oppressive rays of the sun. "Ah, yes." Diane replied, still dazzled from the impact, before slowly rising onto her feet. The fact that she had narrowly escaped death Made her legs to tremble. "Diane Raymond. We have already met before, Master Tegan." Diane explained, before her eyes strayed towards the shade of white the tiger laid, grooming its fur. "That, I recall quite well." Tegan simply said, before seating on the stump of a felled tree. "And I also Made mention of my disinterest in speaking to you." He added, as he placed his shirt back on. Diane said nothing, but rather gazed at the tiger from afar. "What is that?" She blurted out. Tegan furrowed his brows. "What could it possibly be?" "No, you misundertand my question." The damsel said, as she composed herself. "What could you want a tiger for?" Diane had to ask. Tegan simply cleaned the Blade of his sword using a piece of cloth, before gazing at her. "It appears as though your husband has not informed you about anything." He mused, before gazing away. "You are rather fortunate- when he catches his prey, his jaws typically don't Ever let go." He quipped, referring to the carnivore of course, not knowing the effect the words had on Diane. Prey! The man was seriously classifying her as prey! And, was it alright to Leave a wildbeast frolicking about the garden? Goodness knows what might have occurred if she was alone. "It is best you leave now." Tegan informed her, as he rose up to his feet. "But.." Diane began, but Tegan interrupted her. "Misconceptions may be formed if we were to be seen like this. I may be the master of this household, but that does not necessarily mean that I possess the power to bridle their tongue." He added, before glancing away. "Look, your husband comes for you." He added, as he gazed afar. Diane followed suit, and truly, was Diego running in the distance, and Lisa behind him. "Diane." He immediately called out as he walked up to them, but he was intercepted by the tiger, who nuzzled its head against Diego's knee. "It seems as though you have a series of explanations to give." Diane commented with folded hands, as she watched her husband stroke the creature. It seemed as though the beast was very acquainted with Diego- it greeted him like a companion it had not seen in years. "I shall give my account, and so shall you." Diego said, as he rose from his Crouched position. "I pay my respects to the Fang of the empire." Tegan said, as he gave a low bow, his right hand placed on his left chest. Diego nodded at his direction, although his eyes wanted to say more. "Come, Tristan." Tegan addressed the carnivore, who constantly prowled at Diego's feet, seeking affection. "Before I Leave my lady, I saw this jewelry on the ground. It must have come off lose when Tristan pounced on you." Tegan said, as he placed an Earring into Diane's outstretched hand. "You have my appreciation." Diane muttered, as their fingers slowly brushed past each other. Tegan then whipped around. A slight scowl formed when he noticed the ' kitten' pawing at Diego's knees. "Tristan." He called out lightly. "We shall depart from their midst now; we have no need to further our business with them." Tristan gave a low growl, as though in agreement. Both man and beast then walked away from the company, leaving the three humans to their whims. "What were you thinking, Diane?" Diego immediately turned to his wife, as soon as they had departed. "Nothing much really- I saw him training, So I decided to watch to see if I could polish my methods." Diane explained with a shrug of her shoulders. "You need not worry about me, I am perfectly capable of handle myself." She glanced at Lisa as she uttered this, as though she were talking to her. Diego held her shoulders warmly- he probably thought that she was upset. "I shall explain It all to you- I just need time." Diego assured her. Diane nodded. "Just so you know, my nose is yet to stop hurting." She told him. A small smile Crossed Diego's face. "I shall examine it when I get back."


 Tegan walked through the corridors alone, while staring at his right hand. He recalled the sensation he felt as Diane's hand brushed past his. He could only hope but compose himself, as he knocked on the door before him. "Father, it is me." He declared, without a moment's hesitation. "Come In." The monotonous voice replied, after some time. As he walked into the office, memories began to flood into his mind. They always did. Those memories, which he shared with him. "Would you not seat?" Nordeck began, as he peered at his son from his thick spectacles. "I would rather prefer to stand; I shall not tarry for long, anyway." He explained, as he stood with his hands behind his back. "It has gotten to my hearing that you interacted with the damsel, for a brief moment today." For unexplainable reasons, Targen's eyes darted into a particular corner of the office, although he would see no one, for it was dark. "Father is indeed right." Targen said slowly. "And what can you say about her character?" "A novice.. completely naive, and slightly retarded, perhaps." Targen analysed. "But other than that, she seems to have a nice heart." He reported. Nardock scoffed lightly at that. "But father, there is something I want to ask you about" Targen stated, his voice grave. "What may It be?" Nardock nonchalantly replied. "Did you.. by any chance, cause any harm to Diego's wife?" Nardock automatics stopped writing, as he took his spectacles off. "What makes you to ask that?" "I know about your prejudice to the lost ones father! And how you depict them to be!" Targen exclaimed, almost yelling. "Addtionally, I also sensed a bit of your aura on Lady Diane earlier this morning." Targen Lowered his voice as he said that. "And now that you have found out, what shall you do about it? Will you inform him about it?"Nardock asked, a mocking smile on his face. Targen gazed at his feet. "You are to look at me when I speak to you, Targen." Targen tried to resist, but it was though a strange force had entered into him, forcing him to look into his father's error, glowing eyes. Within an intervals of seconds, Targen's own eyes turned listless. "You shall not so much as Raise a finger concerning this affair, do you understand?' Nardock asked his son, of whom just nodded in responses. "You may depart. Take care to forget about this affair."

 "Are you not afraid that your son may may break?" A voice called out from the darkness, as soon as Tegan left. "It is obvious that he is already at the verge." "He is my son, I know how to take care of him." Nardock said, as he rose to his feet. "What bothers me is to whether or not Diane is truly that person's daughter.'" He mused, as he looked out of the window. "For as long as she is here, ensure to keep a close eye on her. Alright?" He spoke to the darkness behind him. The shadow seemed to wear a grin. "Consider it done."