Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 95 - Dared To Approach Him.

Chapter 95 - Dared To Approach Him.

"This place.." Diane muttered, as she glanced at the tree. Just as the previous times, she was once more clothed in a white Liliac dress. But... why was she here once more? "Lady Diane." She turned around as soon as She heard her name, beholding the presence of a familiar figure. The entity smiled gently at Diane, as she used her fingers to tuck some loose strands of her hair behind her ears. "It's been a while." She added, as she displayed her glittering teeth. "Arianne." Diane muttered the name of the latter, as she walked towards her. "It seems as though you have a lot of questions in your mind." Arianne told her as soon as the figure approached. "Then permit her to ask, so she may begone from this place." Another voice said in hostility, nearly causing her to flinch. It was only then that she noticed the boy who stood behind Arianne, his expression overly vigilant. "A pleasure to meet you once more, Kyle." Diane said to the latter, but Kyle only squinted his eyes at her. "Pardon his lack of courtesy; you should be accustomed to his mannerisms by now." Arianne told her with a smile, although she secretly stomped on the leg of the male behind her. "I have no issues, if I am to be sincere." Diane stated, as she crouched down, in order to pet the head of the quadrupedal, that walked up to her. "Why don't you go in? You may receive the answer to some of your questions." Arianne mused, as a slowly orbiting planet became headed towards their direction. Diane stared at the object for some time, but there was another thing that caught her attention- a dark mass of swiveling energy which surrounded tha planet, almost nearly corroding it. "There is no need for you to bother yourself about that; this is the reason for our exsistence afterall." Kyle quipped, when he glanced at the direction of which Diane stared into. "All that concerns you, is to seek the answers of which you came her for." He added. Diane stared at the boy blankly. She wondered how his reaction would be if she told him that she did not arrive here out of her own free Accord. 'I presumed that it would be Arianne who summoned me this entire time, but I believe that I am wrong.' "Why are you just standing there, gawking at us all?" Kyle interrogated, his patience running thin. Diane did not reply, however she beamed at him. 'It may be of my best interest If I decide to stay silent, for the now.' She thought, as she charged through the barrier.


 Carraiges could be seen trailing into an establishment. The building, to be precise, was grandiose in size, large enough to rival against the imperial palace itself. But one feauture that Made it to stand out, was a the Giant bell, which was being housed close to the roof of the building. Amidst the grounds of the establishment, were various individuals who were immersed in conversations amongst themselves, although majority of those who stepped into the building appeared to be children, and young adults. The birds of the air flew across their territory in tranquility, but they soon entered into a phase if disarray, squawking wildly as they flew swiftly in order to avoid being crushed by the large figure which descended from the sky.

 "Ouch.." Diane moaned in pain as she dusted the dust off her clothing. Was there no better way to gain entrance into his memories than to fall from the air, like a bird whose wings had been clipped off? She thought with much vexation. Although her grumbling came to an end, when her eyes stumbled upon a spectacle. "These carraiges- they bear the emblems of prestigious families." She mumbled to herself, before she cast a quick glance at the building. Her eyes momentary widened in realisation. "Is this.. the famous echelon academy? Was it not destroyed in the course of a fire outbreak?' She questioned within herself. The Echelon Academy was once a famous institution which imparted knowledge wisdom into the children of noble birth, from all over the empire. Any child who were twelve years of age and above were eligible to enter, so long as they passed the entrance exams. Not surprisingly, it was sited in the heart of the empire, the southern region. The imperial crown, upon its foundation, did not deem it an absolute necessity for all aristocratic families within the boundaries of the country to send their squires to be tutored in that particular place, especially those aristocrats who were grounded in other regions. Nonetheless, the tuition prices however, was by far lesser than the cost of the wages of a private tutor. The underlying reason was due to the fact that The Echelon Academy was founded by his royalmajesty, so It was considered an imperial property- the funds and management of the affairs concerning the institution was mostly taken care of by those individuals granted within the boarders of the palace. And yet there was another factor that brought about the disparity between the tuition fees of the academy and that of a private tutor- that was the extra charges. In simple terms, a private tutor might as well add some additional charges; such as the cost of transportation to and fro from his abode to that of those which were bound by his tutuleage. Although In an unfortunate incident shrouded by unforeseen circumstances, the Echelon Academy was razed to the ground due to a fire outbreak. Fortunately enough, no soul was lost, except for some unfortunate few who suffered superficial burns. But what made the entire situation to be even more appaling, was due to the decision of the crown to NOT budget for its reconstruction. But did all that matter in the current age and era? Only those that were well versed In history, would recall of this grand institution, and the incident that occurred ten years ago. Meanwhile, Diane bounced excitedly on the ground like a delighted child. "I have never had a chance to cast a glance upon it save for some old portraits!" She exclaimed, as she stared in awe at the building. "Maybe I can touch it just this once.." Diane muttered, but she suddenly realized.. She was revisiting the past, she wasn't meant to be there. She was barely a solid object in this dream, save the debate of coming into contact with things that were actually solid. But just as she was pacing to and fro with no sense of direction, an overly familiar carraige rode into the building. Her eyes widened as she saw the figure that stepped out. 'Why does he have to be so damn good looking?" Diane interrogated no one in particular, slightly blushing at the sight of the much younger Diego. He alighted from the carriage, looking sharp and responsible with the uniform of the Echelon Academy on him, or rather should one say, that the Academy's uniform became more presentable because he was the one that put it on. This Diego was much more Older than the which she saw initially the previous time; this one looked taller and more matured, appearing closer in resemblance to the Diego she once knew. "Diego." A female voice called out, as she tried to highlight from the carraige. Diego gazed at her coldly. "Ahem.. Should you not be assisting me?" Natasha asked, as she poked her head out of the carraige. "I do not have time to waste for this etiquette nonsense." Diego said, as he stepped even further away. "Young Master, It would be In your best interests if you actually assist Lady Natasha; afterall, you can never tell if they are watching." The coachman who was standing in close proximity with Diego, told the young Master who had his hands folded. 'That is indeed Diego.' Diane thought awkwardly, as she scratched at her cheek. Diego clicked his tongue in annoyance, as he walked up to the carraige once more, before placing his hand out to the girl, who accepted it with much glee. "Thank you." She stated, as she hopped down from the carraige. Only then did one observe how much changed she was, the chubby cheeks were long gone, and was instead, replaced by grace and elegance. Her now slender physique made her to be particularly atttractive; especially those eyes which seemed to gaze at everyone warmly. "There, not so bad, was it?" Natasha teased, as she slightly punched Diego on the arm. "Let us leave; else we shall be late for class." Diego muttered after gazing at her for a while, before tugging her along. "Stop dragging me like that- we do not even attend the same class!" Natasha exclaimed as she went, her ponytail swinging behind her.

 Diane found Diego's classes to be rather boring. She was seated next to the child, her head slumped across the desk. Diego On the other hand, had his chin on his hand, his book opened before him, a bored expression on his face. At the initial stance, Diane had thought that the Lad was not paying any attention to the subject at hand, until he correctly answered all the questions posed to him by the tutors. 'No wonder he Is bored; he probably read about all of this before.' Diane thought, as she sat erect. The class had already been dismissed, and the students were currently on recess. Diego was about to stand up as well, until a certain girl walked up to him, her green eyes gazing at him intently. "Master Raymond." She began solemnly. "Can you kindly provide some time?" She inquired, As she made eye contact with him. "Miss Denok." Diego began, as he matched her gaze. "I see no reason for you to have any business with me." He simply replied, as he got up to leave. Diane glanced at the young girl for some time. For some reason, she looked oddly familiar. "Hey you!" Diane exclaimed, as she throttled next to her husband, although he could not see her. "Why can't you not be nice to her, you barely have any friends because you're classmates probably find your attitude to be detestable! Even I initially found your personality to be detestable..." Diane paused, when she noticed that a small hand had taken a hold of Diego's sleeve. As though in sync, both the Lad as well as Diane turned their head back at the exact same moment. Standing there, without the slightest bit of hesitation in her eyes, was none other than the girl that had approached them earlier. "You are headed to the library, are you not?" She inquired, as he huffed for some air. Diego turned his head away. "I am not." He stated, as he attempted to shrug her off. Buy the green-eyed beauty had a triumphant smile on her face as she stood erect. "I am afraid to disappoint you, Master Raymond; but the only path which leads to the library from thence the one to which you are headed." The girl stated, sporting a smile. "That.." Diego was at a loss of words. Diane giggled lightly- this was the first time that she saw a person that actually rendered speechless by someone else. "Let us proceed then. We shall not accomplish our goal if we tarry for too long." The girl said, as she grabbed Diego's hand, and without gaining the consent of the latter, pulled him along with her. They had barely gotten past their initial position however, when they heard a shriek. "Your highness.." "Your highness.." Diego glanced backwards, only to discover a pile of books on the ground, and a certain crimson haired girl on the ground. "Lucille?" Diane uttered in surprise it was not difficult to foretell her identity, apart from the way that everyone else was treating her. "Thank you." Lucille muttered, as one of her schoolmates aided her to rise to her feet. "Unhand me this instant." Diego slipped his hand out of the hand of the girl which held him, after observing that she was distracted by the situation. The mysterious girl however ignored him, but chose to aid the princess along with a few others, to pick up the fallen items. "Are you alright, your highness?" The girl asked, as she Handed over the properties to their rightful owner. "Yes I am perfectly fine; thank you for your concern, Lady Arianne." Lucille expressed her gratitude. Diane on the other hand, was at the Brink of yanking her hand out from her hair. 'How could I not have known?" She inquired, as she yelled, mocking herself inwardly for her stupidity. "She is a bit altered from how I originally recall her to be, but still?" She turned back to the girl of whom bearer the identity of Arianne moments before. "She is even more beautiful than I imagined." Diane thought, feeling Slightly intimidated. 'I am nothing more but the fragment of a memory.' That voice suddenly drifted into Diane's hearing, causing her thoughts to be messed up. Could Arianne have purposely persuaded Diane to go into this particular memory, knowing fully well that this was the one of which she was birthed from? "Ah, Master Raymond." Lucille muttered, as soon as She saw the lad casually walking up to her with his hands in his pockets. "Lady Lucille, have you been stalking me once again?" The boy inquired, as he casually wringed out his ears. "I believe I informed you that it made me to feel uncomfortable?" He asked, ignoring the glares which he got from the people he was surrounded by. "Ha?" Diane's Brain failed to process things. "How dare you, to make such a vile accusation against her royal highness.." One of the classmates, a boy began, but Lucille placed her hand up, beckoning for silence. "You have the wrong impression, I am afraid." Lucille began. "I simply observed that you and Miss Arianne here where headed towards the library, so I trailed behind you both, as I was also headed to the Library to.. Ah.. Complete my assignment." Lucille justified herself, although a slight blush crept up her cheeks. "I am sorry Miss Lucille, but I will have to politely decline; I already feel obliged to bring someone burdensome along, I do not demand for another." Arianne scowled lightly at that statement. "You..uncultured fool!" The boy from earlier exclaimed, as he pointed his finger to Diego. "Do you perharps wish to lose that finger, Rowell?" Diego began in a threatening tone, as he glared at the one who opposed him. The boy flinched lightly, recoiling into Lucille's Side. "How dare you address her highness that way, Raymond?" Another one of his classmates snapped at Diego harshly. "May I ask a question?" Diego Jotted in suddenly. "Why do you keep on addressing her as her highness? Do you all not recall that she is the Duke's daughter or could it be that.." A smirk came uncontrollably to his face. "Or are you just trying ot curry favor with his royal majesty by getting into her Good books?" "You!" "Let it be, Mister Rowell." Lucille said suddenly, but one of her schoolmates interrupted her once more. "Do not be dismayed, your highness, we shall surely study With you." The girl said, did not only stop there- she proceeded to drag Lucille along, "I am no longer in the mood for reading, though.." Lucille began, but her mates paid her no heed, pulling her along with them. "But.." Lucille glanced backwards momentarily, to the boy who just observed it all with a nonchalant expression on his face. "Master Raymond.." She whispered lightly, before he could fade out of her sight. "Hmph." Diego harrumphed, as he strode out of the hallways. But soon enough, he halted in his footsteps once more, before turning his head sideways. "You still dare to tag along?" He interrogated the girl that gave him a small smile. "Your reputation Is indeed terrible but.." She wrapped his hand in his once more, causing him to flinch. "I do not mind. You need not bother about me troubling you at the library." She assured him. Diego stared at her for a while. "You may do as you please." He muttered, before proceeding with his footsteps.


 Diane sat at the windowsill of the library, as she watched the two children. The library was Rather large, capable of containing as much as a hundred students. But at the moment, it was so silent that she could hear a pin drop. "You do not seem remorseful about what occured Earlier." Arianne began, as she flipped her book open. Diego sighed lightly. "I had the impression that you wouldn't distract me." Diego looked up, narrowing his eyes at her. "Do you want to renegade upon your promise?" Arianne smiled, as she glanced at the latter. "I am not the type to break promises, Master Raymond." She simply said. "Besides from that, I do believe that what you said is the right thing." Arianne admitted. "Is that so?" Diego quipped in, as he once again refocused on his attention on his book. "Diego, be nice to her." Diane called out from the window sill, although she was aware that he wouldn't hear her. Arianne on the other hand, frowned at what she was reading. "Master Raymond, I may be in need of your assistance." She informed the latter, albeit unwillingly. "What now?" Diego slapped the book which he read shut in vexation. "Honestly, perharps it was my mistake for bringing you along. Diego stated out of irritation, as he ran his fingers through his Hair. "Please?" Arianne gave him a pitiful look. "Fine." Diego consented at last, crossing over from where he sat to her side of the table. "Basic Geometry?" Diego inquired, as he gazed at his companion, with an incredulous gaze on his face. "They call it basic.. but there is nothing quite basic about it." Arianne muttered in embarrassment, as she scratched at her head. "Well, the concept is quite simple in fact.."



 The sound of a book slamming shut awakened the sleeping Diane. "I didn't even think it was possible to slumber in someone else's dream." She thought, as she rubbed her hazy eyes. She glanced over at the two children, who were still scribbling notes at the table. "Do you understand now?" Diego inquired to the damsel, who shook her head vehemently. "I do, thank you." Arianne replied, her eyes twinkling from the enlightenment. "It seems that we tarried here for too long; we would have missed quite some classes." Arianne said, as she glanced briefly at the horizon. "Well, at least we wasted the time on something profitable at least." Diego stated. Not too long afterwards, a slightly disoriented Natasha strode over to their table. "You." She began, an angry expression on her face. Diane thought she was about to scold, but she suddenly embraced him instead. "Natasha, you are drenched. Release me." Diego commented, his voice Slightly muffled. "I have been searching everywhere for you. Do you realise how worried we were?" She began, as she gazed at him angrily. "Well, at least you now know where to find me." Diego simply stated. "I am not that vulnerable to the extent that I wouldn't be able to defend myself; I should be capable of putting up a resistance, at least." "You would not speak in such a way if you knew the rate of my agitation.. Eh?" Only then did Natasha notice the girl seated next to Diego, who gave her an awkward smile. "Diego, did you make a friend?" She interrogated, the shock evident on her face. "You are mistaken; she is simply nothing more than a burden." Diego affirmed. "Arianne Denok, Senior Natasha." The latter introduced herself, as she extended her hand out. "I have heard a lot about you." She added. "Denok.." Natasha mumbled, as she accepted her hand. "You are not from here, are you?" She inquired. "No, I am not." Arianne began as she slipped her hair back. "But I do have an aunt who stays at the south, though. Arianne added, with a smile. "Diego, you get up now. We have to leave." Natasha said to her cousin, as she dragged him to his Feet. "Arianne, do you not intend to leave yet? It is already as late as it is." Natasha asked, when she saw that the latter was still seated, but the maiden shook her head. "I am alright; my family normally picks me up late, by the way." She said lightly with a smile. "Diego, I appreciate your tutelage." She stated, as she Courtsied towards them. "So, would will be able to meet up like this again?" She inquired. "Of course N-" "Hopefully so, Lady Arianne." Natasha interrupted with a smile, when she observed that her cousin was about to Refuse. The latter could only sigh hopelessly. "Well then, farewell." Natasha bade her goodbye with a wave of the hand. "Farewell." Arianne replied, with a smile. "It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

 Diane trailed behind the two children, until they got to the carraige with the overly familiar emblem of the tiger baring Its fangs. "You." Natasha began, with a slight frown on her face. Diane just sat down opposite to the two children. "Is it indeed true that you made trouble with her highness?" She inquired, as she gazed at the boy. Diego glanced outside the opposite window. "You shall find out soon enough." Diego curtly replied. "This is a serious affair, Diego. And demand a reply this instant." Natasha pressed, as she compelled the Lad to look at her. "Natasha, I am exhausted at the moment; That Lass and I have been on arithmetics for the whole of the day." Diego stated, as he leaned his head backwards, shutting his eyes. "Diego!" Natasha cried out In vexation, as she shook him lightly. This scene immediate gave Diane a feeling of deja vu. Nothing more was said after that, Natasha, fuming, turned away from him, while Diego remained at his initial position, his eyes closed, arms folded, although there was a slight furrow at the top of his brow. "We have arrived at the manor; young Master, little miss." The coachman addressed them, as he unlocked the door. Natasha was the first to Alight this time- as she was the one seated close to the door. Diego clambered down afterwards, and waiting patiently for them at the entrance of the manor, was Maria and her son, Theodore. "Welcome back home, my dear." Maria stated, as she embraced her daughter. "I am famished, mother. And it is all Diego's fault." Natasha broke into complaints instantly. "I can tell." Her mother said, as she patted her daughter on the head. "Welcome back, brother." Theodore stated, as he rushed up to Diego, but the look In Diego's eyes Made him to recoil a little. "Keep your distance." Diego said, as though it was a warning. He walked straight into the manor, not even bothering to regard his aunt. "How was your day at school, Diego?" Maria inquired as he walked past. "As uneventful as always." He replied, without pausing his footsteps. "Such a Liar." Natasha clicked her tongue around him. "He actually made a friend at school today." Natasha stated, with a slight smile on her face. Maria appeared shocked at that. "Is that so?" She inquired, as she gazed at the child's receding back. "Mother, she probably spews lies." Thedore calmly said, as he walked up to them both. "You just stay out of it." Natasha quipped, yanking her brother's blue locks hard, causing the latter to whimper. "Mother.." He cried out pitifully, but Diane could not turn to gaze at the scene, she was chasing after Diego.

 Diego eventually opened the Door to his room- and Diane was amazed at the difference between the room then, and now. But something was wrong- he kicked his shoes off, with much vexation. The cry of the infant was most definitely Leonia. He searched frantically for something, before pulling out a sword from underneath his bed. "Diego? Where are you going with that sword?' Diane stupidly called out, but Diego just walked right through her. She followed him closely, as he walked down the corridor and barged in into the room. "Ah, young Master!" The maid who was cradling the infant Called out In shock. "Can you not shut that thing up?" Diego growled as he stepped in. "I- I tried, I don't understand what Is the matter with her today." The maid hastily explained herself. Diane took a sneak in order to catch a glimpse of the curly, blue-haired infant. 'Does she perhaps have a fever?' The nurse mused. "Urgh." Diego groaned suddenly. "Put the child back in her crib, this instant." Diego suddenly ordered. Even Diane had to take a few steps back, as she glanced at him. This wasn't... The Diego she knew. "But, young lord." "You heard me." Diego pressed. The nurse unwillingly obliged, and the infant bawled even louder after being dropped. Diego slowly walked up to the crib, unsheathing his sword. From the sidelines, Diane shook her head. "Diego, don't." She muttered, as she clasped her hand before her chest. "Let's see if it will still be able to cry after this." He said, as he raised the sword over his head. "Don't just stand there! Go get aunt!" Diane exclaimed, with much urgency in her voice, as she glanced at the trembling maid. The sword came slashing down. "Young Master!" "Diego!" Diane shut her eyes. When she opened them, she saw Diego fixated to the spot, the sword just a few centimeters from piercing through Leonia's tiny heart. The nurse on the other hand, had flung herself down at her Mistress's feet. The infant had stopped bawling as well; but rather glanced up at her brother with tear filled eyes. "So you finally kept silent, huh." He muttered, as he sheathed his sword back. Just as he began to walk away, however, the infant began to cry once more. "It is but my mere speculation" The nurse began, as she gazed at him. "But perhaps she wants you to hold her?" She added. Diego scoffed at that. "Very well then." He stated, as he took the infant from her. "Support her head." The nurse muttered, during the process of the transfer. To Diane astonishment, Leonia did in fact keep calm as she saw the person who held her. "You are so noisy." Diego whispered to the infant, as he rocked her gently. Diane was unaware, but something stirred as he looked into the child' eyes; this child that was bound to die without a moment' s warning. He tapped the baby lightly on the cheek, and she grabbed unto his finger. "But You shan't fool me." Diane heard Diego say, before it became dark.