Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 92 - The True Den Of The Tiger.

Chapter 92 - The True Den Of The Tiger.

"Be gentle please, Dorothy." Diane uttered, a slight frown visible on her face, as she sat before the mirror. She was putting on a magnificent dress of a pale yellow color. Dorothy on the other hand, stood before her mistress, apparently fidgeting with the brush and Diane's hair. "My goodness, your curls are so tangled today, my lady." Dorothy muttered, as she combed out the last curl. "For how long did you soak yourself in the bath?" Diane glanced at the latter out from the corner of her eyes, a sheepish smirk on her face. "You do know how I get once I become agitated, don't you?" She inquired as she slid a ring on her finger- her engagement ring. That ring was meant to connect her to the Kant household, but in a strange but somewhat unpredicted turn of events, it led her to the Raymond household instead. "I see no cause for you to be so apprehensive, my lady." Dorothy speculated, as she placed a headband over her mistress's head. The headband was black in color, but was elaboratively decorated with colorful primroses. "I am quite certain that the Raymonds of whom reside beyond yonder will be not much different than those that reside over here; they do have the same blood coursing through their vessels, do they not?" Dorothy interrogated, stepping aside a little, after ensuring the headband was properly secured by her mistress's blonde locks. "I believe so." Diane muttered slightly, before casting a glance at herself in the mirror. "Dorothy." She called suddenly. "What could the matter be, my lady?" Dorothy replied, from where she stood executing a completely different task. "Are you of the opinion that I have become much more beautiful?" She asked, as she lightly patted her cheeks with both hands. "Why, yes of course- my lady blooms everyday, just like a flower in the summertime." Dorothy responded absent mindedly, as she changed the bedding. "I am being serious, Dorothy!" Diane cried out, when she noticed that the latter did not even cast as much as a single glance in her direction. "I demand for you to be honest, and not to flatter me!" The damsel said with much vexation. Dorothy slightly raised her head to acknowledge her mistress; Diane was indeed changing over the course of time. When she was yet at her former abode, she never really gave too much of a consideration to her physical appearance. But ever since she had arrived at this household, she began pay more attention to that delicate and tender skin of hers. "I shall be straightforward with my lady, in that case." She stated, as she gazed at the maiden in the eye, she knew that she would have no rest if she didn't. "I will admit that your cheeks have become even more rosy ever since you arrived here, a stark contrast as to when we were back at home. You have become even more Fairer- you have greatly been altered, my lady. And you have become more chubby, as well." She added. "Dorothy!" Diane called out angrily, she was not pleased with the fact that she had put on weight. "What crime have I committed, my lady? You are the one that told me to be honest." Dorothy justified herself, resisting the urge to roll her eyes: It would be a grave offense if she did. "It is not just you that has changed, my lady." Dorothy informed her, a faint smile on her face. "Even the youngest master has also changed, in the positive sense, of course. I have not heard him wheeze even once, or so much as let out a single sneeze." She then looked up at her mistress. "May I inquire what prompted you to ask such questions?" "Well, Sylvester had also taken note of such things, at the period wherein we went to see him." Diane told her, with as she looked down at her palm. "He also made mention of all these things, and he also stated.. that I look much happier as well." She added. "Well, second young Master is indeed not wrong; even the way by which you articulate your words has changed as well." "Is that so?" Diane inquired. With slightly wide eyes. Well, she did notice a lot of complicated words in Diego's documents, some of which required her to visit the library- which was much more larger than the one she had in her own manor. If no one else had pointed that fact out to her, then she may have realized it much later. "My lady." A feminine voice called out, accompanied by a knock on the door. "Do I have the permission to enter?" Dorothy glanced at Diane uncertainly, of which the latter nodded.

 "Oh, it is you." Dorothy declared In surprise, as soon as the door got creaked open. "Good morning, Dorothy." Lisa greeted with a smile, before walking into the room. "Good morning, My lady. Hope you slept well?" She courtsied, as she paid her respects to her mistress. "Morning Lisa. I wonder what brings you here?" Diane pondered, as she glanced at the golden eyed maid. "And why are you dressed so.. formally?" She inquired further, as she glanced at the latter's clothing. Lisa had put on a white short sleeve alongside a black waistcoat, accompanying with a black trouser. Although this clothing was designed to be suited especially for men, Diane Could not bring herself to argue with Lisa's choice of clothes. "It appears that they had been a slight change in the plans, my lady." Lisa told her, as her eyes darted around. She then spotted the object she searched for, which was sitting at the top of the wardrobe, guiding it downwards in a gentle manner. "Whatever could you possibly intend, Lisa?" Dorothy interrogated, a perplexed expression on her face. Lisa placed the suitcase on the bed, wide open, before proceeding to rummage through Diane's wardrobe. "Due to our lord not being in touch with his uncle for so long, there Is but a mild speculation that he may request for you to stay over the night, or rather, indefinitely." Lisa corrected herself, as she folded some clothes into the suitcase. "Pardon?!" Diane blurted out in exclamation. Why did the man love to convey half of the information to her? She was of the impression that she would be back at her abode by nightfall, at most! "This is Rather too sudden.." Dorothy stuttered, almost having the exact same expression as Diane on her feautures. "Can you elaborate on what you imply be indefinitely?" Dorothy urged for Lisa to be specific. "Well, it would take a couple of days, at most." Lisa speculated, after pondering for a while. "Irregardless, they should return before the hunter's moon." She added. "But, what of Morris? Will he be able to bear without me? I shall go talk to him." Diane said in her haste, as she made to get up. But just before she could cross the threshold, A slender wrist grabbed unto hers, compelling her to sit on the bed. "Take it steadily, my lady." Lisa addressed her with a smile. "My lord already had the intuition that the children may be upset at this sudden news, so he is with them as we speak." Lisa convinced her. "Is he?" Diane raised a brow. "Diego. Is indeed foresighted." She muttered to herself. "But, the lady will need an attendant, nonetheless." Dorothy told her, in a strict tone, before pointing towards herself. "Am I to go with?" "Our lord has already assigned that post to me, I am afraid." Lisa told her, feeling a bit sorry for Dorothy. "There are other servants at the manor to attend to our lady hand And foot, So I do not quite comprehend the reason as to why he insists I come along." Lisa explained to both women. "He would have requested of you to go rather than me, Dorothy, but he still wanted the little Morris to have someone overly familiar to him by his side until the day of our return." Lisa further clarified the matter. Not just to clarify, but to cause Dorothy to understand certain aspects of the current situation. Afterall, she didn't possess an in-depth knowledge of Dorothy, neither did she know if the latter was the kind that harbored untold grudges. "I see." Dorothy muttered slowly. Lisa turned towards Diane. "Would you prefer to check the clothes which I hand picked, my lady?" She inquired. "No, no matter- I am perfectly alright with whatever it was that you chose, Lisa." Diane told the latter, as she nonchalantly waved her hand around. Lisa zipped the suitcase. "If nothing is Amiss then, I shall proceede to take this to the carraige.


 Outside, the family were all gathered together, in order to bid the couple farewell. Diego already stood in close proximity to the carraige, with Lisa standing diligently beside him. Dorothy on the other hand, stood beside the children, while Diane and Natasha engaged each other in a warm hug. "Take care of yourself while you are there." Natasha told her, as she gazed at her with tender eyes. "I most surely will." The damsel assured her. Upon feeling a small tug on her clothes, Diane glanced downwards, only to behold Morris gazing up at her, with watery eyes. "Sister, you and Diego will be back soon, right?" For some reason, Diane felt a pang in her heart as she looked at him. She picked him up gently. "Oh, Morris, you know I wouldn't dare abandon you for the entire world, right?" She inquired, as she gently bumped her head against his. "Uhm.. Right." Morris muttered softly, before turning to his sister with a stern look on his face. "But you shan't break your promise, or I shall not speak to the both of you again, alright?" Morris threatened suddenly, as he wagged his little index finger around, causing Diane to laugh. 'Indeed, Leonia has begun to influence his character.' Diane thought as she kissed him on the forehead. "I shall not, this I vow to you." Diane stated, as she carefully dropped him back on the ground. Meanwhile, the three men continued to converse. "Are you certain that you will not want me to Come with?" Theodore inquired, as he glanced at his cousin with a smug expression. "I am certain." Diego replied, almost in a whisper. "What do you intend to do, if you were to leave with them? Not to mention that your uncle will be quite astonished to see you." Regis mentioned, as he glanced at his son in a way that one would look like a fool. "By the way, do not bother too much about the office- I shall take care of it." Regis told Diego with a smile, as he gingerly placed his hands upon both shoulders. "Just see it as some sort of vacation; you are not to perform any sort of unnecessary tasks." "Indeed." Theodore suddenly butted his head into the dialogue. "Just view it as you taking your wife for a honeymoon or something.. Ouch! Father, are you not of the opinion that I am a little too old for this?" Theodore winced, as his father yanked his earlobes even harder. "You can't ever keep those lids of yours shut, can you?" His father inquired, as he yanked at his son's lobes till they turned red. "By the way, you are to assist me at the office." Regis informed, as he released the earlobe. Theodore held unto his sore ear, as he stood at a further distance. However, he did not forget to complain. "But why?!" He whined like a little child. "Are you serious about that inquiry of yours?" Regis almost vociferated at this point. "Do I Strike you as one who can easily adapt to that amount of work, in comparison to the years past?" "You are not that old though.." Theodore muttered halfway to himself, but he immediately felt A chill when he saw the manner of which His father glared at him. 'I will hate to admit, but I shall miss this clown dearly.' Diego thought with a smile, upon witnessing his cousin shed Crocodile tears. "Diego, do hurry and come home quickly, alright?" Diego casually glanced into another direction as soon as he heard that. "I shall not- I would rather tarry in that place for a millenia." Diego said, although there was still a slight smile on his face. So absolved was he in his thoughts, that he was unaware of the hour that Diane walked towards him. "Oh." He muttered, startled at her sudden appearance. She was.. really dazzling today. "Are you ready to depart now?" He inquired, as he spread his palm before her. He could see quite clearly, the blush that slowly crept up her cheeks. "Y-yes." She stuttered, as she immediately glanced in another direction. That was when she noticed Leonia striding towards her. "You haven't given me my parting gift." The little mistress demanded, as she placed her hands on her hips, gazing at Diane imploringly. "Parting.. gift?" Diane slightly tilted her head, compelling the child to shyly point towards her forehead. "Oh.." The damsel muttered in realisation, as she stopped low, and brought Leonia's head to her lips. 'Why do you try so desperately to be like an adult, Leonia?' Diane thought, as she recoiled from her. "Shall we, my lady?" Diego inquired, as once again offered his hand. Diane smiled at him, as she accepted it. "The both of you better be good while we are away." Diego said to the children, as soon as he and Diane stepped into the carraige. "Don't worry my lord, I shall deal with them strictly if they dare to misbehave." Dorothy assured them. "Stay safe, the both of you." Maria uttered, as she bid them goodbye. "We will." Diego nodded, as the wheels of the carraige rotated slowly.


 The two individuals were silent for almost the entirety of the carraige ride. Lisa, who had gone along with them and was sitted opposite the duo, preoccupied herself with looking out of the window. "Diane, I am sorry to say this, but your stare is starting to become unsettling." Diego muttered to his wife, feeling Slightly uncomfortable. Diane had been staring at him almost since the moment they departed from the manor, not saying anything. "Ahem." Diane who had realized her error, immediate turned away from him, the tip of her ears red. "So you noticed?" She muttered quietly, instead of apologizing. "You were being quite obvious about it." Diego kindly informed her. Diane stared at her hands, she should probably praise him about how handsome he looked at the moment. "So, How has Thaniel been? It's been a while since I've heard from him." Thus was the first subject which Diane brought up while searching for a subject to discuss. Diego clenched his fists. "Why suddenly bring him up?" Lisa who was seated on her own, noticed the way of which the tone of her master underwent a drastic change. It seemed like Egiel's speculation may come true afterall. 'Perharps I should have sat beside the coachman?' She thought, as she refocused her gaze back to the outside world. "Why not? Do you not inquire about his wellbeing at all?" Diane told him, as she glared at him. "That is an unnecessary sport, of which I have no interest in partaking in." Diego simply told Her. Diane nearly gaped at the man- was be being serious? Well, his face surely was. "You do recall that he is assisting us, do you not?" Diane pressed on. "It will still do us well if we check up on him." She pressed on. "Alright." Diego finally gave in, exasperated by her determination. "You haven't even informed me much about the people we are about to see." Diane reminded him. "Is that really necessary?" Diego quipped in. "Do you believe it is not? You cannot just expect me to act so natural in front of people whom I barely know, do you?" Diane inquired. "I do not comprehend why you are trying to please them so dearly." Diego interrogated, as he folded his arms, gazing steadily at the woman who sat next to him. "I am only trying to leave a good first impression!" Diane refuted immediately. But Diego wanted nothing more to do with this matter. Diane sighed helplessly. 'Forever tight lipped, forever reserved.' Diane thought, as she glared at him. If Diego decided not to interfere In a situation, truly he wouldn't.

 Lisa eventually got bored of staring ahead. 'Why does the actual manor have to be such a great distance away? It just makes the journey to be more gruesome.. I might as well begin to suffer from motion sickness.. ah?" Something caught the corner of her eye, and that was the scene of Diane pouting. Diego On the other hand, remained quiet and solemn. 'I must admit, my lord and lady look quite good together.' She thought, before glancing at Diane once more. That was a terrible decision- for Diane also made a brief eye contact with her as well. 'What does the lady want?' Lisa thought, as she stared at the damsel of whose blue eyes were sparkling. 'Don't tell me.. my lady, you know it is not within my place to interfere!' She exclaimed inwardly, but Diane refused to bring an end to her charm. 'Damn those fairy eyes of hers!' Lisa could not Help but inwardly curse, upon knowing half of the reason why Diego almost nearly succumbed to whatever it was she said.

 "My lord?" She began, with a slight degree of uncertainty. "What could it be Lisa?" Diego responded, not even turning his head to the maid. "I could not Help but overhear your conversation with My lady, and I am afraid that.. she is right in this affair?" Diego turned to her suddenly, causing the poor thing to add immediately. "Don't get me wrong my lord- I know it is not within my place to speak on such crucial affairs, I could not help.." She continued to ramble on, as she gazed at her Feet. Diego ignored the maid, but rather cast a glance at Diane, who observed him with shimmering eyes. "Then, I believe it wouldn't hurt so much to tell you a thing or two." Diego quipped, as he glanced away. 'This woman is indeed an enchantress. She always has her method which will cause me to change my mind at the eleventh hour.' Diwgi made an inward affirmation. Lisa on the other hand, finally found the courage to raise her head. She may be faithful to the master which she served, but that didn't imply that she was not frightened by him at times. And with Diego's chilling demeanor, who wouldn't be frightened of him?

 "Well?" Diane's voice was clear in the silent carraige. "Would you not begin?" She inquired, as she inched even closer to him. "I am aware that your uncle is recognized by the name Nardock Raymond, the eldest and the most prestigious son of the three sons, If I be to include uncle Regis and your father." Diane analysed. "But apart from that, I honestly don't know anything else about him." She informed. Diego gazed at her blankly. "I did not know my family's prominence could travel through the eight seas." "Do you not recall how I initially reacted when we first met?" Diane added, with a smile. "Ah, yes. You were fidgeting and screaming into my ears." Diego uttered casually, as he glanced away from her direction. "Be serious, Diego!" Diane exclaimed, as she slapped at his shoulder with much vexation. "Do you realise how often I tried to get you to speak more often about your family?" She added. "Alright, alright. There isn't much to say anyway- I am not even aware of the man's personality anyways- my father had established a manor of his own before I was born." Diego simply stated. "But why is it that your father left? Did he do it out of his own accord, or was he perhaps exorcised?" Diane posed yet another question. It was rather rare for an aristocratic family bearing the same blood and the same surname had established various households; so long as you had the blood of that family circulating in your body, you had the right to reside In that manor. The only thing that could cause one to create their own path was marital duties, inheritance privileges, or worse case scenario, disownment.

 "The account of which I was given was that he left out of his own accord." Diego provided an answer to her initial question. "But as to why he left, I will never know. I was never opportuned to ask him." He elaborated, a sad smile on his face. "Forget about that now." Diane spoke hurriedly, not willing to allow the atmosphere become melancholic. "But what about the other members of the household?" "Well I do have a cousin that comes from his side, his son to be exact." Diego explained. In the country of Agerintia, there existed five regions: The northern region, the southern region, the eastern region, the western region, and the central region. Each region had their own duke- the highest acquirable status which could be attained for a region. Such dukes oversaw the affairs of the other nobles. They were In turn, further guided by the grand Duke, of whom resided In the central region, the second most profitable and fertile geographical territory after the south. The grand Duke strictly monitored and ensured the proper participation of the other dukes. He even possessed the Power to strictly sanction any erring Duke. He was only a Hierarchy below the crown, and only the king had power over him. The south was known as the capital of the empire for a good reason- because that was where the imperial palace was located."He is to become the future Duke of this region." Diego elaborated further. "Well, this is strange. I have heard so many tales of the father, but not of the son. I might have even mistaken you to be the Duke, Diego." That statement caused the man to flinch. "Diane, I beg of you, try your utmost best not to make mention of that statement before My cousin." Diego pleaded. "Why is that? Is there a bit of bad blood between your cousin and yourself?" Diane questioned, as she adjusted her headband. "Unfortunately so." Diego said weakly, as he leaned his head backwards. "Most members of our household view me as a more competent leader than my cousin, Targen. But even if they attributed the entire Dukedom to me, I would still turn them down. I have no interest in such a status." Diego replied, with a slight sigh. In every society, there will always be a power tussel. The Same went for Aristocratic families. By the laws of aristocracy, it did not depend upon who was the eldest- rather It depended on who was outstanding enough to guide that family into a new era. Afterall, which noble family would gladly seat back and watch as their family headed for its decline? Such was the cruelty of nobility. The plain ones are forgotten, the outstanding ones, leave behind a legacy.

 "To be honest with you Diane, my uncle, his wife and his son are the only true Raymonds in that household. The others, swore allegiance to them and changed their surname to Raymond." Diego blurted out suddenly. He was already getting exhausted of Diane's continous questions- ought she to possess such a curious nature? "Is such a thing even possible?" Diane inquired once more. But Diego just leant his head back, his eyes closed, not even stirring by mistake. "Diego? Diego.." Diane shook him gently, but he did not bother to respond. 'Did he perhaps fall asleep?' She thought, as she stared intently at his face. "It appears that we have arrived, my lord." Lisa who peered out of the window this whole time, could not Help but say. Diane also peered out of the window as well, leaving the man that responded to no one to be on his own. 'This.. this.. isn't this a little too extravagant?!' Diane screamed internally in her head. Just glancing at the magnificent but golden Gates was giving off the feel that one was stepping into a palace. As the gates swung open to permit them entrance, Diane's heart could not Help but palpitate. Why, this manor could almost compete with the Queen's personal palace! And the estate was also quite large as well, with lush vegetation around as well. By and by, as though the budget capitalised on developing such things were not enough, there was even a water fountain right before the manor. "We must alight, my lady." Lisa informed Diane, as the carraige Drew to a halt. Only then did Diego's eyes whip open. But his mood.. seemed to be somewhat dour.

 As she highlighted, walking hand in hand with Diego, she could not Help but feel a bit tense. "Just relax Diane. All shall go well." The man beside her told her, without even glancing sideways. Diane glanced at him for a while. Before glancing forward once more. Behind them trailed Lisa, in the company of the coachman and whatever clothing it was that they brought with them. And Ahead of them, stood a group of unfamiliar faces of which Diane had never seen before, seemingly waiting to give them a humble reception. Diane could easily sport out who Nardock was. The man stood at the foremost- that Deep blue hair could not be mistaken, alongside that domineering aura. "Welcome home, Diego. Your arrival has been long awaited." Nardock declared, as his hazy silver eyes Locked unto Diane.