Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 93 - In The Midst Of Embarrassing Circumstances.

Chapter 93 - In The Midst Of Embarrassing Circumstances.

"Uncle." Diego uttered, as he bowed elegantly to the man that stood before him, while Diane Courtsied, before the man who straight, acknowledging them both with a piercing gaze. "I hope that you have been well?" Diego inquired. His hair possessed the usual Dark blue hue; as did the other members of the Raymond family, although it also betrayed a slight sign of Grey as well. Although his facial features made him seem like a hard person, the smile which was on his face made him to soften a little. Standing in close proximity with him was a woman, who had ebony black hair. Her Pointed nose, rather than bringing a distortion to her feautures, enhanced it even further, making her seem quite beautiful. Especially those light blue eyes that stared at the duo which stood below, a warm smile on her face. In addition, she was rather tall too- she was nearly shared a common height with her husband as they stood one next to the other. On the utmost right of Nardock, a family of three displayed themselves. The man was beside his wife with a smiling face, while their daughter remained at their midst. Her graceful demanor, combined with that affectionate aura which she radiated, tended to make others to feel comfortable with her almost In an instant. But wait.. there ought to be yet another..

 "I hope your journey towards this place was not too burdensome for you and the damsel." Nordack began, as he cleared his throat. "Thank you for your concern, Uncle." Diego began, in a tone that made it seem as though he addressed a stranger. Diane could not Help but glance briefly at his direction- why did it seem as though he had tightened his jaw? "My dear." The woman at Nardock's side uttered, as she slowly whispered softly into his ears. "Both master and his servants are exasperated from their journey; shall it not be proper to usher them in? All formal introductions could be made while we are indoors." The lady cast a glance In Diane's direction as she said that. Nardock patted his wife lightly twice on the arm that was intertwined in his- a vague sign of approval.

 The interior of the manor was something that went beyond all that Diane could possibly imagine, so much so to the extent that the latter could only prevent herself from visibly gaping. The living room was large, and the furniture would have most definitely cost them a large sum. The members, as well as the guests sat down, while leaving the servants to act according to their bidding. "Ensure that their luggage gets into the room which was prepared for them. Make adequate provisions for the servants as well." Nardock muttered to one of the butlers, who nodded curtly in response. "This way, madam Lisa." The butler said unto the maid, who went behind his shadow. "I would not really deem it necessary to bring some servants with me, Diego." The lady said, as she glanced at Diego warmly. "Why, we are have an abundance of staff, do we not?" She inquired. "Aunt is absolutely right in this affair." Diego muttered, as he gazed at the woman with calm eyes. "But I still found it necessary to take along some selected few that are already aware of my regular routine, without me necessarily having to order them around." He elaborated. "You are quite cautious, Diego; I believe you take after your father in that aspect." His aunt replied lighty, while the maids served them tea. She heard quite clearly the amount of insecurity in her nephew's voice, but she just decided to leave it be. "By the way, Diego- I have been do curious as to how you stumbled upon such a beautiful creature." His aunt mused, as she leaned forward on the chair whereupon she sat, her head resting upon one hand. "I do not deem it a necessity as to explain how we became acquainted." Diego began, as gently placed his hands over that of the woman next to him. "It would sound so much like a fairytale, If I ever did take it upon myself to explain- Hope you can pardon my insolence." He explained to the latter flatly. "Er.. May I take the pain to introduce myself?" Diane broke the silence that reigned predominant in the living room. Even the other girl whose identity Diane was unsure of, shifted uncomfortably In her seat. "We already know who you are, child." Nardock informed, as he glanced at the damsel. "Diane Lewis.. Forgive my utterance- Diane Raymond, the one and only daughter of George Lewis. The one who cut ties with her family to be with the one she loved- correct me I if I be wrong?" The duke inquired, as he turned towards Her with a smile. "Uncle is not wrong in the slightest." Diane mumbled hurriedly, although she appeared much more tranquil on the surface, the fact that they had dug up so much information relating to her made her to feel a slight sense of unease. "I am acquainted with your father, although we are not on good terms." The duke admitted, with a smile. "You have probably heard about me as well, although this is the first time we Meet in person." Nardock placed a hand to his chest, his eyes filled with pride.

 A good while later, Diane was seated silently, while staring at her empty tea cup. Even the cutleries which were utilized at this household was nothing short of extraordinary. She briefly glanced at each family member, inwardly trying to remember their names. The lady whose hair color was a perfect shade of ebony, was none other than the Duke' s wife, as many would predict from her mannerisms earlier. She was known to all as Redalia Raymond, and she was the Duke's right hand, in a literal sense. The duke had even delegated half of the authority he possessed towards her- not because of the compassion he regarded towards her, but due to how industrious and oriented driven she was. Almost every district in the south was under her control. And as for the girl which Diane took a slight liking to earlier, she also had black hair- although not as dark as that of the duchess. Thalia Raymond, her family had pledged allegiance towards the Raymond household, as Diane had inwardly speculated upon her arrival. 'But of what cause could they have possibly abandoned their family name without the slightest hesitation?' Diane could not Help but ponder, as she gazed at the young maiden who attempted to engage Diego in a conversation. To an Aristocrat, their family name was like their legacy- it was reflected the struggles of their past, and their hope towards the future. As for Thalia's parents- Esteban and Midel, they were mostly assigned to perform residential functions within the manor. But other than that, they seemed like good people. "Is Targen... not within the manor?" Diego suddenly inquired, bringing Diane's consciousness back to the present. "Oh, that.." Thalia gazed into another direction in awkwardness, before she suddenly clenching her fists. "He did say that he shall show up but he is nowhere to be seen! Honestly.." Thalia muttered aggressively, her amber orbs burning wildly. "Well, I am not necessarily bothered by it, I can always see him at any time, If I so wish to." Diego added, a bit absent mindedly. The duchess laughed lightly at that. "Quite Certainly, I agree." She added, with a curt nod of her head. "I understand that It was discourteous for him not to show; But I do hope that this has not spurred any hard feelings?" Diego glanced at the latter, before shaking his head. "No aunt; besides, I don't believe I can tarry any longer, I am exhausted." Diego admitted. "Very well then, you can feel free to leave." Nardock told him. "Do you mind If I send someone up to guide you to your designated room?" He interrogated, as he rubbed his hands together. "There Is no need for that." Diego denied him after due consideration. "Is it not the very same room I use everytime I come to visit?"


 Diego strode down the hallways, Diane skipping delightfully behind him. The hallways back home at the manor was not this broad, neither could it be this adorned. Even the railings of the staircase was carved out with actual gold. "Diego, slow down a little. I may trip at this rate." Diane huffed, as she struggled to keep up with the man ahead of her. "I am not to blame for your lack of athelectism." Diego told her, without bothering to look back, irregardless of bringing his footsteps to a halt. "Shall you not feel guilty if I were to fall?" Diane asked probingly, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Why would I? When you tripped of your own accord?" Diego inquired, as he pushed open the door to his room. Diane pouted as she stepped into the room. "Diego, Are you sure you are alright?" She inquired, when she observed that he had already lain on the bed. "I am alright." The man told her simply. "Well, change your clothing at least." She insisted, but Diego acted as though he had gone deaf. "Why is he being so impossible today?" She muttered to herself. She opened the wardrobe that was in the room, and was not the least surprised to see the clothes already arranged in an organized manner; Lisa must have done that In her spare time while they conversed amongst themselves downstairs. "By the way, how did you find your way to this room so effortless without requesting for the assistance of the servants?" Diane brought herself to ask- it was truly not easy for One to find their way that quickly when they were several more identical rooms in the hallways. "My parents do bring me to this place sometimes when I was little. This was the room which I preoccupied the most." Diego explained to her. "But Is it not a little too big for a child to reside in?" Diane pondered out loud, as she glanced around. What was a child to do with so many exquisite items, anyways? Take them for playthings, and stand the risk of them being wrecked? Diane glanced briefly Diego. 'Did this man even play as a child?' She thought, as she eyed him suspiciously. "Diego." A voice softly called out to him. He opened his eyes, only to notice a pair of blue eyes peering down into his. "Would you mind to go for a walk? You are familiar with this place, afterall- I would not want to be a bother to the rest of the family members." Diane spoke in haste, not even giving her lungs a chance to gulp In the atmospheric oxygen. "Not interested." Diego mumbled, as he turned to the side, or rather, attempted to- Diane greatly restricted his movements. "And you shan't be heading anywhere Either. Do you wish to get lost in this abyss?" He interrogated. Those pair of blue eyes blinked at him softly. " Why not? Is a little bit of fresh air not exactly the thing we need, after such a long and arduous journey?" She pressed on, attempting to convince Diego to agree. "Please?" She whined, when she noticed that the man was not giving in. "I remain resolute in my decision." Diego simply told Her. "Hmph." Diane furrowed her eyebrows, as she slid off him. She paced around the room for some time, before glancing at Diego once more. Surprisingly, he had shut his eyes once more. Before Diego could even conceptualize what it was that Came To Diane's head for her to remain silent for so long, a pillow collided harshly with his face. "Ugh!" He grunted, as he removed it calmly. He was fortunate that it was made of feathers- had it been a material of any sort, all the cartilage in his nose would have shattered by now. "Diane." He called, as he sat upright. "You surely realise that we are not back at home, don't you? Because you can't possibly expect me to tell my uncle that my wife ruined a pillow." "You!" Diane called out, as she strode towards him in a slightly infuriated gait. "It is possible for you to sit in your office all day; but yet when I request to go for a stroll you always decline!" She stated, as she picked up another pillow close by, crept unto the bed, and continously used it to assault her husband. "Would you stop?!" Diego called out in vexation, as he held the both of her hands tightly, bringing a temporary pause to her assault. "You are impossible." Diego muttered to himself, as he released her. "You have told me that several times." Diane told him, still annoyed as she clambered off the bed. "If you so happen go missing, I shall not come over to search for you." Diego called after her, when he saw that she was headed towards the door. Diane turned towards him suddenly, her blue eyes flickering fiercely. "I do not expect you to!" She exclaimed, as she closed the door with a loud bang, leaving Diego to chuckle at her behavior.


 The wind howled through the trees, causing them to delightful shake their branches. Some even deemed or fit to drop one or two withered ones. In the process some of the dead leaves ended up falling unto a certain man, who had leant his back against a specific tree. His eyes were closed and his hands were placed behind his head, in order to render him support. He appeared to have completely disconnected himself from the outside world- not even the sceneries and pleasant sensation In the atmosphere could infect his cold demeanor. "Ahem." A feminine voice drifted into his hearing. He casually opened half of an eye ball, to ascertain who it truly was before shutting them once more without a single care In the world. "Hey. I am yet to depart from your presence, you know." The lady commented, as she stamped her foot unto the ground lightly. "Do you know how long it took for me to find you? I have probably walked for miles of miles and there you are, seated underneath the shade and enjoying the summer breeze!" Thalia complained, as she plopped herself to the ground beside him. She Need not worry about her dress getting filthy though- the leaves shed by the trees had already formed a canopy on the soil, whereupon she sat on. "Who informed you that I took delight in the wind?" Targen muttered, as he gazed at her with bored eyes. "I only required a location to relieve Myself from all the stress, and this was the only place that piqued my attention." He explained himself. "Even when you had the knowledge that your cousin was bound to vist today?" She inquired, but the man just shot her a nonchalant gaze through those cobalt blue eyes of his. "So? He is not deceased, is he?" "Such words you utter from your mouth!" Thalia exclaimed in shock, as she gave her companion a light tap on his skull. "Not even displaying the slightest bit of remorse!" She added, as she eyed him dramatically. Targen however wringed his ears. "If you have nothing else to tell me, you best leave now. I was about to slumber before you arrived." He told her, his demeanor as frosty as ever. "Will your father not be upset with you for not displaying the behavior of a proper noble?" Thalia inquired, as she folded her hands. "Upset?" Targen gave am outward scoff at that. "Does he still reckon that I am a child that he could scold as he so pleases?" He inquired, with an upraised eyebrow. "That.." Thalia could not Help but be speechless at the behavior of this man, who just glanced skyward with a desolate expression on his face, as though he had nothing left to expect in his life. "Irregardless of circumstances, he is still your father." "You should remember, that someday you will be the Duke, and the future of the people of the south shall lie on your shoulders..." Thalia suddenly got distracted by Targen' s outstretched finger. "Who is that?" He murmured with a solemn expression, causing Thalia to squint into the distance. Roaming around in the garden not too far away from them, was a figure I'm yellow clothing. From the way she apparently looked that way and that, it was clear that she had lost her sense of direction. "Where have I occasioned this damsel before?" She pondered, as her eyebrows got furrowed due to how much concentration she put in. Without a seconds warning, she bolted upright, causing even the man seated at her side to flinch a little. "I shall return eventually." She shouted as she ran off. Targen only possessed the Same stoic expression on his feautures.


 "If Diego knew of the current predicament I was in at the moment, he will surely laugh his head off." Diane mumbled to herself angrily. She gazed ahead, but saw nothing familiar, she headed backwards, but the perpetual fear of finding herself in even unfamiliar surroundings caused her to halt. "If only the servants were around to direct me.. I am at the garden, that one thing is certain, but where exactly?" She asked no one In particular. She clenched her dress tightly. "If only Diego agreed to go with me, but no. The almighty Raymond shall do as he pleases him." Diane muttered angrily. As the scene of Diego sleeping away peacefully eventually popped up in her head, she could not Help but scream inwardly. "If he is actually asleep while his wife is unto the path of no return, I swear by my sword, I.." "Excuse me, Lady Diane?" The voice made Diane to whip around, and there stid the black haired girl, staring at her as though she was something ethereal. "Ah, Thalia, was it?" Diane awkwardly interrogated. So much for leaving a first impression. Thalia had probably borne witness of her raving to herself like one who was insane. "Lady Diane is very much correct." Thalia told her, as she walked up close to the maiden. 'Lady Diane is far much beautiful up close that from afar.' She mused, as she gracefully approached the damsel. "Are you alone? Or perhaps could Diego be with you?" Thalia inquired, as she gazed around expectantly. "No, he is not. I happened to be on my own, and I ended losing My way." Diane explained, while fumbling with her hands. She even gazed away in embarrassment. "Goodness, me. By any chance, you are not hurt, are you?" Thalia inquired, as she gently grasped Diane's Hands. It would bade Nothing but ill omen if their esteemed guest got hurt on her first day, in consideration. "Ah, I am alright. Sorry for causing you to worry." The slightly stunned Diane uttered, as she took some steps backward. She didn't know why, but she found Thalia's gaze of concern to be rather.. cute. "Thank goodness.' Thalia exhaled, as she said that. "Why did you not bother to change your clothing? Nevermind that, come along with me." Thalia said after a slight frown, as she seized Diane by the hand. "That.. didn't really occur to me." The lady uttered, as she trailed behind Thalia, unsure of where exactly the former led her to.


 Meanwhile, Unbeknownst to the two maidens, a pair of eyes had critically observed the interaction between the two women, although he was unable to hear the entirety of the conversation. He just stood still, peering through the window, the wind blowing through his Hair, a hand to support his head. Slowly but surely, a little Smirk came upon his lips. "So she did get lost, afterall." He said, as he stood erect. "I wonder to whence Thalia intends to lead her, though."


 "Are you still flustered about missing your way?" Thalia inquired, as the two of them progressed on their journey. "There is no need for you to be so embarrassed Diane- I mean, even I have difficulty in navigating through this place, at times; in contrast to you, who just stepped foot In this place for the first time." Thalia encouraged her, in order to make her feel better. "I guess." Diane muttered in a low tone. She did feel a sense of insecurity to move around with someone she didn't know anything about. But as she glanced ahead, she saw something that Made her heart palpitate, which In turn brought a smile unto her face. That physique.. could it be? She pondered, as she ran ahead of even the person that led her, much to the surprise of the latter. 'Did he perhaps send her forth in order to lead me to him?' The smile on Diane's face grew broader, as she got even closer to the tree. But her heart eventually faltered when she actually beheld who it was underneath the tree. The man acknowledged her with his lazy eyes. "And who might you be?" He frowned, as he glanced upon the intruder. 'This isn't.. Diego.' Diane felt her heart bleed as she came to the realisation of this fact. "I demanded for your identity, miss." The man began, as he observed her with even more suspicion, now. The gaze in his eyes clearly displayed his hostility. "I..." Diane began. "Lady Diane!" A voice cried out from the distance. The one who eventually called out to her came to pause before the two figures, doubled over, both hands on her knees, as she huffed for air. "Why did you take of like that, all of a sudden?" Thalia inquired of the latter, the hair on her head almost disheveled. "Ah, My apologies. I had illusioned someone familiar." Diane muttered, in a low tone. "And you." Thalia immediately turned her head towards the man. "Will you place those ghastly items out of our sight? This is no way to behave before a lady!" She chastised Tegan, who had two small daggers ready in hand. Diane subconsciously gulped, there was the probability that she could have died in this man's hands today. "This is the reason why you are yet to get a partner for yourself!" Thalia continued to vociferate. "Um, Thalia, you may be overdoing it a little." Diane who stood behind the former, tried to coax her. Afterall, she did have a husband who constantly ensured that he always had a sword underneath his office table, what more could a smaller set of daggers do to send her on edge? Unless if it was aimed, of course at her throat. She once again glanced at the man who did not seat this time, but rather laid on the bare ground, using his hands to form a pillow. Although he had the same physique as Diego from afar, their temperaments were quite different. For starters, Diego would never gaze at her with such.. disdain. She had an inkling of who the stranger may be. "Duke?" She murmured quietly, but Tegan still heard her nonetheless. He acknowledged the damsel, by opening up one eye. "Aspiring to be one, not yet the real deal." The man muttered slowly. "I ask for the final time, whose spawn are you?"