Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 91 - The Indication Of Foreboding.

Chapter 91 - The Indication Of Foreboding.

The sound of chattering and laughter could be heard distinctively, between the various classrooms, which was demarcated further into varuious arms. The children took great delight at this particular hour of the day- the recess period. It was the only moment by which they were permitted to run amok like unrestrained animals; the hour in which they could tease each one another and gossip amongst themselves. Moreover, the adults did not care if the noise which they made so ended up causing the building to collapse onto its very foundations. Well, what difference would it have been anyway, the building already leaned towards the brink of destruction- some of the bricks had come loose due to old age, causing some parts of it to crumble, the painting had long faded due to the continuous exposure of both the sun and rain, and the roof was in dire need of a replacement, for the yellow orb did not hesitate to Penetrate its rays into the minute but multiple holes. Even the furniture which the students used were Rickety and in bad shape, but those, who were supposed to learn within the confines of this institution, had long gotten used to it.

 A little girl sat in a corner, patiently studying her book. Although it was recess, this little girl deemed it to be an opportunity to invest herself in her studies rather than to goof around with her friends. Ahead of her, were a group of four, all girls. Three were hurdled in an almost circular manner, surrounding a girlof whom was seated in her desk. They conversed amongst themselves in hushed tones, and, without warning, they periodically glanced towards the back, gazing at the girl behind, a few losing their composure and bursting into uncontrollable giggles. Although the girl behind them knew they spoke ill of her, she didn't seem to mind. Nothing could possibly divert her attention away from what it was she read...

 She felt something bounce off her head. Her light brown eyes trailed towards the corner of the classroom, where she saw the scrunched up piece of paper, molded so perfectly to assume the shape of a ball. Her magnificent eye brows furrowed Slightly, when she saw the perpetrator and her clique walking towards her. "Oh, dearie me.. My bad. It finally dawned upon me that it was you, not the dustbin." The first girl spoke with a shrug, her wavy brown hair bouncing against her shoulders as she did. As though they had reharsed such a scene in their spare time, the other three girls laughed simultaneously. "Aurell" Cornelia began, as she picked up the crumbled piece of paper. "I believe that the school grounds is filthy enough, so why contribute more?" She stated, her expression tranquil. Aurell on the other hand, having walked up to her desk, proceeded to slam her hand down into her desk, or rather, on the note which laid open upon the desk. "Hey, bookworm, getting good grades doesn't make you a prodigy." Aurell stated, as she glanced down on her. Cornelia slowly blinked her eyes at her aggressor, her gaze calm and tranquil. "Sorry to disappoint, but I do not really feel obligated to pay heed to your nonsense." She said, as she made to get up. "Oh, such attitude. Did you hear that eloquent tongue of hers?" Aurell muttered, turning to her crew, who nodded hurriedly as though they had not intentions of offending their queen. "Do you believe that you are some noble lady? Do you know what you are? You are a pauper, understand?" Aurell inquired, as she leaned so close into Cornelia, in such a way that it will require no effort to give the latter a headbutt. "Mayhaps, she thinks she shall be wedded into a noble family someday, that is why puts in all this effort, such a ludicrous dream." Another girl stated, openly scoffing at the target. All three of them began to cackle like witches At a coven, except for Aurell, who smirked as she straightened her back. "It is indeed a fortune bestowed upon me, Aurell." Cornelia told them, as she carefully stored her book away. "I never deemed it fit to liken myself unto one with foul breath such as yours." The cackling came into an abrupt end. "Y- you! You.." Aurell, whose face turned red, gripped her fist tightly. As though acting based on intuition, the same fist relaxed, and the sound of someone being slapped resonated across the classroom. Those were within its boaders immediately turned their heads towards the sound, curious as to what it was that occurred. But after witnessing the spectacle, they turned their heads back to their duties, some smirking, others with looks of disdain. There was a reason why they chose not to step in, but it was not due to them being frightened by the 'queen' of the classroom. The girl still had her head turned sideways- such was the intensity of the slap. Her hair slightly concealed her feautures, so none were able to see her expression. In all honesty though, besides from the tingling sensation on her left cheek, her heart was without ripples. "Ha." Aurell scoffed outwardly, after getting the excess out of her system. "You insolent little runt.. The day of your downfall Is fast approaching." Another girl with her Grey hair packed into a bun quipped in, her face covered in lines from her scowl. "You are absolutely right, Naydel." Aurell tucked her brown hair behind her ear, as she slowly regained her composure. "She may have all the knowledge of this word stacked up here." Aurell demonstrated, pointing her index finger towards her head. "But she is completely empty in that aspect, I wonder how she shall pay her fees?" "I did hear the proprietor state that those who are unable to afford it shall be recalled- is that not the case ?" The girl with hair packed into a bun spoke. "Indeed, that seems to be it. Is this not good fortune? We shall rid ourselves of her pitiful exsistence." She laughed, while glancing at Cornelia with absolute disdain. Unbeknownst to them, Cornelia had formed a steel resolve, one which could not dissipate easily. "I would be bothered about myself If I were you." Cornelia uttered as she raised her head, while looking at her rival. "I hear your family's business is dwindling at the moment. By the time it hits rock bottom, who shall become the pauper then?" She added, a smirk on her face. "How dare you address Miss Aurell as such?" The girl with Grey hair uttered. "Oh enough of that pitiful facade of yours." Cornelia uttered, as she turned towards the latter. "If I recall quite clearly, low grades shall also equally result in in your withdrawal, no?" She added, as the smirk on her face grew even further. "That.." The addressed mumbled incoherently. Unable to withstand Cornelia's glare, she peered into another direction.

"Your grades are rather pitifully low, it would Grieve me were they to drop further." She continued to taunt them. "Rather than studying to ace, the four of you continue to harass innocent students. They just follow you around like Lackeys, doing they not, my dear Aurell?" Cornelia posed the question toward her beloved nemesis. The latter seemed to be fixated to the spot. 'What In the world is this?' Aurell thought, as she glanced towards the girl which was seated on her chair, with a cheerful smile on her face. 'You ought to be sniveling before me at this moment, to bow your head as you typically do..' Was this destitute perharps possessed by a spirit? Or be she a doppelganger. Cornelia squinted her eyes at the fantabulous four, before sighing lightly. "If you have nothing else to do, then stop standing about my table." She simply told them. But a swift hand grabbed her by the collar of her uniform. "You wretched little... Orphan!" Aurell exploded, as her face contorted with rage. What she was about to do, she had not a single inkling, but she resolved to make this rascal pay dearly for her behavior. "I will kindly Desist from whatsoever it is that you intend to do, Aurell." A strict voice said. Aurell turned her head, only to behold a feminine figure standing at the threshold of the classroom, her materials in hand. The teacher furrowed her brows lightly. "I thought I told you to desist; lest you want to speak to the headmistress this instant." She commented, when she observed that Aurell had even clutched the uniform more tightly. "Tch." Aurell clicked her tongue, as she reluctantly released her hostage. She did eventually depart, but not before revealing to Cornelia the most malevolent glare the latter would most definitely receive in her life.


 The teacher sighed as she dropped the ruler she had grasped on the table hopelessly. Another day yet rendered uneventful. The children were busy chattering amongst themselves, rather than to pay simple attention to the subject which she thought. Aurell just sat down at the midst of it all, gnawing at her thumb while giving the teacher a provocative glare. It was but a little wonder as to why It was yet to fall off. Well, all but one. She glanced at the girl, seated at the back of the class, the sole cause of this disruption. As she stepped out of the class, the girl bowed her head, while the classroom evolved into an even more noisy state. No one seemed to care about Cornelia, although out of every tongue, issued her affair. Two small droplets of moisture landed on the wooden table. 'You were not mistaken, Aurell. I am indeed an orphan.. and yet again.'


Jamien waddled underneath the warm sun, an axe strapped to his back, completey exhausted. As usual, there was a long line ahead. He went straight towards the man who seemed to be serve the others. "Jamien." The man muttered, as he cast a glance towards the boy, of whom just plopped himself on a nearby bench. "You have hurt yourself once more." He added, when he caught a glimpse of his bloodied Hands. "What Is it to you?" Jamien interrogated, as he carefully placed his axe beside him. "What is it to me, truly? It is no problem of mine." Edvagar replied, while he satisfied a customer. "Don't just expect to assist me with bleeding hands such as those- unless if your blood shall transform into jam the instant it makes contact with the bread." Jamien just stared at him.

 "Such a stubborn brat." Edvagar mumbled angrily underneath his breath, as he passed a customer two loaves of bread. "You do realise that your words can be easily heard, I am afraid?" Jamien, who was assisting him, inquired, while casting him a glance from the side of his eye. Edvagar only frowned in response, mostly due to the lad strongly resisting getting his hands treated, although the bleeding had long stopped. "Alright folks. That shall be all for the day." Edvagar suddenly announced to his customers who were on que, starling even Jamien. Complaints arose instantly. "What is the meaning of this, Edvagar?!" "We demand an explanation!" "So I stood the risk of being charred black by this sun,only for you make such an utterance?!" "Fellas, fellas." Edvagar Called out, as he gesticulated with his hands "Everyday cannot be the same; is that not so? I just happened to bake a little few today, alright?" He explained. "And the cost of ingredients are quite.. Ahem. Irregardless of circumstances, I shall give the first ten customers that approach me tommorow a discount of ten percent, alright?!" He pleaded,although the que dispersed Amidst complaints and curses. "You just lied to your customers." Jamien commented, as he glanced underneath a wooden table. Yet still, there was a basket filled to the brim with loaves. "Nah, I wouldn't bother about them so much, kid." Edvagar informed the latter, as he fiddled around with a small box, searching for something within his contents. "I would bother about that One, though." Edvagar glanced up, when he noticed Jamien pointing. He stared afar of into the distance, where a scrawny man clothed with rags kept muttering curses to himself, pausing once in a while to kick up dust into the air. "Old Jon?" Edvagar laughed. "Pay him no heed; he always had a few marbles loose." He said, as he brought out some bandages. "Show me, your hands boy." He instructed, in a stern tone. "The rate at which you bring bandages with you are quite unnecessary; it is not as though your occupation costs you your life." Jamien said half-heartedly, as he glanced into the distance. "Be quiet, you insolent child!" Edvagar chastised harshly, applying a bit too much pressure into one of the bandages, which caused the boy to whince in turn. "Of whose cause did I begin this strange art of mine?" Edvagar glared up angrily, for a brief moment. After the death of his father, Jamien took upon himself the occupation which his father did before, and that was to become a lumberjack. Naturally, they would not allow a child so young to partake of such a complicated task, but Jamien did not only surprise them, he amazed them. With the meager salary he attained, he was able to pay for the upkeep of himself and his siblings, but most of it were used up on Cornelia's tuition fees. "Alright then." Edvagar stood straight, after had wrapped the latter's hands neatly. "You are rather resourceful, I suppose." Jamien stated, as he glanced towards the the basket where the bread was stored. "Be not agitated; they shall not go to waste." Edvagar said, as he packed some bread into a black Sack. He glanced at Jamien briefly; the latter really bore a strong likeness to his father. "Your hands shall be so calloused at some point, then, it shall be a burdenfor you to attain a wife." He said, as he tied the mouth of the sack. "I never had the intention to be wedded, anyway" came the monotonous reply. Edvagar could only sigh. "Are you certain that your siblings and yourself shan't stay with me?" He inquired. Jamien glanced upwards. "And be of a bother to you? I shall politely decline. You also have a family of your own as well." "What about the orphanage then? Who knows. An aristocrat may decide to adopt you all.." He was interrupted by the sound of an axe digging deep into the ground. "Do you wish for me to be separated from my siblings? Have I not lost enough?" He inquired, his blood red eyes staring at Edavgar as though he were an adversary. And as for what he said earlier? Who would want to adopt three scrawny, unkempt children? Except if they were true saints in this world, of which proved false, after all which Jamien had to endure . "Listen kid, I am just trying to be of assistance here-" "I do not need your petty pity!" Jamien exclaimed suddenly, as he stood up. "If you really intend to be of aid, why did you not assist me to uncover who my father's murderer was? Why did you say nothing, when the case was shut down without a plausible explanation? Why didn't.." Jamien choked down at this point, his head lowered. "At the time I rise to the top, I swear..." He mumbled something incomprehensible. He felt someone tapping his shoulder. "Here you go, kid." His face turned into an unsightly scowl. "I do not need it!" He yelled, as he thrusted the bag to the ground. "You may not have it, if you wish not to." Edvagar said softly, tired of his current attitude. "But remember, you have two siblings at home, do you not?"


 "I am back." Jamien muttered weakly, as he opened the Door. The first scene which he saw warmed him up, a scene of Cornelia chasing Ulcan around. Without realizing, a smile came to his face. "Ahem." He cleared his throat even more loudly. "Oh, welcome back, brother." Ulcan uttered casually, as he dropped the book in his hand, taking away the sack which he held. Cornelia, on the other hand dived towards the book, without the slightest hesitation, before walking towards her brother. "Are your studies now of more importance to me?" Jamien inquired of her, while Patting her head. "Perharps." She told him, a naughty smirk playing on her lips. Jamien laughed; school was one of the things which she had a passion for. Unlike Cruscius's two sons who absolutely abhorred it, Cornelia found it interesting to learn new things. And Jamien did not want to take it away from her, just because of their father's death. "Jamien, I perceive the aroma of bread; did you bring bread?" Ulcan inquired, his eyes shimmering. Jamien glanced casually at the latter, he had long lost his chubby physique. Although he was much slimmer now, he had equally gained a few centimeters as well. Not a complete loss, in Jamien's opinion. "Feel free to open it." Jamien told him. "Edvagar gave that to us." He added, as he placed his axe aside. "All you ever care about is food! Go learn an occupation or something!" Cornelia told him, when she saw the manner of which he bolted to the kitchen in an instant. "Don't be so harsh towards him." Jamien said, as he sat beside his sister. "If not for him, who would be to keep the house?"


 "He finished his meal, and now he slumbers like a pig." Cornelia muttered In disgust, as she picked up her brother's plate. "The least you can do is to clean up after yourself." She mumbled in much vexation. As she gazed at his chest rising and falling rhythmically, she had the overwhelming urge to push him- no, jolt him awake. "Have a bit of mercy of him, Cornelia." Jamien told her, with a slight smile. She resumed to seat next to him, after she had dropped the dish at the kitchen. "Hey, brother." She began, as she fiddled with her fingers. "What is it?" Her brother replied, as he looked down at her. "Do you perharps have the opinion that.. it may be better if I quit school?" "Eh?" Jamien uttered in surprise. "Are you really my Cornelia?" He inquired, as he turned her face to the left and right, much to the annoyance of the latter. "Why would you suddenly ask that? Your teachers tells me that you are always at the top of your class- why even your headmistress eulogises you. You must surely be the envy of all." Jamien told him, his eyes as wide as a saucer. Cornelia looked away. "Hold on a minute... Pardon.." Jamien muttered, as he tilted her head towards the left. Cornelia's eyes widened momentarily. "Wait, brother." "Hush, you just be quiet." He told her, his voice grave. For sure, his eyes were not mistaken. He noticed the slightly swollen but red cheek. "And Who may be responsible for this?" Jamien began. Now he finally comprehended why his sister had made such a ludicrous request. "Cornelia!" He called out to the girl who ceased to make eye contact with him, holding her on both shoulders, shaking her firmly. "Your staying silent wouldn't be of much help." "There is nothing that you can do, brother." She told him, as she gazed calmly at him with that brown eyes of hers. "You are only but a child; they shall surely pay you no heed." She told him, her head lowered. "I shall see to the matter." Jamien said, his eyes raging. "Don't!" Cornelia glanced up at him, the fear imminent in her eyes. "It will only cause the issue to escalate further.." Jamien forecefully removed her hand from his garment. "Have it your own way, for the time being." Jamien told her, although his voice sounded a bit shaken. "But always remember that you have an elder brother to run to." He added, as he embraced her. "If they ever cause harm to my little princess again, I shall grant them a punishment that is even worse than death." He told her softly, as he embraced her. Cornelia sniffed in his arms. "Things would have been much better, had father still been alive." Jamien held her. But Circumstance, they say, can be quite cruel.


 The bells of the green palm academy could be heard ringing for miles of miles, those were the closing bells. The children immediately trooped out in their green and black uniforms, each One eager to go back to his own abode. Unbeknownst to a particular brown eyes girl, a pair of blue eyes Stared at her with much animosity. The individual then proceeded to take a specific bend, a different route from the one they usually took.

"Fortunately for me, Aurell and her minions did not seek for my trouble this time" Cornelia soliloquised to herself, as she scribbled down into her book. Typically, there would be a friend or two of whom she would go home with, but who could she turn to when none was willing to be her companion? "And the best thing about this day, Is that brother somehow managed to pay My fees. I shall thank him upon my return." She mumbled to herself, as she scribbled into her notebook. "Miss Legulle, our English teacher, also eulogised me before everyone. The look on her face was priceless.. Oh.." She mumbled, as her pen ended up rolling into an old ally. She recognized this ally- it was the one where fate ended up binding her to Cruscius, as well as his boys. She hesitated for a while- she would hate a scenario where she would have to trouble Jamien. He was already working part time with Edvagar, afterall. "You left your quill, young miss." A voice spoke from the alley. Emerging from it, was an old man clothed in rags, his unkempt Grey hair showing traces of filth, and his mouth in an unsettling crooked smile. "Oh, thank, you.. Er.. Sir." Cornelia mumbled, after pondering On how it was she should address him. She took the quill back from him without the slightest bit of reluctance or disgust- she was once like him after all, before Cruscius stepped in. She inwardly sighed. She could not save her savior. "Hold on for a moment, young miss." The man said, his light green eyes observing her. "Did your parents not teach you how to show the proper gratitude?" He inquired. Cornelia gazed down at her hand, the man was gripping her rather tightly. "But sir, I had already appreciated you, did I not?" She asked, visibly confused. "Tender, tender and fresh." He muttered, as he gazed at Cornelia's porcelain skin. That did not however miss her hearing, and it sent shivers down her spine. "Sir, can you kindly unhand me?'" She said, as she strained against him. But the man gripped her strongly- not displaying in the slightest the weakness of an old man. He grinned, his yellowish teeth coming into full view. "Permit senior to show junior, a proper demonstration of gratitude." The man said. Cornelia even felt more desperate now. "Let go, you are hurting me!" She cried out In alarm. Before she could awaken, however, something heavy was struck against her head.

 She opened her eyes in the dark, her head spinning. She saw the man above her, giving her quite the fright. Her bag laid in a corner. "It would be impolite if I performed the deed while you were yet to awaken." The man said, as he smiled at her. Cornelia could not scream, how could she, when a filthy piece of cloth was tied against her mouth? "Wow, the old man is playing his part quite well." Aurell observed, from the distance. He watched as the man rubbed his skin against that of Cornelia like a rabid dog seeking warmth from Its owner. Aurell looked around. "Fortunately, the alley is quite deserted, nobody shall interrupt anytime soon." She refocused her attention on the duo. The man paused briefly, as he licked his lips. "I shall truly savor the taste of this one." He thought, as he gazed down at his prey. Cornelia was in a pickle, as her hormones went bonkers for some time. His untamed fingers were like claws again her skin, cutting through and drawing blood. His hands roughly grabbed her hair, drawing it hard. "You can only blame yourself for this, Cornelia." Aurell muttered, as she watched this scene. "Since my little taunts and provocations were too childish for you, I hope this sweet experience may keep you out of my path, for a while. And hopefully for good." The old man had begun to rip Cornelia's uniform now. "You were always, undeserving of that uniform in the first place." She said, before she gazed at the horizon. "I must leave, before father begins to worry." She said before walking away. "At least the four gold coins was into good use." Cornelia laid on the cold ground, with a uniform and a half. Is this how she was going to die?

 Meanwhile, In an abode not too far away, a boy paced around the living room, glancing at the horizon repeatedly. "She ought to be here by now, something feels.. off." A sweet smell hit his nostrils. "This. " He began, and as he looked above his head, a small red mist could be seen forming. "Cornelia!" Ulcan dashed out of the house in an instant.


 There was much ruckus in the neighborhood that fateful evening, a great contrast to the night of which Cruscius died. The two boys yelled out each other at the top of their lungs, which Cornelia was curdled in a long chair, weeping her eyes out. "Why did you let him be!" Jamien exclaimed, as he nearly yanked his hair out due to vexation. "What should I have done then? Kill him? In front of all those people?!" Ulcan yelled. Jamien slowly released his brother by the collar, before staring at his sister. "At least, he didn't get a chance to defl.." Ulcan shut his mouth in an instant, when he saw The mad gaze In his brother's eyes. Jamien sighed. Ulcan was indeed right.. Had he not been at the scene on time, the worse would have happened. "Cornelia. You have to sleep now, it is getting late" Jamien whispered softly, as he approached her. The latter shook her head vehemently. "N-No, I shan't, I shan't!" Cornelia said, the fear deeply etched in her eyes, as she used her hand to block either one of her ears, as though that would Erase the harrowing memory. "What.. What If he creeps into my room when I am asleep? He will kill me Jamien, he wants to kill me!" Cornelia stated, as she looked up at her brother. "Whenever I close my eyes, he is the first thing I see.." "shush, Cornelia. That's enough." Jamien said as he embraced her. "I dare him to do so when I am right beside you." He added, but his blood red eyes glittered in an eerie manner.

 At long last, Cornelia fell asleep, while gripping her brother's arm tightly. Jamien was laid next to her, while Ulcan slumbered On the floor. The poor girl was so distressed that she refused to go to her bedroom, giving her brothers no other alternative. Even as she slept, Jamien could still feel the involuntary trembles and sobs from her sleep. And there he was, helpless, unable to do anything. Because what? He was yet a minor? "B-brother." Cornelia muttered. "I am here." Jamien assured her. But something was wrong, she frowned lightly in her sleep. "Jamien.. Father.." "Cornelia? Cornelia open your eyes!" Even Ulcan had been aroused due to all the ruckus. But she did not wake up; she kept muttering ot herself, eyes closed as though she were having a nightmare. "Cornelia!" Only when Jamien took her in his hands and shook her roughly did the latter respond. She blinked at him for some time, before immediately bawling her eyes out while in his embrace. "Ulcan, come up here." Jamien demanded. "Take care of her." He said, as he handed the sniveling, sobbing girl towards him. "Ah- Jamien, we may be in need of a nurse." Ulcan muttered, as he felt the temperature which laid against his skin. "Stop making such insidious demands." Jamien rebuked fiercely, as he picked up his axe. "Where do you expect me to find a nurse at this hour of the night?" "To where.. are you headed?" Ulcan asked once more, as he gazed at the item in his hand. But all it took from his brother was a single glare to make him shut up.

 Jamien closed the door gently, while the cool wind blessed his face. He was staring at the blood in his palm, the one he so secretively squeezed from Cornelia's injuries during her episode earlier. "Find him." He mumbled. In an instant, the blood dispersed and became a red mist (which only he could see) which turned into a thin line, stretching into the distance. Jamien held the end of this rope like substance, and trailed behind it.

 Meanwhile, In a specific alley, an old man laid, his eyes closed. If he knew the epitome of darkness that stood in front of his alley, he wouldn't dare be so peaceful. "Wake, up, old man." A voice called. Old Jon opened his eyes, to see Jamien standing before him. "What business do you have here with that axe, young man?" He uttered, as he sat upright. "To teach you a lesson." Jamien said simply. "You nearly defiled my sister today." He added. "Ooh, that beautiful maiden was your sister?" He inquired, as he tilted his head. "Hmm, I do not for sure see any resemblance, apart from the fact that you are quite good looking as well. Do tell, do you have another sister? I would like to go into her as well; I would have if not for that rascal that ruined my plans..." Jamiem had kicked him down while he was yet talking. "Disgusting." He mumbled, while spitting into a corner. He should have known.. Beings like these, do not feel remorse. Without realizing, the pale moon suddenly turned crimson, and Jamien's eyes had a faint light in them. "Hey. Boy do you not show your elders any regard.." "Shut up." Jamien calmly said, as he swung his axe. A piercing scream filled the air. Back at the alley, the man stared at his decapitated arm. "She.. is.. my.. sister." Jamien muttered, a nearly crazed look on his face. "And I shall suffer no harm to befall her." "Brat! Are you of the opinion that you shall go Scott free... Aaaargh!" Jamien had responded with another wave of his axe, severing the man's hand from his body. The Old man now sat there, with two bleeding stumps. "No one apprehended you when you did what you did; I wonder who shall impede upon my path?" Jamien muttered calmly. He did not realise it, but the old man noticed, his voice was becoming deeper and more muffled. "Malevolent brute!" The Old man exclaimed with widened eyes. "You are not human.." More blood interacted with the air. His left leg had just come off, causing the man to fall to his back. Jamien peered down at him. "Do you know that even at this moment, you still reek of My sister's blood?" He inquired. "Where is the maiden? I shall apologize to her if you spare me.." Another leg came off. What laid on the ground could no longer be called human; but rather of a stump with all four extremities cut off. "A.haha." Jamien cackled, before turning into a full blown laughter. "Goodness, the thrill! Why does it feel so rejuvenating! Almost akin to esctacy!" A Lone voice hollered into the air. "Please spare.." The man called out weakly. His blood had long turn into a flowing river. "Spare?" Jamien repeated, as he narrowly sunk his axe into the man's back. "Did you spare my sister when she begged?" "I won't arghh!" The axe plunged into another sector of his back. "Scream louder! It makes my blood boil in a pleasant way." Jamien said, before momentarily holding his head. "Urghh." He felt dizzy. "Please, just kill me." The old man muttered. "Promise.. Promise.. I promised her that I would give the.. something even more worse than death." Jamien said, as he once again sunk his axe into the man's back. Old Jon had long lost his voice, it was even an amazement that he was alive. His body, or rather what had been left of it, was long riddled with holes of different sizes left behind by the blade of the axe. As Jamien stooped low, the dimly lit eyes widened in shock. 'Has he not done enough? Even if he let's me go now, I am still as good as then anyway.' "Old Jon." Jamien began in his deep voice. "Remember the Name Jamien Revaparis, it was he who sent you to the after life. Tell them that." He stated, a smile on his face, before placing his hand on Old Jon's head. "Drain." Ge muttered. In an instant, the body immediately resembled a wilted tree branch. He did not even have time to process how the Lad knew of his name, before his blood vessels were sucked dry. Jamien stood there for a while, shrouded in red mist, before glancing at the moon, which had turn into an eerie shade of crimson. now. "The moon is rather beautiful tonight." He uttered, with a smirk.