Chereads / The hollow Within / Chapter 75 - 'He' Was Present, Afterall.

Chapter 75 - 'He' Was Present, Afterall.

"Let me go!" Diane who was being pulled by Diego said, while laughing while her husband ignored her, as he forced her to seat on a nearby bench. "I want to dance some more." She exclaimed, as Diego forcefully made her to stay still. "Was your choreography not enough for the evening?" Diego inquired, as he ignored the stares that seemed to surround them. "You are most definitely drunk now, can we go home?" He asked her. "I told you that I am not drunk!" Diane nearly exclaimed out loud. "Can a drunk person speak like this?" She inquired. Before Diego could respond, one of the dancers came bustling towards her, a glass of champagne in mind. "Miss! You performed with us, didn't you?" He said, as he drew close. "No, she didn't." Diego replied In an instant, while casting the most hostile pair of eyes the poor man would have ever seen in his life. "Ignore him." Diane told him, as she put on the sweetest smile. "Is there any issue?" She inquired. "Nothing really, it is just that the dancers were presented with some Kalarano wine, So I thought I should give you some." He said, as he presented the glass to Diane. "I will be taking that, thank you." Diego suddenly spoke, as he used the opportunity to seize the glass before it could even approach Diane's outstretched hand. "That is.." The man began, as he was momentarily lost for words. "There is no need to worry, I am her husband so you can rest assured." Diego commented, as he effortlessly transfered the glass of wine to the other hand,while subduing the squirming Diane with the other. "What are you still standing staring there for? Get lost now." Diego stated, a bit of irritation flashing past his eyes when he still saw that man stood there, gawking at the couple. "I am sorry." The man said, as he quickly recollected his senses, walking away as quickly as he possibly could. Although he could not see the man's face, but that imposing eyes and domineering aura spoke much louder than words. He wasn't a fool, and he didn't require anyone to tell him what to do. He was from a humble background, how could someone as tiny and insignmificant as him possibly try to stand before a raging storm?

 "That is mine!" Diane vociferated loudly without any restraint, as she tried to grope for the glass which Diego had placed far beyond her reach. "There is no need for you to get yourself more drunk than you already are." Diego said, as he pinned her close to him. "I already told you.." Diane began, as she stared at him. "Just be quiet." Diego snapped. "Just a sip.." She began, her eyes pleading. "No." Diego retorted without a shred of mercy. "I will get something In order for you to sober up. After that we shall depart at once." Diego said, with a firm tone. Diane didn't say anything, but sulked in response. "Excuse me, Miss." Diego said, as he intercepted a waiter who was about to walk past. "But could you please get me.."

Diane turned her head away, and her eyes glistened as she momentarily beheld something. She saw a waitress serving that same wine which Diego had 'unjustly' derived her off. While Diego was preoccupied with giving instructions to The waiter at his end, Diane was also giving specific instructions to the waitress at her end. She pointed to the glasses of wine on the tray, before pointing towards herself. Fortunately this waitress was quick witted, she immediately Marched towards Diane right away. Diane's eyes widened momentarily when she observed this, and quickly beckoned for the waiter to stop. "What are you doing?" Diego's voice crudely brought her back to the present. She saw that the glass of wine that he previously placed on the chair had disappeared, implying that the waiter had taken it along with him. "N-nothing, I am just ordering for water." Diane stuttered as she threw a sweet smile at him. But Diego chose to remain unfazed by it. "I hope you are not up to mischief again." Diego said. "Just think whatever you want." Diane harrumphed turning away from him. She briefly used this opportunity to eye a wooden cup placed on a nearby table. Diego wouldn't possibly know its contents if it wasn't placed into something so transparent. The waitress immediately nodded at her, while getting into the task at hand. "Diane, I was asking you something." Diego said, as he forcefully made her to look at him. "What?" Diane blinked. Even with the mask on, it was still easy to tell when he had a scowl on his face, when his eyebrows were knotted together so tightly like that. "I said you could think as your heart so desires?" Diane cautiously repeated, as she pondered at what could have made him contract his face to such a degree. His cold silver eyes stared at her, and she could literally feel the temperature drop by a degree, a chill instantaneously going down her spine. Diego applied a bit of pressure to her hand before releasing it. "Let it be." He said, as he turned away. While Diane was nearly scratching her head, pondering at what she could have possibly done to sour his mood, the waitress came to her. "The water you ordered, miss." The waitress stated, with a slight wink, a sign to inform Diane that she had successfully executed her task. "Thank you." Diane said, as she accepted the wooden cup from her. Diego seemed to raise his eyebrow at this slightly, but he didn't say a word. Afterall, one could always subject themselves to their own devices as they so pleased. Diane ignored him, as she proceeded to pour the red liquid into her mouth. 'So sweet.' She thought, as she lifted the liquor to her lips once more. Normally, alcoholic beverages weren't supposed to be this tasty. She thought, as she resisted the urge to smack her lips. Yes, she could still feel the harsh after taste of the alcohol underneath, but it was still mostly concealed by this perculiar taste. Although she could sense her vision get a bit more hazy with every swig she consumed, but she didn't mind. "Here you are, my good sir." The waiter said, as he presented the glass to Digeo. "Thank you." Diego said, as he took the glass from him, the warmth from it nearly burning his bare palm. Only when did he turn to Diane once more, did he notice that something was wrong. "Diane?" He turned to his wife, who seemed to be swaying lightly from left to right, a tinge of red appearing on her cheeks and the tip of her ears. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She inquired, as she turned to him, her speech slurred. "Diane.." He called her again, as he set the glass he took from the waiter on the ground, while promptly seizing the wooden cup in her arms. "Hey, I am not Done with drinking that!" Diane said, as she tried to take her possession back from him, but for some reason he seemed so far away. The fragrance had wafted up his nose before he could even look into the cup. By the time he saw the remnants of the liquor idly sitting at the bottom of the cup, he couldn't tell if he should be furious or not. He glanced at the woman, who had rested her forehead on his shoulder. "Diane, you are overexerting your weight. Get off me." He told her in a slightly cold tone. Well, the scenario he had strove so hard to avoid had occurred anyway, so how couldn't he feel this way especially when she lied to him? 

 "My head feels heavy." Diane complained, as she raised her head to look at him, the tip of her ears exceedingly red by then. "Why won't it be?" Diego told her. "You need to sleep now. Don't you feel drowsy?" He inquired, as he placed the back of his hand to feel her temperature. As expected, it was slightly warm. "Um." Diane grunted in agreement. Diego picked the glass up from the floor. "Then you better drink this then, it would make you feel better." Diego said, as he slowly gave her the glass. Diane however, crinkled her nose. "Urgh, what is that it smells disgusting!" She exclaimed, as she slapped his hand away. The glass fell to the ground, its contents splattering all over the place. "Diane!" Diego called out, sufficiently irritated. "Why can't you ever behave?!" He said, as he gazed at her angrily. A single tear drop slid from Diane's eye, dropping onto her dress. Diego sighed, while holding his forehead. "I didn't mean.." He began, but Diane's lower lip wasn't going to stop quivering any time soon. "Mean as always." She said, as she sat there with her head bowed. "I am sorry." Diego muttered, feeling awkward. But at the same time, he hoped that it helped her to get a bit more sober. "Apologies won't change anything." She added. "I want a gift instead." She said, as she gazed innocently at him, although they were still tears in her eyes. "Like what exactly?" Diego inquired. Diane suddenly threw her head up, and Diego gazed upwards as well. "That." Diane said, as she pointed her index finger to the moon. "I want that." She said, turning to him. Diego just stared at the satellite. Not sober in the slightest. "You want me to get that for you?" He interrogated, as he placed his focus back on her. Diane nodded. "Get me the sparkly things that are up there, too." Diane added. Diego smirked. As he observed Diane's comical behavior, he could only get awed at how much alcohol could truly alter one's personality. "You mean the stars?" He corrected. "Is that what they are called?" She inquired, as she gave him an absent minded gaze. But for a split moment, those sleepy eyes of hers brightened up a bit. "Right, you could simply use your.. hnmh!" Diane struggled to speak, as Diego had suddenly clamped his hand over her mouth. "My dear, you speak too much." Diego said, as he briefly looked around. Fortunately, everyone else was carried away by the festivity in the air than to heed them any sort of attention. "Shh. It's a secret, remember?" He told her, while she nodded slowly. Only when he was sure she understood did he remove his hand. When he did that however, the silly Diane proceeded to climb up to the bench. "What are you doing? Get down you will fall." Diego told the blonde girl, who was too engrossed with stretching her right hand towards the night sky. "I am trying to bring the stars down." She said, as she continued to stand on her top toes, her black sandals straining underneath the pressure. She suddenly wobbled, and would have fallen, if not for Diego who caught her in his arms. "The stars are not going to come down tonight." He said, as he gazed down at her. "So why don't we try tommorow?"

 He strode through the crowd, not really caring who may have been looking at him or not. Fortunately for him(them both actually). He so happened to not have encountered that person yet. Although a frown came to his face when he suddenly thought about that- there was no way that Egiel could have misinformed him, afterall. Or did the Vermin leave early? He glanced briefly at the woman in his arms. Although she was half-conscious, he doubted quite well if she even knew what was was ongoing at the moment, she was that intoxicated. But just as he was about to approach where the horse stood in wait, a woman suddenly appeared in his line of sight once more. He scowled lightly, why did it feel like this nuisance seemed to be following him everywhere. "My prince charming." The lady began, as she stepped towards him with her elegant blue fish-tailed dress. Although her mask concealed her identity, it was quite obvious to all who were present that she was no ordinary lady, leaving a single word reverberating in the minds of everyone: 'Aristocrat.' "Who is this?" She inquired, as she drew nearer. Diego exhaled, Did this woman have myopic vision or what? Anyone could tell from miles away that he was clearly holding a woman in his arms. "I told you before, I am not interested." Diego spoke calmly, his eyes gazing at her hostilely. "And as for this lady, this is.. my wife." He said, as he glanced at the semi conscious woman in his arms. The lady however laughed as she drew even nearer. "She is quite pretty." She said, as she looked at Diego. "How much did you pay her?" She inquired. "Pay?" Diego repeated, as he raised his eyebrow. "I told you she is my wife, why would I have to pay her?" Diego inquired. "Oh, please." The lady said. "I can tell from one glance that this is all just a facade. Forget about That for now, why have you been avoiding me all night? I was thinking we could- get to know each other better." She added with a wink, making Diego feel disgusted. "Right from the first time your approached me." He began slowly. "I informed you that I had a wife, had I not? The lady in my arms is indeed my wife, and we are legally married." He explained slowly. "But I didn't see you with anyone when we encountered each other." The lady said. "We lost each other, it is quite crowded afterall." Diego said, as he looked away. "A fine story indeed. Quite convincing." She said, as she glanced at Diane with hostility. "Miss, how long are you going to keep up with that shameful act of yours?" She inquired loudly, for Diane to hear. Diane opened her eyes fully this time, and glanced at the lady. "Is she talking To me?" She questioned. But before Diego could reply, the other woman had opened her mouth. "Don't play dumb. Of course I am speaking to you." She uttered. "Is she a friend of yours?" Diane asked, turning to Diego. "She Is not, I have never met her before." Diego replied. "Just ignore her." He added, as he tried to move past her. But before he could, the lady called out loudly once more. "Are you really going to take that second rate trash to your bed?'' Diego's lower Jaw tightened when he heard that. "Second rate.. trash?" Diane muttered. "Diego, put me down." She said, looking up at the man. Diego glanced at her. "Set me to the ground this instant, or else.." She had not even finished speaking, when Diego calmly put her down. "Who are you calling second rate trash?" She said, as she stumbled towards the woman. The woman crinkled her nose. "My goodness, she reeks of alcohol." "I don't see how any of that is your business." Diane said, through Half slitted eyes. "You labeled me as shameless, meanwhile you are the shameless one to hit off on someone else's husband." Diane stated. Diego just watched the two. Although he didn't like the feeling of being a cheap article being contested for by two women, something in Diane's tone intrigued him. "Husband?" The slimmer lady repeated. "Yes." Diane said. "That man over there.. he is my hubby!" She declared out loud. Diego immediately placed his hand on his forehead while gazing downwards, You didn't have to shout that loud. He thought, as he felt several gazes on him, as well as rumors and whispers from the crowd. "And he is mine, and mine only. Go screw yourself." She said, as she placed her hand on her waist. "So get out of our way." She added, as she intended, to walk past the lady. But the obstinate fool had taken a hold of her wrist. "Let go." Diane shrugged her off. The force was great, causing the imposter to fall down. She looked around, and noticed that all eyes were on her-the commotion of earlier had grasped everyone's attention. "You have no Idea who you are dealing with." She began, as she glared at Diane. "I.." "No one is interested about the background you are from." Diane said, feeling extremely light headed. "You see my hubby out there?" She clumsily pointed at Diego. "He Is a member of the Raymond family. He.." She could not say anymore, for Diego suddenly picked her up in his arms. He glared at the fallen lady for some time, before walking away as though nothing had occurred. "Wait, did she Say Raymond? As in the duke's family?" One of the spectators began. "Who knows? She seemed drunk to me, maybe she didn't realize what she was saying." Another replied. "Then how do you explain his blue hair?" "Anyone can have blue hair." "From his clothes, he is indeed an aristocrat." Rumors continued to spread their wings in the air, ignoring the woman who was sat on the ground, her heart in between her sleeves.

 Diego walked to the where the horse magnificently stood, the short man standing beside it. Although the mask Shielded Diego's face, the man could not bear to look Diego in the eye anymore, after he realized the domineering aura he possessed. "Your horse, sir." The man said, as he released it. "Mm." Diego grunted in response, as he patted the slender neck of the horse. "Diane come here." He said, as he gazed at the woman who squatted on the ground, doodling on the white sand with her index finger. She looked up at him. "Okay." She said, as she walked up to him, although while stumbling about. Diego placed her on the horse. "I hope you have a good night, my.. sir." He said, nearly bowing, as Diego walked beside the horse, into the dark of night.

 "Hubby." Diane called out drowsily, as she sat on the horse. Diego supported her from behind, if not she might have fallen off ages ago. "What Is it?" Diego said, as he looked straight ahead, although he was still surprised that she still addressed him in that manner. "Take.. off." She uttered, as she tugged at her mask. "Wait." Diego told her, as he gently aided her to remove it from behind. He had long taken his off since they left the carnival, and the cool night wind was currently blowing through his Hair. The horse neighed suddenly in alarm, as something, seemed to be thrown, or landed directly in front of it. "Easy, boy, easy." Diego said, as he tried to soothe the already spooked horse. He highlighted down, before picking up the item that laid in close proximity to the horse's hooves. It appeared to be a stone, wrapped in paper. He incredulously removed the paper from the stone, and read the words which appeared to be written on the paper, addressed in the form of a letter. The first words alone made him to squint suspiciously.

 How have you been, Diego Raymond? Hope life is Treating you well? Honestly, you surprised me Tonight, Diego. You did not seem like your usual overly cautious self, you were so carefree. And Who was that woman with you? Your wife Perhaps? I heard the rumors, but I didn't think for It to turn out so true. Although I could not behold her Face, I can already tell that she must have Something at least, for you to have been so Attracted to her. Is she dear to you? You do Realise old scores have to be settled. Don't worry, I wouldn't go Beyond my boundaries. So no need to Fret over It. Although the last scene to come to my head Was you getting married, but never mind. I would be rather cautious if I were you, there is only much People In this world that possess that Pale blonde. Hair. All the best to you.

 Diego squeezed the letter in his hands so hard that the veins underneath pratically bulged out. He flung the paper away into the distance, as he ran his fingers through his Hair. "Hey, hubby." He felt a hand tapping his shoulder, he looked up, and saw the drunken Diane staring down at him. "What happened?" She inquired. Diego gazed at her, and although she was still in a drunken state, the tinge of crimson around her ears and cheeks made her to seem all the more attractive. The wind that blew her hair as well as the moon that shine down on the white sand, made everything to appear mystical. "It's nothing." Diego said, after recollecting his senses, glancing away. Diane was truly a beautiful woman, without a doubt. "As reserved as always." She said, as she gave him a smiled at him, while blinking at him slowly. All of a sudden, and without warning, she jumped into his arms. "Hey, be care.." Diego was about to berate, but the next words that came out of Diane's mouth made him to freeze in place. "Hubby, I really like you." She said, as she embraced him warmly.