Diego strode down the hallways, as the incident of the previous night continued to play in his head on repeat. This time around, he was not headed to his office, but to the bedroom instead. He ran his fingers through his Hair, as he tried his absolute best to keep his composure. What were the odds that she would even remember the incident occurred the night before, given how drunken she was? But at the same time, he never thought that a day in his life would arrive whereby he would be so perturbed over such things he had labeled years before as trivial affairs. "Compose yourself." He thought in his head. "It's not like she is an enchantress, but yet, why do I find my thoughts wandering back to her? Is it because I am exceedingly concerned about her safety?" He said, as he pushed the door open. A woman appeared to be content in her slumber, her pale golden locks spread all over the bed. Diego closed the door behind him gently, as he sat on the bed. "Diane." He called her softly, as he shook her gently. Diane groaned in her sleep, Slightly opened one eye, gazed at him, before falling back to sleep once more, even snuggling deeper into the sheets. "Diane, the sun is already way above the horizon. You need to wake up now, you haven't even eaten breakfast yet." Diego added, with a tone of urgency in his voice. But Diane chose to ignore him. Diego sighed before whispering directly into her ears, his warm breath tickling her lobes. "I saw some of the cooks making a fresh set of pastries, don't you want some?" Diego asked. Diane bolted upwards at once. Well, and here he was calling Leonia a sweet tooth. "Good morning." Diego said, while Diane just blinked at him in a daze. "Good mor.." She intended to reciprocate, but then an intense pain assaulted her head. "Well, you did enjoy yourself too much last night." Diego stated, as he glanced at the damsel that gripped her head with both hands. "I didn't know it could be this intense." Diane said, as she gazed at Diego. "Well, it wouldn't have been so bad if you just drank the warm ginger water I gave you the previous night." Diego said. Diane pondered for a moment, before turning to Diego. "I don't remember." Diane told him frankly. "Don't worry, they will eventually come to you gradually." Diego affirmed, before leaning closer to her. "Are you sure you want to remember Them? You might end up regretting some." He said, as he gazed at her with a smirk. Diane calmly pushed him away, not in the mood for his shenanigans. "Move, you are in my way." She simply stated, as she attempted to climb down from the bed. But as soon as her legs touched the ground, a wave of dizziness came upon her, but Diego was quick to react. "I would sit in place, if I were you." He said, as he made her to sit on the bed. "It's the first time in you are getting intoxicated, so your body will be rather quick to reject the alcohol in your system." Diego said. "How do you, bare with, all of this?" Diane asked a bead of sweat trailing down her face, as she tried hard to stop the sensation that threatened to rush up her throat. "My system is already used to it, so I don't really have much of an issue." Diego told her. "What an unhealthy habit." Diane muttered. Diego chose to remain mute. She was right indeed, but sometimes he couldn't just help it, not like he wanted to, but he had To. If not, he would feel like he was as though he was losing his senses. A knock came on the door. "My lord, I have brought the ginger tea." An overly girlish voice said. Diego sighed, while Diane raised her brow, what kind of maid sound so much like a little girl? "Theodore, I know it's you." Diego said, as he arose, getting up from the bed. "Lord Theodore? Nay, my lord, you are mistaken, this is.. Hey watch it!" It was quite comical how that squeamish voice immediately turned into that of a matured male. Diego had proceeded to open the door all of a sudden, and Theodore who had been caught unawares, tried hard to prevent the glass in his hand from falling. "What Is up with you?" Theodore aske with much vexation, as he glared at his older cousin. Diego observed him for a moment with his icy silver eyes. "You ought to have placed a wig upon your head, and worn the uniform as well." He commented, as he turned away. Diane tried hard to stifle a laugh, as she imagined that scene in her head. "Oh, good morning Diane." Theodore said calmly. Diane nodded curtly, she really couldn't open her mouth at the moment, for the perpetual fear of what might occur. "It is more serious than I thought. She does indeed look pale." Theodore said, as he set the glass down on the table, seating himself down on a nearby chair. "How many glasses did she have?" He asked Diego. "It's not about the amount of glasses, it is about the particular wine which was brewed." Diego stated. "Why didn't you tell me that Kalarano wine was going to be served at the carnival?" Diego inquired, as he turned to his cousin with a murderous glinter in his eyes. "I am not a god, how was I supposed to know?" He cried out In alarm, for the sake of his own safety. "Wait, Is that what she took?" He asked, of which Diego nodded. "And for the first time as well." He muttered. "How are you feeling now?" He inquired. "A bit dizzy.. I have a headache, and I feel nauseous." Diane replied, with much difficulty. "All that from a hangover?" Theodore pondered out loud. "Hey, are you certain she isn't.." "She isn't what?" Diego pressed, as he gave him a dangerous smile which seemed to say: 'I dare you to go on.' "Never mind." Theodore said, as he looked away instantly. "But you were supposed to watch her, so why are you blaming me?" Theodore stated, while giving Diego daggers. "I was. Unfortunately, she is even more difficult to handle than a child." He said, as he gazed at her solemnly. "I didn't expect her to be crafty as well, but the least scenario I expected is for her to end up so wasted." He added. "So Diane. How does it feel to be drunk?" Theodore inquired. Diego rolled his eyes. This guy needed a good beating. "Well, It felt Like I was on cloud nine." Diane explained. "I felt sohappy, as though everything was within my grasp. But the after effects, I don't think I will like that experience again." Diane said, as she reached out for the glass, which sat idly on the table. "So, this is going to help?" "Yes. But do sip it slowly, it is quite hot." Theodore cautioned her. "But at the same time, You got to experience something new. I don't think you would have been in such a situation were you still with your father." Theodore said. "He would have disowned me on the spot." Diane agreed. "By the way, where is Natasha?" Diane inquired. Natasha was the first person that Diane expected to check up on her, to invite Theodore was more or less of a surprise. "I am not sure, she said something about seeing a friend." Theodore stated. "She is an adult, we don't have to always be so inquisitive about her whereabouts." Diego said, with folded hands. "As long as she isn't in any sort of danger." He added. "But the taste was something else. Do all wines taste that way? If someone offered if to me once more, I don't think I will refuse" Diane said. "It is Kalarano wine, afterall. The taste alone is enoughto get anyone addicted." Diego admitted. "But you are not going to consume that anytime soon. It might be pleasant on the tongue, but it is too alcoholic." Diego commented. "Well, you got drunk but at least you enjoyed yourself." Theodore switched the topic. Diane nodded, as the memories of the previous night slowly filled the void in her brain. But soon, her eyes widened in surprise. "What Is the matter?" Diego who was keenly observing her expression, interrogated. "Ah, I just remembered, I haven't freshened up yet." She said, as she tugged at her black dress. "So If you two would excuse me." "I will go, Diego can stay." Theodore said. Diane glanced at Diego, who was rather astonished to see a blush appear on her cheeks. "Just be quiet, you fool." Diego snapped at him. "What nonsense are you uttering?" "N-no the both of you will have to leave." Diane stated. Theodore on the other hand, found this new side of Diane rather cute. "Alright then." Diego said, as he stood up. "Just make sure to finish that." He said, As he glanced at the glass. Diane made eye contact with him for a brief moment, before looking away, nodding her head. "Let's go." Diego said, picking his cousin by the scruff of his collar. "Hey, I am not a child, So desist!" Theodore complained, as his cousin tugged him out of the room.
Diane closed the door gently, before sitting herself on the bed, placing her head in her hands. Although her hair concealed most of her feautures, one could still unmistakenly spot a shade of crimson on her cheeks. "Honestly, I am such an idiot." She muttered softly to herself. "I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea..."
Natasha accepted the hand of the coachman, who guided down carefully down the steps. Her long red dress was particularly eye catching, one could tell from first glance that it wasn't made from ordinary fabric. "I am sorry My lady, but may I ask what you came Here for?" The coachman said, as he looked around his surroundings. They were close to a rushing river, and there was lush vegetation all around them, although they were not too far from the small town, it was still an odd place to suddenly visit. Natasha inwardly sighed, she had gotten exhausted of continually hearing this question. "Just to see a friend." Natasha replied curtly. "No need to Fret, it is not as dangerous as it seems." She said, when she observed the expression on his face. "Just guard the carraige while I am away, I will return shortly." Natasha said, as she proceeded to walk away. "I will be waiting, my lady."
Natasha walked up to the man who was putting on a black cloak. Even though there was a few others in the meadow for recreational purposes, she could recognize him at first glance, although it was just his backside. "I am here." She said, as she stood beside him. "What do you wish to speak about?" "You really have no respect, speaking to a member of an imperial family in this manner." The man said, as he turned to her, his brown eyes observing her keenly. "It has been a while, my lady." He said, as he turned to her, taking her hand, giving her a soft kiss at the back. "You do realise that this will only serve to repulse me at the end of the day." Natasha uttered, as she took her hand back with a strange look on her face. "What did you call me out here for? There was no valid reason in this letter of yours, I just came here so you won't have the impression that I don't respect the crown." Natasha said, as she gazed at Him. Regaris smiled, as he took off the hood, revealing auburn hair underneath. "And I am really grateful that you came." He said. "As well as for the artifact you so specially designed for me as well." He added. Natasha glanced at the small petite earrings that was placed on his right ear. "I gave you that for a good purpose, you know. I most definitely didn't give you that so you could roam around as you please." Natasha said, as a slight frown of disapproval came over her face. "As the future heir to the throne, I specifically presented that to you so you could help the people of the kingdom. It will be quite difficult for you to keep roaming around as Reagris, so.." "Alright, I get the point." Regaris interrupted, while smiling down at her. "I just came out to enjoy myself a little, alright? It is not necessarily fun to stay in the four corners of the castle like some sort of prisoner." He said, as he crossed his hands behind his back. "Besides, I also place the artifact into good use as well. At least this disguise makes me view the lives of the people from a much closer perspective." He explained. "Well, I am glad that you still use it for good purposes as well." Natasha said, as she crossed her hands In front of her chest. "So, are you proud of me?" Regaris inquired. "What a question to ask." Natasha shot him a look of annoyance, as she clicked her tongue. "If you don't have any solid reason for summoning me, then I will take my leave now." She said, as she turned around to leave, but Regaris held her wrist, compelling her to face him. She ended up staring into that deep brown eyes of his. Although the artifact could change his hair color and physical appearance, nothing could be done about those eyes of his. "Like I said earlier, I am here to have fun." He said, as he smirked. "And you are going to accompany me."
The two of them ended up moving away from the meadow, as they entered the area that was more populated. "Stop scowling Natasha, you are quite a pretty lady." Regaris stated. Natasha didn't reply, she was too preoccupied with placing a ring on her middle finger. In an instant, her blue eyes ended up turning light green, and her hair turned black. "What if someone saw you in the middle of your transition?" Regaris inquired. "It is precisely because I am aware that we are alone, that is why I didn't hesitate to draw it out." Natasha told him. "I wouldn't do something so reckless that will cause me to present myself before the council." Natasha stated, as they approached the town. "As cautious as ever. Diego has had quite the influence on you." Regaris commented. "At least it is in a positive sense." Natasha informed him.
Both of then proceeded down the shopping complex, where the civilians eager to sell their wares, called to them, after noticing the extravagant clothes they wore. "My lord, why don't you come to my wine shop? I have wonderful liquors.." "My lady, you are so pretty! I have some cosmetics for a lovely lady like you. Just patronize me once, I assure you that heads will turn wherever you go." Some of the civilians however, did not feel inclined to shower the attention on them. "I wonder what wealthy family they Come from." One elderly man said, to the customer in his shop. "Who knows? So long as they don't oppress us." The customer replied. "All these dammed aristocrats, sometimes I wish that they would all slumber and never awaken." The old man continued. "Right? I think we are better off without them, suppose we operated an egalitarian society, wouldn't everything be normal and everyone happy? At the very least, the rate of discrimination will die down." The younger man commented. Regaris glanced at Natasha, and just as he expected, her face was quite delightful at the moment. "I don't know why they believe that all men drink but.." He began. "My good sir! How about you invite us into your marvelous confinery?" The man looked delighted.
Natasha was seated next to Regaris, although circumstance itself knew that she would have preferred otherwise. The place was quite elegant, and the man also made sure to give them first class treatment. "Is there anything you might prefer, my lord?" The man said, as he laid out some cuisines on the table. "Nothing really. But we will need a drink to go along with this meal." Regaris stated. "How about a fruit wine? Something mild and nonalcoholic." Regaris added with a nod, after pondering. "Oh, I reserved some wine for my lord, I was of the impression that.." "Oh, no thank you." Regaris interrupted the man politely. "I don't take alcohol." He added, with a smile. "Such a gentleman!" The older man praised. "Alright, I will get your wine prepared in a minute." He said, as he scurried off, eager to please. Regaris observed the man's movement, so far, he had been serving them personally just because he knew they were from aristocratic backgrounds. And yet, they were some that had been seated for hours, but still unattended to. "Sasha." Regaris called out to the woman, who had a frown on her face since she walked in. She turned to him, her black hair and light green eyes giving her an entirely different aura, especially with the manner in which she glared at him. "Don't call me that." She said sternly. "But you let him call you that, though." Regaris said, as he took a spoonful of the meal before him. "That was when we were still children." Natasha said. "Besides, what right do you have to meddle In my personal affairs?" She asked him. Regaris could only raise his brow at her. The man arrived, placing the fruit wine before them. "Thank you." Regaris stated. "Oh, no need, I should be the one thanking you." The man told them heartily. "Say, your eyes... It bears quite a resemblance to that of the crown prince. I haven't quite seen him up close, but my daughter describes his eye-color to be the exact same as yours." The man stated. "I-Is that so?" Regaris stammered, a drop of sweat nearly rolling down his face. "I was aware he had brown eyes, but I didn't know it was the same exact shade, what a privilege." Regaris said. "Anyway, I will go and get you both some toppings." The man said, as he disappeared into the distance, before Regaris could stop him. "You heard what he said." Natasha said, as she glanced at him. "Where is the other ear-ring?" She interrogated. "It is at the castle." He replied shortly. "Of what purpose does it perform there?" Natasha inquired, her voice nearly rising. "It does something at least. I wouldn't just leave it there if It didn't." Regaris argued. "Besides, how do you even manage to sneak out of the castle at at times?" Natasha inquired, as she shot him a curious gaze. "I have my ways." Regaris simply stated. The man came back with their side dish. "I hope the both of you enjoy your meal. If you need anything, I will be be behind the counter over there." The man stated. "We will take note. Thank you." Natasha told him. The man nodded, before walking away. "It seems like there might be a revolution soon. Are you sure you can handle the strom?" Natasha inquired. "There is only going to be a revolution if it is not curtailed before hand. Even a storm shows signs before making an appearance." Regaris told her. "Regaris, I need you to think Like a king at this very moment." Natasha began, with a hushed whisper. "If this continues, the worst might happen. From what I have overheard so far, some aristocrats are giving the civilians greater than what they can bear. You can't suddenly increase the price of the essentials beyond the market price and expect people who are only striving to survive to be alright with it." Natasha said. "I get your point. Even a dog will turn to bite its master when it has been pushed too far." Regaris said, his face serious. "Exactly." Natasha said, relieved that he was listening. "I will also conduct my own private investigation, but so far, I have heard that one of such people turned out to be the viscount. Of course, other nobles are involved as well, but his name is the most predominant." Natasha said. "Well, what would you suggest I do?" Regaris said, as he turned to her with interest. Natasha slapped herself in the forehead. "You are the crowned prince, I ought to be the one asking you that question." She said, before exhaling. "You can write a letter to each family involved in this scandal. Organize a hearing, and give them a strict warning." Natasha said. "And If they refuse to adhere to my conditions after the hearing?" He inquired. "Banish them from the south, if you may." Regaris turned to her in surprise. He thought she was joking, but her eyes said that she was serious. "They increased the taxes of their regions, permit me to ask, has the royal treasury reflected such an increase?" She asked. "Not as of late." Regaris said, after pondering for a while. Natasha smirked. "You do realise this can be taken for treason, and demands capital punishment. Afterall, it could be a potential conspiracy, to usurp the crown." "Let's not let our minds indulge too far.." Regaris began. "I am not saying anything wrong, It is for the well being of our kingdom. Some dynasties have already fallen victims of this ploy, some on the other hand, had to break up to confederacies to resolve this issue. Which means the crown will no longer be absolute, do you prefer that?" She inquired. "Of course not." Regaris replied instantly. Natasha then proceeded to lecture him on the possible alternatives he could apply, while Regais paid keenly attention. It was her intelligence that made him feel attracted to her when they first met, and that hadn't changed till this day. Beauty? What was that? He needed someone by his side that was willing to make sacrifices for both him, and for the sake of the kingdom. And Natasha so occurred to cross paths with him as well. Her mannerisms, her thoughts process, all of them seemed so similar to his. Without realizing, he smiled warmly, and even as he did so, he was wasn't fully aware of himself. Even when she said 'our kingdom' his mind had already traveled through multiple dimensions. "I am afraid that I will have to leave now. I shouldn't let it get so late before returning back home." Natasha said. "But, was it really necessary to alternate your hair color?" Regaris inquired. "Well, I don't want rumors going around about how I stayed with someone who could potentially be the crowned prince." Natasha said, as she rolled her eyes. "Besides, you already know that apart from Diego, no one in My family knows about this connection." She explained. "Fine then." Regaris said, as he rose to his feet. "You didn't touch your meal." He observed, as he glanced at Natasha's plate. "I will be alright." She stated.
"Goodness, so soon? Nonetheless, I hope the both of you really enjoyed your stay here." The man said, when they informed him that they were about to leave. "Yes, we did." Natasha said, as she gave the man a small smile. "I am really satisfied that I was able to satisfy you and your husband, please do call around again." The man said, as he gave them a bow. "Oh, no he is not my.." Natasha intended to correct but Regaris did not give her the privilege to do so. "We will be sure to call again." Regaris stated, a broad grin plastered across his handsome face, ignoring the glare that Natasha shot at him.
"Before you go." Regaris said, as the both of then stepped outside. "Where are you going?" Natasha called out after him, as he headed down a place where only he knew. "You just wait there for me patiently, I will be right back." He said, as he approached the stall of the woman who called out to them earlier. "My lord." The woman said, bowing as soon as She saw him walk into her stall. "No need for that." Regaris said, as he looked around the petite stall. "Do you sell Jewelries around here as well?" He inquired. "I would want to get something for my wife. Which one do you recommend I should choose?" He asked her. The woman had a smile on her face, after pondering for a while.
"What took you so long." Natasha said, when she saw him walking out of the stall. "The woman said we make a wonderful couple." Regaris said, ignoring her question. "What are you trying to imply?" Natasha said, with a slight scowl on her face. "Forget about it." Regaris said, after exhaling. "I just wanted to give you this, as a token of my gratitude." Regaris said, as he took her hand, placing an item in it. "Besides, I would feel guilty if I didn't patronize her, she did holler quite loudly." He further explained. When she opened it, she saw an exquisite gold hair pin, shaped like a flower. "A little extravagant, don't you think?" She inquired, as she gazed at it. "Just accept it, although I know you won't use it." Regaris said, as he crossed his hands behind his back. She looked into that deep brown eyes of his, well he was right. She might never use this, it would probably become an item of decoration for her dressing mirror. "Well then, I will be seeing you much later." He said as he walked past. "I have also stayed out too long as well. Ensure to take care of yourself." He added, as he left Natasha standing alone, with the hairpin In her palm.