Chereads / RPG gamer through the multiverse! / Chapter 6 - (5)a battle with orcs? the emperor is with me!!!

Chapter 6 - (5)a battle with orcs? the emperor is with me!!!

As we were running thrpugh the streets we both hear the clashing of swords and the sounds of a gun going off, I see a prompt showing the viewers and chat.


Issei- hold on, didn't you just finish a stream? Why did you start another one?

"Long story short it seems my world has monsters, prompting my system to make an emergency stream." I explain to issei as I hear a roar in the distance.

Sung-Jin woo -that sounds like a rank B orc, be careful yuuji, they have extremely tough skin and immense strength.

Tatsumaki- hmph! He'll be fine, my little sister is there to help him.

Gilgamesh- interesting…then this king will watch, better entertain me mongrel.

Garp-WAHAHAHA!!! If I was there I'd give them the fist of love!!

Foundation worker- ah here he is Dr.buck! The guy I was telling you about!

Dr.buck- remember to write down everything we see Dr.tyler, we need to put him on file.

"Hold on, you wouldn't happen to work for the scp foundation do you?" I ask as Dr.buck was a name that rang a bell.

Dr.buck- how do you know of our foundation? Did we have an information leak?

"No, in my world you guys don't exist, only a website showing every scp." I tell her, as I see dust fly up in the distance as we both got closer.

Dr. Buck- this is…bad, if you know of their existence then…I may have to talk with my superiors about what to do.


"Huh, she must have left. Did you send an invite by chance Dr?" I ask the other foundation worker who says they can send an invite to the stream, but he had to pay 1000$ for one invite.

Alucard- so you have monsters in your world as well? Then I'll see what I can do.

Rimeru tempest- I didn't think i'd see another stream so soon! I just got out of that cave.

Batman- it seems this isn't my earth, your landscape doesn't match the New York of my world.

Gyomei- I see these, orcs up ahead.

The oldest living joestar- okay, first Aztec gods, then DIO and now this? Oh my god I can't catch a break!

"Yuuji the battle's up ahead!" Fubuki shouts as we both stop and we see the monsters, 6 humanoids towering at 3 meters, their skin was a green so dark it looked black, and in their hands they held a giant battleaxe.

They wore sets of armor consisting of loincloths reinforced with strips of iron and gauntlets made of animal hides.

And in front of them was a…ninja girl?

She was struggling with the orcs as she was breathing heavily with a couple bleeding wounds on various parts of her body.

"I…can't die here…where the hell is my backup?!" I hear the girl say as one of the orcs charge at the girl with its battleaxe raised going in for the kill!

"Oh crap! Fubuki get her to safety!" I shout to Fubuki who didn't question a thing and used her esper power to moved the girl away from the orc as I charge in and shout.

"Spirit summon!" I bellow and a ghostly projection flew into the orc's body and flew out, the orc froze before coughing out a lot of green blood before falling to the ground, its battleaxe clattering to the ground before ultimately disappearing into my inventory.

[a donation from emperor of humanity has been donated with a message :kill the orks!]

Before I could comprehend what I saw a sword fell from the sky and into the concrete, leaving a hole in the ground, the sword's hilt wrapped in leather with both ends of the hilt having a skull design on them with the guard of the blade being fashioned into wings, and it was emitting a powerful electric spark.

"Holy shit the emperor's with me!!!" I say as I pick up the power blade and it felt like it was tailor made for me hands, but before I could look at it some more the other orcs roared as they charged in, ready to kill the newcomers.

And without thinking I raise the power blade to block the incoming attack from the orc nearest me, and the power blade cut through the battleaxe like it wasn't there to begin with!

*shrk* *spoosh*

The power blade continued cutting through the orc's head before cleanly decapitating it making blood spew out of the wound like a blood filled fountain.

The orcs hesitated for a brief second as they saw their kin get cut down like it was nothing, but after a few seconds all of them charged at once.

But before they even took ten steps, a loud bang was heard as the head of one of the orcs exploded, and I see two more girls appear behind the remaining orcs and Decapitated each of their heads.

"Looks like we made it in time." I hear a new voice say as I hear the clacking of high heels coming from behind me and I turn to see a woman wearing a uniform just like the ninja girl looking at me with a smile.

"Hello there young man, my name is agent York, head of the taimanin American branch." The woman said as she holds out her hand, and after a few seconds I shake it while saying my name.

"Yuuji takahashi, a streamer and a part time monster hunter as of today." I say to the woman showing her my power blade.

"I see that, we were on our way to one of our operatives when we saw you summon a ghost that killed an orc, but the most shocking thing we saw was its weapon disappearing." She says as I was shocked, they were watching the whole time?!

"Now don't take us the wrong way, we saw you and your friend help one of my operatives, so we decided to observe you before coming in when it looked like you were in danger." She explained as I see the other operatives setting the corpses on fire, turning them to ask in the process.

"Luckily it seems you can hold your own with one orc without any proper training. So I say you do have potential as an operative." She says as she touches my arms feeling my muscles, "oh my, you also seems to have a muscular structure similar to our operatives who work in the field." She says as I see fubuki walk over to where I was.

"Well then…yuuji I'd like to extend an invitation to the taimanin academy? now be warned, all the operatives on all branches are women so you will be the first man to ever walk those halls." Agent York says as she continues, "and since most of the taimanin in training have never interacted with boys they will get…handsy." She finished as she looks at me.

"So, will you join the academy?"


Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, the emperor is with yuuji and has now been scouted by the taimanin head.

So I already decided he will join, but I want you to make a decision based on the two options.

1) he enters the academy and finds out his mom was a teacher there and she actually adopted him(the father was never real)

2) he ends up having one of the idols of the taimanin academy (who will look like Aphrodite from record of ragnarok,only as a teenager) live with him at his home.

I'll do the one with the most votes, and with that I'll see you either Monday or next week for the next chapter.

And with that I'm out, peace😁✌️