Chereads / RPG gamer through the multiverse! / Chapter 2 - (2)the tutorial, talking with chat, first run attempt

Chapter 2 - (2)the tutorial, talking with chat, first run attempt

I open my eyes and look around and find an exact replica of my stream room at home, but it didn't have the computer nor any of my consoles and cameras.

Yup…only a desk, various controllers and a mini fridge stocked full,everywhere else was just a void.

"Uhh…yuuji? Where exactly are we?"

I turn to see a second chair with fubuki sitting in it looking bewildered, but before we could speculate the void suddenly lit up the darkness surrounding the void, showing a giant screen like prompt.

(Viewers:0 ——->10)

Red-dragon_emperor- what the hell?! How did you turn off my browser?! The video was just getting good!!

King_of_uruk-what sorcery is this mongrel? This king does not find it amusing.

Stone hashira- what kind of blood demon art is this? I'm blind yet I can see this…

Foundation worker- what kind of anomaly is this?! I have to report this to Dr buck!

(A/N: you a friend if you can figure out the reference here)

Monkey_D_garp- wahahaha!! This is interesting!!

Son of Dracula- is this another one of father's illusions? I thought I killed him.

A_friendly _slime- how am I watching this when I don't have a computer? Speaking of, did my friend destroy my hard drive like I asked.

Reddragonemperor- damn you must of had a lot of things to hide if you had to go that far @A_friendly_slime.

Gotham'sKnight-who are you? And how did you get into the bat computer?

ShadowMonarch-huh? We can get streaming signals in the gates now?

TerribleTornado- who are all you idiots? Also why the fuck is fubuki with you?!

We both panic,trying to make sense of the situation,but the prompt started to change again.

[welcome to yuuji takahashi's multiversal streaming service! The ten viewers are the lucky chosen to watch his streams!]

[now to explain to everyone what yuuji's multiverse streaming system does, so buckle up!]

Everyone stopped typing as the prompt began explaining its existence while I take notes.

[im a system created for the entertainment of those chosen to watch yuuki's stream, but I'm so much more. Everyone take a look at my host's current stats.]

As the system prompt said that a new prompt came out of my heart showing my stats.


Yuuji takahashi


Exp needed:100








(The stat for the average person is 5,keep that in mind-thelostswordsman)







Current moderator-fubuki


[as you all can see, these are yuuji's current stats, these can be modified when he equipped a weapon or item onto his person]

[which brings me to inventory, any item whether it be a starting item or those from drops, he will gain them from the game he plays into his inventory.]

[now you may also be wondering what happened if he dies in the game, well he gets ejected out of the game with only the exp he gained and half the drop items he got,chosen at random]

[he can also eject himself by saving his game or saying log off,he will gain a quick save if he does the latter,while the save lets him keep everything.]

[now with skills and magic, he will have to learn them like in the games he plays in order to be allowed to use them.]

[he can also enter the shop option to get anything from any game he's played using me]

[and finally he can use these features in real life, he just needs to think of certain actions in order to perform certain commands.]

[any questions?]

As it asked for questions I only had one.

"Do I need to perform them like I would using a controller or can I just say them?"

[good question! You can say the attack or spell verbally, but you will need to find a safe area to perform equipment changes.]

[and that's all the time I have so let's begin the first run of castlevania symphony of the night! Please pick up your controller.]

And like that I find the sprite of alucard in front of Dracula's castle.

SonOfDracula-so this game is about my time in my father's castle? I'm not sure how I should feel about this.

"Trust me, I'm not sure how I feel about this either alucard. You are alucard right?" I ask SonOfDracula.

SonOfDracula- indeed, my name is alucard.

"Okay good,then let's begin the first run attempt,wish me luck!" I say to my viewers before working on the commands for certain spells I can do early game.

"Let's see… left right up down and attack." I say following the command sequence and gaining the summon spirit spell.

"This chat will allow me to attack more powerful monster after I lose all of alucard's current gear when I meet death." I explain to chat.

RedDragonEmperor-wait alucard you met death?!

Alucard-indeed I have, he was the first monster my father recruited to his cause.


Alucard-on the bottom part of the screen there is a gear image, you press it and it will ask if you want to change your nickname.

Gilgamesh-thanks for the explanation,now then I'm going to check up on my kingdom.

Issei-much better, honestly don't know why my nickname was called red dragon emperor in the first place.

Sung-Jin woo-same here,I'm definitely no royal,im just an f-rank adventurer.

Garp-wahahahah!! This yuuji fellow would definitely do well in the marines! Just look at how he's dealing with those monsters!

As I was making my way toward the first boss monster, a duo of the gargoyle and slogra.

"Okay folks so there is an incredibly easy way to beat the two monsters, you just need to spam the summon spirit spell , but I'd suggest waiting for those two until you reach level five."

I tell the chat as i pause to equip my best weapons.

Weapon L. ——— basilard (+10 atk)

Weapon R. ——— leather shield (+2 def)

Head ————-leather helmet (+1 def)

Body————- leather armor (+4 def)

Legs_________leather greaves(+1 def, +2 agi)

Shoes————leather boots(+3 agi,+2 def)

Accessory 1-none

Accessory 2-none

Side weapon-holy fire potion (throwable)

(2 hearts)

After I equipped my best gear I enter the area where slogra and gaibon were held and I feel the wall close behind me as I jump down in front of them.

I start spamming the spirit summon spell that dealt 15 damage each strike, and after the 8th use of the spell I get very low on mp, but in exchange I killed the annoying gaibon and destroyed the spear slogra uses leaving him defenseless.

I throw two bottles of holy fire lighting slogra on fire ultimately killing it as I get one more level up ,making me level 6 in the end.

As the closed off doors open I kill the skeletons and zombie soldiers on the ground before making my way to the save point making my first save.

[now ejecting yuuji and fubuki from the game]

[now updating stats.]

Yuuji takahashi


Exp needed:100——-> 657









(4 weapons)

(5 armor pieces)

(4 potions)

(6 single-use support items)







Item use

Magic-spirit summon(6 mp)

Current moderator-fubuki

(To explain the leveling system,everytime he gains a level in his games, they add to his person,and he gets a +1 in all his 3-lettered stats like LCK and STR, and the items he has equipped will also carry their stats to yuuji's person.the mp will increase by 6 points per level up, also each level up will increase exp requirement by 100-1000 points.)

(I'll get more in depth in a future chapter,like 1.75 or something like that, hopefully my leveling system makes sense)


I open my eyes again and find myself back inside fubuki's apartment, but I noticed something was horribly wrong.

Tatsumaki was glaring right at me with her powers ready to tear me a new one.

Who knew my first stream would be the thing to potentially kill me.


Well I hope I did the streaming and gaming portion right, I feel like I did alright but it could improve.

But I hope you guys all enjoy the update,and please! Don't hesitate to comment an old school game I should have yuuji play in the future.

And with that I'm out! Peace😁✌️