"Does he know?", one asked the other
"Most likely, but we have to do this."
[Genesis], and a final part of a world was completed, it should take a week for a single person or 56 hours, but combined in the hundreds have completed not just one but dozens in a day.
Unsupervised the build they made all wanted to express themselves and differ from one another as much as they were one, they were many.
Some made nothing but golems, special golems, through pure iron, so there was that. Others decided to make usable intelligent psychic creatures, whose main ingredient was quicksilver. They were beautiful and could serve a variety of they were just a different variety of homunculi, which others made, technically flooding the Noel market with cheat affordable labourers.
The created ones themselves had no name till given, had personality yet didn't express it until given freedom, but they loved serving and did so dutifully.
One more radical faction of the Noels, decided they were above that and that they have to make or rather unmake and lobotomise parts of themselves. In a thoroughly insane expression of a hero complex a surprise to all even themselves that they had it, they wanted to make save states of their personality, and every ever existed change should be recorded in it.
Every past version of them should be recreated and be part of the hive, just like them, it wouldn't be fair to themselves if they would behave any different. Pillars had to be made the disturbance of ripples were felt by all and not all were always capable of acting upon it, they could pull themselves up by their bootstrings doesn't mean they wanted to. It would lead to more lobotomies and the freedom of expression what they right now were carrying out
One more group as inherently immortal creatures free of mortal coil, did nothing but create spare bodies, just in case a situation would ever arise in which they were incapable of repairing old flash or the nature of matter changed to the degree in which they would reject them, or the other way around. They feared their end and it imprisoned them, so they would help in the creation of the hives pillars.
The mass experiments with their gifts had started, and all that could explored what their unmasked curiosity pushed them to do. Unless they had work to do, were in a relationship or found existential dread at just teleporting as far into nothingness as they could, no the last part was morbid curiosity, their lascivious intrigue pushed several newly made ones, into experimenting on the newest servants.
If they wanted all would be shared and given what their was to know, and happily do so.
How come their system allowed them to make literal armour that serves just as well as a literal iron man suit out of just scrap metal? They had no clear answer, they could melt or spell, but even unenhanced it was armour that would be nearly impossible for even demigods to scratch, what then if they enchanted and what spells?
They could have taken the spell for invincibility but the spell components seemed so expensive, u then again, the just had to sacrifice a bit of blood, from some of their duplicates, with lingering spell they would be invincible for over 24 hours, a shame but the original should level and simply take it then. Armour, no let's think smaller a ring or even a pricing granting near indefinite or even eternal invincibility, maybe an ear piercing for the better followers? Well they could all be resurrected anyway, but a piercing can hardly be removed from one when invincible.
Lust a basic instinct of their old live was still affecting them, they weren't cured of it, but they didn't want to be, the ripples still disturbed, so they consented the further creation, for the carnal instinct was but a forethought of what would come when left alone.
The main body moved and he saw the problems. Hell made Lust and Wrath were created, given attributes off both, made to be sponges and expressions of the emotions, it was all the green light they needed to continue making the rest.
Deep in the scape of their unconscious mind three clones were still focused on creating, a half-assed fusion between a material subdimension and their psychic world.
It wasn't stable and never would considering how it kept shrinking and expanding, always intact with all those mad Noels out there, but they could make it last eternal.
Sacrificing and lobotomising designated Noels, in masses, it was the easiest if they would just, be changed and then kept on duplicating and fusing till they could crystalize a core aspect of their very being.
It was agonizing and mind rendering painful, they watched waited and felt it all, every instance of the pain delivered. Thankfully some of them weren't quite so desirable like the rest, but that just made them worse sacrifices, two core aspects usually in connotation with sin have been made by the prime body, they weren't balanced, not nearly enough.
Two of his worst aspects now had a permanent venting spot just so that no more tremors would be sent through the hive, so they made more of them, more aspect more vents to calm the hive and keep it docile.
They had to start with virtues, kindness and chastity, they might be selectively fertile but the hive was not ready to be introduced to children, even if it might already be too late. They had to rein themselves in.
More Noels were sacrificed and he knew the first step was just completed, the flesh melted into pure energy in their own little world and finally a new aspect of themselves would be born. It new, the pans in stock for it, long before it was even born, brains fused, thoughts overlapped and never separated again.
At the first steps of a being of all the kindness all Noels would ever be capable of, the world seemed like a better place, the finally forgave themselves and so many of themselves had a happy outlook on live after all this time.
It was a near infinite cruel act, but no words were spoken, to both themselves and all worlds their might would ever touch, but its containment was necessary no the less.
Out of the infinite kindness of its heart it surrendered itself, to the future and to their own wellbeing, but if it truly agreed with the plan it could not be a purely kind being, a divine dilemma, but it would have to be enough, or they vastly overestimated their own goodwill.
The condensed blood of the more nuanced clones could serve as a catalyst.
Both taking the hand of the other, one was honoured the other in its own way happy that it could be of service.
[Imprisonment] variation Minimus Containment and after that [Imprisonment] variation Hedged Prison, to fully chain them to this messed up internal world.
A sealed and fully conscious, aspect of Noels core personality traits would serve as an eternal emotional buffer zone between all that could mess with the hive or even destroy their minds outright. A gem made of the blood of its kin would keep it sealed and contained for all eternity.
[Wish:Simulacrum], and before it could ever even adapt to what happened to its body its mind was recreated and free to act upon its own devises, but it couldn't stop what was set into motion.
The very crystal holding its original body, its blueprint would later be just dropped and scattered with the others for the gems were indestructible, until dispelled but that was another story all together. So they served perfectly as conceptual pillars holding all Noels minds together.
Next up was Chastity, it might actually manage to reign in some of the others. All steps followed the other just that, those damn fuckboys don't want to stop. Still thankfully their bodies are more usefully to this when they are finally dead.
Too late to stop now and Kindness itself only looked at all of this with nothing but a smile, it wouldn't take another hour for it to be born they could only hope that Lust could take the burden until then.
Lust was terribly busy re-educating two different versions of Mephistas, and Wrath was making hell a substantially worse place, Kindness knew and could only weep at such a spectacle.
Noels from far and wide assembled for what came after Chastity.
What were those more safety oriented Noels doing, some enchanted themselves to endure the harsh conditions of space and just teleported all around. Ga-Lak-Tus or something along those lines not Galactus the god chosen infant devourer, but some robot swarm that just eats everything, more along the lines of Annihilation, who in this world should be a sad hobo operating a rescue station in a dead dimension.
Dozens of Noels teleported and explored some decided to duplicate others not so much, a few teleported into gas giants, and be crushed by the gravity, others directly into the sun, just to be the denied their end. The regenerated and their flesh regrew just as it was crushed and sublimated again, and again.
They enjoyed the agony the out time of being crushed by the hive, the few precious moments of not having their individually and privacy stripped just by existing, no now they were both imprisoned and free, free in mind but imprisoned in body.
Outcastes just as the one who burned his soul, just to feel alive again, mental illnesses were rampant one way or the other, maybe they weren't of a healthy mind the second they were made. What does that say about the original?
Would the suicides skyrocket, the second 'Procrastination' would be sealed? A funny questions some minds were asking themselves but it wouldn't matter, never should Chastitys birth was at hand, and he might reform or might discipline and chastise the hive before it would destroy itself.
Would they be assigned Numbers, would it strip them of their individuality would the prime concept they were based on then become their surname, their first name, how would the hive develop?
At its first step its first contact it was displeased, the massive amount of fuckery at hand was infuriating. No those were their memories, at present most were working organising, not yet procrastinating. Accelerating the projects of A.I.M as well a defence system, who doesn't want working all adapting super robots, capable of genociding planets, to universes once they become a big enough horde and have a constant supply of new members. That was a fare reason to kept those scientist under closer supervision, and emotionally manipulate or enchant them into believing they are in love, whatever that was.
Was it misplaced love that forced them to become like this or misplaced feelings of inadequacy, no they might just be jaded, bitter and broken and might have been so for a long time.
But truth is the lie, all agreed upon and not one Noel agrees on what they are or why they are the way they are. Some wish to be human or at least to be dressed in human skin once more, others wanted to be more inhuman or ditch the humanoid facade entirely, it didn't serve them well, and they doubted their humanity.
Chastity wasn't capable of establishing half the present or affect kindness had, but he was but the second stone in larger foundation, meant to protect them all, and their priced gems inside especially.
Chastity offered itself, and was consequently sealed falling for eternity in an infinite ever-expanding void of lost expressions memories, and thoughts, it was a sea of chaos, a hive mind.
The first jewel would now be made, hardier and sturdier than any before, and a bigger responsibility placed upon it.
It was dead upon arrival.