Chereads / TTRPG Magic and Multiverses (Harem and Smut) / Chapter 1 - Prologue How to make a Mad Mage

TTRPG Magic and Multiverses (Harem and Smut)

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Chapter 1 - Prologue How to make a Mad Mage

Noel POV

I have been walking in an empty world for what feels like hours, maybe it has been only a few minutes but my point still stands. Walking through a recreation of the very city you lived in most of your live without a single person besides your lonesomeness inhabiting it, should unnerve everybody.

The self-protection mechanisms of my mind must be damn boring if this was the best they could come up with.

Slowly but surely the houses start shifting the haze of my mind lifting, I collapsed, a brain haemorrhage after that must have finished me off, and it all started with a normal nosebleed died like a one of my favourite humans Genghis Khan, guess I was a human to.

The street, gone the houses too, the city nothing left of it, but now I was no longer alone, a desk stood in front of me sitting behind it a none mortal most likely, no all perishes in the end, right?

"No yes, maybe classifying my kind under maybe might be better for you metal wellbeing,", it spoke or rather she spoke 3 faced, black haired, decaying skin, dead eyes and a rather silent low monotone voice. It spoke goddamn it.

Not really calming presence but I'm taking just about any company till better comes along.

"Very charming thoughts, you have there, but no matter the dices have been cast."

"What dices, what have been cast exactly", she wouldn't say not yet maybe never, maybe she will explain.

"You have been summoned here for being classified as a soon to be evil, you will be given one wish of power, and after that one world you need to bring to heels, a team has been prepared, you shall be its last member use this chance to atone for your future sins."

"A bit unfair to be judged for things not yet committed but oh well.", I mirrored its speech pattern maybe to be found more ageable, uncertainty was worming it's way through my mind, what to choose, kryptonian cells, ki, nen, some jujutsu technique, magic summoning, a gaming system, no lets be a bit more selfish and evil.

"Make me a TTRPG Wizard!", as I spoke those words, and with her reading my mind I see a single tear rolling from her leftmost eye.

She stayed silent, so I begin explaining," Race Deva the Immortal reincarnating one 4th edition DnD those, please let's use the 28 dice pool option for my stats"

Before me 28 6 sided dice appeared, " 2 for Strength, 4 in Dexterity, 4 in Constitution, 4 for Wisdom, 3 in Cha, and 11 into Intelligence. Let's roll!

Strength 4+4 total 8

Dex 3+5+6+3 total 18

Con 6+6+5+4 total 21

Wis 4+2+5+3 total 14

Cha 2+1+4 total 7

Int 2+5+5+5+6+6+5+3+6+5+2 total 50

'Damn good high roll blessed be RNGesus'

"Now please for the feats, lets go with 'Keen Mind' for the plus one Intelligence, and I take the flaws Vulnerable for minus 1 AC and Noncombatant for minus 2 on melee attacks, so that I have take two extra feats which should be Snowcasting and Flash Frost.", I couldn't stop speaking or demanding now. Traits Detached +1 to will saves and minus 1 on reflex saves and Cautious +1 AC but minus 1 on saving throws to resist fear. "

"Don't forget my race gives plus 2 on Int and Wis, making those 53 and 16 respectively."

"Now for my spells since my int modifier is at 22 now, Cantrips first Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion and Sapping Sting for now, don't forget Read Magic is automated ok."

"Now first level spells Scribe Spell, Magic Missile, 2nd Edition dnd Charm Person please. Mage Armor, Shield, Comprehend Languages just to be safe, Enlarge/ Reduce Person, Find Familiar, Feather Fall, Gift of Alacrity, Silvery Barbs, Floating Disk for with 8 Strength I am subhuman, Unseen Servant, Silent Image, Arcane Pocket, Secluded Grimoire, Sleep huff 4 more to go, Disguise Self, Blood Money, oh and before I forget Locate City, now at last Incendiary Rune. That should be it for now. "

"Don't forget to open the optional system for spell recharging, and the other better optional rules to please."

"Anyway, onto skills now, I have an int modifier of 23, 2 int points as a Wizard and everything is multiplied by for at the first level so 100 points lets go. Concentration 4, Decipher Script 4, Spellcraft 4, Knowledge Arcane 4, Dungeoneering 4, Geography 4, History 4, Local Nature 4, Religion 4, Planes 4, Spirits 4, Weaponry 4, Alchemy 4, Amorsmithing 4, Other fine Arts 1, Architecture and Engeniering 2, Nobility and Royalty 1, Mathematics 1, Bookbinding 1, Gemcutting 1, Goldsmithing 1, Metalworking 1, Pottery 1, Poisonmaking 1, Sculpting 1, Skinning 1, Stonemasonry 1, Tattoing 1, Woodworking 1. Cross Class skills Diplomacy 2, Sense Motive 2, spot 2, use magic devices 2, Autohypnosis 2, Hypnosis 2, Psycraft 2, Bluff 2, Act 1, Chant 1."

"I should be good to go right?", my opposite was wishing she wasn't in charge of gifting me my powers but unfortunately, she was.

"Wait let me pick the background of Astral Drifter as that is what is happening right about now, giving me the Magic Initiate feat, and the spells should be Thaumaturgy, Cure Minor Wounds and Healing Word."

She was taking one hard breath after the other, "Sigh!", she reached for one of her drawers pulled out a peace of paper, picked a pen priced her arm till it bleed, and started writing on it, the blood soaked the paper, till both started to wriggle and squirm on, the paper came to life and with a will on it's on, and flew straight into my chest.

Inspecting myself, I found my mind racing, my muscle mass swindling, my feet moving accelerated, the distance from my eyes to the ground level is increasing?

"You should maybe have tried to customise your appearance now it has defaulted.", one of her eyes was no longer in her faces, no it is floating in front of my chest goddamn it. ´

"Sigh!", breathing in and out and in and out, "Sigh. Goodbye.", her eye retreating and simply being inserted back into its socket.

"Through the void with you, your gift and your possessions.", my own new upgraded perception catching the parting of space behind me, through my charisma is too low as that I could resist what ever force it was that pushed me through it.

Falling through infinite nothingness gives one time enough to wonder how one is even still breathing in it. Spellbook check, easy access to magical knowledge check, larger personality shifts those those haven't shown themselves yet.

Maybe she should have just accepted that I am slightly evil and not a good person, and tried to keep it professionally, considering that I am send somewhere to most definitely commit genocide in a divine being's name, my personal holy crusade.

Now for the first spell I that has to be cast is Secluded grimoire on the Spellbook next to me that contains just about everything that I can't replace without huge financial losses if at all.

For how long is this going to keep going, there is no land and a second portal hasn't appeared jet, all my possessions were collected in pocket dimensions.


3rd Person POV

Falling for a while allowed Noel to familiarise himself with his picture book otherwise who knew just how he would ever begin to miscast spells. Sending it away as his insight into the surrounding space told him of a change in the scenery.

Even with his entire now perhaps boosted mind without a danger sense he didn't think that meant a robots fist buried in his gut, faster than he reacts he gets inspected.

He knew the model he knew what a Mapmaker was but, he the robot shouldn't be here something that could body the Avengers in its beginner form, shouldn't be encountered yet, or even be outside its natural multiverse.

Unless he got through here because he they were here to get rid of him, he got send here to be disposed of, straight for fucking kill. No the Mapmaker was just inspecting after the initial blow which definitely could have reduced him into a bloody past.

Perplexed it just kept holding him not in a nice way by any measurement, its grip was steadfast and like iron.

Taking a hit should kill Noel and it did, so he just repossessed his dead flesh, revitalizing it once more.

Instead he was once more thrown through a portal, straight into a holding cell, somewhere.