Chereads / Hollywood: From Shadows To The Spotlight / Chapter 33 - [F.S.T.T.S] [032]

Chapter 33 - [F.S.T.T.S] [032]

[Chapter 32: Its Not An Obsession—But My Dream.]

Alternative Title — [Chapter 32: The Torchbearer.]

Last Time on Chapter 031 of [From Shadows To The Spotlight] —

"Hey, Donna, was the "marvelous" at the end a little too on the nose?" He chuckled at the Easter egg he threw in at the end.

"Alex, if you're asking me if someone will be able to figure out that you're working on the setting up of a superhero movie, especially one from Marvel. Then my answer would be yes, but not the ones you're worried about; I don't think they will be finding out about it, at least not this soon."

Now Continuing 

"Then who would?" He was intrigued and wanted to know what she thought, as he felt Donna would've made it big as a detective based on her instincts alone if she hadn't been a secretary and had gone for something else.

"Are you kidding me? Obviously, the diehard fanboys." She replied while rolling her eyes, as it was the most obvious conclusion in the world.

"The instant your mouth strung together the words 'a child's dream come true' and 'marvelous together', those nerds watching you must've already been on their feet screaming and cheering for an upcoming Marvel movie." The smirk on her face told him how amusing she found the development.

And Donna Paulson, Alex's most favored and loyal secretary, was right on the money once again.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of geeks and nerds all across the country were jumping and cheering for a Marvel movie from the illustrious Studio MONARCH.


~A group of Marvel fanboys after watching the interview~

"Please let it be Spider-Man." x3

"Nah, it has to be Fantastic Four, right?"

"I just want to see Hulk smash things."

"I hope the costumes are comic accurate, and they don't just have everyone wearing the generic god awful black leather."

"I want to see who will play Black Widow; man, she is hot."

"You've got zero taste; I would rather see Black Cat on screen, and also the black leather on her will just look chef's kiss."

"Man, I can't wait to see the love triangle between Cyclops, Jean, and Wolverine on screen."

"Bro, that's nothing compared to the love quadruple that went on between Mr. Fantastic, Susan, Doom, and Namor in the comics. That shit was wild."

"But wasn't that retconned when Marvel got bought out by Archmon Group?"

"Guys, you might call me a conspiracy theorist for this, but I think that Archmon is actually MONARCH. Alex just shifted around the 'mon' from the front to the back."

"Damn, that is a rabbit hole I don't wanna fall into. If.. and I emphasize, 'if' this is true, then Alex has got to be one of the biggest trolls I've seen."

"Wait, guys, if he really is a troll. Are you even sure it's a Marvel movie that he was hinting at?"

"It has to be right? Come on, don't tell me the man just baited us…"

The rest of the group was just too stunned to even reply.


And while Alex was still quite the unknown face amongst the public, his serving as the co-director of the recent Star Wars smash hit movie really added to his credibility.

This interview also helped the audiences watching understand what of a man Alex was and what works he had been involved in behind the scenes.

"Fair enough. But it doesn't really matter, as we only need to maintain the secrecy till the Marvel-Con, where we will finally unveil it."

"Ooo, the fans will be in for one heck of a surprise."

Alex just chuckled with a nod as he drank some water and asked, "So am I done for the night, or do I have any other meetings?"

"You were done for a night, but Mr. Warren wanted to meet up with you. He is waiting at your usual drinking hole; we are headed there at the moment, but if you want to fr—."

"No," he interjected, letting out a sigh and said, "it's fine, Donna. Take me there. Did Richard tell you why he wanted to meet up?"

"Not exactly no, but if I were to take a guess, he probably found out Project: MCU after he came back from his vacation and most likely wasn't too pleased."

"Most likely not; I will try to think that will put his worries to rest; let me know when we get there."

"Sure, sir."


~Over an hour ago~ 

Richard Warren sat alone in the dim light of his office, perched above the quaint cafe-bar, which he had partially owned for decades.

The room smelled of old books, wood polish, and faint traces of tobacco—remnants of his years as a chain smoker before the doctor and his friends had intervened on his behalf and 𝚏̶𝚘̶𝚛̶𝚌̶𝚎̶𝚍̶ helped him to quit.

His sharp, hawkish eyes—still as piercing as they had been in his youth—narrowed as he stared at the flickering television screen.

Margaret Ross's composed face filled the frame, her tone steady and professional.

Beside her sat a familiar face; it was Alex, a younger man with the tall, commanding presence of someone who was as comfortable behind the camera as he was in front of it.

Richard leaned forward with his elbows resting on his desk. Alex's confident demeanor was unmistakable, his charm and candor shining through even as Margaret dug into questions about his ambitious plans for MONARCH's future.

When Alex began cryptically speaking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe—a sprawling franchise he envisioned as a cornerstone for his studio's legacy—Richard couldn't help but frown.

He had always admired Alex's daring, but this… this felt like something else entirely.

"Comic book movies," Richard muttered to himself, his voice a gravelly growl softened only by years of familiarity.

He rubbed a hand over his graying beard, his mind racing. "It's too damn risky. And even if he pulls it off… they'll never take him seriously. It will probably kill any chance he has at winning the Oscars."

The interview ended, and the screen faded to a commercial. Richard sat back in his chair, his expression unreadable. A moment later, he picked up the old rotary phone on his desk and dialed a familiar number.

He obviously couldn't get hold of the man he wanted to speak to, but his courteous and ever-professional secretary—one by the name of Donna—had taken his call.

Not one to mince his words, he just asked her to tell her boss to bring his ass over to his place after the interview.


~Present Time~

[The Midnight Draft] was a café/bar, tucked away on a quiet street in the heart of the city; it was a relic of a bygone era.

Its warm lights cast a golden glow over the dark wooden panels and vintage black-and-white photographs of iconic filmmakers and faded posters of European art house films that adorned the walls.

The patrons were a mix of old regulars nursing their drinks and younger cinephiles drawn by the place's reputation as a haven for artists. The gentle hum of muted jazz blended in with the low chatter of patrons.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint aroma of aged whiskey, adding to the ambiance of creative refuge that the bar had become for amateur writers, crew members, and filmmakers alike.

It was here, at a corner booth near the window, that Alex found Richard waiting for him.

Richard was as he always had been—dressed in a plain button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose.


Upon spotting him, the old man leaned back in his chair, his grizzled features softened by a mixture of curiosity and exasperation.

"You're late," Richard said, though there was no real irritation in his voice.

"Traffic," Alex replied with a smile as he slid into the booth. "You look good, Richard. Been taking care of yourself?"

Richard grunted, waving a hand dismissively. "Spare me the small talk. I didn't call you here to catch up on my health."

Alex chuckled, leaning back against the worn leather of the booth. "I figured as much. What's on your mind?"

Richard studied him for a moment before speaking. "Saw the interview," he began, his tone blunt. "You've got big plans for this Marvel thing. Ambitious. But it is risky as hell."

Alex nodded, unsurprised. "I know it's a gamble, Richard. But what isn't in this business?"

"This isn't just any gamble," Richard shot back, his voice low and firm. "You're talking about building an entire franchise off of comic books. If it flops, it'll bankrupt you. And on the miraculous chance, it does.. succeed, they'll call you a circus ringleader—a guy who can put on a show but can't tell a story with any real depth."

Alex's smile however didn't waver. "You think I haven't thought about that?"

"Maybe you have," Richard said, leaning forward. "But have you thought about the long game? Kubrick—he wouldn't touch something like this with a 10-foot pole. Hell, even Spielberg, with all his blockbusters, keeps his feet firmly in the realm of respectability."

Alex's expression softened. There was no irritation in his eyes, only a quiet warmth at his mentor and father figure looking out for him. "I'm not Kubrick or Spielberg," he said simply. "I'm me. I am Alex Masters."

Richard stared at him; for a long moment, and he saw a shadow of his former self behind Alex, one whose dreams hadn't been ravaged by the cruelty of the real world.

He then sighed, trying to make Alex reconsider his decision one last time. "Damn it, Alex, you've got the talent to be one of the greats. No. You can even surpass them. I don't want to see you squander that chasing spectacle."

"Spectacle and substance don't have to be mutually exclusive," Alex replied, his tone patient. "The Marvel stories—they're myths, Richard. Modern-day myths. And myths, at their core, are about universal truths. Sacrifice, redemption, power, responsibility. If I can bring that to the screen, if I can make people feel that—" He paused, his gaze steady. "Then it'll be worth it."

Richard rubbed his chin, his frown deepening. "And if the critics tear you apart? If they say you're just pandering to the masses?"

Alex shrugged. "Let them. I'm not doing this for them."

Richard cleared his throat, interjecting, his blunt nature cutting straight to the point. "Then who are you doing this for?" He began, his deep voice carrying a weight of authority. "Stop. Before you even answer that question. Answer this. Why choose a comic book to adapt? Why Marvel? Why are you so obsessed with this?"

Alex arched an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Obsession, huh?"

"If it's not obsession, then please enlighten me," Richard shot back, his tone gruff but not unkind.

"I myself had quite an enlightening conversation with some people who work for you, and came to know a lot about what you've been up to these last few years. I must say, you've been quite the busy man."

"Have I?" Alex asked back innocently, as if he had no clue what his mentor was talking about.

"I see through you, Alex. I know it was you who outbid Fox for X-Men, wrestled Spider-Man from Sony, snatched up the Fantastic Four, and gobbled up every other so-called 'obscure' character in their catalog. And don't get me started on the Hulk."

He leaned forward, tapping the edge of his glass on the table for emphasis. "When the opportunity to buy the rights for Hulk somehow slipped by you, what did you do?"

"You went to the studio that got the rights to Hulk, and when they refused to sell it to you, you simply bought out the whole studio to get it. And if that wasn't enough, then you capped it all off by acquiring Marvel Comics itself."

"If that's not obsession, then what the hell is it?"

Alex chuckled softly, the sound a mix of amusement and nostalgia. "It's not an obsession, Richard. It's a dream, and it's not just about me, Richard."

Richard raised an eyebrow; his interest piqued. "Then who?"

For a moment, Alex's usual confident demeanor softened, his gaze drifting to the table. He traced the rim of his coffee mug with a finger, gathering his thoughts.

"It is all for a dream," he said quietly, his voice tinged with nostalgia and fond memories. "A dream I once shared with a dear friend of mine who's no longer with me."

Richard's sharp eyes narrowed. He could see the weight behind Alex's words—the kind of heaviness that came from loss. "Michael," he guessed, and after seeing the look of acceptance on Alex's face, he knew he was right.

He couldn't help but mutter under his breath in a mix of fondness and exasperation. "After all these years.. damn kid." 

Alex nodded, and a small smile came onto his face as he began to speak of his friend. "Yeah.. you know, Michael was the one who got me into Marvel in the first place."

"Back when we were just a couple of kids trying to make sense of the world, he introduced me to Marvel. X-Men, Spider-Man, Captain America... he loved them all."

Richard leaned back, his gruff exterior momentarily softened. "Go on."

"We used to talk for hours about what it would be like to bring these characters to life," Alex continued, his voice growing more animated. "Not just as individual stories, but as part of a larger universe."

"A place where their actions have a real impact on the stories of others. Where they'd cross paths, team up against a greater evil, or maybe even face each other. Michael called it a 'shared cinematic universe.'" He chuckled, shaking his head.

"He had it all planned out, down to the team-up movies and the big bad villains they'd face."

Richard smiled faintly, though his expression remained guarded. "And now you're carrying that torch."

Alex's smile grew wistful. "Michael never got the chance to see it happen. But I can. In a way, I feel like I owe it to him and myself—I owe it to the vision we once shared."

"This isn't just about making blockbuster films, Richard. It's about creating something meaningful, something that resonates with people, some that inspires them the way those comics did with us."

Richard studied Alex for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he spoke, his tone measured. "And you think you can pull it off? A cinematic universe on this scale?"

Alex's grin returned, full of quiet confidence. "I don't think I can. I know I can.. I have to."

Richard let out a dry chuckle, shaking his head. "You've got guts; I'll give you that. But guts alone won't cut it in this business, Alex. You're betting everything on this—your reputation, your resources, your future. If it fails…"

"It won't," Alex interrupted, his tone steady. "Because I'm not just throwing money at this. I've spent the last decade putting together a team of the best writers, directors, and storytellers out there."

"People who believe in this vision as much as I do. And I'm not cutting corners. These stories will have heart, depth, and substance. They'll be more than just a spectacle."

Richard raised his glass in a mock toast. "You've got an answer for everything, don't you?"

Alex laughed, his earlier seriousness giving way to warmth. "Only when it comes to things I believe in."

For a moment, Richard said nothing. Then, to Alex's surprise, the older man let out a dry chuckle. "You're a damn fool," he said, shaking his head. "But you've got guts. I'll give you that."

Alex grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Richard leaned back in his seat, his expression softening. "I still think you're walking a fine line. But if this is what you want—if you've really thought it through—then I'll support you. Whatever you need."

Alex's smile widened. "That means a lot, Richard. Thank you."

Richard waved him off, though there was a glimmer of affection in his eyes. "Just don't make me regret it, kid."

Alex laughed, raising his glass. "I won't."

Richard raised his own glass, clinking it against Alex's. For all his gruffness, there was no mistaking the pride in his gaze as he looked at the man he had come to think of as family.

— To be Continued...

{2,637 words}

{TRL: So, I've introduced another Named Character into the story. I hope you guys liked Richard Warren. He will serve a mentor figure to Alex in this story and he has a wide array of contacts to help Alex out in a pinch on the creative side of things.

Anyways, this is the new Hollywood story that has been bouncing around in my head. I really need to get this out, so here's another chapter.

Also would you like to read ahead? You can do so for free up to 3 chapters ahead of the public release on my Patreon page as Free Member.

Yes, free. If you're interested you'll find the link in the Author's thoughts section or just google TheRamenLord and Patreon.

If you like my work and would like to support me then by becoming a paid member you read from 10 to 20 chapters ahead of the public release depending on tier you purchase.