Chereads / soulless:war of hearts / Chapter 13 - CHAPTER THIRTEEN:TWO STEPS AWAY


Cecilio held unto Rosa firmly,running his hands through her hair and caressing her back with his other hand,rosa suddenly looked up at him her eyes still blood shot red from crying,raising her toes and pressing her lips against Cecilio's,Cecilio widened his eyes in shock but didn't reject her,she pulled away staring at cecilio like she was waiting for an answer,Cecilio grabbed her by the neck, kissing her deeply and aggressively,he was breathing heavily like he had been starved for so long,running his hand through her ear,he bit her lower lip and Rosa let out an excepted moan which gets Cecilio all turned on,he dropped his hand to her waist pressing her against him so she could feel his warmth,rosa finding her way around his neck and recoiling her hands into his hair,before anyone could stop this they where already on the bed Cecilio on top of Rosa while Rosa tries to unbotton his shirt but halfway in Cecilio holds her hand stopping her from going further and finally breaking their kiss,staring at Cecilio in shock,didn't he want this? She asked herself

Cecilio lay down beside her pulling her in a thight hug,sniffing her hair and caressing her back,the night had gone far off they both lost track of time all that could be seen outside was pitch black,laying in the darkness it felt like time stopped for them to be together,Cecilio suddenly wishing that the day won't break so They don't fall apart

"I love you" Cecilio suddenly says out of the blue whispering the words into her hair like it would get the message more,rosa looked up at him their faces only an inch away

I....rosa started, the words sounding heavy in her mouth

Shh if you say It because I did then it would not feel genuine to me,I want to hear you say it first to me,and if you feel like we won't work out then just tell me straight up it might break my heart a bit,I might cry in the shower but I want you to be happy even if it's not with me,for once Rosa I want you to consider your own feelings and I will always be two steps away waiting for you to run into my arms. Cecilio said softly placing a soft kiss on her forehead,rosa shutting her eyes replenishing the moment,rosa didn't say a word, laying in Cecilio's arms she slept off and for the first time in a decade Cecilio slept peacefully waking up late in the morning,the thoughts that devoured his sleep at night where gone.

I don't know if I still have a job now Cecilio said breaking the silence,he had just made breakfast for the both of them,rosa swallowed her food before answering,actually I took a leave for you but you could stop working there and come and stay with me I make enough for the both of us Rosa said calmly

No I don't want that,I want to be able to provide for you too,besides I'm saving up to buy a house,Cecilio said smiling brightly

A house? Rosa asked

Yea! I've always wanted a house by the sea, we could make it a resort,travelers can stop by our resort to lodge and we could make money, the outer part is going to be a small bar that people can sit in and watch the sea, we could stay at the down part of the house and the rooms for visitors will on the top, ohh we could build a small hut by the side where we could sell swimsuits in case the travelers wanna go for a swim,the menu will be mostly sea food cause you love sea food and we literally are by the sea anyway Cecilio kept talking uncontrollably,

Why does he keep saying we? Has he always had me in his dreams? he never gave up on me' it was all in my head, I wanted him to fall for someone else hoping that he would forget me, but he never did he thought of me as much as I thought of him,I remember sometime after he got out of prison, I called him but didn't say anything, I was stiff for a moment listening to his voice say hello whose this? from the other line,I wanted to say something,ask how he was doing anything at all but I couldn't ask, I cut the line and said with the phone still on my ear

Hello!can you hear me

Are you good?

Did you find someone better?

Do you miss me? Even for a second

It's been forever

I miss you so much;

How could he forget me if I pray everyday for him to never forget,I'm such a mess

Tears slowly rolled down rosa's cheeks only then did Cecilio stop talking and rush to her,if you don't like a house by the sea we could get one in the city Cecilio said holding her hands firmly,rosa looked at him and smiled a house by the sea is perfect Cecilio it's amazing I totally love the idea Rosa replied

Then what's the tears for?Cecilio asked

These are what they call tears of joy,rosa replied tears still rolling down,Cecilio hugged her and whispered remember I am only two steps away,I will always be there for you Cecilio said calmly,rosa wrapped her hands around him, feeling save in his embrace.

Ohh can we hire a musician to sing slow songs at the bar for couples Rosa said still in cecilio's embrace,Cecilio looked at her and laughed softly of course we can, that's amazing I never knew you could say something romantic Cecilio said laughing louder than the first time and so did Rosa,

If he wants me in his dreams then I'm staying in it Rosa thought to herself.

You know you could just stay Rosa said as Cecilio wore his shoes to leave,I know but I have to go and see my boss I have a lot of explaining to do Cecilio replied, OK just be careful Rosa said but before Cecilio could reply,parez walked in looking very bluto,

but wasn't it too early to start drinking? I almost forgot about him I should have asked rosa why he was still with her, he even had a key card to Rosa's apartment which means they were closer than he thought but Rosa wouldn't kiss him if she was in a relationship with parez would she? Cecilio's mind was getting fussy again he began to overthink the situation,

Parez what do you want?rosa asked calmly

What? Can't I be here,I used to sleep here a lot before..... Parez!! Rosa cut him short,just say whatever you want to say I'm busy Rosa said walking towards the coffee on the table and taking a sip

Now you drink coffee parez said leaving a smothered laugh,you usually start your day with vodka,I tried to help you control your drinking but you'd never listen now you want to suddenly change yourself because of him,parez pointed Cecilio who was boiling in anger

Who do you think you are? I don't think you're welcome here so you better leave Cecilio said almost rushing towards parez but Rosa held him back,

Parez was visibly drunk he couldn't support himself anymore so he slumped on the sofa,

Cecilio you can't even say hello to me! I don't think you ever even noticed my presence cause all you where focused on was rosa, no matter how hard you try you'll never know Rosa as much as I do,ohh did she tell you that.....parez!! That's enough you're drunk,

Cecilio please leave I'll text you later Rosa said

Text me later? You don't even have my number Cecilio said almost yelling

Trust me I do, I got it from your coworker I promise I'll text you later ok? Please just go for now Rosa said trying to coe him to leave

Don't text me call me I want to make sure you're alright Cecilio said waiting for her assurance

I will I promise Rosa replied quickly before Cecilio walked out

Was it a good idea leaving the both of them alone Cecilio thought,but if I had persisted rosa would feel like I didn't trust her which I do it's just parez who I don't trust,

I'll just wait for her call Cecilio thought before finally leaving Rosa's door.