Chereads / soulless:war of hearts / Chapter 14 - CHAPTER FOURTEEN:FALLING IN LOVE


That bastard finally left,I almost lost it parez said walking towards Rosa

What do you want? I don't remember calling you Rosa asked sternly moving away from him,

Parez let out a smothered laugh; what's your deal?why are you so cold to me all of a sudden? Huh? The fuck do you think you're doing? Trying to get with Cecilio? Fucking answer the question don't stay silent! Parez yelled breathing heavily,

And if I am trying to get with him? How is that your problem? Rosa asked calmly

FUCK YOU! Rosa what happens to me? Huh? Parez asked staggering towards her

We were never together parez,don't live in an illusion Rosa replied stepping further away from him

An illusion? We were almost there,I almost had you;I've been there for you for eight years,eight fucking years doing all I could to love you and that bastard shows up in your front door and you forget me in seconds,I deserve you more than he does! Parez yelled kicking the side stool away from him

You know I've thought about it,thought about us and In what way we wouldn't work; you were with me for eight years forcing me to fall for you but Cecilio spent eternity loving me from afar,he was always two steps away waiting for me to fall into his arms,it has always been cicelio,you never had a chance parez,you and I could never work Rosa replied

Parez clenched his jaw so hard that it could break;you are the most selfish person I have ever met parez said his voice full of emotions

So are you parez,if that's all, please leave and may our paths never cross again,rosa said pointing the door

Parez walked towards it placing his hand on the handle he turned to face Rosa;you know Jacinto once told me that every time he prayed he asked God one question,do we get what we deserve?* I didn't understand the question then but today I finally understand it "we do get what we deserve" parez said finally walking out the door.

Rosa hasn't called me all day,didn't she say she had my number, cicelio said outloud pulling his phone out of his pocket for the hundredth time,

see you tomorrow buddy, one of Cecilio's coworkers said to him as he left and cicelio nodded.

I know I shouldn't have left Rosa alone with parez,I made a huge mistake and I don't even have her number,Cecilio thought pulling his phone out again anxiously

What's with the long face? You're gonna age quickly you know! Rosa's voice suddenly distracted his thoughts and without knowing it he was already hugging her tightly.

Did you miss me that much? Rosa asked chuckling lightly,Cecilio let go of her looking at her face his gaze full of love; you're smiling! Cecilio said softly

So are you Rosa replied with a soft laugh.

I try to remember how long it has been since I last saw her smile like that,to remember when I started to feel like I needed it to breathe, but what I do know is that I've missed that smile,it's been so long that I had forgotten what it looked like or what her laughter sounded like but now I'm hearing it,I'm looking at it and I have never felt so willing to live longer so I could see her smile often, just a little while longer lord, let me stay with her cause I have fallen in love over again, cicelio prayed inwardly.

You closed? Rosa asked

Yea cicelio replied

C'mon let's get out of here Rosa said holding his hand

Where are we going? Cecilio asked calmly

You'll see Rosa replied smiling brightly at him and cicelio followed her willingly.

So! What do you think? Rosa asked

I didn't know there was a beach around here Cecilio replied looking at the full moon,

Now you know! Take your shoes off and come with me Rosa said running towards the sea,cicelio took his shoes off,he stood there for a while watching Rosa run into the sea happily,it was a sight to behold,have you ever seen anything more beautiful than the moon? Cecilio asked himself,cicelio walked towards her and Rosa stretched her hand so he would take it, just when he thought he couldn't love Rosa more than he already did, there he was falling for her again,taking her hand she led him far into the sea till it was just there heads that could be seen but cicelio never let go of her,

what would happen to me if she were to disappear again? The universe wouldn't be that cruel to me, I want to live in this moment forever Cecilio closed the gap between them kissing Rosa without a warning, tears suddenly rolled down his cheeks,rosa wiped his tears away placing her hands on his cheeks,

I'm right here cicelio,could you not think of the worse,if there's something I wish for it's right here in front of me'it's you cicelio Rosa said softly

I love you cicelio said softly hugging Rosa under the pale moonlight.

It's beautiful isn't it? Rosa asked as they lay in the sand watching the moon.

Yea it is,very beautiful Cecilio replied looking at Rosa, she stared back at him and said I meant the moon!

And I meant you, you're eyes are really pretty, it's glaziar than the moon,the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen cicelio said sincerely

Quit the flattering now! Rosa said blushing really hard.

Cicelio finally remembered what he wanted to ask Rosa; rosa how did it go with parez? Cicelio asked but Rosa didn't reply,he faced her and noticed she was asleep already,moving hair away from her face he placed a kiss on her forehead,caressing her lips

I wish the sun would never raise,I never want to hear a phone buzz,I don't want to fall asleep,I want to dream with my eyes open and live in this moment for the rest of my life cicelio said his voice barely a whisper,watching Rosa sleep till the sun creeped out of its horizon.

Rosa opened her eyes only to meet Cecilio staring down at her,for some reason she was glad that he was still there with her,

Morning! she said smiling brightly

Morning! Cecilio replied placing a soft kiss on her lips.