Ruan Liuzheng was still pondering the question when he spoke from the other side, "Liuzheng, I've been thinking, no matter what Zhu Yuchen's condition is, I would still like to help establish her Veteran Fund. I've actually been paying attention to this issue and have donated sporadically, but I lack the time and energy to handle the affairs of the fund. It's great that she has this idea. To establish a fund in her name, I will also contribute money to it and find an agent to manage it, specifically to handle the executive matters."
At this point, he revealed what he had really wanted to say…
"Of course, that's great!" She just felt that Zhu Yuchen's words sounded like she was settling her affairs.
Her heart grew heavy again, and for the first time, she did not ask like a doctor, "Do you think Yu can be completely cured?"
The person on the other line was silent for a moment and then said a phrase everyone had heard, "To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always."