The basement was rather large, and it was modified to such an extent that it was nearly unrecognizable to the average person's inclination towards what a basement looks like.
One half of it was hand-crafted into a sort of lounge. It came complete with a bed, couch, a full screen TV, and even a full size fridge. Ray and Jon's dad had made it like this because of what he did in the other half.
See this side, which had been expanded to make plenty of space, was a full blown lab. Microscopes, state of the art testing units, and even higher grade computers all laid out and ready for use.
Bryan Harper was a very bright mind, acclaimed as a genius from a young age. Because of this, he not only graduated both high-school and college early, but managed to do so with two PHD's. One in bioengineering and the other in mechanical engineering.
Their father was very well known in the medical field for his revolutionary prosthetics designs, making arms, legs and even complicated instruments like artificial hearts. This was because of how cheap, yet complicated the designs were.
Unlike your stick-like prosthetics, Bryan's were in similar size and shape to the real thing. They also tested well between manufacturing companies and the veteran population that volunteered for the testing, bringing in plenty of good press and money towards the household.
Scanning his fingerprint on the door, Ray stepped into the lab through the hardened plastic wall that separated the two halves. After also scanning his eye, he was allowed through, a robotic voice coming from overhead speakers.
"Welcome back to the lab, Mr. Harper. What would you like to work on today?" Pausing in the doorway, Ray realized that he recognized the voice.
The AI's voice returned, sounding confused. "Yes sir?"
Ray shook his head, dismissing the thought for now. "Uhm, I need to know if my dad left anything behind for me."
"Hmm...Searching." Ray waited patiently while Olliver the advanced artificial intellegence looked through his many many protocols. "Protocol 1011, otherwise known as Hand-Held Stars. Unauthorized individuals not permitted."
"Permitted individuals: Bryan Harper, Ray Harper(Previssions), Jonathan Harper(Previssions). Provissions: One Ray Harper advances past the age of 18."
"Previssions met: Access granted to both individuals. Further protocols found, details: Individual Ray Harper, granted Primary User status. Individual Jonathan Harper, granted Secondary User status."
"Personal note, audio note. Playing now:" having said this, a new voice began to play from the speakers. A soft, but firm voice, sounding strongly familiar to his ears.
"Listen kid, I know. By the time you hear this, you'll realize the truth yourself, or maybe your mind was never yours to begin with, but you'll realize who you were before this. The important part: I'm giving you primary access for two reasons, first because you're the eldest and always have your head screwed on right, and second because I was told to. The owners of specifically told me that your were to relieve the green one, and that you would have more previsions compared to your little brother."
He sighed before continuing. "I wanted to make you equals, because that's how brothers should be, but my hands are tied...I love you, and I'm sorry I can't be there to see you, but sometimes life is like that....*sigh* Take care of your mother, as well as your brother. That's all I could ever want from you. Stay just the way you are, Ray, you're perfect no matter what anyone tells you."
Ollie's voice took over from here. "Voicenote ends here. There is another one, but that has been specifically left for your brother, and you have no access currently."
Ray rubbed his temples, taking a seat at one of the desks to catch his breath. 'That's a lot of information to take in at once. Not only did my father know, but he's being forced to do things? Why?'
"...Is there anything more?" He asked.
"There is. There are two locked boxes awaiting each of your individual biomarkers. Additionally, there are several more protocols awaiting certain conditions to be met."
Ray frowned. "What conditions?"
"Unfortunately, I am not allowed to say."
Ray rubbed his forehead more, sighing heavier. "Understood. Where are the watches?"
Ollie didn't verbally speak, rather a seemless wall panel hissed before slipping open, revealing a safe. Walking up to it, the screen lit up.
[Please scanning fingerprint]
[...Prepare for blood test]
[...Please scan retinal signature]
[...Tests complete, access granted!]
After going through several different tests, including being pricked for a blood sample, the safe clicked open, revealing a sleek white and black watch awaiting him.
It looked nothing like he expected it to. Honestly, Ray thought it would either look like the original design or the ultimatrix version, but it actually looked closer to the Omniverse depiction.
It was sleek, as stated before, and it's face was flat and rectangular. The base color was black and it has two white streaks flowing down it's middle as highlights. The watchface was the only part that had any other color on it, having a stylized green diamond displayed proudly.
Smiling brightly, Ray reached out to grab it with his left hand, but something sort of unexpected happened. As his hand grew closer, the watch lit up and beeped. Then part of it liquidated, allowing it to leap from it's spot and attach itself to his arm. The band re-solified around his wrist, locking into place.
Beep Beep
[Omnitrix Activated: Activating Azmuth Rebirth Protocol]
Ray took a seat while this was happening, and was mildly surprised when the watch face flickered before it's surface changed. The two halves split apart, revealing that it's surface was mostly holographic, and with it opening like this it could project a hologram out of its surface.
Soon enough, the small image of a little alien showed it's froggish face. "First of all, I am not the original Azmuth, but you can refer to me as such. I am an AI model created by the original to Replicate him in the case that the omnitrix should be separated from him."
"My model is connected between both watches present, or at least it will be once Jonathan activates his watch. Now, I believe you may need further explanation regarding your situation being in a foreign universe?"