I watched as the carriage drew nearer and nearer. It stopped a distance from our camp and then I saw Nova climb out. She looked different, healthy even.
"Nova?" I called to her.
"Lit!" She smiled broadly, "I brought you a present."
Then she looked to the doors and out stepped Onyx!
He looked so tired, I noticed. But that didn't matter...
For a moment I lost my breath. Then I was flying across the ground towards him. He seemed to drop his dignity because he was catching me and spinning me around.
"You came," I breathed.
"I came," He replied with a wry smile.
"But why? And how did you come?" I replied, "What if you had been followed?"
His face darkened but then he nodded towards Nova, "She's a very talented young Licnine. You're lucky to have her as a friend."
I could see the respect for her shining in his eyes.
"I am lucky," I replied.