It took what felt like an eternity for Tinka's parents to come home. I played nine rounds of hide and seek with her before she got bored of that game. She let me try on all her doll clothes and I did a little fashion show for her. I was just pulling another dress on when I heard thundering steps.
"That's Mommy and Daddy," Tinka jumped up and down.
I rocked on my feet slightly from the vibrations Tinka made.
"I NEED TO SPEAK TO THEM," I yelled up to her.
She stopped jumping and carefully lowered her cupped hands to me. I got on and sat down. When she stood up I felt like my stomach had dropped. We were so high up.
She carried me so carefully you'd think I was a treasure. I felt grateful for this treatment and I could not understand why we had thought the Lyrra needed to be destroyed. From spending one day with this child I knew they were much like us. Now I had a mission.
To remind them they were like us.