Chereads / Harry Potter's : Fantastic Beasts Guide / Chapter 45 - He Said Thank You!

Chapter 45 - He Said Thank You!

David couldn't shake the mystery of why Snape had been wandering the castle at night. Though tempted to use the Pensieve in Dumbledore's office to retrieve forgotten memories, he decided against it—it was too risky.

Determined to explore, David made his way to the lower floors of Hogwarts. He recalled something his grandfather, Newt Scamander, had told him before he started school. After searching several doors, he found what he was looking for—a door with a fruit bowl engraved on it.

Smiling to himself, David scratched the pear on the fruit bowl. It giggled and turned into a green doorknob.

Success! Grandpa was right.

David stepped inside to find himself in the Hogwarts kitchen, bustling with house-elves busy preparing food. The elves were startled when the door opened but saw no one there. Realizing he was still invisible, David waved his wand to lift the spell, revealing himself to the excited elves.

"Shhh," David whispered urgently. "Keep it down, or Filch might hear us!"

The elves nodded obediently, then rushed to prepare him food. However, when David insisted he only wanted a small amount, some elves looked heartbroken, as if he'd insulted them. Feeling guilty, David reassured them, "Alright, next time, I'll let you make more."

The elves brightened instantly, preparing a table with pies, drinks, and a variety of meats. Though it was far more than he needed, David thanked them warmly.

"He said thank you!" one elf exclaimed, starting a wave of cheering.

It seemed the elves were unused to such gratitude, and their excitement was infectious. But their noise risked drawing Filch, so David quickly ate, thanked them again, and left.

As David left the kitchen, he heard a familiar meowing. Mrs. Norris, Filch's ever-watchful cat, was close. Freezing against the wall, David held his breath as Mrs. Norris approached.

The cat stopped near him, sniffing the air and meowing twice before running toward the kitchen. Filch soon followed.

"Found something, my dear?" Filch asked, his voice suspicious. Mrs. Norris glanced briefly at where David was hiding before leading Filch into the kitchen.

David sighed in relief. Had the cat sensed him but chosen not to expose him? It seemed unlikely, but there was no time to dwell on it. He hurried up the stairs.

David wandered up to the fourth floor, near the forbidden corridor Dumbledore had warned students to avoid. A faint noise caught his attention.

Curious, he approached a locked door and cast, "Alohomora." The door creaked open, and a terrible stench hit him like a brick wall.

He bent over, retching as he stepped inside, only to find himself face-to-face with a massive three-headed dog.

"Moloch!" David exclaimed, recognizing the creature from Hagrid's stories. "What in Merlin's name has Hagrid been feeding you? You stink!"

The dog whimpered, lowering its heads apologetically.

"Alright, alright, don't look so sad. Are you hungry?" David asked, patting one of the heads.

Moloch perked up instantly, wagging its tail. David pulled out leftover barbecue from his kitchen visit and placed a piece in front of each head, ensuring there was no competition.

As the dog ate, David noticed a trapdoor beneath its paws.

"Moloch, lift your foot," he said.

The dog froze, pressing its paws harder against the trapdoor.

"Come on, I just want a look."

Moloch shook its heads simultaneously.

"Dumbledore's orders, huh?" David guessed. The dog whimpered again and nodded.

"Fine," David sighed, pretending to leave. "But if you don't let me see, I won't bring you any more food."

Moloch looked torn, its three heads glancing at each other. One head whimpered while another moved slightly, as if considering lifting a paw. Yet it didn't dare disobey Dumbledore.

David chuckled softly. "Alright, I'll leave it be for now. But next time, you owe me a peek."

Satisfied, he scratched the dog's heads affectionately before leaving the room.

As David made his way back to the dormitory, he couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the trapdoor. Whatever it was, it had to be something important if Dumbledore had stationed Moloch to guard it.

For now, he decided, he'd play it safe. But curiosity burned in his mind—he'd have to figure it out eventually.