Chereads / The Legend Of Zelda: The Kokiri Seed / Chapter 3 - ◇CHAPTER 3: An Act of Courage◇

Chapter 3 - ◇CHAPTER 3: An Act of Courage◇

[On the way to the plains where the Deku Tree dwells, Mido walks bored]

Mido: Ugh... only Saria would find problems where there aren't any! And here I am! Walking to the Deku Tree on this... [looks around scared] strange... path... outside the village...

[Soon, without noticing, he bumps into a dark root in the middle of the path]

Mido: aah! Huh!? Who put this in the middle of... [widens eyes realizing several roots growing around] path...

[Focus on Saria walking towards Link's house]

Saria: Link!


Saria: Hm? Link? [Looks suspicious] Hmm...[climbs the stairs and peeks behind the entrance curtains] may I come in?


Saria: Empty? [Enters] He hasn't returned yet? Hmm...

[Saria notices a spilled glass of milk and picks up the glass]

Saria: What a mess! [Walks forward and then returns adjusting the glass position]

[Saria walks looking around until she notices an overturned picture on a shelf] hmm...[lifts the picture and sees a drawing of her with Link, each holding an ocarina] hmm...

Link's Voice: Saria! What's that?

[Saria looks to the other side and sees younger Link sitting in the hammock looking at an ocarina]

Saria: Ah! This? It's just a Kokiri ocarina!

Link: Wow... where did you find it!?

Saria: Hii! I didn't find it! It was a gift, from the Deku Tree himself.

Link: Wow... no way...

Saria: Yeah... she gave one to each of the Kokiris! She says it was made from his own wood! A symbol of how we're all connected... to the same oak...

Link: [Looks thoughtful] everyone except me...

Saria: [Looks thoughtful] uhm... Link...

Link: No-no... it's okay... [gets up from the hammock and grabs a paper and starts drawing] One day I'll become a true Kokiri! Then I'll get my own ocarina and we can play together... like this! [Shows the drawing of him with Saria playing together]

[Saria takes the drawing and smiles]

[Gradually the drawing becomes the picture and Link starts disappearing]

Echo: Like this...

Lesser Echo: Like this...

Saria: [looks thoughtful] Hm... You were always so different, maybe that's why the Deku Tree summoned you...

Mido's Voice: Sariaaaaaaa!

[Saria startles and goes to Link's house balcony]

Saria: Mido?

Mido: Saria!!! Hey! [Looks irritated] what were you doing in the fairy-less boy's house!

Saria: [looks ironic] Is that what you wanted to say?

Mido: What!? No! It's that...

[At that moment, a large dark root emerges in the middle of the village and the Kokiri look scared]

Mido: It was that...

Saria: [looks around and sees various roots growing around heading to the area where the Deku Tree is] oh no...Link!

[Focus on Link's feet running through the corridors inside the Deku Tree]

[Focus on Link's hands holding his wooden sword]

[Focus on Link's eyes looking seriously ahead]

[Link arrives at the central area observing the surroundings]

Link: Time to stock up, and there's no better way than... opening chests!

[Focus on Link opening various different chests]

[Focus on Link throwing several rupees in his bag]

Link: Hehe... imagine how much grass I can buy from Mips with this!

[Focus on Link picking up Deku nuts from the ground]

Link: I'll take this!

[Focus on Link picking up seeds]

Link: And this!

[Focus on Link picking up various pieces of wood]

Link: This too...

[Focus on Link shaking a compass]

Link: Nheee... makes a nice sound! [throws in bag]

[Focus on Link trying to put everything in his bag]

Link: ugh... come on... get in...uhm... [gives up] not everything will fit in here! [thinks] unless...

[Soon, Link leaves his wooden dolls on top of a trunk and walks forward, serious, through the corridor holding his bag, sword, and shield]

Link: It's time for them to meet... a true warrior!

[Focus on Navi trapped in a bubble]

Navi: [wakes up dizzy] uhnn...[notices the surroundings] Huh! Where am I?! Am I dead?

[Suddenly, Queen Gohma appears in front of Navi]

Navi: Aaaaah! [Falls sitting and looks alert] I-I guess not...

Queen: Hahaha... did I scare you, tiny one?

Navi: [looks behind and tries to back away] N-n-not at all!

Queen: hm-hm... [circles the bubble]

Navi: Why haven't you... finished me off... you know?

Queen: Ha! You think you're the star of the story, don't you little creature?

Navi: What do you mean by that!?

Queen: [quickly approaches the side of the bubble startling Navi] You are just... a snack! A small dessert, after the main course...

[Navi notices the offspring stuck to the wall sucking the Deku Tree's energy]

Navi: No!!!! Arggg... [tries to burst the bubble] stupid bubble!!! You monster!!!

Queen: He-he-he... I smell fear! And it's delicious...

Navi: [looks serious] I'm not afraid of you!

Queen: Are you sure?

Navi: Get me out of here and I'll show you!!!

Queen: Hm! Insignificant creature! All talk, but does absolutely nothing! This is the great defender of the Deku Tree? Ha! I would feel ashamed if I were you... [moves away into darkness]

[Navi looks uncertain]

Navi: Well... I...


[Navi looks around scared]

Navi: I...I... [breathes heavily and gets angry] I can't let this happen!! [Tries to propel herself against the bubble walls] burst you stupid bubble!!!! [Propels herself] You... [Propels] won't... [Propels] stop me!!!!

[Navi propels herself and starts bouncing off all sides of the bubble until she falls]

Navi: uhnn...

[Soon Navi lies discouraged/tired while tears fall from her face]

Navi: This is all my fault! I-I... am a terrible assistant... I'm sorry Deku Tree... I'm... sorry...

[Echo of a high-pitched scream]

Navi: [gets up surprised] Huh!? Link?

[Focus quickly runs outside the dark room, passing by several Deku Scrub guards in front of the entrance going to a passage with stairs]

Voice on the stairs: AaaAamnnaa!

[The Deku Scrubs prepare focused/scared]

Voice on the stairs: aamnnaaaa!

Deku Scrub: [looks ahead scared]

[Suddenly Link appears climbing the stairs tired]

Link: Aaaamn...[walks tired] Wow... the Deku Tree is really tall...[notices the group of Deku Scrubs looking]

[Link looks with no reaction]

[The Deku Scrubs look with no reaction]


Link: Uh...hi?

[The Deku Scrubs look at each other and then at Link]

Deku Scrub: ah... hello invader!


Link: hmnn... so... everything alright... with you guys?

Deku Scrub: Yeah, as good as can be...


Link: Well...


Deku Scrub: So... do you want to... you know? Surrender?

Link: Nah... not really...

Deku Scrub: Ah... right... I understand...


Deku Scrub: Get him then!!!!

[The Deku Scrubs start shooting various nuts towards Link]

[Link runs towards them]

Link: Aaaah! [Protects himself with the shield] Ha!!! I'm doing it!!! I know how to use a shield!!!

Deku Scrub: He's breaking through our defense line!

Another Deku Scrub: Send the aerial attack!!!

[Suddenly several Deku Scrubs start digging through the ground]

Link: [sees the tracks in the ground] What?

[The Deku Scrubs jump from the ground and start flying with their leaves while shooting from above]

Link: Aaaah! That's not fair! [Puts the shield on his head while trying to dodge the attacks] I won't be able to get past all of them!

[Link notices a Deku Scrub entering the ground]

Link: [thinks] hmnn...unless...

[At the exact moment the Deku Scrub jumps out, Link grabs onto its legs flying along]

Deku Scrub: Hey!!! Let me go!!!! Get offfff!!!

[Link pushes himself forward flying above the Deku Scrubs dodging the nuts]

Link: Almost...

[One of the nuts hits the Deku Scrub that Link is on and both fall]

Link: Aaaah!

[Link lands on his shield and slides into the dark room]

Link: Ha! I made it!!!!

[The door closes behind Link]

[Echo of the door closing sound]

Link: [looks back scared] uhm...[Walks slowly through the room]

Link: Is anyone there?

Navi's Voice: Kid?

[Link looks to the side and sees Navi in the bubble and runs to her]

Link: Navi!!!

Navi: What are you doing here!? I thought...[becomes sad] you had left...

Link: And abandon you here? Never!

[Navi smiles]

Link: [Notices the bubble and pokes it] what's this?

Navi: Oh, this? It's just my magical resting bubble, I use it to rest in tense moments.

Link: [looks skeptical] Really?

Navi: Of course not, you dummy!!! I'm trapped in here!!!

Link: Trapped? But who...

[A green slime falls on Link's head]

Link: [looks up scared and suddenly several golden eyes reveal themselves] hehe...hi?

[The queen falls from the ceiling]

Link: Aaaah! [Rolls backward moving away]

[Queen Gohma reveals herself with her various offspring on her back]

[Link backs away holding his shield]

Queen: [darkness language]

Link [trembling]: w-w-what is he or she or it saying!?

Navi: invaded her offspring will grow...blah-blah-blah...explaining in detail how she's going to devour you...

Link: [smiles] Oh okay...[thinks] Wait! What!?

[The Queen tries to hit Link with one of her claws but he spins backward]

Link: [regains balance and looks scared]

Navi: Now would be a good time to...RUN!!!!

[Link runs and the creature starts chasing Link walking on the wall]

Link: Aaaaaah!

[Navi tries to burst the bubble but can't]

Navi: argg...[looks at the queen and thinks] Hm...The eyes? The eyes! Kid!!!

Link [running]: What!!?

Navi: Try to hit the eyes!

Link: How!?

Navi: I don't know! With anything! Where's your excessively irritating creativity now, huh!?

[Link running dodges the attacks and sees his bag taking out his slingshot]

Link: Ha!

Navi: Really? This again!?

Link: Yeah! But this time it's going to work! [Aims and shoots the seeds but they hit the wall]

Navi: Wow! I'm impressed how well that worked! Imagine if it hadn't worked!!!

Link: [smiles nervously] He...Huh! Aaah! [dodges the attack and runs]

Queen: little ones...

[The offspring descend and run after Link while the queen climbs the walls]

Navi: [notices] monsters at 6 o'clock!

Link: 6 o'clock?

Navi: [puts hand on face] behind you!!!

Link: [looks back and gets serious] Right! I'll handle them!

Navi: [sits ironically crossing arms] as if I could do anything...

Link: [Stops and positions himself] Aaah-eeeh-aaah! [Attacks the offspring with the sword] ha take that you weaklings!

Queen: arggg...

[Link looks up scared]

Navi: Never call her offspring weaklings...speaking from personal experience...

[Link tries to run but the queen falls to the ground knocking him down and with her claws throws Link into the air]

Link: Aaaaaah!

Navi: [stands up worried] Link!!!!!

Queen [distorted voice]: You will regret challenging me... tiny creature!!!

[The queen opens her gigantic mouth waiting for Link to fall]

[Link tries to balance himself in the air]

Link: Aaaaah! [Thinks] Huh! [sees his bag and grabs his deku nuts] I think you're going to lose your appetite after this! [Puts in the slingshot and tries to concentrate] work...

[Shoots the deku nut that hits the wall, then a Stalactite, then the ceiling, and finally falls into the queen's mouth who freezes surrounded by smoke]

[Link, still in the air, tries to balance and position the sword towards the queen]

Link's Memory: (Deku Tree: Because when I looked at you, I didn't see an immature child playing with his toys...I saw...a hero...)

[Link looks serious]

Link: hero...AAAAAH!

[Focus on Link's shadow striking the sword in the queen's eye through the smoke and then falling to the ground]

[Navi looks surprised without reaction]

Link: [breathes heavily and quickly gets up]

Queen: Ahahahahhaahaaaaaaaa! [Begins to dissolve into ashes along with her offspring]

[Link looks scared at Navi]


Navi: [surprised] You... did it...

Link: [gradually smiles] yeah... I did...

[Soon all the deku scrubs begin to flee through the Deku Tree's tunnels and run into the forest frightened]

[Focus on the dark roots dissolving in Kokiri village]

[The Kokiris look confused]

[Focus on the dark roots dissolving around the Deku Tree as he smiles]

Deku Tree: Hm...

[Focus on Navi looking surprised]

[Suddenly the bubble trembles]

Navi: wow!

[The bubble bursts and Navi falls]

Navi: aah!

[Link stretches his hands and catches Navi and smiles]

Navi: [notices Link and gradually smiles] (cough-cough) [gets up and flies looking ironic while dusting off her dress]

Link: Are you... okay?

Navi: Yeah, I am! And... I must admit that... you weren't... that bad...

[Link looks smiling]

Link: Wow, you've never spoken so well of me before!

Navi: Yeah, and don't get used to it.

Link: Hehe... let's go check on the Deku Tree! [Gets up and starts running]

Navi: Wait!!!!

[Link stops and looks back]

Navi: [plays with her hair] It's... like... maybe... I think... I owe you... sor... sor... I owe you... sorr... so-so-so...

Link: [looks puzzled] Sorry?

Navi: [crosses arms] Yeah! [looks to the side] That's it...

Link: [smiles] It's all good! [runs] Now let's go!!! Last one there is a rotten mermela!!!

Navi: Yeah, there he goes running again... [gives a slight smile and then flies after him]

[Focus on Saria looking around with Kokiris fixing broken houses]

Saria: Hmm... why do I feel you're involved in this Link... [smiles]

[Focus on Link and Navi leaving the Deku Tree]

Deku Tree: [smiles] I see you were successful...

Link: Yeah! It was incredible! You should have seen it! I had climbed on one of those leaf creatures and started flying and...

[Link continues talking while Navi rolls her eyes]

Deku Tree: [gives a melancholic smile] Moments like these... make me wish I had more time...

[Link and Navi look puzzled]

Navi: More time?

[Suddenly a branch of the Deku Tree falls]

Navi: Deku... Tree?

[Soon the Deku Tree's roots begin to wither]

Deku Tree: [smiles]

Navi: Huh? What's happening?

Deku Tree: [takes a deep breath] You fought bravely for my body... however, it was already condemned... from-the-beginning...

Navi: [looks puzzled/worried] W-w-what?

Deku Tree: It was necessary to disconnect myself from the rest of the forest so that only I... would suffer the immersion of darkness, and now that the curse has been broken... the forest will have peace... and so will I...

Link: Yeah... I'm not understanding.

Navi: This time even I don't!!! [Flies and stands in front of the Deku Tree] master, what... how... could you maybe explain something that makes sense here!

Deku Tree: [gives a slight laugh] Oh! Anxious lives, always seeking meaning... even though in the end, not even the oldest of oaks will have all the answers...

Navi: You're not explaining anything!!!

Deku Tree: [sighs] Listen carefully... this curse was just the beginning! The man from the desert who carries evil in his hands has greater plans (cough-cough) he wishes to invade the sacred realm... break what should never be broken...

Link: Sacred realm?

[The Deku Tree starts turning pale]

Navi: [looks worried] Master!!!?

Deku Tree: (cough-cough) Link... you must find the girl of royal blood! (Cough-Cough) The princess known as Zelda, in Hyrule Castle! Where the sun shines brightest... the essence of the earth! There... you will know your true destiny...

Link: I-I-I don't understand? Wasn't my destiny to save you!? Wasn't it to prove I'm a true Kokiri?

Deku Tree: [laughs] This forest is too small... for you... my boy...

[Link looks confused]

Deku Tree: Now... I will place in your hands... the heart of everything my roots touch... the essence of life...

[Suddenly, coiled roots emerge from the ground in front of Link and unroll to reveal they're protecting a green medallion]

Navi: The heart... of the forest...

[Link looks surprised at the Deku Tree]

Deku Tree: [smiles] Don't be afraid, boy... take it... it's yours now...

Link: [takes it admiringly] Wow...

Deku Tree: Take it (Cough-Cough) beyond the forest! And take care of each other... like leaves from the same oak... only then... will you achieve... success...

[Link looks thoughtfully at the medallion]

Navi: He... very good lesson, master! [smiles nervously] You can stop now!

Deku Tree: [smiles] Navi-Navi... my child... on the first day I saw you... I saw something special... and now... I see that same image...[weakens]

Navi: [starts getting nervous] S-s-stop this! I'm not finding this funny!!!!

Deku Tree: [smiles] Navi, promise me you will guide Link on his journey... I know it's not your heart's desire... but it is... what you need to be at this time...

Navi: This-this-this... is a test... right?

[Deku Tree observes smiling in silence]

Navi: Tell me this is a test!! Tell me now!!!!

Deku Tree: [smiles] There comes a time in life... when tests end... and trials... begin... that time has come... for you...

Navi: Stop... doing this! Tell me this is a test... please!

[Several branches of the Deku Tree begin to fall]

Navi: No-no-no-no!!!! Stop now!!!!! [Casts a spell on the Deku Tree but it has no effect] huh!!! Stop ri-ght now!!!!!

[The Deku Tree slowly falls smiling while its roots loosen, shaking the earth until it finally reaches the ground]

[Navi looks shocked]

Deku Tree: may time mature you my child... [slowly closes his eyes as his bark turns grey] may time... mature you...

Navi: No-no-no-no!!! [Casts several spells]

Link: [looks shocked]

Navi: [starts crying] Stay here!!!! [Approaches the Deku Tree landing on the ground and puts her hand on his trunk] no... no... [gradually falls beside the tree crying] stay here... please... don't go... don't leave me... here... [rests her head on the Deku Tree crying] alone...

Link: [looks thoughtful at the medallion in his hand and then at Navi] hmm... [slowly approaches and tries to hug Navi]


Navi: What... are you... doing?

Link: hugging...

[Navi looks ahead thoughtfully]

Navi: You're... really bad... at this...

Link: He... I know...

Navi: Hm... [stays silent, thoughtful]

[Sound of wind]

Link: [steps back] And now?

Navi: [takes a deep breath] Now? [Flies seriously to a rock and sits looking at Link] now... I don't know... what are you going to do?

Link: [looks at the medallion and turns silently towards the Kokiri Village trail] going to... see something... [walks]

[Navi flies following Link]

[Both go to the entrance and while Link continues walking, Navi turns thoughtfully/sadly towards the fallen Deku Tree]

Navi: Farewell... master... [turns her back and flies]

[Soon, in the earth where the Deku Tree stood, a small plant sprouts]

[Then, Link walking thoughtfully through Kokiri Village while everyone around runs everywhere fixing the village]

[Link passes by Bibi and she runs to Link talking excitedly, but Link only hears muffled sound while looking thoughtful and continues walking]

Bibi: [looking confused] Link?

[Link arrives at his messy house and observes thoughtfully]

[Link sits thoughtfully in his hammock and looks at the medallion]

Link: Hmm...

Link: [Looks around at his drawings on the floor]

Link's Memories: (Deku Tree: This forest... is too small... for you... my boy)

Link: [looks serious]

[Link gets up and starts packing his bag of things]

[Link goes to the balcony of his house]

[Focus on Link's hand slowly moving away from the fence]

[Link walking seriously to the exit]

[Link finds Fado in front of the exit]

Fado: Link! You won't believe what happened!!

[Link approaches the exit]

Fado: Hey! Where are you going? You're not thinking of leaving, are you!?

Link: [looks at Fado and smiles] tell Mido... that he'll have an explosive surprise in his plate... [shows the Deku nuts] hehe... and... tell him that... I'll miss him... [continues walking]

Fado: [looks stunned] Link?

[Soon, Link crosses a bridge made of logs, between two large walls with large hollow trunks functioning as tunnels on each side and below there are several trees and plants with fireflies flying everywhere]

Saria's Voice: You're leaving... aren't you?

[Link widens his eyes and looks back seeing Saria observing]

Link: Sa-Sa...ria...

[Both stay silent]

Saria: [gives a melancholic smile] Hm, you could say I was overthinking... but... I always knew... that you would one day leave this place... deep down... I always knew...

[Link looks sad/apprehensive]

Saria: [takes a deep breath] Because... you're different... from me, from Mido... from all of us...

[Link looks to the side]

Saria: A-and that's okay! Because... it doesn't matter! What matters is that we'll always be your friends... [thinks] I... will always be your friend... right?

Link: [looks at Saria stunned]

Saria: [smiles] You know why I wanted to go for a walk this afternoon?

Link: To... play?

Saria: [laughs] More than that! Today marks exactly 10 years, 0 months, 0 days and 2 hours... [becomes thoughtful] since the day we met... [looks at Link and smiles] sorry... he... I can't help being... a bit detailed...

[Link gives a melancholic/nostalgic smile]

Saria: I was going to give this present at the end of our walk... but... I guess it's now or never, right? [Shows an ocarina]

Link: [takes it surprised] A Kokiri ocarina...

Saria: He, only a true Kokiri has one! Hehe... it wasn't made by the Deku Tree... but... I tried my best... with my own hands! Hehe... don't tell Mido about this...

[Link smiles at Saria]

Saria: When you play it... I hope you remember me... and come visit because... I'll always be here... waiting... [gives a melancholic smile holding back tears] like I always do...

[Both look at each other in silence]

Link: [looks at Saria apprehensively, then at the exit thoughtfully and then looks at Saria indecisively] ham...

[Link slowly starts to move away until suddenly he runs away passing through the tunnel]

[Saria observes stunned]

Saria: See you soon... Link...

[Link runs serious/emotional through the tunnel]

Saria's Voice [singing her song]:


[Link runs out of the trunk and through the forest]

Look around you...

See what's near...

Time is flowing...

In one note so clear...

[Link stops on a hill seeing the forest's edge in the distance]

Feel the wind now

Calling you...

Gentle voices

Leading you through!

[Focus on sad Kokiris placing flowers around the Deku Tree]

Like leaves dancing...


You'll fly away...


Without sadness...


Find a new path today...


[Focus on Saria passing in front of Link's house looking thoughtful]

Remember me...

Think of me...

Never forget where

Your roots first grew strong

Where you did belong...

[Saria enters the house and looks around]

Remember me...

Think of me...

Never will forget!

Where your heart found its way

Where I'll always stay...

[Focus on Link running through the hills]

Like a flower...

Starting new...

You came here...

To grow and bloom...

Small it may...

This place be...

Now you must fly and be free...


[Link reaches the end of the forest and walks to an alley in a rocky area and sits on a rock thoughtfully]


[Link sitting, looks sadly at the ocarina in his hand]

Navi's voice: Please don't make me watch you cry...

[Link looks to the side and sees Navi sitting on another rock smiling]

Navi: Your battle screams are enough for me...[flies]

[Link gives a melancholic smile wiping away tears and stands up]

[Both observe the vast Hyrule field]

Navi: It's going to be a long journey...

Link: Yeah... but... I'm sure we'll make the Deku Tree proud!

Navi: No! I was talking about the path, look at the size of this thing! Better prepare those little feet of yours because...

Link: Hey! Little feet? But you have smaller feet than mine!

Navi: Yeah, but mine are proportional to my beautiful body! Yours...neh...

Link: Hey! [Laughs]

[Link smiles and both walk towards Hyrule field with the sun in the background]

Link: Woooow!

Navi: Don't even start!!!!

Link: hehe...

[Everything darkens]

◇The Legend Of Zelda: The Kokiri Seed◇