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The Legend Of Zelda: The Kokiri Seed

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In a time of the eternal time... A mysterious force entered the dense and mysterious forbidden forest, reaching its ancient guardian, the great Deku Tree. Now, with time running out, the time has come for a seed to blossom and become the tree that from the was born to be... - Okay, a human being speaking here! And what you are seeing is nothing more, nothing less than a rewriting of the story of Ocarina of Time with a small touch of my strange style of being, this book will have 3 chapters that are already ready and that I will be making available little by little here and ...I hope you like it! Maybe I'll make a sequel...but everything in its time... Until then, all I want is... a good read!

Chapter 1 - ◇ CHAPTER 1: The Kokiri seed◇

[In complete darkness, only the sound of wind can be heard...]

[Until a serene and calm voice is heard...]



What will be...

What has been...

What is to come...

And will never return...

Nothing stops it...

Nothing shakes it...

A force beyond us all...


Forever and always...


[Suddenly, light gradually invades the darkness, revealing a beautiful and tranquil scene, the sky orange from the sun's departure on the horizon, flowers united coloring the vast green fields around, everything indicating peace and tranquility, and amidst it all, Sheik sits on a rock with his harp in hand, playing his theme]

Sheik: Once, in this uninterrupted flow of time, I witnessed a legend... a living legend with a sincere heart... like that of a child... a being who challenged time itself... "What legend is that?" You ask me? Well... where should I begin? Perhaps at the end?

[Suddenly, a Thunder appears, revealing the kingdom of Hyrule destroyed with thunders and soulless beings walking aimlessly.]

[Another Thunder appears, returning to the field]

Sheik: Or perhaps in the middle?

[Another Thunder appears, showing Zelda being taken by Impa on horseback, crossing the great gate of the Hyrule kingdom while Link watches, frightened]

[Another Thunder appears, returning to Sheik in the field]

Sheik: No-no-no-no... we must not advance time... for it, by itself, is agile and merciless... let us begin at the beginning, for it is there that the cycle ends... and it is there that the cycle begins...

[Suddenly, the wind blows stronger, and the flowers in the field fly into the air, bringing focus to a dense forest, full of trees, fireflies, and plants, where the sun had difficulty penetrating with its light]

Sheik's Voice: Far from this time... In a natural cradle... where flora reigned, where flowers bloomed and the mysterious creatures called Kokiri rested their eyes... there was... a seed...

[Suddenly, on the ground of the dense forest, a girl, with green hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears, wearing green clothes and a pair of boots, walks quickly through the forest, carefully observing the surroundings]

Girl: [looks suspiciously around] Hmm... I think everthing is clear... [gives a laugh and walks excitedly] Hehe! I can't wait to see how my little flower is doing! [takes a leaf from her bag] According to my calculations from last week, if I give it 150 more milliliters of water and a good dose of sun, my little flower will grow another centimeter by the end of the month! [smiles excitedly and then enters an area surrounded by ancient walls and plants] Soon it will become a beautiful flower and... [looks forward surprised/terrified, seeing a baby with blonde hair playing with a flower pulled from the ground] Aah! Little flower!!! [Runs and takes the flower from the baby's hand, looking surprised/sad] Argh! Why did you do that!?

[The baby looks at the girl's expression, scared, and starts to cry]

[The girl looks scared, taking a few steps back]

Girl: W-what are you doing? [Looks around] Haanm... [looks at the dead flower thoughtfully and then at the baby]

[The girl approaches and gives the flower to the baby]

Girl: [looks strange] Is... is this what you want?

[The baby takes the flower, looking curious, and starts to laugh]

Baby: [laughs] manla jdssn!

[The girl, curious, squats down and gives a slight surprised smile]

Girl: [observes the baby] You... are strange... almost like a Kokiri? Hmm... just smaller and chubbier... he, no offense.

[The baby looks confused/curious at the girl]

Girl: Hmm! [Gives a friendly smile] My name is Saria... [turns her head, observing the baby] and yours?

Baby: amnajwis!

Saria: [looks strange] Is... would you be offended if I said I didn't understand a word you said?

[The baby looks confused at the girl]

Saria: [looks to the side, thoughtful] Hmm... maybe it's another language or something like that... [looks at the baby] Hm, would you mind if I called you... [looks around and notices a set of plants on the wall intertwining]

[Suddenly the plants form the name "Link"]

Saria: Wow... [looks surprised] Link... [looks at the baby surprised]

Link: [raises his arms] jshshaa!

Saria: [smiles] He... [looks around] Do you have a house, Link?

Link: ajsjhss...

Saria: Hm... [looks around] I probably shouldn't but... [picks up Link, feeling strange] Hey... easy now, you're among friends... I'm going to take you to the village! I bet everyone will love to meet you!

Link: [smiles, sticking out his tongue]

Saria: Hihihi... you're funny... [smiles and walks with Link, entering the dense forest] Hmm... I wonder if you're a Kokiri Cub? Wow! Is this how we're born? On the forest floor?! That would be strange, but... it would make a lot of sense!

Link: ahmnjanj!

Saria: Hm... I need to write this down when I get home!

Link: Ahmn?

Saria: It's a house! It's like a nest where you sleep! Hum, I have so much to teach you! Like watering flowers, or growing fruits! Uuh! You're going to love it!!

Link: blablabia! [Laughs]

Saria: [laughs] Hehe... I think we're going to be great friends, Link...

[Saria walks forward, moving away in the forest while the various trees of the forest, united, form the name "The Legend of Zelda: The Kokiri Seed"]

[Suddenly... darkness...]

[Gradually revealing a plant in the middle of the forest]

[Suddenly, a blue light quickly passes by the plant]

Light's Voice: Passing...

[Focusing on the light, which flies quickly through the forest, it reveals a small fairy the size of an apple, wearing a dress made of blue and white flowers, with short, wavy hair, bluish and luminous skin, and a confident expression]

[The fairy flies to a plain with a gigantic tree with a serene and tranquil face]

Tree: Navi-Navi... you have finally arrived...

Navi [excited]: [faces the tree flying] Of course! [Flies to one side] Your noble [flies to the other side] and capable assistant [flies forward] has arrived! [flies upside down] What is your great mission today, my powerful master? [begins to fly around the tree] I'm ready for the great plans and projects of the magnificent Deku Tree!!! Uuh... do you want me to cast a spell on some dark force?

Deku Tree: Actually...

Navi: U-u-uh! I know! You want me to be in charge of an entire side of the forest!! Master, you didn't need to, but it would be an honor!

Deku Tree [with a serious tone]: Navi!!

Navi: Oh... yes... sorry... [looks embarrassed] you can speak, sir.

Deku Tree: I sense evil forces coming to the forest...

Navi [smiling]: Yes...

Deku Tree: And unfortunately, I cannot solve this alone...

Navi [smiling animatedly]: Yessss...

Deku Tree: So...

Navi [excited]: You can order me!!!

Deku Tree: I want you to... go summon the fairy-less boy among the Kokiri...

Navi: This... wait! What!? [Looks discouraged] Fetch a boy? Just to be sure, you meant for me to find a magic spell to defeat the magical forces, right?

Deku Tree: No, I said the boy.

Navi: [laughs ironically] Just to confirm? Evil forces are coming? Right!?

Deku Tree: Yes.

Navi: [looks ironic] Look, master, with all due respect... a boy? What can he do? Cry while being cursed? Please... and even more so one who doesn't even have a fairy!! Can't be considered a true Kokiri! Let me handle this, sir!

Deku Tree: No! I want you to summon the boy!

Navi: But master...

Deku Tree [serious tone]: Navi, there is a greater force among us, this is not a game! If you really want to help me, then follow my instructions!

Navi: Fiiiine... [turns flying towards the forest and flies discouraged] Hmm... the great Navi, being a messenger... great...

[The Deku Tree looks thoughtfully at Navi going]

Deku Tree: May time... mature her...

[Then focus on Navi flying quickly through the forest towards the village]

Navi: Hmm... I know! This is a test! A test of humility and nobility! He! When I bring the boy to the Deku Tree, he will reveal that I am the true helper! Oh-oh... the master is so clever...

[In the distance, Navi looks at the Kokiri village]

Navi: There it is!

[Navi flies over the Kokiri village]

[In the village, various beings with the appearance of children wearing green tunics are seen, residing in hollow trees with cone-shaped tips]

[Among the residents, Mips, a small vendor, tries to reach the window of his store in a cut tree trunk]

Mips: I'm... [jumps] almost... [jumps] there...

[Focuses on Dido next to a wall training combat with a stick on a rock]

Dido: Ha! You have been defeated by the skillful warrior Dido! Now what are your last words...

[Nina passes by, giving a friendly smile]

Nina: Hi Dido! Are you playing with your stick again?

Dido: What!? Playing!? This is not a game!!! It's a pure demonstration of skill!!!

[Focuses on Mido leaving his house]

Mido: Arrr... [stretches] nothing better than a good night's sleep... nhaaa... time to work!

[Mido goes to the garden next to his house where Fado is lying]

Mido: Fado! Stop being lazy and remove these stones!

Fado: What!? But I already removed the stones from yesterday!

Mido: Yes! And now I want you to remove today's! Now pay attention to your work while I take care of mine!

Fado: And what is your work?!

Mido: Ha! My job is to tell you to work, so it's already done! Time to rest! [Continues walking forward through the village]

Fado: Huh!? But... Haaam! Mido!

[Focuses on Bibi animated in front of the door]

[Mile passes]

Bibi: Hi Mile!!! Have a great day!

[Saria passes]

Bibi: Hi Saria!!! Have a great day!

[Mido passes]

[Bibi stays silent and serious]

[Mido walks back]

Mido: What? Where's my "have a great day"?

Bibi: Oh, it's there in the well that you made me clean yesterday!!

Mido: Hm! Rude! Doesn't anyone know how to respect authorities here? [Continues walking forward grumbling]

[Mido walks to the village entrance and crosses his arms irritated]

Mido: "Blah-blah-blah", bunch of complainers!

Saria's voice: Hi Mido!

Mido: [looks to the side and sees Saria looking] Aaaah!... [makes a confident pose] I mean... [confident tone] hi...

Saria: [looks strange] Ok... I need your help!

Mido: [excited] Really? I mean... [makes a confident pose] Really?

Saria: Yes...

Mido: Go ahead! And I'll do everything to serve you! After all, a leader does everything to cheer up his followers! This... is the right thing to do!

Saria: Great! Could you remind Link about our walk in the forest later if you see him around?

Mido: [worried] Walk in the forest?! You and Link?!? I mean... [smiles] okay, I can do that, all to make you happy!

Saria: Thank you, Mido! I knew I could count on you! Now I have to go get some leaves, see you later!

[Saria continues walking]

Mido: [makes a forced smile]

Mido: [looks serious] Link...

[Focuses on Navi looking around]

Navi: Hmm... where is he now?

[Then focuses on Navi looking inside a hollow trunk]

Navi: No...

[Then focuses on Navi lying in a soup while drinking with a straw]

Navi: Ah... deliciously no!

[Navi looks to the side and notices one of the Kokiri looking strangely while holding a spoon]

Navi: oh... sorry kid, but this soup already has an owner...

Kokiri: But, I had made it...

Navi: Get Ouuuuuut!!!

Kokiri: Aaaaah! [runs away]

Navi: He-he-he-he-he... [continues drinking the soup]

[Then focuses on Navi flying in the air, tired]

Navi: Hmnn... I've been searching for decades and nothing... [crashes into a wooden fence] Ouch!! Arg! Who put this stupid thing here!? [Looks to the other side of the fence and sees a house in a small tree] Ha-Ha! And only took me less than 5 minutes! I'm amazing indeed!

[Focus on the interior of Link's house, with drawings on papers scattered on the floor, wooden dolls positioned on the shelves, a table with a remaining milk in a wooden cup, and a hammock with Link, a fair-haired young boy with Kokiri clothes made of leaves and vines, sleeping]

[Navi suddenly enters, flying in all directions, knocking down the dolls and spilling the milk]

Navi: Wake up!!! Heeeeey Listen!!!!!

Link: Aaah! [Gets startled and falls to the floor]

Navi [spinning rapidly around Link]: Come-come-come-come! Come on! I don't have all daaaay!!!

[Link looks confused]

Link: Huh? What? Who?

Navi: [stops in front of Link] My name is Navi! But you can call me "the great assistant of the Deku Tree"! You must have heard of me, riiiiight?

Link: Uh... [shakes his head negatively]

Navi: Wow... what a [yells] UNINFORMED boy!

Link: [gets startled and falls backwards] Aah!

Navi: Now get going!!!

Link: What do you mean? Go where?

Navi: Look, quickly summarizing, the great Deku Tree summoned you, blah-blah-blah, let's go!

Link: The Deku Tree? Summoned me...

Navi: Come on!!! No time to TALK!!!

Link: [looks confused]

Navi: Hmm... you know what? I'll wait for you outside [flies out, bored] maybe one day you'll come out...

Link: [looks thoughtful and gets excited] The Deku Tree called me?

[Link runs quickly to the door and finds Navi waiting, lying on the fence]

Navi: Finally...

Link: I can't believe the great Tree is calling me!

Navi: [whispering] Yeah, I can't believe it either...

Link: What?

Navi: [gives a forced smile] Nothing! Let's just go!

[Link goes down the stairs and runs through the village]

[Link passes by Bibi]

Bibi: Hi Link!!! Have a great day!

Link [running]: I certainly will!!!

Bibi: [looks thoughtful] Wait, does Link have a fairy?

[Focus on Link running through the village]

[Link passes by Fado]

Link: Hi Fado! What are you doing?

Fado: Hi Link... phew... would you like to help me with these stones?

Link: Stones?

Fado: Yes, the show-off Mido made me remove them from in front of his house... again...

Link: Well, I really wanted to help but the Deku Tree called me...

[Navi looks irritated at Link]

Fado: Wow! That's okay then, it must be something important.

Link: But later you can count on me! [continues running]

Navi: Excuse me, but WHAT WAS THAT!?!?

Link: Oh, that's Fado, he's my friend...

Navi: Why did you tell him about your calling!!!?

Link: Huh? Wasn't I supposed to...

[Suddenly Mile enters in front of Link]

Mile: Link!!!!!

[Link stops, startled]

Link: Mile?

Mile: Tee ree! Link! [Notices Navi] Hmm! You have a fairy now?

Navi: Meeeeeh...

Link: Hehe... sort of...

Mile: Tee ree! That's incredible! Now you're not an "out of place" anymore!

Link: out of place?

Mile: Yeah, like... without a fairy, you didn't really belong with the Kokiri, but now...

Link: Huh? What do you mean "not belonging"?

Navi: Boy!!!

Link: Right! [Continues running] Bye Mile!

Mile: [waves, smiling] Bye!!!

[Focus on Link running]

Navi: Can't you run any faster?

Link [running]: Well, there was this one time that... [looks forward and sees Saria holding a bundle of twigs]

Link: Aaah!

[Link crashes into Saria, dropping her and the twigs on the ground]

Link: Uh! Saria! I-I-I'm sorry! [helps Saria get up]

Saria: He... It's okay, I'm used to being run over by your rushing he... [smiles]

Link: Hehe...

Saria: And what made you wake up so early today? Usually, you're the last to get up...

Link: Well... it's that...

Navi: [appears in front] None of your business!

Saria: Wow! You have a fairy?!

Navi: Ha... as if... I'm just here to guide him to the... none of your business!

Link: The Deku Tree summoned me!

Saria: [surprised] Hmm!

Navi: [facepalms]

Saria: Wow! That's more than incredible!

Link: Isn't it?!

Saria: Have you prepared your speech?

Link: My... speech?

Saria: Yes! Like, so you don't say something nonsensical or embarrassing in front of an authority, right? [Takes out several sheets from her bag] I have about 15 here that I made in case he summoned me, I can lend you one!

Link: Uh...what? [looks confused]

Saria: Also, you have to check your posture!

Link: Posture?

Saria: Yes! An upright posture is essential to demonstrate confidence and self-control!

Link: Hmm?

Navi: [looks at his posture] Hmm... interesting...

Saria: And the color of your clothes?! Are you going with the leaf green plus root green [stares at Link] or root green plus leaf green...

[Link looks confused]

Saria: Hi... I'm exaggerating the details again, aren't I?

Link: Not too much...

Navi: Totally...

[Saria smiles]

Saria: And how are you? Are you ready to see our great creator in person?!

Link: Of course! And maybe this is finally the chance for me to be recognized as a true Kokiri!

Saria: Yeah... ah... [looks discouraged] right... so I guess we'll have to cancel our walk in the forest today, right?

Navi: Yes, unfortunately!

Link: What!? Of course not! I'll go there quickly, and as soon as I return, we'll have the biggest forest walk of our lives!!!

Saria: Really?

Link: Yes! I promise!

[Saria smiles]

Saria: So go... I'll be here waiting for you... hm, as I always do!

Navi: Hmm... how slooooow!

Saria: Wow, your fairy is kind of impatient, huh?

Navi: What did you say!?!?

[Link gets in front of Navi, smiling nervously]

Link: Hehe, we'll meet later, Saria! [Starts to move away]

[Navi sticks her tongue out at Saria while flying with Link]

Saria: [laughs] I'll be waiting for you!

Navi: Finally...

Link: [stops suddenly] I forgot!!!

Navi: [ironically] What? Your mission?

Link: No! [Runs to his house]

Navi: Hey! Where are you going? Wait for me!! [Flies following Link]

[Continuing from the previous part...]

[Focus on Link opening a chest in his house]

Link: Let me introduce you to my... [takes out a wooden sword from the chest and raises it high] warrior's sword! Made from the most refined wood in the forest! The know-it-all brothers gave it to me!

Navi: Wow... Have you thought about getting a refined brain from them too?

[Focus on Link tearing a piece of bark from a tree]

Navi: Wow, what an excellent idea, Deku Tree, summoning the tree-destroyer boy...

Link: I'm not destroying! I just took a piece to... [strikes a pose holding the piece] my shield!!!

Navi: [looks ironically] Wow... I can't wait to see you testing that...

[Focus on Link entering the house]

Navi: So? Are you done?

Link: Almost! Just need my doll bag!

Navi: [looks ironically] Doll bag?! Are you what!? 11 years old?

Link: [smiles] Yeah! I am 11 years old!

Navi: [looks ironically] I'm lost...

[Link prepares the bag and closes it]

Link: [breathes] Okay... Let's go! [picks up the bag and walks towards the village exit]

Link: [Positions his sword] Yaaaah! [Makes an attack in the air] Aaaaiyaaah! [Makes another attack] Hehe...

Navi: [covering her ears] Wow... with these high-pitched little screams, any enemy will fall at your feet...

Link: Hey! I don't have high-pitched screams!

Navi: "Certainly not, kid, certainly not..."

[Link approaches the exit]

Link: Now, I just need to pass through the exit and...

[Mido appears in front, looking serious]

Link: Wow! Mido?

Mido: Where do you think you're going? "Fairy-less boy"?!

Link: I'm... going out?

Mido: Going out?! Ho-ho... it had to be you to say that! I don't know if you remember, but the Deku Tree said that anyone who left... WOULD DIE!!!!

Link: [looks around] But... the Deku Tree himself called me...

Mido: What?! Hahahaha... [keeps laughing]

[Navi and Link look ironically]

Mido: The Deku Tree? Really? You're not even a proper Kokiri hahaha...

Navi: Okay, I'm going to cast a spell on him...

Link: [steps in front] Nooo! Look, Mido...

[Mido looks ironically]

Link: Did you know that on the way here I saw Fado making the nose of your statue with carrots...

Mido: Do you really think I'll fall for that?!

Link: Well... if you don't want to believe me, it's not my fault... just don't say later that I didn't warn you!

Link: [looks smiling]

Mido: [looks suspicious]

Link: [looks smiling]

Mido: [looks uncertain]

Link: [looks smiling]

Mido: Noooooooo! [Runs away] Don't you dare destroy my perfect face!!!

Link: [smiles] See? [Runs towards the exit, smiling]

Navi: A spell would still be faster... [flies towards Link]

[Focus on Link running through the hills, laughing]

Navi: Wait a minute! Can't you run any slower?!

[Focus on Link, in the distance, running through the hills with the sun in the background passing between dense trees]

[Link passes through a group of butterflies, making them fly]

Link: Woohoo! He-heee!

Navi: Aaaah... [is pushed by the butterflies] [balances in the air and looks ironically] Argh... I feel like a babysitter!

[Link looks at the hill's descent and makes a confident look]

Link: Hehe...

Navi: What are you going to...

Link: [takes the shield and sits on it, sliding down the hill] Woooooohooooo!

Navi: You're going to end up breaking your face doing this...

Link: Nhaaa, I... [the shield hits a rock] Oh... [falls rolling down the hill] [stops lying on the grass] Ouch... [quickly stands up, excited] That was incredible!

Navi: [flies by] How you're alive until today? I have no idea...

[Link, smiling, approaches the entrance of the area where the great Deku Tree resides and looks strange]

Link: Is this...nhe...the great Deku Tree?

Navi: What tone is that? You speak as if it were...

[Navi arrives and looks surprised]

Navi: Oh...

[Focus on the Deku Tree with a pale color while surrounded by large, dark-colored thorny vines]

Navi: [worried] Deku Tree...

[Suddenly, everything goes dark...]



Forever and always...
