Yan Yan returned to Xiamen to attend Ning Xuan's graduation ceremony, and there was another matter he had to attend to in Xiamen.
Today, not only was Ning Xuan graduating, but so was Bao Bao's sister, Bao Meina.
Bao Bao originally planned to come back for the graduation, but Shen Xi fell ill, and they had to postpone their wedding.
Unable to return personally, Bao Bao had no choice but to entrust Yan Yan with delivering the graduation gift to Bao Meina.
The gift Bao Bao gave to Meina was definitely a grand gesture.
A crystal grand piano that had been custom-ordered a year ago.
It was made of real crystal and was indeed a real piano.
Not made of glass, nor was it a toy piano.
Yan Yan found Bao Bao's way of giving gifts astonishing, not merely because of its expense.
But more importantly, Bao Bao had spent a year researching what graduation gift to give, and then another year ordering and waiting for it.