He might die, after all, he is mortal.
Thinking of this made Ah Da shudder with fear, what she feared most was people leaving her side. Thousands of years long, they come and go; the old master's death made her cry for days, and separating from Bronze Sword, Little Pink Bottle, and Jade Pot also had her crying for days.
If Qin Yu died, she thought she would be sad too.
Ah Da's gaze at the black diamond-shaped wooden block on the floor became even more infuriated. She trotted over, bent down to clasp the block in her palm, and was about to crush it with force when suddenly the door behind her was flung open.
It was Qin Yu.
The light streaming in through the door crack just happened to illuminate Ah Da's figure, her hair as dark as ink, her white dress, her fluffy hair like a waterfall cascading behind her. She was like a lone lily standing in the darkness, exuding an astounding allure of a solitary beauty.