Ah Da took the clothes bag Qin Yu handed to her and softly thanked him, her heart flickering with fear due to her sneaking out.
Qin Yu didn't say anything more, only faintly stating, "Change your clothes. We're preparing to go back."
With that, he turned and left the room.
Ah Da knew that he had heard her previous conversation with Su Qingtong. Regarding her sneaking out, he definitely understood the reason. Could he really remain angry?
"I'm stepping out for a bit," Su Qingtong informed Ah Da before she too rushed out the door.
Outside, Qin Yu and Long Qi stood to one side and Su Qingtong halted her steps momentarily before walking straight towards Qin Yu.
"How much do you know about Ah Da's matter? And how much did she tell you?" Su Qingtong was impatient by nature and disliked beating around the bush, so she threw out all her questions at once.
Qin Yu smiled, his smile frightening as his narrow eyes squinted ever so slightly.
"Are you interrogating me?"