Amanda took the seat directly beside Ocean who sat opposite Sky. On the other hand, Mr Blake took the seat beside Sky which just made the whole situation all the more tense because now they were directly facing each other on opposite sides. Amanda could hardly keep her excitement in check even as everyone could see how happy she was.
"You know I've always wanted to go on a double date and now, it's happening." she chuckled, her hands circling the hem of Ocean's shirt.
Sky became uncomfortable seeing this because Amanda was getting too familiar with him even though she thought this was a harmless date but what was she thinking? Nothing about Ocean and Amanda was ever harmless. They had a past and that's never going to change.
"And it's so exciting and this is so unexpected. I'm really happy to be here." Amanda laughed.
Sky stared at Amanda but not in a grudging way but a way that told people that she didn't want to be even in a mile radius of where Amanda was. Irritation bubbled in her throat and she knew that if she didn't comfort herself, Amanda would find a way to use it against her. Sky couldn't believe that it was today of all days this was happening… A day that was a good time for her, having it with Ocean but now, Amanda was here to ruin everything. Sometimes, she totally forgot that Ocean had a love interest and that was Amanda and now, she appeared, ready to ruin my already perfect day.
"Why does she have to be here?" Sky muttered, too low for anyone to hear.
Ocean on the other hand was trying so hard not to stare at Amanda. Her hands were dangerously close to him, just within touching reach and it took all of his physical restraint not to touch her. She was a temptress, that much he knew but still, sitting in very close proximity with her after a very long time was doing things to his head.
"Would you like to order now sir?" the waiter asked, a dutiful smile on his face.
Ocean stared at Sky, a knowing understanding going through them. Sky knew then that it was time to act accordingly which made her sad but it needed to be done. In this transaction she was in with Ocean, there was no time for her feelings.
"What would you like to eat babe? I'll recommend taking the chicken fillet as I've heard it's tasty." Ocean smiled, giving her a small wink.
Sky didn't fail to notice the look of surprise on Amanda's face before it was quickly replaced by her normal look of indifference. And for the time being, Sky pretended that she and Ocean were really in love and they weren't bound together by any contract, a mere piece of paper. She wanted to revel in this moment for as long as possible.
"Okay love, I don't mind having anything but I'll leave you to it. Just get what you think it's best for the both of us." she smiled, winking back at him.
Still, deep down, Sky wasn't happy because she knew that Ocean was doing all of this to poke Amanda and to make it hurt her but at what expense? At the expense of her own happiness. We had been speaking normally, just casually before but with the presence of Amanda came an extra sweetness in him she had never experienced before. She didn't know how much more of it she could take. It was suffocating her with every minute that passed. But she knew she had no choice, she was paid to do this job and Ocean expected nothing but the best from her. She needed to act up the wife's duty without a flaw.
"Okay babe, your wish is my command." Ocean smiled.
From across the table, he took her hands in his, giving it a small kiss as Sky's eyes fell on Amanda's again and this time, what she saw on her face was a look of pain and hurt.
"Babe, what would you like to order?" Mr Blake asked Amanda, turning to face her.
Amanda pretended to think about this for a few minutes even though Sky knew deep within her that she already had her answer.
"I'll just have whatever Ocean and Sky are having," she smiled her sugary fake sweet smile.
"Okay, that's fine. I'll have the same as well." Mr Blake said, giving a small nod to the waiter.
There was a small silence around the table, each person immersed in their own thoughts. Sky couldn't deny the fact that she was very uncomfortable with the whole thing but what could she do? Her hands were tied.
"So Ocean, how did you and Sky get married? How did she even become your girlfriend? I really want to know your love story." Amanda chuckled.
At that moment, Ocean glanced at her and for what reason, Sky had no idea. Ocean didn't know if Sky had seen Amanda's hands on him but it was very clear that he was a bit uncomfortable with it. It wasn't something that freaked him out at that moment.
"Well.." Ocean began.
It was still clear that he didn't find it funny even as he tried to take her hands off him but still, as stubborn as she was, she refused to allow him to take her hands off him. Like an actress in a play, Amanda then turned to Blake, with a knowing look on her face, all the while, her hands were still on him.
"Babe, won't you like to hear the love story between Ocean and Sky? I'm sure it's something remarkable, something that either of them never envisioned."
"Of course darling, i'll love to hear all about it or better still, should we tell them about ours? I'm sure ours would be as lovely as their own." Mr Blake said, taking a sip of his wine.
"Well, it's a long story but my beautiful wife here came into my life at the moment I least expected. She really helped me in my dark moments and was there for me when no one was. She was my solace and I don't think I'd even be sitting here today if she wasn't there for me." Ocean continued, all the while staring at Sky.
"She's someone I can't leave without."
Sky's cheeks were flushed but she had no idea if these were sincere words or words to just taunt Amanda further. Ocean sounded so sincere to Sky and it made her believe that what they shared was real and genuine. His eyes were locked on Sky all through and it just felt like they were saying their vows all over again. He made her almost believe that everything was coming from his heart but if she hadn't known better, she would have fallen for it.
"Oh that's nice," Amanda clipped, her eyes never leaving Ocean.
Amanda proceeded to rub her thighs on him unknown to Sky and she could tell that Ocean was uncomfortable but she had no idea what was making him uncomfortable even as the waiter arrived with their orders.
"Oh good, let's eat." Mr Blake said.
As Sky was about to pick the fork from the table, it slipped past her hands, falling to the ground as she bent beneath to pick it up, her eyes landed on Amanda's fingertips rubbing his legs as her palms were securely placed on his lap, a sign of dominance which left Sky feeling very irritated about the whole thing.
Sky sat down properly, trying so hard to keep the tears at bay but she realized that she was losing the battle and without another word, she rose up from her chair.
"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." she said hurriedly.
Placing her napkin on the table, she practically sprinted towards the bathroom as her tears finally gave way.