Chereads / The Last Vampire Queen / Chapter 18 - Entering The Capitol

Chapter 18 - Entering The Capitol

The next day evening, Esther had woken up from her slumber to realize she had only been the one to have been left in the room, and it gave her some time to collect her thoughts

Esther realized her affections for her men were becoming a lot deeper then she had expected. Whether she had first either approached them or approached her.

Esther had a sense of feeling of wanting to help them, but specifically for her own gain.

The more time she spent with them, whether it was in there arms or just in there presence.

The more she herself is becoming more comfortable and more attached.

Esther never realized how lonely she had been or that this was something that she was even missing. Now that she was here, she feels the nature of her race is becoming more sensitive.

As Esther began to think about the possibility of crossing boundaries and accidently cutting off there lifelines was starting to become something she feared.

Esther remembered when her father was romantically involved with Lilith, that he had seemed to become weak. Esther was always annoyed at watching them flirt with each other and it made her sick when she would catch them in sexual acts throughout the palace. Not wanting to stand it anymore, she had murdered her father when Lilith had been away to meet with Arianna the Goddess of Light.

Now that Esther had been in the current world she resides in for past year. It had seemed. She began to realize her mistake, Esther wanted to protect her husbands.

So then Esther came to a conclusion and that was to pack up and leave.

As Esther felt she needed to distract her attention for a while, there were things she still needed to accomplish.

After a while, she realized no one had come to check on her. Whatever the case was, this was the best time to leave when they has there attention elsewhere.

Esther found some paper and a quail pin to write with. *To my lovely Husbands, I am sure that by the time you have found this note. I will be on my way to my nexf destination. As much as I would of loved to bring you all. There are things that I must accomplish on my own. But do not worry or fret, for we will meet again. Yours truly. Esther.*

As Esther had finished writing her note,Esther had looked back at the room that she had shared with her 5 men and realized it had expand. It was much better then when she first came there. It was exactly enough to fit 6 people all at once, and the room had been re decorated in her colors. Black and pink. That resembled her eyes and her attire.

Esther chuckled once more as she walked out to the balcony. She found raven who had been resting on the balcony and had climbed up onto her shoulder.

Esther for the first time, used her dragon wings and set off for the East.

After Thor and Dillon came back from training in a deserted woods and The twin dragons from a near by island that they had found. They were all greeted with a wet Zorion and a note.

As Zorion read the note outloud, Dillon thought about the night before and how she had fed on him. Although he tried to reassure her that was okay, he still sensed that she still felt guilty.

So Dillon spoke up about there affairs last night and once he had finished. The others understood.

When Killian and Kyrell first experience back at the Volcano they had trained on, they also couldn't help but taking by her as well.

Thor spoke up after he thought of an incident one of his ancestors had gone through. " There was a time generations ago, that when one of my kind lost there sense of reason in there wolf form. They too had gone too far and had accidently killed there mate. "

The reality hit everyone except for Dillon who didn't understand. The incident had once occured in there clans years ago. Zorion remembered the story of a certain mermaid and vampire. He knew he could also be just as poisonous to Esther..

Once everyone became in there resolve.

Killian and Kyrell realized there still some things they needed to accomplish, sure the palace was finished. But they felt it could need more. So they went back to the Dragon city. To finish what they could, so that Esther would be able to come back comfortably. Then they thought about there city. What about expanding they thought?

Thor who thought for a moment, Esther was right. There were still somethings that needed to be resolved, so Thor came to the conclusion of going north to find his brother.

After Thor's resolve is truly over, he will truly be able to continue to be by Esther's side.

While the three had gone, Dillon also had a resolve.

Dillon decided to take revenge. After he would finish his task. Only then he will come back to Esther, the spot that was rightfully his and to really serve her with his whole being.

Then there was Zorion. Who looked around at was once a place that was filled with her presence, now felt completely empty.

Zorion sighed to himself. " I still haven't made her my wife" as he chuckled.

He remembered the words he spoke to her, where there's water. He will be.

As Zorion looked around the place that had been in his house for generations. " I don't need it. " to him he would be happy in any home Esther would settle down in..

Zorion left the home to his staff and allowed them to take care of for the time being. Until he no longer needed it. He would send funds and continue helping those in his domain. But right now, his attention is focused on gaining more strength and power.

So Zorion hoped in the sea, and swam towards the east.

4 Months later,

Esther had reunited with her new sister Amanda, who lived in absolute fear ever since she moved in.

The day that Esther arrived, Amanda had just gotten back from one of the tea parties she had with a counts daughter.

Amanda was greeted by one of her maid's and had been told there was a new guest visiting her father in his parlor.

When Amanda went to see who it was, her heart sank as if she had been looking at a beast ready to attack her.

" Mandy!" Her father motioned for her to come in excitedly

" Come meet your new sister!, This is Esther" as he couldn't wait to introduce them

Amanda curved her lips a bit and let out a forced laugh. " ha...yeah, hello...sister. " As her face slumped back down to a frown

Esther who found Amanda's expressions pretty amusing,tried her best to hold in her laughter.

Esther stood up in clothes that actually belittled a noble woman. It was along light pink dress with white ruffles on the edge of her skirt, accompanied with white gloves while he her was braided to the side.

Once again, Amanda felt she was strikingly beautiful and boiled her skin. That not only she, but now her father was underneath her control.

Amanda perked once more, remembering there was a new slave they had just brought in., he like her sister also knew all kinds of magic who loved experimenting with potions and was incredible with inventing.

Amanda thought of the new brown hair and green eyed elf and began to feel excited. Once she had come to a realization, Amanda began to relax.

" Greetings, Sister Mandy" as Esther took out her skirt and courtesy.

Amanda who gave back the greetings with ease " Greetings sister Esther, now that you have met my father. Would you like to have a tour of your new home?" As Amanda smiled warmly at her new sister

" That would be lovely and then maybe afterwards you can also show me the capital, since your so good at showing me around? As Esther smiled back.

As Amanda guided Esther throughout her mansion. She introduced her to most of there staff, to her mother Rosalie McMillian. Amanda also showed Esther to almost everywhere except the basement, Esther's room and a certain one that has now

become forbidden.

Towards the end of the tour,, Amanda brought Esther down to the basement . " This has a familiar feeling to it, do you agree Mandy? " as Esther grinned

Amanda who had almost forgot who she had enslaved and began to hesitate to bring her any further.

Esther leaned in against Amanda's ear and whispered. " Why are you hesitating? Is it a welcome gift you have prepared for me?"

Amanda chills began to deepened " I beg your pardon? I have nothing planned. Besides I had no idea when you would be coming."

Amanda who was still hesitant, continued to proceed with her tour. Hoping it plays out in her favor

Moments later, Esther was led to a very spacious basement with a huge laboratory, a room to summoning magic with a huge hectagon symbol , a torture room that was similar to the one at Seacliff Beach.

Beside the torture room, looked as if it was someone living quarters. Only it was made into a small cell. There was bed that laid out on the floor and a dresser, and a mirror. Along with a black chain that had extended all the way into the laboratory.

There was a certain figure had been tending to some medicinal herbs.

Amanda had called out to him " Sylvian"

That was when a man with long pointy ears had turn in there direction.

Esther had met the eyes with eyes as green as jade, and his long sandy brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail was draped over to his shoulder and peached cream colored skin. He had a lean thin torso,and had seemed to be very fit.

Esther who thought she had gotten use to seeing attractive men, had thought this man resembled the forest. She had wondered how much more beautiful he would be in his element.

The only thing that seemed to stand out more, was the black chain wrapped around his neck.

" Sylvian, meet my new sister.. isn't she beautiful? " As Amanda perked up once more at

Sylvian had flinched when she called out to him, breaking his eye contact with Esther.

As Sylvian snapped out of his trance.

Amanda realized He was no different, she was pissed.

" Y...yes, she's very beautiful." As he bashfully blushed and looked back to the plants he had been attending to.

Amanda rubbed her eyebrows. " Well, I've had enough. Sylvian your done for the day, you may go back to your cell." As she pulled out a key

" Yes, Lady Amanda". As he bowed, glancing back at Esther before turning around

Esther who stood watched became annoyed at this scene.

If it's not Dillon, it's somebody else? Why?

Esther had thought about it.

"Just what are you trying to achieve?" As Esther thought outloud.

Before she knew it, Amanda had already locked Sylvian within seconds of meeting Esther.

If Esther wanted, she could of murderer everyone in this mansion if she wanted. Though she still wanted to observe Amanda some more...although...that didn't mean she was going to allow Amanda to completely have her way.

After Amanda guided her throughout the rest of the mansion, Esther was finally brought to her room.

Esther looked around and thought, it was too bright and flashy.

" Well thats it for the tour, now if you will excuse me. I have some matters to attend too." As Amanda took her exit.

Esther took a moment to scan there her thoughts. She needed to explore the city and to get to know its people, along with observing what Amanda is trying to accomplish.

What Esther knows from Raven is the Captial there in are full of human and that beast creatures and other living beings that other than human are highly looked down.

Before Esther even entered the city, she changed her form to look more human so that when she entered, Esther wouldn't become noticed.

Esther sighed to herself. " I guess it's not so bad to eat people food" although Zorion's cooking was the best she had ever had, Esther had thought.

Thinking back to her husbands, Esther had wondered if they had seen her letter and how they reacted.

Especially Dillon, She truly didn't mean to loose control. Esther just didn't know how to look him in the face.

Esther wished she had something pink to look at, When Raven sat in front of her.

" You know, Your husbands are a lot more understanding then you give them credit for. " As he crawled into Esther's lap.

" I know they are, I just couldn't help but imagine what would happened if I truly lost control? I don't even want to imagine finding there bodies without any life." As Esther looked down

" You love them, it's okay to admit that. They feel the same way, as of right now every single one of them has gone out to either achieve greater so that they can be rightfully by yourside or there trying to figure out how to make you even happier. " As Esther stroked Raven's fur.

" what about you? What if Lilith wants to take you away from me?

" Your worried about me?" As he side eyed her

" believe it or not, your also part of our family." As Esther stroked him some more.

" Well, Now that your husband number 6 had appeared.. your about to have the one appear as well. He will be visited this mansion in about 3 days for a marriage proposal meeting."

Esther blushed " Husband 6?? You mean the elf? What about the other guy? How do you know this?" As she looked away.

" Based on your data so far on the type of men you have chosen. These two also seem to fit your criteria." As he purred

Esther sighed. As she thought of her men that were working so hard, and then she came to a resolve. That is while there working hard to prove there worth for her, she too will also work hard to be worthy of there wife. Especially since she's about to bring in two more.

After thinking for a while, her habits of sleeping during the day are still as tense as they were before coming to the capitol.

So of course. Esther fell into a deep slumber on a bed that made her sink into the abyss.