Chereads / The Last Vampire Queen / Chapter 19 - Sylvian, The Elf.

Chapter 19 - Sylvian, The Elf.

When Esther had woken from her slumber, she had noticed that night had fallen once more.

Given Esther's nature, she has always started her days in the night. Though she knows, if she wants to get to know the capital where the humans roam. She needs to adapt to the times humans are awake.

Now that Esther had been awake, there was no way she would be able to go back to sleep. So she decided to wonder the halls that was the true home to Amanda.

After a few moments later of getting dresses in her usual night attire. Thought about going to see Sylvian and come up with a plan after conversing with him, before adventuring out.

Esther arrived at the basement a few moments later. Luckily there were no signs of Amanda. But there was a thick smell of blood circulating to the air.

Esther had followed the trace when she found Sylvian passed out on the floor of his cell with his half of his ear cut off.

Esther quickly walked up his cell, when she couldn't open the metal bar door. She had broke the door into pieces to get to him.

Esther noticed his unstable breathing and ripped off a piece of her dress and wrapped it around his ear.

As she did this, Sylvian began to open his eyes. Once it had become clear of it was that was tending to him he tried to speak.

" shouldn't be down here. If she catches you, you will be in trouble" as his expression deepened to concern for her

Once Esther finished tending to his wound and stopped the bleeding, she helped him get to his bed.

Esther helped to lay him down. As she was still towered over him. " I can get you out of here"

Sylvian very eagerly wanted to escape the so called Empire that was infested with humans.

Before being brought to work for Amanda, Sylvian and his kind never associated themselves with humans ot any other creature for that matter.

Sylvian's tribe only existed among each other. They were all very happy living in there forest. They were all very different from each other. As Sylvian name states, he is deeply connected to nature. The others others have vast wisdom and others are bestowed of the attributes of a warrior. While living in there tree houses

There had been a human who had entered there home and began to burn everything in site.

The woman had stated she was there on the Empress's orders and that if we wanted to spare out village, one of us would have to be sacrificed. So I made the decision to be the one to go. We had many great elves in the village. They have there roles they to fulfill, then there's me.

After being taken to the Empire, he was under the impression he was being sent to someone else.

When they arrived in the woman's home who had taken him, he realized she had an ulterior motive.

Sylvian was brought down to large dark space, that was filled with an unsettling atmosphere.

Lady Amanda revealed she needed him for power.

Sylvian only had earth magic, but he didn't want her to go back and kidnap the others. So he decided to focus on plant life he was also able to use alchemy. He could create all kinds of potions and was able to communicate with spirits.

So Amanda provided him with the things he could experiment with, and she created a garden for him. So there would be days where she would take him out so he could attend to his plants.

For a while, Amanda was happy with him. Although he was still chained in the space he lives in. He was granted access to the laboratory.

Amanda who didn't know when Esther would appear and briefly told him that she needed a potion that would paralyze her.

So the day Esther arrived, she was brought to the basement in hopes of eventually subduing her.

When Sylvian meet the eyes of pink eyed jewel woman. He felt as if his world had froze, he also sensed she was not human. There was no way she wasn't.

All he knew, was that his heart had been stolen the moment he had seen her, and Esther too had the same energy.

Of course, Amanda who had been tolerable up until Esther came to the home. Shortly became dark.

After Sylvian went into his cell, with Amanda leading Esther back up to the main floor. He had a feeling something eerie was about to happened. So his heart began to beat, signaling he was in fear.

Moments later, Amanda came back and opened his cell. As she entered Sylvian's cell with a grave expression. "Follow me."

Sylvian who remembered his sacrifice, stood up from his bed and followed Amanda to the torture room.

"Sit down on the chair" as she commanded

Once Sylvian sat down, his eyes remained on Amanda. Not knowing what she was going to do.

Amanda stepped closer to him, invading his space when she began to stroke his ears. She grinned " I hear the ears are the most sensitive on a elf's body."

Sylvian's face began to flush as began to pant from the heat he was feeling. Although he felt disgusted, it usually meant the one who caress his ears are a means to mate. But he didn't want to give in, and it showed.

"See, your feeling good. But why are you trying to reject? I can make you feel even better." As she continued to stroke

Sylvian bit his lip in order to spot him from ejaculated.

Amanda who had seen him be defiant, was angry. she grabbed his face, making him look up." Why? Is it because I'm not that bitch? What's so great about her? Sure she's beautiful and yeah she's crazy strong."

As Amanda started to vent " Now that crazy bitch is living in my home as if she owns the place. As if stealing my servant wasn't enough, you think I'm going to let snatch you too?" As she tightened her grip

" Your all so damn annoying. You all follow her like she's some sort of Goddess. " As her Dark Grey eyes looked to Sylvian.

" I can't let you become distracted" Amanda began cuff his hands in restraints that are specially made for creatures such as himself.

Along with strapping her legs to the chair so that he doesn't try to lash out and attack.

Once he had been secured, Esther went behind a desk that was in the torture room and took out some sharp gardening scissors and re approached Sylvian.

When Sylvian saw her with her scissors, he began to panic. " please.. anything but the ears" as he began to tear.

"Shut up. I don't feel like listening to your pleads "as she gagged him with a ball and scarf

Amanda committed the assault. Leaving Sylvian screaming in agnony and streaming uncontrollable tears. " The next time you do something that I don't like, it'll be your other ear."

After Amanda was finished, she had left him in the chair until he began to pass out.

Sylvian's did not know when he had been brought to his room, and how he ended up on the floor. But when had opened his eyes to see the beautiful Esther tending to him, he began to panic.

"I...I have to stay here" as his eyes began to cloud with worry as he looked up to the ceiling

Esther took out one of her potions to help with heal his wound, which he hadn't even noticed.

" you should drink this" As Esther handed out the potion.

Sylvian who looked in her hand could it was a very high grade potion. His eyes had grew "I can't take that" as he wanted to reach out to touch it but lacked energy to do so.

Esther who didn't realize he was trying to reject it. She placed her hand under his shoulder, to support him in her arms to feed him the potion.

Before Sylvian could even speak up. She had already placed it to his lips to pour the potion in.

As the potion ran down his throat, he tasted a very sweet and coppery taste that had just melted.

As soon as Sylvian finished every last drop, his ear had began to heal and what suprised him the most was that it had grown back.

Sylvian brought his hand to his ear as to confirm and his tears began to flow. He looked back to his savior. " " he asked

Esther placed her hand to his forhead to confirm he has a fever.

" Before I answer that, you need to rest" as she gently caressed his hair behind his ear.

Before Sylvian could oblige, Esther spoke up once more " But not here." As she wiped his tear

Right as Esther said that, she took his chains that were connected to neck and shattered it to pieces.

Sylvian who become tired due to his fever, widened his eyes due to her move.

As Esther picked him up in a princess carry position she had told him to close his eyes and to get some rest. " I will protect you" as she smiled gently to him.

So Sylvian fell asleep as he was told

The very next morning.

Amanda had woken up from her slumber, she had called her maid to help her get ready for the day.

Once Amanda was dressed and ready to go, she made her to way to the dinning hall for breakfast.

As Amanda opened the double doors and entered the room, she had seen Esther dining with her mother and father.

Amanda thought this was a scene she could never get use to. Thought never the less, she sat down next to her mother and across from Esther.

Amanda had noticed everyone was in a strangly good mood, as she looked at her father. " Good Morning Father, is there some sort of good news? "

" Ah, Yes. I was just explaining to Esther, the Crown Prince of the Empire will be here tomorrow. I was wanting to see how she felt about becoming his fiance?"

" WHAT?" As Amanda had been stunned.

" Doesn't that sound lovely, Mandy? As Amanda's mother asked.

" What about my opinion?" As Amanda scrunched her face.

Amanda grew up with Ethan. Along side the Duke's daughter Francesa, who was also known as The empire's Saint. The only known wielder to light magic.

Ethan had no choice but to mingle with the two daughters, so even though he was made to come and visit. He was always distant.

Although Ethan had always remained cold, Amanda and Francesca always felt as if they were rivals. They had both completely in love with his ebony hair and purple eyes, not to mention his cold attitude. Everyone once in a while the girls would either pretend to trip or cry to get his attention.

Amanda had wondered if there was a chance if Ethan would be cold to Esther as well.

The more Amanda thought about it, the more relaxed she became.

Amanda became composed as she started eating her breakfast " That's a wonderful idea"

Esther who had seen Amanda become relaxed, had wondered she had been planning.

After breakfast had ended, Amanda had was about to head out when Esther had stopped her. " Sister, Would you happen to have any plans at the moment? "

" Ah, yes I am about to go meet some friends at a Cafe in now. If you need anything, you can just ask a maid." As Amanda made it know that Esther was not invited.

" Friends?" As Esther grinned

As Amanda had an eerie feeling. Before she could reject " Oh.,that sounds like a lovely time. I too, would love to meet some more people. You'll allow me to accompany you. Won't you?" As Esther asked

Amanda remembered that she never been to the capital before, so as she thought about it. She became enlighted. " Alright, I'll allow you to come."

What Amanda didn't know, Esther who had rescued her other slave, brought him out to live in a cottage on the outskirts of the city.

It was nice little place, not only was there lake..but the cottage had been sitting in a secluded area in the forest, with a huge garden for him to use.

Esther who hadn't spoke a word about it. Wondered when she would noticed Sylvian was gone.

Thought she didn't want to spoil it, so Esther decided to play along with Amanda that day.

In just a couple of hours, Esther was about to meet The Empire's Saint.