Chereads / The Last Vampire Queen / Chapter 12 - Dillon Bennett, The Dark Prince

Chapter 12 - Dillon Bennett, The Dark Prince

After Amanda had Dillon bring Esther in there underground torture room.

Amanda instructed Dillon to set up Esther up in the room, while she went to change into her riding clothes

As Amanda went out , Dillon carried Esther into the room and strapped her down into the chair as he mumbled an apology.

Once he had finished his task he noticed Esther had been awake, watching his every move. " You've been awake?" As he was startled.

"Well, if I hadn't been I wouldn't of seen your handsome face up close" As Esther met his sky blue eyes, while his cheeks began to blush

" I really had hoped you wouldn't of came here. Although I was excited to see you for selfish reasons, I didn't want this for you. Tonight at midnight, perhaps I can see the key and help you escape." As Dillon tried to look away

Oh I planned on coming here anyways. I knew she was up to something and at the very least , I wanted to make sure you were alright." Esther as she gazed warmly at him

" Me...why would you want to check on me?" As Dillon became taken back by her genuine concern for him

" The last time I saw you. You were almost forced to perform some special service to your master infront of the whole guild hall and on top of that,I saw some of your markings as you were about to leave." As Esther pointed out bluntly

"Th..that you needn't to worry about. I'm truly alright." As he looked back up to her with smile hiding his shame

Esther sighed " what if I kidnapp you from here? Would you come back or would you stay with me?" As she gave him a serious look

"K..kidnap?" As he began dreaming about the possibility when they were interrupted by Amanda entering the room

" Yes Miss Esther, would you mind clarifying what you just said? As Amanda smiled at the two, approaching closer.

" You heard me right, it's just that you kept mentioning how much Dillon likes me when I to have also become fond of him. So why not let me take him off your hands? Besides he would be in much better care if he were to go with me."

" Ha! You are so funny Miss Esther, first you took the item that I wanted. Now your teasing me about taking what's mine!" As she placed her hand over her eyes

"Well, it's really all about what Dillon wants. If he chooses to stay here with you. Then I will respect that and mind my business. I just believe I can provide a better life for him" As Esther glanced at Dillon who started tear up

Amanda looked back at Esther. " Your such a slut. You already have 3 handsome men at your beck and call. What can Dillon do for you? Breath?"

" He doesn't have to do anything or he could do anything he wanted. I believe Dillon is actually a very special person and taking him out of here will bring him to higher heights" as she glanced back the ball of pink, starting to sob uncontrollably.

In his heart, he wanted exactly that. All his life he had been betrayed, abused physically and sexually. Whether it was by the family who sold him or the new Master he was serving. He just wanted to find someone kind, and someone who wouldn't abandon him. So he thought his place was next to Amanda's.

Fearing she would abandon him, he would obidently allow her whip him silently or would perform sexual acts on her, even though he had been so repulsed by her.

When they went to the guild hall that day. Dillon was the first one who had seen Esther for the first time. He couldn't help peel his eyes off of beauty that had stirred something in him. Then once Amanda started to turn in the direction that he was looking, she too had begun to fancy her.

After the meetings they had. Amanda would immediately make him perform oral sex to her and when she tried to get him to fuck her, he wasnt able to make himself erect.

So Amanda became frustrated and would beat him where no one would be able to see.

Dillon tried to push down his longing feeling when he saw Esther. He too, wanted to be around her. Embracing the warmth she radiates.

When they saw her again here in the Seacliff City. He was so excited that he had nearly forgotten who was infront of him.

Now that Esther has come to welcome him to her side, he wanted to accepted without any hesitations but he felt that would of only put her I'm danger had he of said yes.

"Ugh...this disgusting thing. I almost want to kill him, but then I fear I would miss him" Amanda said outloud

"Or" As Esther freed herself from her spot, closing the gap between her and Amanda. As she curled her nails underneath her chin.

" I can just kill you" as she caressed Amanda's neck.

Amanda became fearful when Esther appeared right infront of her without being restrained " please don't do th..that, I won't bother you anymore" as she shut her eyes

"You know really smell, very delicious. It would be ashamed to kill you today. So I think I I will keep you alive" as she started to kiss her neck

"Re..really?" As Amanda started to sweat

Esther laughed " of course, but in return I want you to make me apart of your family. You will have your family adopt me so that I can have a noble background in this world. In addition, you will give me Dillon if he so desires too" Esther started to lick her neck as her hand supported the back of Amanda's head

"' As Amanda gasped

" Yes that's right, you did say you wanted to bring me home so that we can play together. Did you not? As she said in a low voice

" okay..d. .done, I'll speak to my father when I go back home to the capital"

" That's a good girl, now hold still" as Esther pierced a vein that looked healthiest among the rest, causing the blood to flow into her mouth.

Amanda started to scream and flail. But wasn't able to fight her off due to there different strengths. Causing Amanda to eventually fall asleep.

Once Esther had her fill, she departed with Amanda and found a piece of fabric to tie around her neck.

She looked back at Dillon who wasn't able to look away at what had just happened.

" Do you have a handkerchief?" As she smiled

Dillon quickly handed her his cloth, so she could clean off her lips " she'll be fine, she just needs to rest"

" Miss Esther, what you had said back there. If it was true, if you will have me. I want to go with you. So whatever it is you wish for me to do, I will do it." As Dillon became hopeful

Esther placed her hand in to his cheek" Even if I have blood on my hands?" As she gave a light smile.

" That doesn't matter to me, besides my own hands are also not clean. Since I can remember, I'm able to use dark magic." as he placed his hand over hers.

For the creature he had just witness feeding off of his old master, didn't even phase him. To him he felt humans were the worst creatures, if it were up to him. He would gladly give his own life to the beautiful Goddess that just rescued him from his own hell

" from now on, you are also mine. From here on out, you will not choose another master or lover. Will that be okay with you? If not, now is your chance to run." As ran her finger down his neck

" I swear myself to you this day, and days coming forth you will always have my loyalty, my undying respect and if you will ever want to have me my body." As Dillon's body heat began to rise from her touch

" None of that matters if I don't have your heart" As Esther gently stroked his hair out of Dillon's face to meet his eyes

Dillon wrapped his arms around her in a embrace that had just welcomed him " But, you've had my heart the moment i saw you."

She tilted his chin once more " Then we better get going." As she planted a kiss on his forehead while Dillon came into a trance. That was just basked in her affections

Esther walked over to Amanda and had placed the money to buy Dillon with, next to her face and then the two headed out.


" Let's go find that Inn" as Esther's other lovers tried to reach her.

She took in all of there calls and told them what happened.

The twins are still in the middle of building and the wolves had showed up and are helping as well.

Thor will reach Seacliff City, in about 2- 3 days

Moments later, Raven came out and gave Esther a run down on the person she had brought in .

Raven decided to use telepathy to prevent Dillon from listening in on them

*So, my data has shown some very unique results about Dillon. It says he was the prince of the underworld in his past life. That is why he is able to use dark magic as he had said.*


Esther who had a feeling about him. Didn't even come close to what she was guessing he was.

Esther had guess, who he would become once they become one. King of the underworld.


After Esther's shocking discovery, the two went to check in to an Inn she had found.

Once Esther cleaned herself of all the blood, the passersby of course, questioned her like crazy.

She must of killed someone right? They all thought

As Esther and Dillon rested at a nearby Cafe, some knights came to pull her aside for some questioning. Luckily they were human, so Esther was able to use mind control easily.

She compelled them into thinking that she was attacked by a monster outside of the city, and right before it could land an attack. She sliced it across its neck, causing the blood to spray and had unfortunately gotten on her.

Once she relayed her story, her attention turned back to Dillon, her new companion.

" would you like a coffee, or some tea? Perhaps maybe your hungry?" Before Esther could call a staff member over to order

Realizing he was standing infront of the table. " sit down with me" As she gestured him.

"I am your slave now though. I am perfect fine where I am, my lady." As he kept glancing at the place next to her

Esther sighed " Well, if you put it that way. I am ordering to you to sit down then. How can I have a conversation with you, when your all stiff. Now join me" as she patted the seat next to her

Dillon quickly obliged and sat down no longer hesitating.

" Now. Answer my next question, what would you like?" As Dillon's face turned red, and began to bashfully blush, he looked down and said " i..I'll have some rose milk tea with strawberry shortcake, lady" as he fiddled his hands

Esther finding his expressions adorable " Are you fond of sweets?" As Esther chuckled at her bashful companion

" i..I love sweet things, sometimes when Lady Amanda was in a good mood. She would allow me to have her leftovers. Out of things she gave me, I've had a fond a fondness of desserts" as he glanced up to Esther who's gaze had never left

"Oh my. it seems I will have to do better then Mandy then" as she chuckled.

Esther waved over the person to take there order, and had ordered all of the cakes that were in the shop along with the tea Dillon had requested.

" lady?" As his eyes widened at her order

"Well, I won't allow Mandy to outdo me. I want you try the different desserts until you find the one you fancy" as she smiled at him

"W...why? Why would you do that for me? I'm just a slave. I'm okay with just being by yourside My, lady." As he started to look down once more

Esther lifted his chin with her finger and thumb, so that his eyes couldn't escape her gaze

" I am taking responsibility, since I claimed I would take better care of you now that you are mine. So, well you allow me the chance to do that?." As she closed the distance between them

"I..I am not worth it though. I don't want to be a burden to you" as he couldn't turn away from her pink Jewels

"The moment you looked my way, your burdens became mine. Now that you are in my grasp, my burdens have become yours as well. So you have a responsibility to accept all that is mine, starting with you choosing the desserts you will become fond of. Even if it's all of them, I do not care. Let me take care of you." As her thumb started stroking his bottom lip

Dillon's body began to heat up once more, beginning to stirr his desires for her and began to loosen up his walls and accept her kindess " Y...yes my lady, I will no longer resist your generosity."

" Esther" as her eyes turned to a a seductive predator, ready to capture her prey. She glanced at his lips and spoke again. "Call me Esther, Dillon"

As the staff started to bring out there order.

Esther had released Dillon, who's heart was about to pop out of his chest.

Once all the plates were laid out and the tea was set down. The staff had bowed and left the couple.

" M...miss Esther" as Dillon blushed even harder as he looked up " T..thank you!" As he scrunched his face.

Esther chuckled as she watched him take his first bite of a lemon meringue pie dessert, his expressions lightened up with excitement.

" So cute" as she watched him enjoy his food as she sipped some tea


After a while, Dillon had finished most of the plates and decided to pack up the rest he hadn't touched to hand out to some of the ones they had seen, asking for something to eat from the passersby.

Before Dillon stood up.

Esther took her thumb, and wiped off a piece of the strawberry shortcake he had just tried off his mouth and brought it her lips to taste as he couldn't look away.

" I think it might a little too sweet for my taste, though I'm sure you'll taste even better" as she kept her eyes on his with a curved smiled

" Pl...please don't tease me, Miss Esther." As he looked away.

Esther took his hand into hers as they left the Cafe " Who says I was teasing you?"

Dillon started to realize what his feelings for her. Not only was he longing for the freedom she could possibly give him while admiring her. He too, along with her other lovers began to desire her. The more she teased him, the more excited he was becoming.

They were feelings he never even felt for Amanda before. But for now, he decided to keep his feelings at bay