Revolutionary guards brought Cindy to their base which was a farmhouse located somewhere in the forest. They treated her like their newly crowned queen. Mr. Lejjari, a young warrior, the commander of that hundred-men brigade, made a special chamber for her with royal decoration and he assigned the five youngest soldiers for her service.
"You are our queen." Commander Lejjari came to her chamber and said. "Our holy angel, allow me to kiss you. For the last several months we have been fighting restless, we were leading a horrible life among the fire and smoke. We did not know the passing of day and night. We were fighting to kill and be killed. But today, this is the day of peace for us. We could finally reach the garden of an angel where we will not hear the roaring of death and we will not smell the grave. Our war phobia has disappeared from us. Let me light the Alter of love for you my darling. We were living under the shadow of death. No happiness consoled us until we see you. Finally, we could touch an angel of love and lust. Please bless us with your beauty. We are the warriors liberating people from the dark world of man-made horrible ideologies."
"Please let me tell you the truth." She said. "I am a devotee of God. No one allowed me to touch unless he married me. If you want to touch me, you should follow the order of God, just marry me." She said.
Lajjari and his followers laughed horribly.
"We don't believe in the bondage of the marriage," Lajjari said. "We believe in Pleasurism, the true ideology that can console mankind. It will be the healing remedy for all problems of the human being. This would be the ultimate solution to our crisis. We are going to implement this ideology in this country for the sake of the people. We will prove the fact that pleasure is not a time-passing fun of capitalism. It would be the base of human life. Pleasure is a light of life. Without this light, socialism is incomplete. My lovely, come on and join in our Pleasurism, the true ideology of the civilized society." Commander said and hugged her.
She tried to prevent him. In that defense fight, she managed to use her secret finger ring weapon given by her late spymaster husband. That was a finger ring having a blue stone of deadly chemical compound. If it rubs on the skin, severe burning and itching will occur. That Spy Ring was a birthday gift from her husband who was a chemist and worked in various government spy projects.
While the commander tried to kiss and hug her, she used her weapon, the ring. She rubbed the stone of the ring on his body well. Commander Lajjari did not notice it As he continued his action of romance, she used her weapon very well. She rubbed it on his face, neck, arms and other visible parts of his body then she called God.
"Oh, Lord please save me from this sin."
Commander and his fighters laughed at her prayer.
Suddenly, commander Lejjari quit her. He felt some itching on his body. The deadly molecules of the stone of the spy ring started their job. They made the sensation of itching and burning on the skin of the commander. In that horror titillation of chemical molecules, the commander jumped roaring. The horrible treatment of the spy molecules gave him some enormous pleasure. He started to scratch everywhere on his body. When it became too severe, his two hands were not enough to scratch. To survive that burning, he jumped and scratched like a rock n roll dance, rolled over the floor, and made beats on his body.
All possible things he did to get rid of the trouble, but he did not get any relief.
"My body is burning and my dick is melting." He shouted and cried like a little kid.
"This is the curse of God because you tried to trespass the order of God." She said
"Holy lady please forgive me and help with a remedy to cure this hell. I am a fighter but it would be more than a nuclear war for me. Oh my God, I am dying." He screamed and begged for her mercy.
"First you declare your promise to God that you will not touch me until you marry me." She said.
"Ok. I am declaring my promise to God. Oh Lord please forgive me. I will not touch her against your will."
"Put him in the salt water for five hours. Then only this sin will be moving away from him." She told.
His soldiers dipped Lajjari in a bathtub filled with salt water. When Commander Lejjari got some relief after being dipped in the salt water, he called his assistant and told him in a low voice.
"Go and bring a priest for the marriage. We should not be the losers. I want to conquer her territory."
"Are you going to marry her?"
"Yes, but not only me, we all are going to marry this holy angel. She will have a hundred and one husbands and we will enjoy our holy feast tonight."
The Deputy Commander and some of the guards rushed out to for a priest.