Kendrik, Jakob, and Mikeal's journey had just begun, but Kendrik's injuries threatened to derail their progress. After escaping the infirmity and attending the council's secret chambers, Kendrik's wounds reopened. Mikeal carried him back, concern etched on his face.
At the infirmary, the nurse rushed to Kendrik's side. "Where did you find him?" she asked, tending to his wounds.
Mikeal hasitated. "He found us. How bad is he?"
The nurse's expression turned grim. "If he walked here alone, he'd have lost what little blood he had left. He could have died."
Kendrik's condition worsened, his body rotting, breathing laborer.
Mikeal faced a difficult decision: leave Kendrik behind for medical attention or risk his life by taking him along.
"Leave him with me, Prince Mikeal," the nurse assured. "I'll give him the best care."
As Mikeal exited, Kendrik grasped the nurse's hand, still unconscious. " have something."
The nurse tried to free herself. "Prince Kendrik, you're badly hurt. I can't let you go."
The nurse's eyes locked onto Kendrik's determined gaze.
"Prince Kendrik, please, you must stay," the nurse reasoned.
Kendrik's determination intensified. "If you won't help, I'll leave as I am."
The nurse tried to restrain him, but Kendrik persisted, his eyes resolute.
"But you might die!" she warned
"Then so be it," Kendrik replied, his voice firm.
He took slow, painful steps, using the nurse for balance.
The nurse realized Kendrik's resolve was unshakable.
"Fine!" she exclaimed. "There's something I can do, but promise me you'll return before your condition worsens."
Kendrik's face lit up with relief. "You have my word."
The nurse swiftly prepared a small pouch.
"The contains a concentrated healing potion," she explained. "It will help the bandage stabilize your condition temporarily, but it's not a cure."
Kendrik took the pouch, gratitude in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
The trio ventured deep into the mysterious forest, it's towering green trees and enchanting grass mesmerizing. Kendrik led the way, consulting the Map of Fate. He unfolded the yellowish paper, after a few seconds, the forest's layout materialized.
Unlike Jakob's eerie vision, Kendrik's revelation showed the same serene landscape surrounding them. The map labelled it: "The Forest of Temptations."
"What do you see?" Jakob asked, peering over Kendrik's shoulder.
Kendrik's gaze fixed on the map. "We're standing in the Forest of Temptations."
As they navigated the winding paths, Kendrik carefully followed the map's guidance. The Map of Fate recorded their every step, its creases and markings shifting to reflect their progress.
Mikeal observed, "This forest seems... untouched. No signs of darkness or danger."
Jakob's eyes narrowed. "That's what worries me."
Kendrik's focus didn't waver. "The map will reveal what we need to know, when we need to know it."
Tomaso and the recruits followed closely, vigilant and silent.
The forest's tranquility belied an underlying tension, as if the very trees watched the group's every move.
Kendrik led the group through the Forest of Temptations, but suddenly, the Map of Fate transformed the landscape. The lush green trees withered, leaves crumbling like autumn's decay. Blackened grass seemed to smolder.
Kendrik spun around, alone. His companions vanished.
A leafy curtain rustled, revealing a hand reaching out.
"What's happening? Where am I?" Kendrik's voice trembled.
The Map of Fate revealed: The Lust Forest, where deepest desires manifest. Your desire: Leone and the Mark of Cleanse.
A nearby pond churned, a figure emerged, crawling through gooey waters. A young woman, Leone's age, wore a tattered wedding dress. Her gooey, dirty flesh sent shivers.
"Kendrik, marry me! Marry me!" she begged.
Kendrik tried to flee, but baby-like creatures grasped his legs.
"Daddy! Daddy!" they shrieked, biting Kendrik's legs. Black blood oozed.
The pond lady crawled, arms wide open.
"Look at me, please!" she implored.
Kendrik shut his eyes, but she grasped his face, forcing him to face her. A wet, hairy mass spewed from her mouth.
Kendrik was submerged, the pond lady on top, her hairy mass spewing into his face. He struggled, desperate for air, but the water pressure overpowered him.
Refusing to give up, Kendrik practically searched his pockets and found the nurse's pouch. He opened it, releasing the magic potion, which blinded the pond lady.
Seizing the opportunity, Kendrik broke free and swam to the surface. Gasping for air, he crawled out and sprinted away, fearing the pond lady's pursuit.
Blindly, Kendrik ran, his heart racing, until a familiar sight halted his frantic pace: a castle identical to his family's.
Hope and relief drove him toward the castle gates. He burst through, slamming them shut behind him, and collapsed against the wooden bars, panting.
Kendrik's exhaustion deepened, his battered body screaming for respite. The wounds that had barely begun to heal now threatened to reopen, fresh blood seeping through the frayed bandages. Each labored breath sent sharp pains coursing through his chest, and his legs trembled beneath him.
Kendrik frantically searched his bag for the nurse's pouch only to recall using to escape the pond lady. "The Map of Fate!" he exclaimed, rummaging through his belongings again.
He spilled everything out, scouring each item, but the map was gone.
Kendrik slumped, defeated, his wounds reopening.
Just then, the castle gates burst open, and Mikeal stumbled in, panting and trembling.
Kendrik sprang up, fists clenched, ready to defend himself.
But as Mikeal turned, Kendrik's fear dissolved into relief.
"Mikeal! Oh God, thank you, you're okay!" Kendrik exclaimed.
Mikeal's eyes widened, scrutinizing Kendrik's battered face.
"Kendrik, is that really you?" Mikeal asked, hesitant.
Kendrik's concern shifted to Mikeal. "Yeah, buddy, it's me. What's going on? Are you okay?
Mikeal engulfed Kendrik in a tight hug.
"Oh, thank you, Lord," Mikeal whispered, holding Kendrik as if he'd never let go.
Kendrik freed himself from Mikeal's tight hug, concern etched his face. "Where's Jakob and the recruits?"
Mikeal's expression turned puzzled. "Jakob? Recruits? I thought they were with you!"
Kendrik's worry deepened. "You don't remember? I was leading us to the Forest of Temptations."
Mikeal's confusion intensified. "I have no idea what you are talking about."
Kendrik's alarm grew. "What do you mean? You were with me!"
Mikeal took a deep breath. "I was leading us, Kendrik. We were in the Desert of Truth and Time. Time stopped for us; we ceased to exist. I got separated from you and the others during a that looked like my father's face.
Kendrik's eyes widened, incredulous.
He shared his own tale, of the Forest of Temptations' dark transformation into the Lust Forest, where he faced and pond lady's gruesome desire.
Mikeal listened intently, his expression reflecting horror and understanding.
"It seemed we faced our deepest fears," Kendrik concluded.
Mikeal nodded gravely. "And lost the map."
Their gazes met, a silent understanding passing between them.
Kendrik and Mikeal stood in silence, broken by the sound of someone struggling to enter the castle. The person pushed around pulled, but the doors wouldn't budge.
Mikeal quipped. "Maybe it's your crazy pond girlfriend?"
Kendrik retorted, "More like your big-heated father looking for you."
Their attempts at laughter fell flat, given their dire situation.
The person outside stopped trying to force entry and began knocking. The silence that followed was impressive.
"We should find something to defend ourselves," Kendrik suggested.
Mikeal scanned the area, finding nothing suitable. He smiled mischievously and hid behind Kendrik.
"I have you," he whispered.
Just then, the castle gates burst open, and Jakob stumbled in, panting, accompanied by a few recruits.
"Jakob!" Kendrik and Mikeal exclaimed in relief.
Jakob's serious expression turned to relief. "Thank the gods! We thought we lost both of you."
As they reunited, Kendrik noticed the recruits were battered and bruised.
"What happened?" Kendrik asked.
Jakob's eyes clouded. "The Cemetery of Evil. We got separated...I thought I'd find you again."
Mikeal stepped forward. "We have our stories to share."
The group's reunion was tinged with a mix of relief and foreboding.