"As long as there exist people who are being protected, there exists weakness, and there exists a weak spot, and safety is not guaranteed."
A week before the day when the Light chooses its bearers, widely known as Selection Day, where every person who turned 17 goes and touches the Essence, the entity the created life as they know it, in hopes of being blessed by it's Light and granted a ring to protect Orsus their home they cherish, Trise, an Emperor Candidate with the ability of divine revelation believed by many across the land to be the word of the Essence—and which earned her the name of "God's Tongue"—saw a prophecy that echoed through the land and caused a ruckus. Although some called it propaganda and lies, most believed and feared the prophecy as it came from God's Tongue.
She stated: "A Prophet will come, one born of two antithetical energies, and will be the last bearer of a ring, he will be the end of our world and will be the bearer of a new one. Shall you follow the Prophet, you'd meet your demise following the Light. Shall you defy him, you'd meet your demise following the Bright Dark."