Six days had passed since Runa arrived in this world.
Now, she found herself sitting at an improvised desk, occupying the position of village chief. The transition of power had been swift and forced following Fimas's death. The wood of the desk was rough, and leaves from the trees hung from the ceiling, casting soft shadows as she mentally reviewed the situation.
Runa: Aaaaah...
The sigh escaped her lips, reflecting her frustration. She had been swept away by emotion and convinced the elves to take up arms to defend themselves. While this aligned with her true desire to control this world, Runa realized her mistake: she had chosen the wrong initial allies. The elves lacked warriors, as most of their population consisted of women, and they also had no military training or strategic knowledge. It was almost a miracle that they had not been enslaved by the empire until now.
Moreover, Fimas had been murdered the night after the Zhyrithia attack. She didn't know who the assassin was, but this confirmed her suspicions that there was a traitor in the village. Runa had already sensed it when the Zhyrithia found them so quickly after they had moved to this vast forest. Leaving this matter unresolved would bring no good; however, it wasn't necessary to worry too much since any assassination attempt would be futile against her with her current strength. At least she wouldn't have to fear meeting the same fate as Fimas.
In the past few days, Runa had worked tirelessly. She used her strategic knowledge to set traps around the forest and prepare some elves for battle. She also organized better care for the injured. It doesn't mean that she had extensive knowledge in these areas, but she certainly managed the situation better than the villagers. Despite all her efforts, the village was still far from having the military power necessary to face the Zhyrithia.
If they had to confront the empire, they would lose. If they fought against a battalion of well-trained soldiers, they would lose. Even against the Zhyrithia tribe or a group of mercenaries, defeat would be almost certain. Of course, Runa could go alone and massacre them all with her power, but a government based on a bunch of useless people who depended on her made no sense.
She sighed again.
Runa: Well, there are still strategies to be used with weak troops and a strong unit.
Her mind drifted to an ancient strategy game in which she had excelled before encountering Runes and Worlds. The key was not to have brute strength from the beginning but to know how to leverage limited resources and a single strong piece to change the course of the battle.
She looked out the window, watching some elves training with makeshift bows and spears. There was no time to complain. She knew that if she wanted to conquer this world and not just survive in it, she would have to start from the ground up. The elven village was her first step.
She couldn't get lost in her thoughts. Soon, she would have to face her worst enemy since arriving in this world. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.
Lynell: Runa-sama, may I come in? I brought you lunch.
Runa: ...
Lynell: Runa-sama?
Runa: Another mushroom soup?
Lynell: This time it's different. I added some spices and a little salt.
Runa: Wait... where did you get the salt? Fine, just leave it there; I'll eat it later.
She had tried everything to avoid the terrible cuisine of the elves. She had even attempted to hunt wild beasts, but without knowing how to prepare the meat, it ended up being worse than the mushroom soup. Her body was crying out for some meat or, at the very least, something sweet. She urgently needed to go to the human city; otherwise, she felt her brain would spoil from malnutrition.
Lynell: By the way, Runa-sama, how are the preparations going?
Runa: Not very well. We're short on personnel for the attack, and most of the warriors are still injured.
Lynell: That's...
Runa: However, there are still several attack methods that don't rely so much on strength. I almost have all the preparations ready; I just need to confirm the power of our enemies.
Lynell: As expected of Runa-sama, you always have a solution for everything.
Runa knew that the injured would take more than a week to recover, but she couldn't waste her limited potions on subordinates who barely qualified as military assets. Few people in the village were useful to her, and the time before the next attack was likely running out. She had to get to the human city as soon as possible, or her delusional plans would have no future.
Runa: Lynell, I will be leaving the village tonight to go to the human city. Do you happen to have any of the coins that humans use?
Lynell: Please wait, Runa-sama! It's dangerous...
She looked at her sternly, not allowing anyone to tell her what to do, even if it was for good intentions. She had decided that no one would influence her decisions in this life. By now, the elf's attitude, worrying so much about her and getting excited over anything she did, was getting on her nerves. She had saved her, and for some reason, she had grown too fond of her, which, if she had still been a man, might have touched her. But now, in Runa's body, it only seemed annoying.
She had given Lynell one of her game weapons, noticing her loyalty, but if she had had someone more capable to give the weapons to and increase her power, she would have done so without hesitation. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
Lynell: I understand... Regarding the coins, I really don't know what humans use for trade. I could ask from house to house, but I doubt anyone has any. Maybe Fimas kept some, but now he is...
Runa: I see...
Runa: Certainly, Fimas was an intelligent and capable man, but his lack of guts left the village in this state. It's a shame he was murdered, but perhaps he would have become an obstacle to my plans if he were still here.
For some reason, Runa noticed a glimmer of satisfaction in Lynell's eyes, but she thought it was just her imagination. In any case, living peacefully in this world of blood and iron was impractical, so she didn't feel there were any lies in her own words.
Runa: Lynell, I need to ask you for a favor.
Lynell: Yes, anything for Runa-sama.
Runa: I need you to search through Fimas's things. He might have had some of those human coins. They're probably round, flat, and made of metal.
Lynell: Round, flat, and made of metal. Got it. Runa-sama, may I ask you one last question?
Runa: Tell me.
Lynell: Can I go with you to the human city?
Runa: No.
Runa planned to infiltrate alone, using the invisibility skill of her cloak. She could try to go through the underground canal, but if the humans used it for trade, it was likely guarded, so entering through the main gate wouldn't make a difference. With this decided, there was just one more thing she needed to do before heading to the city.
The village was enveloped in a sea of confusing emotions. The reason was none other than the recent declaration of war by the new chief and the impending confrontations. At first, the elves were in agreement, but as the heat of the moment dissipated, they began to realize the madness they had gotten into. A war against the empire? What kind of foolishness was that? The human empire was an overwhelming force, capable of crushing them like ants with its immense number of troops and overwhelming military power.
Although the elves did not have a detailed understanding of the empire's might, they knew that their small village was insignificant by comparison. It was a fight of unequal proportions: a small community lacking sufficient resources, with no experience in warfare, facing a vast human army backed by an entire nation. What chance of success could they possibly have? Even if Runa possessed formidable abilities, it was impossible for her alone to compensate for the lack of soldiers, training, and resources.
So why was the new chief so determined to defend the village's in the first place, if she had only been here a few days? Questions like these arose as the elves carried out the exhausting tasks that Runa had assigned them. Her orders ranged from tending to the injured and setting traps around the forest to organizing watch shifts in strategic areas, requiring each elf to endure long hours of guard duty, well beyond their usual limits. Yet, curiously, she gave no instructions on how to prepare for combat. This concerned them even more, although the skilled archers and spearmen were training the new recruits who would participate in the war.
Usually, the village was a quiet and lazy place, but now there wasn't a single elf who wasn't busy. If they were referring to the busiest person at the moment within the village, they were likely talking about...
The village's apothecary, Farida. Normally already a busy person, after the recent attack, the number of injured had surpassed the village's medical supplies. She not only had to diagnose and treat the wounded but also constantly prepare medicines to deliver them as soon as possible. There was no one else in the village who could assist her; the apothecary's role was not popular among elves due to the burden it entailed. However, it was a necessary task, and they always ensured someone inherited the position in the village.
Her late master had chosen Farida as his apprentice because, as a child, she had shown some interest in medicinal plants. Additionally, no one else seemed to want the role. Farida was reserved and uncomfortable with conversations she deemed unnecessary, so it was difficult to get along with her.
The girl sighed, imagining the work that awaited her in the coming days.
Farida: Maybe I should find an apprentice and retire as soon as possible.
She said these words in the solitude of her cabin, surrounded by the scent of herbs, even though no one could hear her. For her, simply saying it out loud was a comfort.
Her appearance was even more peculiar; she had green eyes and mixed-colored hair that was a blend of red and white. Unlike the other elves, who seemed to be forever stuck in their teenage phase. Farida, on the other hand, looked like a child. Despite that image, she was old enough to take on an apprentice and retire. It was as if the god of growth and nutrition had completely forgotten her existence. She had reached her "final form" at the unfortunate age of 9, and since then, her body had shown no further changes. Perhaps it was due to a strange mutation in her elven genes that had frozen her development at the wrong age, but she had no way of knowing or, even less, treating it.
Farida: Let's see... If I remember correctly, today's tasks...
he picked up a notebook where she wrote down her pending tasks. As she flipped through it in frustration, a small oversight made her cut herself on the edge of a page. It wasn't unusual since the paper she used was of poor quality, so she decided to ignore it. The page for the day was fuller than usual: she still had medicines to deliver to the wounded she had treated throughout the week. Additionally, the new chief, showing no consideration for the injured or for the fallen, like her old friend Fimas, had ordered her to hasten the treatment of the patients to advance in her absurd war.
Farida: But who the hell does that woman think she is?
As she murmured these words, someone opened the door to her cabin.
The door opened softly, and three elven children peeked in, wearing nervous yet determined smiles. The first, Lirien, a small boy with messy hair and curious eyes, held a cluster of flowers that had a horrible smell. Beside him, Aenwyn, a sweet-faced girl with freckles, offered some red flowers that seemed to have a glowing quality. And finally, Thalan, the eldest and serious in demeanor, held a bag full of roots that contained several thorns.
Lirien: Farida-sensei... we brought these plants. We wanted to help with the wounded.
The short-haired apothecary turned her gaze to the children, frowning.
Farida: Help? And what do you know about medicinal plants? Go play somewhere else, I'm very busy!
Aenwyn: Well... Runa-sama told us that these plants, if mixed well, can do something special.
Thalan: Yes. She said that if we manage to combine the thorny roots with the glowing flower, we could create a potion that would heal any wound.
Farida sighed, looking at the pile of plants the children had gathered. Runa knew so much about plants? It was ridiculous; she had probably just played with the kids and left that idea to distract them. Moreover, the notion that those specific ingredients had such useful effects sounded... improbable. However, she didn't want to waste time arguing with them, so she took the plants and pointed to the door.
Farida: Fine, fine. Leave the plants here and go play. I don't have time to take care of you.
The children, somewhat disheartened but satisfied to have fulfilled their mission, said goodbye and left. As soon as the door closed, Farida took the plants and examined them closely. She couldn't resist the temptation to prove that that woman's theory was nonsense. She wanted to show herself that the people from the south were not as special as they thought and that this woman was just a simple empty-headed fraud.
She began by crushing the glowing flowers in a mortar until they formed a fine powder. When she mixed it with a little water, she noticed a subtle herbal aroma that seemed promising. Next, she added a piece of root to the mixture and let it sit in a vial, watching as the color transformed from light green to a deep blue shade. The transformation was fascinating, although she wasn't sure what it meant.
Intrigued, she cut a piece of one of the leaves and burned it, using the smoke it produced to flavor the mixture in a more advanced alchemical procedure. As the smoke infused the liquid, the color changed to a brilliant amber with golden flecks, something she had never achieved in her previous experiments.
Farida stared at the potion, incredulous.
Farida: This can't be...
Her heart began to race as she observed the final mixture. The color was perfect, as if it truly possessed the regenerative properties the children described. On a whim, she took a bit of the potion and applied it to the cut she had made with the paper. To her astonishment, the wound began to heal rapidly, leaving barely a pale scar.
Farida: How... how could she know this?
How could that newcomer have so much knowledge about the plants of the forest? Farida, who had studied and worked as an apothecary for over 90 years in that very forest, had never discovered anything like it. And yet, Runa, in just a few days, had revealed a secret she hadn't even suspected. Her opinion of the new chief was changing drastically.
Suddenly, an intense wave of embarrassment washed over her. Had Runa insisted on accelerating the treatment of the wounded because she knew there were more than enough resources in the forest to create this potion? For the chief, that information was so basic that she saw no problem in sharing it even with children; surely, in her mind, any apothecary in the village would know how to make a "simple potion" like this. Of course, if that apothecary were a competent and responsible adult who took her job seriously...
The thought weighed heavily on her. Farida, who had been respected for her intelligence all her life and to whom people turned for problem-solving, now found herself at the mercy of doubt, fearing that the chief would check her progress and realize that she hadn't even managed to prepare this "basic potion," despite being the apothecary who had worked in this forest for so long. The possibility of Runa looking at her with disappointment and explaining the recipe as if she were an inexperienced child felt like an unbearable humiliation. What bothered her the most was the idea of being treated like a child; her childish appearance was already enough reason for others to underestimate her, and now this...
But she still had time to amend her mistake. She had heard that the chief would be leaving for the city of humans, so she had a few days until her return. She needed to hurry to gather more of those plants and heal the wounded before the chief got back.
The question was: where had the children found those plants? She knew that those herbs grew in the forest, but they weren't easy to find. Tasking her usual team of gatherers with this job was out of the question; they were all busy, and if anyone caught wind of her now going to look for those plants, the rumor could reach the chief's ears.
Going out alone into the forest to gather them wasn't a viable solution either. She had no way to defend herself against wild animals; she was so weak that even a small, cute creature could pose a problem. Getting injured and piling on another issue would result in no one taking her seriously anymore.
Perhaps the children had found them in a safer area, as the adults didn't let them expose themselves to the dangers of the forest. Her only available course of action was clear.
Without wasting any more time, Farida rushed out of her cabin, chasing after the children she had just sent away.
The sun was setting, and night would soon fall. Although he had initially been scared of being chained in this lonely forest, he had recently begun to find his new lifestyle enjoyable. He was provided with water, there was no shortage of food, and the air was genuinely fresh in this area. Occasionally, children would climb down from the trees to play with him and braid his abundant fur. Still, he felt lonely. However, after the fire in the forest, some of his brothers had come to keep him company. One could say that, for the most part, he was quite enjoying his new way of life.
Suddenly, a figure he did not want to see approached him slowly. He wanted to escape; every time he saw her, he ended up with aches all over his body from her mistreatment. But he couldn't. His instincts told him that if he tried to flee, that would be the last action of his life. Finally, the figure stopped in front of him.
Runa: "Alright, little buddy, you will take me to the city of humans."
Just at that moment, an elf girl ran to catch up with Runa before her departure.
Lynell: "Runa-sama!"
The girl was holding something that looked like a bag, which emitted metallic sounds as she moved. Upon seeing it, Runa broke into a smile.
Runa: "You managed to find the coins among Fimas's things."
Lynell: "Yes, they are round, flat, and made of metal. I found some, although not all are the same size."
Runa opened the bag and checked its contents. As was typical in these events in her world, she saw three silver coins and fifteen copper coins. It probably wasn't much, but it would still be useful. She could bring other items to trade with the humans, but that would raise unnecessary suspicions. Therefore, she was grateful to have some money to trade.
Runa: "This is correct. Good job, Lynell."
Lynell, a bit blushing from Runa's praise, looked at her and said:
Lynell: "Will Runa-sama really go alone?"
Runa: "As I said, it's just a reconnaissance. You don't have to worry."
Lynell: "Alright, I won't bother you anymore, but please, be careful."
Upon hearing Lynell's last words of farewell, Runa climbed onto the carriage that had recently been hitched to the Olux, the animal used by slave traders. If she wanted to go fast, she could just run toward the city of humans, but she wasn't sure if she would have to bring some things back after leaving there. However, the animal probably already knew the way to that city, so getting lost shouldn't be a problem; she just had to let it follow the path.
Finally, Runa set off toward the city of Bytea, one of the most important in the Algorythia Empire.