The following events take place immediately after Runa gathered all the remaining inhabitants of the village of Zhyrithia. The village was still burning due to the fires caused by the Empire's siege. After delivering her speech, they were now preparing to load the wounded and civilians onto the carriages pulled by the Olux. The number of carriages and mounts had tripled thanks to the "gift" left behind by the imperial soldiers after their attack, as well as the armor and weapons.
At this moment, our protagonist—leader of the elves of Lughwood, and now also of the village of Zhyrithia—was about to address a matter that, while not essential, needed to be resolved at that very moment, both for her own sake and for that girl's.
She approached one of the lone carriages. Inside it lay the lifeless bodies of the Lughwood elves who had taken part in the mission. Out of a total of 36 soldiers and 12 elves assigned to looting, there had been only one casualty among the 48 who embarked on this suicidal mission.
Runa: Lynell, are you there? May I come in?
Since arriving in this world, one could say that Arata had completely immersed himself in his character, Runa. He wasn't particularly sensitive, nor someone who was affected by committing questionable actions. However, he at least respected the integrity of the people he interacted with. If he overlooked this matter, one could say he would have lost his last vestige of humanity. He had to talk about what had happened with that person—otherwise, he would be living in this world as if it were merely a game.
Even though he had no idea what to say.
Even though he knew he had done wrong.
Even though he would have to apologize.
Even though he feared rejection.
Even though the event itself didn't weigh on him.
Even though he didn't particularly like her.
Even though they didn't share many memories.
For some reason, something told him that meeting her had not been a mere coincidence, and, without a doubt, Lynell was the person Runa had interacted with the most since arriving in this world.
Lynell: Is that you, Runa?
The elf was in a very bad state, and the fact that she called her "Runa" without adding the usual "sama" was proof of it.
She really wasn't good with words of comfort, and the difficulty of communicating with someone from another world—whose perceptions differed across entire eras and civilizations—wasn't the only reason they struggled to understand each other.
While elves tended to be procrastinators and lazy by nature, given that they had far more time than humans, that wasn't the only thing that set them apart. Arata had noticed small differences in their mentality that distinguished them from humans.
First of all, they were much less sensitive than they seemed. If an elf saw blood or stabbed their enemy, they wouldn't make a fuss about it unless the person was someone they knew. Just as a human might scream upon encountering a bug the size of a table, elves would simply step away from it without any surprise.
The second difference was that they had the same sense of humor as a rock. At first, when Arata was just getting to know the elves of the village, he hadn't noticed it since it was normal to speak formally with people he had just met. However, when he wanted to loosen up and express himself more openly, he hit a wall—they took everything literally. They didn't understand jokes, and when he tried to explain them, it only led to more confusion and questions, so he completely gave up on joking with them.
And finally, they were not at all philosophical when making decisions. What a human would consider "right" or "wrong," for elves was simply "do" or "don't do." It wasn't that they didn't reflect on their actions—it was just that they didn't care whether the outcome affected others. For example, during the invasion of the human city, they didn't think about the suffering or the lives they would take; they only considered whether it was possible or profitable.
That was the conclusion Arata had reached. Of course, he could be wrong, as he himself didn't feel empathy for his enemies either. However, if they were humans, at least two or three people would show some level of empathy—but that wasn't the case with elves. Not even the women had shown any sign of it.
He didn't know whether it was purely psychological or perhaps physiological. Maybe the difference wasn't that significant, and it was simply cultural. He recalled the psychological and philosophical studies conducted on society in his previous world. He had always thought they were nonsense and a waste of time, but if those studies were necessary to answer these questions, he would be grateful to know them. Of course, even if they could provide an answer, it would still be at the bottom of his list of priorities.
Runa: Lynell, how do you feel?
Lynell: I... I don't know.
Runa: I think I should apologize. This was partly my fault, and on top of that, I couldn't even get there in time to save her.
Lynell: It's okay, Runa-sama. I know that... it really wasn't your fault; you had warned us that this mission was dangerous, and we all decided to participate of our own free will.
Seeing that the elf couldn't even look her in the eyes while speaking, Runa climbed into the carriage. Carefully and slowly approaching, she took Lynell's hand, which was covered in blood from holding her friend's wound. Gently holding her hand, she looked into her eyes.
Runa: No, it's not okay, Lynell. I know you're suffering.
Lynell: Runa-sa...
Runa: I know what it feels like to lose friends or loved ones; that's why you don't need to pretend you're okay, Lynell.
Runa: In this world, it's lucky to find people who walk the same path as you, who are in that place and at that moment, and who share memories.
Runa: It's sad to think about the future without them, but what hurts the most is the past—those moments written in the book of your life that can never be erased or repeated.
Lynell lifted her gaze, and with tearful eyes, she finally met Runa's.
Runa: Lynell, you're already strong for having those feelings for your friend. Where I come from, people no longer share those deep bonds; they no longer consider the people around them to be special or part of their history. They live thinking that, at some point, more impactful people will come into their lives and neglect the bonds they have until they lose them.
Runa: That's why, Lynell, you don't have to pretend to be strong. If Celine's death is enough for you to hate me or throw a tantrum, you should do it, you should let it all out and release those feelings.
Lynell: Runa-sama, I...
Tears and snot started to flow naturally. Her feelings stumbled over her voice, causing her to let out broken words.
Lynell: I... wanted to go out and see the world with Celine... I wanted us to waste time... together in the village like always... I wanted to complain about her like always... and now, never again... I...
Lynell: Why...? Why first my parents and now my friend? I just wanted to take a little revenge on fate... now all I have left is...
Runa: Lynell... at that moment, when you said you wanted to be strong, it was for... I see now...
As Arata had said, he truly believed that the people he met were placed in his path by fate. He didn't care if they were exceptional people or not; it made him happy to think things were that way. But that way of seeing the world hadn't worked in his previous life, where he ended up quite alone, as others didn't think the same way. Things like adventures and fantasy weren't made for that world.
That's why he had given Lynell one of his daggers. Even though she was an ordinary elf like the others, without any leadership skills, no exceptional powers, and with no knowledge of his past, Arata considered her special simply because she was the first person fate placed in his path. And that's why he had to take responsibility for putting all those ideas into her head. From now on, he would make sure to strengthen that bond.
Runa: I've also lost many people I considered irreplaceable throughout my life. That's why I know the anxiety that comes with the loneliness of the future.
Loneliness was an expert at causing suffering to people, but it also had the power to unite them.
Runa: That's why, even though I can't overwrite the past you had with Celine, I would like our story to be written together in the future. Both of us who are tormented by loneliness... Lynell, will you be my friend?
Although Arata's philosophy dictated that friendship between men and women didn't exist, at this moment, he was no longer Arata... because now she was...
Lynell: Runa-sama...
Lynell's expression, which had been filled with sadness, slowly began to improve.
Lynell: How wicked you are, Runa-sama... I thought we were already friends... Hehe.
Even with tears in her eyes, Lynell managed to smile at that moment.
Runa: Eh? Well, you know... a good friendship needs a good background to grow, so you can say we're officially friends now.
Lynell: A background, huh...? Well, I think I'm slowly understanding your true personality... you always like to say things like this.
Runa: Well, it looks like you're starting to cheer up again.
The atmosphere, which had seemed gloomy before, began to lighten up little by little.
Runa: That said... even though I know you're still sad, I don't want you to forget the situation we're in. I also don't want you to forget your determination to fight.
Lynell: I know... This battle is for everyone. I shouldn't let myself fall because of something that's destined to happen on the battlefield. But... what should I do now?
Runa: Well, you see... Your brother's group should be in the underground tunnels by now, preparing to attack the city. I think you should go with him to help... after all, he's the only family you have left.
Lynell: How cruel you are, Runa-sama. Do you really want me to be as lonely as you?
Runa frowned, a little worried.
Runa: T-That's not what I meant...
Lynell: Hehe, I know, Runa-sama. I was just joking.
Lynell winked and stuck out her tongue playfully.
For a moment, Runa was left surprised. Was she seeing right? Had an elf just made a joke? Maybe, just maybe... things were finally heading toward a happy ending.
Both got out of the carriage, and Lynell prepared to join the group that would support Reinell.
One last time, Lynell looked at Runa with sadness before asking her:
Lynell: Do you think Celine suffered before she died?
Runa: When I arrived, I saw that that human had stabbed her in a vital point. She probably felt the cut passing through her organs and the blood escaping from her body. It wasn't a painless death, but it could be considered merciful compared to other possible deaths on the battlefield.
Lynell: I see... that human... Runa-sama, do you hate humans?
Runa: I don't specifically hate humans... I hate anyone who tries to take away my freedom.
Runa: And you, Lynell? Do you hate them?
Lynell: Do I hate them?
Lynell's fists clenched tightly, her nails digging into the palm of her hand until blood began to seep out.
Lynell: I detest them. They're a plague. They destroy everything they touch, ravage what they don't understand, and trample everything that's different from them.
Lynell: They took my parents from me. They took my friend from me. They wanted to turn my village into ashes. And what did they do afterward? Did they regret it? Did they stop? No! They just kept going like nothing happened, as if our lives meant nothing!
Runa: That's fine, Lynell. Many people hide their hatred, pretending that it's wrong to feel it and thinking they are more worthy because of it, trusting that some god or karma will bring justice for them. But, in reality, they're just cowards too lazy to calm the hatred that burns in their hearts.
Runa: It's never good to suppress feelings, not even hatred. Because sooner or later, when it overflows, it will fall on the wrong person.
Lynell's eyes widened as if she had just received a revelation.
Lynell: I see... it's okay to hate them.
Her expression became more intense, as if a new fire had been lit inside her.
Lynell: That's it, Runa-sama! That's why you're working so hard to gather the elves and conquer the city, right?
Runa: Well, actually—
Before she could finish the sentence, Lynell interrupted her.
Lynell: If we manage to take the city, we'll give them a taste of their own medicine.
Lynell: We'll make them suffer double, triple what they made us suffer! We'll burn their houses, crush their pride, and rip the hope from their hearts until their only escape is despair and death.
Her voice trembled with contained fury.
Lynell: Damn humans... They're a plague that deserves to be eradicated. They're dirty, weak, liars, cruel. Everything they've touched, they've destroyed. They don't deserve to exist!
Lynell: You're right, Runa-sama. I must use this hatred... and direct it to the right place.
Runa: That's not exactly what I—
Lynell: When we take the empire completely, we'll start the extermination of their race. Only then will the elves be able to live in peace.
Runa: Ly—
Lynell: Thank you for giving me the courage to move forward, Runa-sama. Now I will go destroy those huma... I mean, help my brother. We can't waste another second; this war isn't over yet.
With those words, Lynell bowed in respect and climbed into the carriage of the support group, leaving Runa alone in the spot where they had just been discussing a few seconds ago.
Runa: Well...
She looked up at the sky, filled with smoke and embers for a moment, and sighed.
Runa: Happy ending, I guess.
The groups transporting the civilians, those who would set fire to the rest of the forest, and the support team had already left. Only the main attack group remained in the wasteland in front of the village, which was still burning.
Among those who stayed, two people were arguing heatedly.
Barmus: Well, it seems you're still alive. You could say you're luckier than a seven-year-old rutops.
Rutops were a type of tree that could only grow in summer. With the arrival of winter, they died immediately, but not before leaving seeds that would germinate the following summer.
If a rutops reached seven years old and bore fruit, it meant it had survived seven winters, something nearly impossible, making the fruit of these trees extremely rare and valuable. The phrase "seven-year rutops" was used to describe warriors who survived multiple battles.
Gather: Well, I could say I was lucky. But in your case, Barmus, we all know you don't need luck to survive locked in a room like a coward.
Barmus: What did you say, you piece of trash?
Gather: What you heard. Do you need your ears to be longer than they already are?
The enmity between them went way back as they had known each other before the villages split. They were rivals in almost everything. However, when Zitras' faction broke the alliance with Fimas', the competition between them turned into hostility. Barmus had followed Fimas, while Gather followed Zitras. Since then, they viewed each other with distrust and resentment.
Gather: By the way, I want to ask you something.
Barmus: What? Just say it already.
Gather: Your new boss... she's not really all there, is she?
Barmus: What do you mean? Not long ago, you accepted to serve her, and now you're thinking of betraying us again, coward?
Gather: It's not that. What I mean is... We're talking about the Human Empire. Does she even know what the hell she's getting us into with this?
Barmus: Wow, what a great warrior we have here. Now it turns out that humans scare you? Our boss isn't crazy. She just has big ambitions. If you want to run away, go ahead. We don't need cowards like you who don't share our aspirations.
Gather: You say that after running with Fimas to avoid fighting.
Barmus: What did you say, you damn...?!
Just as the argument seemed about to escalate beyond words, a firm voice interrupted them.
Runa: Hey, you two.
Both of them flinched at the sound of her voice.
Barmus: Y-yes, what's going on, Boss?
Runa: Which one of you has better aim with a bow?
Barmus/Gather: It's me!
They both responded in unison, glaring at each other.
Runa: Alright. To save us some time, we'll do this.
She raised an arm and pointed in a direction.
Runa: Do you see those humans over there?
About two hundred meters away, two figures emerged from the smoke and flames. One of them was trying to carry the other on his back. They were probably imperial soldiers who had survived and were now attempting to escape.
They both narrowed their eyes. Through the smoke and fire, they managed to spot the humans. Gather wasn't sure exactly how powerful Runa was, but noticing them from such a distance amid the chaos was something not just anyone could do.
Runa: To decide who's better with the bow, I want you to try and bring those humans down.
Runa wasn't only curious to know who was better with the bow; she also wanted to learn how to use it. After all, she still had a longbow as an extra weapon, and if she couldn't find a way to restock her crossbow bolts, it might end up being her main weapon in the future. Arata had always been someone who could learn just by observing, and that was exactly what she planned to do this time. She couldn't let the others think their own boss didn't know how to handle a bow.
Barmus: That's impossible, Boss. They're too far!
Gather: Well, maybe for you. But I think I can hit them from here.
Barmus: Ah, sure. If you can do it, then I can too. Don't worry, Boss. I'll prove that this guy's skills are a scam.
Both prepared their bows, raising their sights as high as possible so that the arrow would curve in the air and descend diagonally.
Barmus took the initiative. He shot his arrow, but it landed two meters short. The human carrying the other jumped, startled, and began looking desperately around.
Gather: See? You shouldn't trust this loudmouth.
Gather was the next to draw his bow. His expression completely changed; he forgot about his surroundings and focused all his concentration on the shot. The arrow flew through the air and, with deadly precision, pierced the chest of the human who was searching for the source of the attack.
Runa: Good job. This...
Gather: Gather. I was previously the leader of a unit in Zhyrithia.
Runa: Good job, Gather. Looks like yours are better at combat.
Barmus: Congratulations, at least you're still good with the bow.
Gather: I'm not worthy of praise, Boss.
Gather responded to Runa's compliment but intentionally ignored Barmus' to annoy him. As expected, the disgust on Barmus' face was evident.
Gather: Should I eliminate the other human too?
Runa: No need. Tell me, Gather, what do you think Barmus did wrong to miss the shot?
Gather: Well, the village is still burning, and the air here is very hot. The winds are disturbed and weaker, so the ideal would have been to focus more on accuracy than on power.
Runa (murmuring): Hmm... He's referring to air resistance. With the heat, the air density decreases, offering less resistance.
Runa: You're right. Barmus, you should take this experience as a lesson to improve in similar situations.
Barmus: Understood, boss.
Runa: Gather, follow me. I have something for you.
Gather raised an eyebrow but didn't hesitate to follow her. Barmus watched them with frustration, gritting his teeth.
They approached a cart loaded with weapons and armor looted from the Imperial soldiers. Runa picked up a finely designed bow and handed it to Gather.
Runa: This bow is now yours. Make good use of it.
Gather: T-This is... Zitras-sama's bow!
Runa: It seems so. It's an exceptional bow; it would be a waste to let it burn here with the rest of the place.
Gather gripped the bow's handle firmly, feeling its weight. After a moment of silence, he asked a question.
Gather: Boss... Were you the one who ended Zitras' life?
Runa: No. It was the human captain who defeated him. I didn't see the fight, but she was quite wounded.
Gather: I see...
Runa: If you're going to tell me that you can't use it out of respect for the dead or some other nonsense, I'll give it to Barmus or another warrior. In times of war, we must use everything within our reach. The dead no longer need their belongings, and we can't afford to be picky.
Gather: No, it's fine. I'll use it. Let this tool continue to serve its purpose of taking the lives of our enemies... It's what Zitras would have wanted.
Runa: I'm glad you think that way. Now there's just one last thing to resolve before we leave.
She pointed to a pile of armor inside the cart. They were the typical armor sets of the Empire: full sets including padded clothing, chainmail, and metal plate pieces. For the elves, whose greatest protection was usually a simple leather breastplate, this was a significant upgrade to their equipment.
Runa: Do you know how to wear this armor?
Gather: Well, I have a general idea of how to equip the armor, but I don't think it's necessary. Most of our forces are archers, and we'd perform better with our usual light gear.
Runa: That's a definite no.
There was a brief pause after Runa's blunt response.
Runa: We won't be fighting in the forest like we always do. This time, we're invading a human city. Mobility matters little when we'll be fighting face to face or in narrow corridors atop the walls. Besides, the difference between wearing armor or not could be the line between life and death due to a stupid mistake.
Gather briefly remembered the start of the siege on his village. Back then, he had shot arrows at the vital points of the human soldiers, but even though his attacks injured them, they weren't fatal. The Imperial's good equipment had made all the difference. He had no intention of continuing to argue about something he knew was true. It seemed that the new boss had more battlefield experience than her appearance suggested.
Gather: I understand, but...
Runa: What now!? Ohh...
She was about to scold him for so many objections, but then she noticed what was bothering Gather by simply following his gaze.
The helmets.
They were too tight, and since they weren't elastic, they would crush the ears of the elves when trying to wear them. Some helmets for the semi-humans had openings at the top, but they wouldn't work for them either. It was a shame that the elves couldn't use the most important part of the defensive gear.
Runa: Fine, they don't need to wear the helmets, but at least they should wear the chainmail coif over their heads. It's not as tight, and it still provides some protection.
Runa: Call Barmus and the others. Show them how to equip themselves. Once they're ready, we'll leave for Bytea immediately to begin the attack.
Gather: Understood.
With a look of slight displeasure at having to wear the chainmail coif, Gather set about following the order.
The final battle of this uneven war was approaching.